The Rise of Korean Entertainment

Chapter 3446 Seeking Assistance

Whether Li Menglong has the qualifications and ability to kick one of the girls out of the group is indeed a question worth examining. He himself may not be able to tell clearly.

In theory, he can do it. After all, he has enough influence on the company, and the girls are contracted artists under the company.

He just banned all the girls. As long as they were still within the contract period, they seemed to have no means of resistance unless they paid the penalty themselves and chose to change jobs.

But this is just a theory after all. Once it happens in reality, there is no need for the girls to come forward. Li Enxi will come to the door first.

And this is just forcing girls to change jobs, and there is still a big gap between kicking out a specific person among them.

In fact, as long as they can maintain consensus internally, even if some individuals change companies, they can still be counted as a member of the group.

Of course, the situation is often more complicated. When the company really wants to disgust a specific artist, you can imagine the pressure it faces.

The reason why Xu Xian said this was probably just teasing, but he didn't want Li Menglong to actually take action. He probably didn't have the courage.

Girls don't have good tempers. Li Menglong dares to bully their members? They dared to prevent Li Menglong from seeing the sun tomorrow!

So Li Menglong is playing with fire now. He only buys gifts for eight people. This is too obvious.

"Don't worry, we have discussed it with them a long time ago. Who do you think is more suitable to be the unlucky guy? I personally think Kim Taeyeon is good!"

Li Menglong asked Xu Xian's opinion. Such happy things should be shared with others. He is not the kind of person who cherishes his own things.

It’s just that if you look at the same thing in the eyes of different people, they may get completely different emotions.

This is not about sharing Xu Xian's joy with her. It is clearly dragging her into the fire pit. Does Li Menglong feel that her life has been too comfortable recently?

This kind of offending thing is really not something she can get involved in. If she has to choose someone, can she recommend herself? She doesn't need this gift!

After all, taking Li Menglong's money to choose a gift for himself seems a bit weird, which Xu Xian wanted to point out before.

Now was an opportunity, but she felt that Li Menglong might not agree.

This feeling mainly came from his past preference for himself. In fact, Xu Xian was flattered by this, but wanted to remind him to restrain himself.

Occasionally seeing the jealous eyes of those women, Xu Xian was afraid that they would appear on his bedside for no reason at midnight and stare directly at her. The scene would be terrifying just thinking about it.

It's just that Li Menglong didn't have any bad intentions, and it was difficult for Xu Xian to say these words. In short, he just got here in a daze.

Sure enough, Li Menglong's reaction met Xu Xian's guess. He didn't take Xu Xian's words at all. Instead, he was busy studying who could be more unlucky.

What can Xu Xian do about this? Her persuasion seems to be meaningless, so she can only start from her own side. After all, she purchased the gift, so she can always find some loopholes.

The two of them were each thinking about their own affairs, and for a moment it seemed as if they were competing in a battle of wits and courage.

I can only say that Seohyun is worthy of being a member of the girls, and I really broke my heart for them!

However, the development direction of the two people's mentality is still very different. Li Menglong is becoming more and more relaxed. Anyway, no matter who is unlucky, he is happy to see the result.

Xu Xian had a lot to think about, especially the matter of buying gifts. What was she going to buy for these women?

Although Li Menglong was not allowed to withhold funds for gifts, he was still quite nervous overall.

This money may not be enough to please one person. As a result, Li Menglong now wants to make nine women happy at the same time. Doesn't this create a problem for her?

Fortunately, she is also a member of the girls, and she is very familiar with the fetishes of this group of women, so there is still a possibility of success.

But this still requires her to spend a lot of time and energy, which makes her suffer even more.

Otherwise, stay in the company and continue working? As for gifts, she would always satisfy these women by subsidizing some extra money.

Xu Xian secretly revealed this idea to Li Menglong, and was immediately denied by him.

Li Menglong's reason is also very simple. This kind of unjust money must be spent less, especially if it is spent on these women. This is not like beating a dog with a meat bun.

It's not that these women don't know how to be grateful, but Xu Xian's goodwill with them is already maxed out, and it's impossible for them to love Xu Xian even more just because they give him some gifts.

As for the time issue, Li Menglong gave Xu Xian a full afternoon of vacation with a stroke of his pen. Is this enough?

In fact, it probably won't take that long, but the extra time will be given to Xu Xian to rest, which can be regarded as his small reward for Xu Xian.

After all, it seemed that Xu Xian was helping him. If he didn't show any signs of help, Xu Xian might choose to ignore it next time.

In short, Li Menglong gave Xu Xian a sum of money and an extra vacation. The combination of the two is quite enviable.

If the girls upstairs knew that such a good thing would happen, they would have made similar conditions. Are gifts as valuable as those that come freely?

But unlike those girls who just want to skip work, Xu Xian is a child who is full of enthusiasm for work.

Now that she was asked to rest during working hours, she was confused for a while and didn't know what to do at all.

In theory, she should take action, and buying gifts is a clear goal, but she also needs time to think.

But there was no place for her in the office. After Li Menglong wrote the leave note, he immediately drove her out with an extremely firm attitude.

This "cold and ruthless" behavior really made the colleagues around him envious. In order to let Xu Xian rest more, Li Menglong really could do anything.

Can they get the same treatment? Li Menglong didn't have to drive people away. They wouldn't waste a second in the office.

Unfortunately, only Xu Xian came out in the end. She not only received Li Menglong's scolding, but also received everyone's blessings.

However, everyone did not forget to remind her. The core meaning was to let her come back before get off work, otherwise Li Menglong would wait for her with everyone.

They could even imagine Li Menglong's reason: We are a whole when we get together, we are a family! Now that the youngest child in the family is not here, can we leave? We must wait...

