The Rise of Korean Entertainment

Chapter 3438 Difficulty

Xu Xian came over carefully, trying to keep a safe distance, but this little trick was useless.

Because Yoona in the distance didn't wait for Xu Xian to stop, she immediately rushed over, and lay in Xu Xian's arms and howled, as if she had suffered a great injustice.

Let alone the suspicion of being taken advantage of by Yoona, because Xu Xian was in close contact with Yoona at this moment, she could clearly sense that this woman didn't shed a single tear.

This is not appropriate, Yoona has a talent for pretending to cry, but now she doesn't even plan to pretend a little bit, and the rest depends on her Xu Xian?

Xu Xian pointed out that Yoona thought too highly of herself. What virtue and ability did she have to make Li Menglong bow to her?

Besides, she didn't even know what happened. If she rashly helped, what if she was used by Yoona?

Similar things have happened a lot. Xu Xian has been cheated many times, and she has learned some lessons, so she behaved quite calmly.

Xu Xian tried to comfort Yuner, and the specific method was to push her away, so that she would not take advantage of him.

On the other hand, she tried to communicate with Li Menglong and listen to what the other party said. She could not just listen to Yuner's one-sided words, not to mention that Yuner did not speak at all.

"Hiss, what should I say? I am a little confused now. Otherwise, you can ask her and listen to how she complains first?"

Li Menglong handed over the initiative. This action alone was enough for Xu Xian to make a judgment. It seemed that he was mostly innocent in this matter, or at least he was the one who was right.

Now Yuner could not continue to pretend to be confused, otherwise Xu Xian might turn around and leave. This was her last hope. Could she still count on those women to save her?

It was not that Yuner looked down on them, but because she knew enough that once those women came over, they would most likely stand on Li Menglong's side to watch the fun together. They did not have such strong sympathy.

So let's talk about it. Anyway, Yoona doesn't think she did anything wrong. She was deceived by Li Menglong the whole time!

In Yoona's description, she is the kind of young girl who is not very experienced in the world, and Li Menglong is undoubtedly the kind of greasy middle-aged uncle, the kind of bastard who deceives little girls to see goldfish.

This statement was naturally denied by Li Menglong. Let's not talk about whether he is greasy or not. After all, this is a personal subjective impression, but how can Yoona have the face to say that she is a little girl?

Her profession is an artist, so she may lack some social experience, but this is not an excuse for her to be a fool.

And even if Li Menglong deliberately deceived her, what about the "bait"?

A popular idol was deceived because of 10,000 yuan. Even if this matter goes to court, Li Menglong dares to say that he is innocent.

Not only does Yoona not regard this as a shame, but she is still talking nonsense here. Does she really not regard Xu Xian as an outsider?

Xu Xian was also quite confused at the moment, and she tried to simplify the process: "Just because of 10,000 yuan, you agreed to perform for him alone?"

This summary is too concise, lacking many necessary details, such as Li Menglong's eloquent coaxing, and for example, he used his power to threaten her.

But Yoona really couldn't express his opposition clearly, because seriously speaking, this is the fact.

But Li Menglong still wanted to add a sentence: "And she has already taken the money in advance, but now she doesn't plan to perform, what should I do?"

Xu Xian originally wanted to solve the problem by muddying the water, but after hearing Li Menglong's supplement, she also showed an incredible look.

Noticed Xu Xian's surprised eyes, Yoona finally felt a little shy, it seems a bit embarrassing.

But she couldn't explain it, because her little thoughts couldn't be seen.

Is she going to say that she intends to drag the other girls into the water? Does she mean that she never intended to fulfill the agreement from the beginning to the end?

Anyway, Yoona started to play badly. She put everything on Xuxian. The little girl wouldn't really ignore it, right?

It was because Li Menglong was still around, otherwise Yoona would have to pull Xuxian to talk about their past, focusing on the part where she helped Xuxian, and she would keep emphasizing it.

Fortunately, Xuxian was not so heartless. The main reason was that Yoona was hanging on her. The two of them were like conjoined twins at the moment. What could she do?

It can only be said that many things are destined and cannot be changed, such as family background, parents, and teammates!

It stands to reason that if teammates get along unpleasantly, they can make changes. Of course, the process will be quite difficult. Similar relationships can refer to college roommates.

However, idol groups are not possible. Forget about it after debut. If there is any personnel change, the popularity will be significantly affected, and it may be directly hit.

As for before the debut, it is indeed a good opportunity, but it is a pity that the artists did not have any say at that time.

After all, the company at that time was absolutely the heaven of the trainees, the kind of existence that dominated their fate!

Once you displease the company and are kicked out of the debut group, at the very least, your efforts in recent years will go to waste, and at the most, it will completely change the trajectory of your entire life.

In this situation, you have to endure any grievances, and disliking other members may be the most insignificant thing.

It seems that the teammates in the group really have no choice. Xu Xian has long recognized this and adjusted her mentality accordingly. Otherwise, how could she have survived for so many years?

She now has to continue to clean up the mess for Yoona, and she has no idea how many times she will be responsible for in the foreseeable future. When she thinks of this, Xu Xian has the urge to give up.

However, she finally asked absent-mindedly: "Let's not talk about the past, just tell me what you want to do now!"

In order to prevent Li Menglong from asking for too much, Xu Xian also emphasized: "It is definitely impossible to perform for you. You also know the price of our performance. The number you gave is simply disrupting the market!"

As the girl's agent, Li Menglong clearly knows how correct Xu Xian's words are.

If someone came to him to discuss similar cooperation, Li Menglong would definitely block the other party directly, but who let him take advantage of it now?

In fact, he didn't look forward to Yoona's performance that much, because Yoona would not perform seriously.

