The Rise of Korean Entertainment

Chapter 3456 Deciphering

Kim Taeyeon's exaggerated behavior was undoubtedly quite shocking. The girls around were all dumbfounded. What kind of horrible thing happened? What made her so disgusted?

The first person they suspected was Li Menglong. To be precise, he was the only one who deserved to be suspected!

He must not rush to deny it. He has a criminal record. Do you want them to help talk about some past evidence?

But before accusing Li Menglong, they should first comfort Kim Taeyeon, but they were a little resistant.

Kim Taeyeon's embarrassed look made them feel a little disgusted. Besides, it was still outdoors. What would fans think if they saw it?

These cannot be ignored, but is it a bit too much to consider?

In the end, Xu Xian walked over with a bottle of water, and Kim Taeyeon just spit out the food in her mouth, not to the point of vomiting.

But she was still rinsing her mouth repeatedly, trying to clear the taste in her mouth!

Even with her back to the crowd, Kim Taeyeon could imagine their expressions at the moment. Isn't it interesting?

Especially the bastard Li Menglong, he is probably about to die of laughter.

Although it can be said that it was her own fault, she would not admit it. Besides, Li Menglong knew all this and watched her eat it. Doesn't he have any responsibility at all?

It can only be said that in this cold society, there are really not many good people. Even sisters who live together day and night are still not worth relying on.

In this way, Xu Xian's existence is even more precious. Jin Taiyan took the initiative to pull the other party's hand and confessed affectionately: "Don't worry, maknae, I will treat you well in the future!"

The sudden confession gave Xu Xian goose bumps. What is Jin Taiyan doing? Please be normal and don't repay kindness with hatred!

To be precise, Xu Xian doesn't need her to repay, it's best to pretend that nothing has happened. This is what she thinks is the best ending.

But Kim Taeyeon obviously has a different opinion. She wants to treat Xu Xian with special favor, so as to make those women jealous and change the atmosphere of the whole team.

This idea itself is not bad, but has she considered the personalities of those women? Are they sure they will envy these?

However, Kim Taeyeon can no longer care about so much. She has to take action immediately, but what kind of thanks can she give at the moment?

After a brief thought, Kim Taeyeon closed her eyes, pouted her lips, and "bumped" into Xu Xian's cheek.

In terms of this series of actions alone, Kim Taeyeon's idea is still relatively clear. She wants to kiss Xu Xian.

Speaking of this action as a thank you, it is indeed enough to make many people envious, but the person on the other side is Xu Xian.

Once the two of them kiss together, it seems that it makes sense to say that Kim Taeyeon is molesting?

And Xu Xian herself is also quite disgusted, so she plans to dodge, but this relative movement has caused a relatively painful result.

As the two of them moved, Kim Taeyeon's forehead hit Xuxian's nose bridge directly. Although there was no exaggerated bone fracture sound effect, everyone who saw it subconsciously covered their noses.

Anyone with relevant experience will know what it feels like to have your nose hit. It may not be very painful, but the sourness is not something that ordinary people can control.

Xuxian almost shed tears instantly, and that was not the end. The nosebleed also gushed out, and the scene became very bloody for a while.

Kim Taeyeon was also knocked dizzy, but she vaguely saw Xuxian's miserable appearance in the haze, so she subconsciously wanted to step forward to help.

As a result, she stumbled and the whole person crashed into Xuxian's arms again like a cannonball.

Xuxian, who was already very embarrassed, sat on the ground again. She didn't even dare to think about it. Would the food that Kim Taeyeon had just vomited appear under her butt?

Fortunately, the girls around her stopped watching the excitement at this moment. If they continued to watch, Xuxian would probably be knocked to death by Kim Taeyeon.

Besides, Xu Xian looked a little scary at the moment. Even though they knew she was not injured, the sight of blood made people worried.

With the participation of the girls, the scene became harmonious in an instant. They could even assign people to take care of Kim Taeyeon.

They didn't believe that Kim Taeyeon did it on purpose. Although this woman always shouted for fighting and killing, she actually loved Xu Xian, the youngest member.

To exaggerate a little, if someone was really destined to bleed, she might choose to punch herself in the nose instead of Xu Xian.

Li Menglong was isolated from the outside throughout the whole process, mainly because there was nothing to do if he went over there. There were already enough people helping.

However, he did not let himself be idle. At this time, the test was all emotional intelligence. The "bosses" were busy, so why should he, a stinky worker, be idle?

As for doing something, he quickly found a target for himself.

Li Menglong sneaked up to the table. Although his eyes did not fall on the girls, he always felt that he was secretly looking at them.

This series of expressions was very strange, as if he was trying to steal something.

In fact, it was almost the same. Li Menglong did take a fancy to an item on their table.

When he realized that no one was looking at him, Li Menglong still did not relax. He chose to trip over his right foot at the edge of the table, and then fell down.

However, he finally survived the crisis with his strong waist and abdomen ability, but doesn't he think this action is a bit superfluous?

He should have come over generously, not so many people would stare at him, especially in this situation.

Without time to think and reflect, Li Menglong has come to the boss: "Don't follow the excitement, check out, how much is it in total?"

If there are girls standing by at this moment, they will definitely show surprise and subconsciously start to search for their wallets and mobile phones.

It is a rare thing that Li Menglong can take the initiative to treat guests. Considering his past behavior, it is not impossible to borrow flowers to offer Buddha.

Even the boss opposite can see this, not because he is very familiar with Li Menglong, but simply because the pink wallet with cartoon patterns does not match him very well.

"What? Who says that macho men can't use pink? There's a little princess living in my heart, is there a problem?"

