The Rise of Korean Entertainment

Chapter 3460: Companion

Li Menglong didn't quite understand the energy of these women. After all their efforts, it was already one in the morning.

At this time in the past, they would have already started to act recklessly in their dreams, but now they still had the energy to buy vegetables?

If they could hold on for a while longer, maybe they could have breakfast on the way back.

But Li Menglong's confusion did not affect their enthusiasm at all. They really wanted to take action.

After all, Li Menglong only agreed to seven days in total, and they didn't have more time to waste.

Anyway, they were only responsible for preparing the ingredients, and Li Menglong was the one who suffered in the end.

Although they also wanted to rest at this moment, they were full of motivation when they thought about making Li Menglong work harder.

They were too lazy to pay attention to Li Menglong's complaints. No matter what he said at this moment, they would not be angry, because this was the "privilege" of the loser!

As the victorious party, they will definitely show their generosity. They even give Li Menglong a certain degree of freedom:

"A normal lunch box should have at least four dishes, right? These are the most basic. I brought lunch like this when I was in school!"

"Indeed, there should be two meat dishes, one vegetable dish and one salad. Fruits, yogurt, etc. should be calculated separately."

"In that case, the vegetarian dishes are left to you, Li Menglong. Remember, no broccoli, I don't like it!"

The girls chattered happily in the car, but it was difficult for Li Menglong to fit in, because the joy of these women was based on his pain.

They are still pretending to be good people here, and they took the initiative to give up the right to choose vegetarian dishes. Is it interesting?

Vegetarian dishes are not complicated, or according to their requirements, Li Menglong has no time to carve out the style of vegetarian dishes.

Most of them are just stir-fried seasonal vegetables, and the focus is still on meat dishes.

Judging from the state of these women, it is obvious that they don't intend to let him rest. They are still eating four dishes. Aren't they afraid of being stuffed to death?

Li Menglong's curse can't affect their good mood at all. They are trying to find a supermarket that is still open.

Speaking of buying vegetables at this time, it is obviously asking for trouble.

They have been driving on the road for half an hour, but they didn't get anything. This has dealt a great blow to their enthusiasm.

More than one person in the car has started yawning. The only one who is still insisting is Xu Xian. Who let her drive? She dare not relax at all.

As for Li Menglong lying in the last row, he has no scruples at the moment. Anyway, they can't come up with more severe punishment.

He even has the mind to say something sarcastic: "Don't think about going back to rest. Maybe there will be a boss who can't sleep and set up a stall in the middle of the night. You can go shopping again!"

This kind of words are very discouraging to hear. If it is made up by Li Menglong, it will be fine, but the girls know that this is all true.

At this time, even many chain supermarkets are closed, and most of the open ones are convenience stores, which may not sell vegetables.

So they have to go back in disgrace? Let Li Menglong get a day of "holiday" directly?

This result is unacceptable to them, especially Yoona. How can she give up when she encounters a little difficulty after fighting for the conditions she has fought hard for?

It's just that there are no fresh ingredients, but they can buy "unfresh" ones!

After changing their thinking, the girls' actions will be much faster. After simply clearing out the refrigerators of several convenience stores, they successfully bought back a bunch of fast food.

Li Menglong roughly looked through them. They were all frozen sausages, dumplings and other foods. Just heat them in the microwave without thinking.

If they only eat these every day, Li Menglong really doesn't mind getting up half an hour earlier to prepare lunch boxes for them.

But they obviously have higher aspirations: "Although these are all fast food, they are still considered as a kind of food. You have to make healthy and delicious dishes according to the taste of these foods. Do you have the confidence?"

Faced with the encouraging questions of the girls, Li Menglong really found it difficult to answer. He is not a three-year-old child. Can he change his tone? Even if he came to threaten him!

"Tsk, don't know the good heart. We are called amiable. Many fans are obsessed with this side of us. They don't know the goods at all!" The girls muttered in a low voice.

In any case, the ingredients are ready. The next step is to complain about the bento tomorrow. They have to reserve energy for this, otherwise it will affect their performance.

That's right, even if they haven't seen the contents of the bento or tasted the taste, they have already preset the final result in advance: all the things made by Li Menglong are very unpalatable!

They were so excited when they thought that they could ride on Li Menglong's dragon head and output at will.

They talked all the way in the car about this, and they didn't mean to avoid Li Menglong at all. After all, this is also part of the output.

The girls attacked Li Menglong in all aspects, especially on some details.

For example, Li Menglong took all the food, and they would rather accommodate his slow pace than lend a hand.

According to them, these were Li Menglong's weapons for the future battlefield, how could they be handed over to others for safekeeping?

However, what surprised them was Li Menglong's attitude. He almost didn't refute the whole process, and could even be said to be quite submissive.

He accepted all their teasing and provocations one by one, and this silence was not so appropriate. The girls looked quite worried.

"Ah, you are not thinking of secretly adding ingredients to our lunch boxes, are you? Just give up this idea, we will record the whole process with cameras!"

Kim Taeyeon finally regained some energy, and was even able to check for deficiencies and take precautions against Li Menglong's tricks in advance.

However, Li Menglong gave her a meaningful smile in return, which showed that he had no good intentions. Could he have a plan?

The interaction between the two was also seen by the other girls. They couldn't laugh now, and the problem had been put in front of them.

If Li Menglong really made a lunch box, but they didn't dare to eat it, this would be a big joke.

Let alone Li Menglong's attitude, they themselves couldn't accept it. They were not such weak women!

Or just bite the bullet and eat it? Don't care what Li Menglong put in it, just treat it as an extra seasoning supplement.

However, the girls still couldn't get past this hurdle, so they began to show some goodwill.

