The Rise of Korean Entertainment

Chapter 3441: Becoming Bad

Yoona's request will naturally not get any response. Li Menglong did not refuse intentionally, but he simply could not offer these conditions in exchange.

He even thought that Yoona had some misunderstandings about his ability?

Li Menglong himself admitted that he had a certain influence in the circle, whether it was because of his achievements, talent, company or even the relationship with the girls.

In short, he had a certain amount of resources, and in the eyes of many artists, he could indeed be regarded as an existence to be flattered, and it could even be said that he could meet all the "requirements" of the other party!

But this does not include Yoona. With the current status of the little girl, who can meet her requirements?

Not to mention several heroines, even a single role is not something that Li Menglong can use if he agrees.

Because any plan that involves Yoona as the heroine basically requires a large amount of investment, otherwise there would be no confidence to talk to Yoona about cooperation.

Once the funds are relatively large, there are too many stakeholders involved, and it is definitely not a decision that can be made by a few words from one person.

Otherwise, this is all disrespect for capital. Do you think those who give money and institutions are fools? Taking such a big risk, just to let Li Menglong get the appointment?

Logically, Yoona should also know this, but the little girl always pretends to be stupid with him here, and keeps making such impossible demands.

Li Menglong once thought that this was Yoona's thoughtful move, and didn't want to embarrass him, so he simply gave such an impossible condition.

But now it doesn't seem like it. He has to present facts and reason to try to make Yoona recognize the facts, especially his ability.

Just facing his explanation, let alone Yoona, the girls around him were disgusted:

"If you don't want to help, just say it directly. Why make so many excuses?"

"Our Yoona is really pitiful. It's so hard to meet a big man, but he doesn't take you seriously at all!"

"Don't say anything, men are just unreliable, we still have to rely on our own efforts..."

The conclusions finally drawn by the girls are barely positive. Logically, Li Menglong should encourage him, but he really couldn't help it. Others nodded, so why did she, Lee Sunkyu, also agree?

Li Menglong simply pointed at Li Shungyu and said, "You insist on saying that my status is high, then what I can do, Li Shungyu can also do in theory, why don't you go to her?"

This sentence really made the girls think for a while, it sounds very reasonable!

Li Menglong has so many identities, but the most worthy of attention is his influence on the company, and in this regard, Li Shungyu is not bad, even the shareholders' meeting at the end of each year is attended by her.

They actually guarded the gold mountain to beg for food, which is simply a crime!

After Li Menglong's guidance, they have come to their senses. Fortunately, it is not too late now, and they still have room for effort.

For a while, Li Shungyu was surrounded by a group of beautiful women, who either gave her massages or fed her meals, and as for what they said, they should not be too "excessive"!

"My requirements are not high. Do you think I can make a solo comeback recently? It doesn't cost much to release an album. I will definitely not let you lose money!"

"Album? What's the point of this small fight, sister, you can directly invest in a movie, I will be your heroine, and I guarantee that your movie will be a big hit!"

"You are all too conservative. If you ask me, I should open a subsidiary. I am currently self-studying business administration. Look at me..."

If it is just surrounded by these women, although it is not much enjoyment, Lee Sunkyu can still endure it.

But these people have to keep talking, and what they say are all irrelevant requirements. Can they think about it first?

Whether it is an album or a movie, it is something that the company needs to consider. How can she operate it herself?

As for opening a subsidiary, it is even more of a joke. Instead of wasting money, it is better to give it directly to these women. At least you can hear some pleasing words.

After Lee Sunkyu clearly expressed her attitude, the girls did quiet down a bit, but as Lee Moon-long added fuel to the fire, they were incited again.

As for what Li Menglong meant, it was also very simple. What Li Shungyu said were all excuses. She could completely arrange the company's plans with her influence. Otherwise, would all the shares in her hands be just for show?

This reason sounds quite reasonable, so Li Shungyu is not shirking responsibility, right? Or is she afraid that they will lose money?

Li Shungyu almost bit her lips. She really wanted to pounce on Li Menglong, the bastard, and bite him to death. Doesn't he mind watching the fun?

It's okay that the girls don't understand the tricks inside. It can be said that they are quite stupid and simple!

But Li Menglong pretended to be confused. Doesn't he know the inside story?

The right to speak in the company is not only reflected in the so-called equity. Otherwise, Li Shungyu can just come to remotely command. Will the company still operate?

The specific influence is reflected in all aspects. Just in terms of the effectiveness of speaking, Li Menglong is much stronger than her.

Of course, there is no way to force it, but in that case, too many people will be offended, and the company may fall apart.

As for the fact that the company's development has become prosperous under Lee Sun-kyu's "wise leadership", she has long passed the age of fantasy.

People should be down-to-earth. The most important thing is to recognize the limits of their own abilities!

In the past twenty years of her life, the only thing that Lee Sunkyu has been working hard on and learning is how to become a successful idol!

She is quite talented in this area. With her personal efforts and luck, she has done well so far.

Does she have a talent for running a company? Maybe, but if she wants to succeed, she must make efforts to match it, but she has no desire to struggle again.

To be more realistic, Lee Sunkyu has accumulated enough, especially in terms of material, to meet her needs for the rest of her life.

What she needs to do now is to enjoy it well. The accumulation of wealth cannot bring her a better life. How much money can she spend alone?

That's why she is so open-minded about the company. Even if the company goes bankrupt, it doesn't seem to have any impact on her. That's enough.

As for controlling the company to satisfy some personal wishes, I'm sorry, Lee Sunkyu doesn't have this ability!