Li Menglong admitted it directly. Although it would damage his image to a certain extent, he really didn't have time to explain it to the other party.

The voices of the girls have gradually weakened. They may find the problem here at any time. Li Menglong doesn't want to be caught on the spot. This may be the common voice of every thief.

After a quick glance at the bill handed by the boss, Li Menglong didn't mind the other party adding some extra consumption to it, anyway, it wasn't his money.

However, based on his experience of paying bills for so many times, these bosses wanted to give up the bill directly after seeing the girls, so how could they increase the price?

So Li Menglong directly rounded up the other party to an integer, and then generously swiped the card to pay.

It stands to reason that the process should be extremely smooth. After all, there is only the last step left. The difficulty is nothing more than the bank card password, but is this a problem for him?

Li Menglong knows every card of each of them, including the corresponding password. This is his ability as an agent.

But there was a problem this time. After trying several times and the password was wrong, Li Menglong knew that someone was impersonating him.

This is not appropriate, right? What about the trust between people? If they continue to be so cautious, will there be any friendship between them?

Li Menglong seems to have no extra choice now. He should return the wallet as soon as possible.

But he is really unwilling. He will fail to swipe the card one day? How can he live a free life in the future? This is a provocation to his business ability!

In order to prove himself, Li Menglong carefully looked at the wallet. First of all, he had to make sure that he did not misjudge the other party's identity.

Although there is no direct evidence such as photos in it, it can still be judged from some details.

As for the most direct evidence, it is undoubtedly a small note sandwiched in it, which clearly states the ambition of this person: I want to be a movie queen!

Of course, it cannot be said that this wish belongs to Yoona alone. After all, there are several people in the family who are actors. Don’t they have any pursuit at all?

But they are relatively more transparent. They are indeed actors and have starred in some works. After the release, they have also received considerable praise.

It’s just that as an artist, they must be able to stay sober from the disturbances of the outside world, otherwise it is easy to be intoxicated by it.

To be fair, their acting skills are not enough to support them to win awards. This is a prerequisite.

The reason why they can become heroines is more dependent on their own popularity. Of course, there is also part of their own efforts, but the effect is very limited.

So they will work hard and try their best to move forward on the road of actors, but winning awards is up to fate. There is no way.

But Yoona is different. She is indeed talented, and her reputation, image and even all aspects of her works are very good.

If she doesn’t want to go further, it will really be a waste of her talent and hard work.

Besides, this has become one of Yoona’s obsessions, and it can be regarded as the core motivation that supports her all the way.

From this point of view, apart from Yoona, there is really no one else who can put such words in the wallet to motivate himself.

After confirming Yoona's identity, Li Menglong began to try to decipher the password.

Unlike the high-tech in the movie, Li Menglong is simply relying on guessing at this moment, but he is not filling in numbers randomly.

The numbers he gives must have meaning, and this meaning must be based on Yoona's thinking, which is a great test of his understanding of Yoona.

After trying birthdays and group-related anniversaries, none of them succeeded as expected.

This is also normal. If the password can be guessed directly, why is Li Menglong still wronging himself here? Hurry up and change to a more promising career!

But he was not discouraged. He still had a chance to try. Although several cards had been frozen by him, there were enough cards in his wallet.

Li Menglong was a little stubborn at this moment. He didn't even care about being exposed. He stared at Yoona in the distance, trying to get some key information from a distance.

This gaze was really too hot, just like two high-power electric lights were placed behind her, and Yoona was so painful that she couldn't open her eyes.

When she turned back subconsciously, her eyes met with Li Menglong's very naturally, and Yoona naturally saw the wallet in his hand.

It must be said that Yoona's brain circuit is relatively strange. Not only did she not express dissatisfaction with Li Menglong's "stealing", but she also showed a provocative and smug smile.

She really wanted to interview Li Menglong. Was she desperate at this moment? Was she impressed by Lin Yuner's foresight?

Yoona had changed the password for a long time, and even kept "seducing" Li Menglong some time ago, but he just didn't fall for it.

This made Yoona extremely disappointed, and even forgot about it for a while, but now it's suddenly the harvest season.

Li Menglong should stop holding on there, come and apologize to her quickly, maybe she will tell him the real password when she is in a good mood.

Yoona's little expression is really cute, even Li Menglong has to admit this, but he has no intention of giving up.

Because while he and Yoona were looking at each other, he suddenly thought of a key clue.

There are undoubtedly too many meaningful numbers for Yoona, but considering her thinking mode, she will most likely use specific dates as carriers.

Li Menglong had tried this idea before, and now he is searching on his phone. Although he knows Yoona very well, he doesn't remember the date of her first filming, the date of her first starring role...

These days may not be the most meaningful, but Yoona is going to change her password, and she may have accidentally seen the note in her wallet while thinking, and then there is more content that Li Menglong is searching for at this moment.

After repeated attempts, a set of numbers finally worked, and this date turned out to be the date of her first award, a relatively regular Best Newcomer Award, and it was an award within the TV station.

In short, it is not of much value, and there are not a few winners who sink to the point of having no more films to shoot every year.

But from Yoona's perspective, this day is undoubtedly worth remembering for a lifetime, so much so that when she was thinking about the password, she filled it in directly.

I can only say that the little girl should change her narcissistic habit. The person she met today was Li Menglong, and she just paid for a meal.

If she met someone with bad intentions, wouldn't Yoona's savings over the years be wiped out?

Li Menglong wanted to remind Yoona, but Yoona thought he was just pretending. She really didn't believe that he could guess the password!

If he really had this ability, then it was reasonable for her to lose the money. She, Lin Yuner, accepted it!

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