"Why are you carrying so many things? Aren't they heavy? Hurry up and give them to me. I'm strong!"

Several people led by Lee Sun-kyu came over on their own initiative, but their performance was too deliberate.

Besides, they were about to get on the elevator, and their current performance seemed more like they were coming to grab the credit, so I won't bother them.

Besides, this was the punishment that Li Menglong deserved, and he was also trying to reflect on himself. They must not hinder his progress!

This series of crazy words really scared them. They didn't even dare to take the same elevator with this guy. What if this man suddenly went crazy in the elevator?

Of course, the time they specially freed up was also useful. They could at least discuss and see if they could find a solution to the problem.

Sure enough, they were invincible when they got together. Although they didn't come up with a plan that would cut off the firewood from the bottom of the pot, they also gave a relatively stupid suggestion.

Aren't they afraid that Li Menglong will do something secretly? Even if there are cameras watching him, he has too many opportunities to do something small.

In this case, they can send someone down. As long as someone is watching him, the problem will be solved.

However, considering the time when Li Menglong has to get up and be busy, this job is not as easy as it seems.

Especially for today's breakfast, if you want to monitor Li Menglong, it means that you can't sleep for a long time. It is likely that staying up all night is a more economical way.

So who will be the unlucky guy? The girls looked at each other, and then everyone turned their heads tacitly.

But they were crowded in the elevator at the moment, and the metal walls around them clearly reflected the little expressions of everyone, which made them not know where to look. They always felt that a small elevator should not bear tons of "embarrassment"!

It stands to reason that this thankless job often ends up falling on Yoona and Seohyun, who let them be the youngest.

But this time, both of them tacitly chose not to speak, and they also had their own reasons.

There is no need to talk about Yoona. The reason why the girls can have the current happy troubles is all due to her Lin Yoona.

It would be fine if they were not grateful to her, but they let her stay up late? Where is their conscience?

As for Xu Xian, she was originally a person who paid special attention to her sleep time, and the girls knew this.

And now the reason why she has passed her rest time is not because of these women. She can choose not to come out, but because she is worried about them, she finally took action.

Xu Xian thought that she had paid enough, and she really didn't want to get involved.

If they think this is not good, it is just taking advantage, then Xu Xian can tell Li Menglong not to make her lunch box, anyway, she is not very interested.

The two little girls have their own sufficient reasons, so it seems that this hard work will fall on the rest of the girls.

Until they walked out of the elevator, the final candidate was not discussed, and it seems that they will not be able to rest in the short term.

Yoona and Seohyun were very sure of this, and could even guess what would happen next, which was nothing more than forming cliques, excluding dissidents, and intrigues...

But all this had nothing to do with the two of them. They had already jumped out of this circle and could look at it all from a condescending perspective.

And this did reveal something. Could it be that this was a trap deliberately thrown by Li Menglong, and the girls fell into it without any defense?

It should have been a situation where Li Menglong suffered unilaterally, but now not only was there turmoil among the girls, but the key was that he could get a "partner" for nothing.

It seemed that he really got a big advantage. After all, if you want a girl to get up early to accompany you, this scene is something that most people dare not think about, not to mention the price you have to pay.

But what did Li Menglong pay? It was just a few words, and he didn't lose anything the whole time!

After realizing this, Seohyun and Yoona wanted to step forward to remind them. After all, they were sisters, and it was not good to watch them keep making mistakes.

But before they went to remind him, they planned to inform Li Menglong as well. After all, they didn't want to offend this man.

After listening to what the two of them said, Li Menglong didn't have any unnecessary reaction. He just sorted out the food in his pocket.

What does this mean? I thought that he would stop me, and I also thought that he would threaten me, but I didn't think that he would not care. This is unscientific. Could it be that I wrongly blamed him?

Seemingly sensing the confusion between the two, Li Menglong took the initiative to explain: "It's useless. They won't admit their problems. Instead, they blame you for sowing discord. If you don't believe it, just go and give it a try."

This attitude is really too relaxed. The key is that both Yoona and Seohyun think what he said makes sense.

They still understand this group of sisters in their family. If they can warn them in time from the beginning, everything can still be saved.

But it's too late now. If they believe this reason, does it mean that everything they do has become a joke?

Even if it is to make themselves look less funny, they will continue to do so, even if they have to pay a high price for it.

Since they have known the result in advance, the two of them will naturally not ask for trouble. Besides, they are indeed a little curious. Who will be the unlucky person selected in the end?

Without the two of them joining, it would have been possible for those above. Even if it was Kim Taeyeon who came down in the end, they would not be surprised at all.

And this person soon appeared. Although there was no specific explanation, Li Soonkyu's aura of keeping strangers away was so obvious that the air around her dropped several degrees.

But how was she selected? It couldn't be that she hadn't beaten the others, right?

Logically speaking, that shouldn't be the case. Lee Soon Kyu's emphasis is on being comprehensive. She has almost no weaknesses.

Through simple inquiries, the two were finally able to preliminarily reconstruct what happened. It seemed that they held a vote, and Lee Soon Kyu was the one who received the most votes.

This makes sense. Although we still don’t know how they cheated, we can only say that Lee Soon-kyu was one move away. If he had clamored for a different approach earlier, wouldn’t he have been so unlucky?

The two of them suppressed their gloating emotions and tried not to irritate Li Shunkyu, but there was always someone bolder: "Hey, why is it you? Can't someone else do it?"

Even though he knew that Li Menglong was deliberately provoking, it was really difficult for Li Shunkyu to hold back: "What's wrong with me? I've been reduced to being despised by you? I, Li Shunkyu..."

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