The Rise of Korean Entertainment

Chapter 3448: Counterattack

Xu Xian directly poured cold water on Li Menglong, which was a bit like crossing the river and destroying the bridge.

Li Menglong was disinterested in popularizing the knowledge in the industry to Xu Xian, but Xu Xian did not say thank you after listening to it, but instead said these discouraging words. Wasn't it a lack of consideration?

Li Menglong could give her a chance to reorganize her words, hoping that Xu Xian herself could stop and get back on the right track as soon as possible!

Facing Li Menglong's kindness, Xu Xian herself was not so grateful, because she didn't think she had done anything wrong.

Is there a problem in persuading Li Menglong not to go all the way? Or does he want to dig deeper in this industry?

If Li Menglong was just an ordinary person who barely made a living by this industry, Xu Xian would not say anything, even if she could barely be considered a victim.

But Li Menglong is different. He can obviously have a very bright future. Any effort in any of the several positions in his hands can be considered a smooth road.

Even if he is their manager, it is better than using fans to make these dirty money.

"How can it be dirty money? We are willing to do it, my money is clean!"

While defending himself, Li Menglong rarely expressed some dissatisfaction with Xu Xian.

There is no problem with attacking him personally, but don't raise it to the entire industry. This is at least an industry he developed personally, and he cherishes it very much.

This point cannot be attacked. Obviously, with so many signatures in his hand, Li Menglong can control his greed. Doesn't this prove that he values ​​this industry?

But this point can also be understood as he doesn't want to exhaust the pond to fish. It makes sense anyway, but Xu Xian doesn't want to reason with him.

She once again understood the group of sisters upstairs. Why do they always like to fight with Li Menglong on weekdays? Is it interesting?

They are not so perverted. Besides, beating Li Menglong is also a physical job. If the action is not standard, they may be injured in the end.

So they were all forced to do so. Li Menglong always stood on the side that seemed to make sense, but as long as they thought about it a little more deeply, they would find that what he said had great problems.

In this case, the girls should have left Li Menglong speechless, but the fact is that they often couldn't say anything to him.

This was really an irony for them. Arguing and cursing shouldn't be women's innate skills. Why was Li Menglong so skilled in this? Did he really want to come and be sisters together?

Xu Xian also clenched her fists at this moment. Although she wanted to persuade Li Menglong with words, at least let him understand the truth, but fists seemed to be more direct and powerful than words!

Li Menglong naturally saw Xu Xian's actions clearly. He knew what it meant to stop when he saw the good.

It's just a difference of opinion. This is very normal. There is no one in the world with exactly the same three views. It's rare for him and Xu Xian to have such a tacit understanding.

So the dispute can be put aside. It doesn't matter if Xu Xian doesn't agree with his career. As long as she doesn't interfere, Li Menglong doesn't necessarily have to get her approval.

But this is all Li Menglong's wishful thinking. Xu Xian really wants to pull him out of the "quagmire". She can't accept watching him sink.

I have to say that Xu Xian is really kind, but this kind of kindness seems a bit out of place at this moment.

Li Menglong really doesn't appreciate it. Can't he let him go? Just pretend that he didn't say anything before, isn't that okay?

"You don't have to say these words to me. I will report everything to the sisters truthfully. You just wait for their interview."

Xu Xian knows that her power is very limited, but there is a group behind her to support her. What is she afraid of?

As long as everyone's power is concentrated together, I don't believe that Li Menglong will not listen to their advice!

As for what form will be used to persuade Li Menglong in the end, it depends on his attitude. I believe that the gang will not choose to take action at least at the beginning.

Was Li Menglong threatened by Xu Xian? He himself was not sure, but he had undoubtedly caused trouble for himself.

Fortunately, he had a lot of troubles. Apart from other things, they would probably hold him accountable for sending gifts at night.

In this case, he was like a lice that didn't itch, and he didn't worry about too many debts. Anyway, a beating was a beating. Could they dig him out and hang his body on the wall with another reason?

With this resolute emotion of facing death, Li Menglong threw himself into the intense work in the afternoon.

But I don't know if it was Xu Xian's illusion, but I always felt that the next work was very busy.

To be precise, her work on weekdays was not easy. After all, Li Menglong would throw his work to her from time to time, and he called it a training for Xu Xian.

If someone else came, she would really doubt Li Menglong's purpose, but Xu Xian was still relatively simple and believed these reasons of Li Menglong.

Of course, from a realistic level, Li Menglong did not lie. Xu Xian's growth was seen by everyone, and this could not be faked.

Even her sisters rarely expressed any objection to this matter.

You know, their love for Xu Xian is not fake. Only they can bully Xu Xian. Why don't the others try it?

Li Menglong's move was to repeatedly jump on their taboos. The reason why they could endure it was because they saw Xu Xian's progress and felt Li Menglong's sincerity.

They know that if they want to succeed, they must put in corresponding efforts and even experience corresponding hardships. There is no shortcut to this.

They even envied Xu Xian for a while. Even though she was suffering, when it came to future development, Xu Xian was really much more generous than them.

It's not that they don't want to follow him, Li Menglong is not that stingy, but this kind of thing also requires talent.

And what should I say, if a similar opportunity had been available a few years ago, each of them would have fought for it without hesitation.

But now, if they continue to work hard, they will just make more money, but the money they make now is enough for them to spend.

If they continue to work hard under this situation, apart from the increase in the number of deposits, there will be no substantial improvement in their quality of life.

Therefore, their willingness to work hard will be much lower, and in the end they can only become Xu Xian's support team. As long as the little girl can succeed, there is no problem for them to follow him and drink some soup.

As for the way to drink soup, naturally they hug Xu Xian tightly. Even if their popularity is no longer there, they can still attend various events with Xu Xian.