If he keeps putting pressure on her, Yoona will probably just twist around a few times. He can see this kind of "performance" every day, so why spend money on it?

So he proposed a more reliable solution: "According to the normal contract, you are now in active breach of contract, and you need a hundred times..."

As soon as Li Menglong started, Xu Xian and Yoona knew what he was going to say next. They thought they were going to ask for money?

There is no problem in returning the money to him, and even giving him three or ten times more can be justified.

But Li Menglong asked for a hundred times now. Is he crazy about money? Who needs to pay a hundred times for breach of contract? Will anyone sign such a contract?

Seeing that the two people in front of him were quite resistant, Li Menglong immediately changed his tone: "But we only have a verbal agreement, so the final compensation standard needs to be discussed in detail. How much do you think is appropriate?"

Although Li Menglong took a step back, he also had to consider the mentality of the two people on the other side. Are they sure they can accept this condition now?

Because Xu Xian was not a party involved, she could only look at Yoona, and needed the other party to give a basic bottom line.

And Yoona did not disappoint Xu Xian: "You dream! I won't give a penny. It's just a performance. What do you want to see? I will show you now!"

Yoona finally jumped out of the original trap. To be precise, she has passed this level.

It's just a performance. It doesn't matter who you perform for. Besides, Li Menglong has paid. Don't worry about how much he gave. This is a fan. What's embarrassing about performing for fans?

But Li Menglong had better not ask too much. Yoona only agreed preliminarily, and the specific content of the performance is still to be discussed.

Xu Xian is still quite supportive of this, because this is the simplest and most convenient way to solve it, and there are fewer possibilities for disputes.

Now all we need is Li Menglong to speak up. He is not going to regret it, right?

In fact, Li Menglong didn't care about the whole process. It would be best if he could give money, but if he could get Yoona's performance in exchange, he would not suffer any loss.

If you sing on the street for such a small amount of money, you will be despised. But now you can sing with a popular idol face to face. What else can you ask for?

Li Menglong even took a step back again and did not ask Yoona to dance radically. He just wanted her to sing a song a cappella, and the song could be specified by Yoona herself.

In short, he gave the most broad conditions, and Xu Xian also thought that this request was not excessive, but why did Yoona's face still look so ugly?

Yoona was of course a little worried. It has been a long time since she sang a cappella. It seems that the last time was probably when she was a trainee.

Even the number of times she sang alone was pitiful. This is not the side she has always needed to show, although her main job is indeed a singer.

This is the same in many groups, so when Li Menglong suddenly made this request, Yoona was a little resistant.

If she sings badly, she will be laughed to death by Li Menglong. Does Lin Yoona still have the courage to live?

So how about changing to dancing? Lin Yuner is very good at dancing, and it doesn't matter if she is a little sexy.

It's just that she can't make such a request herself, so she can only keep giving Li Menglong hints with her eyes.

But Li Menglong seemed to have seen nothing, and sat there chatting with Xu Xian calmly, and the content of the chat was the songs that Yuner was good at.

Speaking of which, this question also made Xu Xian a little embarrassed, because she really didn't remember such songs. Would this answer make Yuner angry?

In order to avoid this, Xu Xian could only change the topic as much as possible and talk about some interesting things when Yuner was praised when she was a trainee. The main purpose was to praise Yuner, but it put her more pressure invisibly.

Yuner is really riding a tiger and it's hard to get off now. She even thought that Li Menglong was deliberately making things difficult for her. Otherwise, her hints were so obvious, why was he still pretending not to see it?

In fact, Li Menglong really didn't see it, or more accurately, he didn't understand Yuner's "deep meaning"!

He simply thought that Yuner was just resisting the performance, and the so-called hint was to let him cancel the request to perform on his own initiative. How could he agree to this?

As time went on, more and more people gathered around, and when the other girls heard that Yoona was going to sing, they also became interested.

Although their daily work is singing, they don’t listen to each other singing very often in private. After all, work is very tiring, so don’t bring work into your life.

Fortunately, the atmosphere is very good now. Seeing that Li Menglong didn’t ask for more, the girls can join in the fun. This is not bullying their own people!

For this reason, they also found some of their group’s cheering lights, banners, etc., and waved them constantly, just like Yoona’s fans for many years.

“What do you want? We are, starting from the time when we were trainees, we are your first batch of original fans, with high qualifications. You have to be serious and don’t let us fans down!”

The girls forced themselves to have qualifications. Yoona herself didn’t know that there were so many “big-name fans”. Did they hide it too well on weekdays?

In short, it is difficult for her to say no now. It seems that the only choice is to perform with a stiff upper lip?

So Yoona can only choose songs that she is good at as much as possible. After searching around, she finally chose a song by Kim Taeyeon.

This surprised Kim Taeyeon herself, and she was in a similar mood to Yoona. She didn't know when she had such a fan. Why didn't she say it before? Was it because she was shy?

There was no need for such emotions. Her singing voice was so moving that even teammates who had been with her day and night could hardly resist it. There was nothing she could do.

Looking at Kim Taeyeon's arrogant look, the other girls had already thought about putting her in the "judge" team, otherwise wouldn't this be a blatant collusion?

Before she started singing, Yoona had already offended a lot of "judges", although she had never expected their comments.

Yoona took a few deep breaths, but the relief for her heartbeat was quite limited. She didn't know how long she hadn't been so nervous.

It shouldn't be like this. Not to mention the big scenes she had seen in the past, the group of people in front of her alone were not a threat to her.

Even if she was teased by these people, would it have any impact on her? Would she be kicked out of the group because of this?

But reason didn't work at all at this moment, and she could only start her performance in this nervous state.

Li Menglong also controlled his expression at the first moment, trying not to show any doubt. If he heard correctly, was Yoona's first sentence out of tune?

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