Seeing Lee Moon-long and Lee Sunkyu shirking each other, the girls couldn't tell the specific situation for a while, but they were in a bad mood.

They just said it casually, and didn't really think about asking these two people to do anything. They also have their own dignity!

Besides, with their current status, the so-called opportunities can still be fought for, it's nothing more than making more efforts.

And their ideas are similar to Lee Sun-kyu. They have worked hard for so many years, not to let themselves stand at the top and continue to work hard. They should also enjoy life properly.

But the two people's evasion still makes them feel uncomfortable, as if they really have no one to want them. If they leave these two people, will they be unemployed?

They are disgusted and uncomfortable. The key topic was still picked up by them. They have no position to blame each other. They can only choose to leave silently and express their dissatisfaction in this way.

But their actions are really acting for the blind. The two people don't care about these at all. They just focus on each other's attacks.

Speaking of this scene, Xu Xian was also amazed. Should they praise the two people for having a good relationship and only have each other in their eyes, or should they accuse them of not caring about their companions at all?

But if Xu Xian had to choose one, she was more curious about the final result. What kind of answer would the two people come up with?

Xu Xian had already prepared to secretly record the conversation. As for who to give the recording to, Li Enxi seemed to be a good choice?

After all, both of them said that their influence on the company was limited, but who was the real boss in the company?

The girls obviously flattered the wrong person. Xu Xian's current direction was correct. As long as she could please Li Enxi, wouldn't those so-called opportunities be in her pocket?

Of course, Xu Xian was not so utilitarian. She was just trying to please him. After all, the topic had come to this point. If she didn't do anything, it would be a shame for her sensitive sense of smell.

But Xu Xian didn't press the recording button in the end, because the two of them actually reconciled in the end. Isn't this a bit anticlimactic?

"Is that all? Then what can you two do? Can you still arrange those opportunities for the sisters?"

Xu Xian asked carefully, trying to make herself seem harmless as much as possible, so as not to alert the two people.

But it was too late. Both of them were experienced and almost instinctively sensed Xu Xian's "malice".

The little girl actually came here to sow discord. This is not a good habit!

"Of course they can't do it. They don't even look in the mirror before making a request. Do they deserve it?"

"But you are different, the youngest. Personal albums, TV series, movies, variety shows, in short, as long as the company has business, we will arrange it for you. Even if we kneel down to beg them, we will never let you down!"

The two of them sang in unison, and they said it with such confidence. Are they really going to do it?

Although Xu Xian was very sure that the two were just joking, she didn't dare to gamble!

Especially she was not sure about the specific difficulty. If it really came to the point of kneeling, the two of them would naturally not kneel down for a joke.

But what if it was easy? They only needed to give a casual order, and all these so-called opportunities fell on her head?

Without considering the influence of the company, Xu Xian still knows her popularity, so is she digging a hole for herself?

She really didn't dare to continue chatting, and even took the initiative to admit her mistakes, saying that she has been very busy recently, and she doesn't need to bother you two to worry about work.

But the more Xu Xian refused, the more excited this pair of "dogs and bitches" became. Bullying Xu Xian was the most interesting thing.

"Don't, isn't my job to help you get these opportunities? Just keep your heart in your stomach. You will definitely not have time to rest in the next year!"

"I also made a promise on behalf of the company. How can we let our most popular artist complain? This is indeed our fault. We will review it..."

Xu Xian really didn't dare to let the two people continue talking, otherwise she would be the one kneeling down. Can you not let her go?

Besides, those who fought for those opportunities were all those people outside. She didn't say a word the whole time. There is a head for every grievance and a master for every debt. Don't find the wrong person to retaliate!

The three of them chatted and laughed for a long time. Of course, this was the perception in the eyes of those women, and they would not specifically observe how embarrassed Xu Xian was.

So is Xu Xian betraying his class?

Sure enough, Xu Xian is still young. She should not be fooled by the sweet words of "capitalists". They are cold-blooded after all.

As hardworking workers, they must stick together tightly, otherwise how can they fight against those two people?

As a result, Xu Xian was the first to surrender, which was really not good: "Maknae, come here, we want to talk to you!"

The call of the girls saved Xu Xian's life. As for their so-called method of dividing classes, Xu Xian said that he could just listen to it.

After all, similar statements can make a lot of distinctions. For example, they are a couple, so they, "singles", must resist together.

In the same way, she and Yoona can also be distinguished from the rest of the people. They belong to the oppressed class, so can they revolt at any time?

Everyone was not very satisfied with the breakfast, except Li Menglong, after all, he ate the most.

"How can this be used as evidence? Just because I eat more than you do, it doesn't mean I'm in a good mood. I was so depressed that I couldn't eat at one point!"

Li Menglong defended himself, but it was just that it was difficult for everyone to agree with his argument.

Is it possible that his so-called inability to eat means that there is no food on the table for him to eat?

Fortunately, he was not fighting alone today. While the girls attacked him from time to time, they did not forget to be angry with Lee Soon Kyu.

This woman's performance today disappointed everyone. After being a sister for so many years, didn't she just ask her for help, and she really refused?

"Sure enough, people will become bad once they get rich. I used to feel that this sentence cannot be generalized, but now it seems that it really makes sense!"

The original intention of the girls was naturally to attack Lee Soon Kyu, but they also underestimated Lee Soon Kyu's desire to fight back: "That makes sense. Otherwise, let me reluctantly be the bad guy. You concentrate all your money on me, and you are alone." Just be kind!”

She wanted to defraud them of their years of savings with just one sentence. Isn't this proof that she has become bad?

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