In other words, this is the normal way for a group to develop, to praise one member of the team with all their strength, and then rely on that person's popularity to drive the development of the entire group.

But this is only the most ideal possibility. After all, people still have selfish motives. Once they become popular, it is not difficult for them to drag out those "burdens".

Fortunately, Xu Xian's character is not strong enough for her to do such a thing, and the girls feel confident investing resources in Xu Xian.

But how should I put it? It seemed that Li Menglong had smashed all these resources. The most they could do was just wave the flag and shout from the sidelines.

So if Xu Xian really wants to go solo in the future and form a duo with Li Menglong, they shouldn't be too surprised. Xu Xian is all repaying the favor!

However, Xu Xian has no such plan at the moment. She just wants to slap Li Menglong on the head hard, and it is best to beat him into Alzheimer's disease!

This man went too far. Taking advantage of his position, he bossed her around in all kinds of ways!

If it was just a matter of attitude, Xu Xian wouldn't be so stingy.

But Li Menglong couldn't bear it and assigned her extra tasks, and they were all the ones that sounded unreliable.

For example, if he asked her to attract investment from a top brand within an hour, what would he think? Do you think of her Seohyun as a superman?

Not to mention the in-and-out contact and closing of this kind of thing, the negotiation process alone cannot be completed in a day or two.

After all, this is not a question of money, but a question of brand image, which is always what big brands value.

So to simply replace it, Li Menglong asked her to pick off the moon from the sky, and the time limit was one hour.

I have to say that this time-limited move is the essence, as if it can be done without any time limit. Would Li Menglong show it to her? Also let her study?

"I don't care! If you can't do it, just resign. The company has given you so much salary..."

Li Menglong came up with a very familiar reason, but he couldn't continue halfway through because Xu Xian didn't get this salary at all.

Seriously speaking, Xu Xian's job is completely Li Menglong's personal assistant, and he should take the initiative to pay his salary.

Of course, Xu Xian has never struggled with this problem. After all, she comes to work with a learning mentality. It is rare to have such an opportunity. Money and other things are not important.

But Xu Xian can say this, but Li Menglong can't discuss it openly, and now he is undoubtedly putting himself on the fire.

Xu Xian looked at him with a smile, and even clapped his hands encouragingly: "Why don't you say it anymore? Go on, if I don't work hard with the company's money, are you going to fire me?"

If Li Menglong dared to nod, Xu Xian would ask him to make up for all his previous wages on the spot, even if he missed a penny!

As for the specific salary, it depends on the outcome of the game between the two, but it will probably not be too low.

Not to mention the bonus of Xu Xian's artist status, the work Xu Xian is currently responsible for is not something that ordinary people can do.

It can be said that Xu Xian is the smaller version of Li Menglong. Such a comprehensive talent undoubtedly works alone, and few people work as assistants to others.

Ask Li Enxi about this and you will know clearly. If Li Menglong had not stopped her, she would have supported Xu Xian long ago. How can she still let Li Menglong continue to "squeeze" him?

Looking at Xu Xian's provocative expression, Li Menglong had no intention of upgrading. He had always been a calm person, and admitting defeat was not a burden to him.

Isn't it embarrassing to lose to Xu Xian? Others who want to interact with Xu Xian don’t have this opportunity!

After thinking of this, Li Menglong not only did not feel ashamed, he was even proud of it!

This made everyone watching the excitement extremely disappointed. Sure enough, a shameless person is invincible. Li Menglong has implemented this into his life.

However, Li Menglong still has a final stubbornness, and his performance in admitting defeat is quite "tough"!

"Xiaoxian, forget it. I will forgive you reluctantly. Remember not to do this again. Do you know your lesson this time?"

Listening to Li Menglong's earnest instructions, Xuxian wanted to laugh for a while, but she finally endured it with her strong control.

This is the basic skill of an artist. If you can't control your emotions and expressions at all times, how can you go on TV? That would provide material for the black fans!

Since Xuxian didn't choose to respond, the matter would naturally be over. It's impossible to expect those people around to take the lead, right?

Li Menglong might be a little more polite to Xuxian, but he really killed them, and the consequences were definitely not something they could bear.

However, Li Menglong seemed to have overlooked one point, that is, Xuxian never responded to his original question from beginning to end, that is, what gifts did she buy for the girls.

Fortunately, the answer will be revealed after all, and it won't take that long.

With an hour left before work, the girls' reminder text messages have come one after another, which once made Li Menglong want to turn off his phone.

However, he was afraid that the women would come looking for him, so he still replied to them reluctantly, clearly stating that he had prepared the gift and they could enjoy it as long as they were ready.

For this reason, he also confirmed with Xu Xian. If it was not ready, it would be in time to go downstairs to buy something now.

Xu Xian was a little tempted, because she felt that she was a little impulsive.

Although she had carefully selected the gift, the girls' judgment was not whether it was thoughtful or not. Instead, whether it was expensive or not might be the key point.

But the money had already been spent. If she went to buy extra now, could she expect Li Menglong to pay for it again?

As for the idea of ​​her paying for it, Xu Xian had given up long ago. She had to maintain the purity of this gift!

So Xu Xian gave a confident response, saying that the gift would definitely surprise them, and Li Menglong should put his heart at ease.

The more Xu Xian said this, the more uneasy Li Menglong felt. He always felt that this little girl was going to give him a big job.

Although he looks strong on the outside, that's just empty talk. In his heart, there actually lives a sensitive, suspicious, timid, and dark-shy little princess. So could Xu Xian tell him some inside information in advance?

Fearing that Li Menglong would say something disgusting again, Xu Xian could only respond hesitantly: "Anyway, I exchanged all the money for gifts. Can you rest assured now?"

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