With these invisible pressures, Xu Xian finally succeeded in reaching the first floor. She urgently needed a quiet space to sort out her thoughts.

But she was not welcome on the second floor, and the first floor still could not accommodate her presence!

It was already past lunch time, why were there so many people in the store? It was impossible that they were all their fans, right?

Although Xu Xian would not belittle herself, she was not arrogant to this extent, and the age of the customers was generally older, not like the age of their fans.

And with her appearance, the reactions of the customers also confirmed this.

After everyone saw her, most of them just glanced at her casually, without any extra movements, as if they saw a stranger.

To be precise, they were indeed strangers, but were they sure that Xu Xian didn't look familiar? She has also filmed a TV series!

Maybe this is the entanglement of being an artist, hoping that no one would disturb her when she walked on the road, but she didn't want no one to know her.

There is basically no balance that can be controlled. Xu Xian can only say that her efforts are not enough!

But she also knew the reason. She pulled down all the girls upstairs. Among them, only Yoona might be treated as an artist.

This was not because Yoona's popularity reached another level, but because she had starred in daily dramas.

This kind of TV series with hundreds of episodes is the killer of middle-aged and elderly people, and Xuxian didn't have the opportunity to show her face.

Since no one knew her, it seemed that it was not impossible to find a seat and sit for a while?

But Xuxian's simple idea was ruthlessly rejected by the boss lady. What if she was recognized in a while?

There were so many customers dining, and Xuxian was clamoring for autographs and taking photos, which would affect normal diners.

So she could only say sorry to Xuxian. Fortunately, Xuxian was not such a willful person, and she politely withdrew.

However, the boss lady might not be able to bear it, and hurriedly chased after Xuxian. Without giving Xuxian a chance to reply, she stuffed a roll of money into her hand and asked her to buy something delicious.

Looking at the roll of change in her hand, Xu Xian really didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

First of all, she thanked the boss's wife for her kindness. It can be seen that the money was just a handful of change, with both small and large amounts. Could it be the meal fee of a customer?

Secondly, she was a little helpless. Xu Xian was not young anymore, and she had long passed the age where pocket money could be used to comfort people.

It seems that she will have to choose one more gift when buying gifts later. However, since she has bought gifts for the boss's wife, should Li Enxi also be included?

So, should she give gifts to colleagues who spend every day with her? What about those who help from time to time in the company?

Even with Xu Xian's financial resources, she couldn't help but feel a little nervous. Otherwise, let it go?

Xu Xian is not the kind of stubborn person. Being an artist requires flexibility. But what should she buy?

Combining the money in her hand and her understanding of the girls, Xu Xian felt that no matter what she bought, she would be disliked. She even felt that the whole thing was absurd.

In this case, let's test it. This is her advantage. It's not that easy for ordinary people to ask them directly about their preferences.

"I'm outside and plan to bring some drinks back. Do you need anything?"

Xu Xian took the initiative to ask on the phone. Of course, this is just an opening remark. As long as they are willing to chat, they can always talk about some key content.

However, the girls' response surprised her. These women actually rejected her proposal. When did they become so self-disciplined?

Xu Xian looked at the screen of her phone repeatedly. Could it be that she dialed the wrong number?

But both the number and the voice on the other end matched the girls', so it was Xu Xian herself who was abnormal?

The girls also thought so: "I'm not saying this to you as a sister. We are artists after all. We can't relax our requirements for ourselves. Even coffee is still not as good as plain water. Are you listening? Hello..."

A series of busy tones represented Xu Xian's answer. It's not that she can't accept the lessons of these women, but can she reflect on herself before speaking? What qualifications do they have to say this to her?

Xu Xian should not have too high requirements for herself. The reason why her figure seems not as good as that of those women is mainly because her own frame is relatively large, which is an innate "disadvantage".

But it can also be said from another perspective, the plumpness of her figure is not something that Kim Taeyeon can do with bean sprouts.

In short, they don't seem to be cooperating, and they probably know something.

But Xu Xian didn't bother to guess at all. Anyway, she just had to fulfill her agreement with Li Menglong, and she didn't have to worry about what they thought.

As for their preferences, if Xu Xian himself can't make up his mind, there is still another place to get the answer.

He found a random coffee shop and sat down. When he was ordering, Xu Xian subconsciously wanted to have a glass of iced Americano, but the "admonitions" of the girls echoed in his mind uncontrollably.

What else is there to say? Although it was not her personal preference, even from a rebellious point of view, Xu Xian ordered a "calorie bomb" without hesitation.

This is her original creation, adding all the ingredients that can be added, including but not limited to maple syrup, whipping cream and even cheese...

But when the coffee was actually served, Xu Xian didn't have the courage to take a sip. She could eat a lot more meat with the same amount of calories, so why did she drink this damn thing?

Sure enough, the girls were influenced. Isn't this their plan? Use provocation to make her Xu Xian surrender?

I have to say that this method is quite clever, but unfortunately Xu Xian has already seen through it.

She is currently focusing on their fan forum. It is said that every mature artist will have more than one trumpet account in the forum.

Not only for the sake of rhythm, but it would also be good to know more about the fans’ emotions.

At this moment, Xu Xian is using his administrative rights to push the posts posted by his own account to the front. As for the content, it is also very simple. If you give gifts to girls, what will they like?

This topic is obviously open to discussion and even debate. After all, everyone has their own opinions, and they may even find fault with other people's opinions.

But Seohyun just needs to take the best of it, and of course he has to figure out the price.

Although she is prepared to spend extra money, if possible, she should let Li Menglong's intention be more pure. So is there a gift that is cheap and can please girls?

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