Li Menglong was waiting for the elevator at this moment, and Xu Xian followed him as expected.

However, compared with Li Menglong's relaxed expression, Xu Xian looked a little worried, and it can be seen that the little girl was very entangled.

Although Li Menglong could choose to ignore it and let Xu Xian continue to worry, he couldn't bear it, and he also knew what Xu Xian was worried about.

"Don't worry, do they have the courage to escape the bill? They will definitely pay for you honestly!" Li Menglong tried to comfort Xu Xian with a very affirmative tone.

But Xu Xian was really sensitive at this moment: "What do you mean by paying for me? It's obviously the two of us!"

Xu Xian's emphasis was a bit far-fetched, because Li Menglong really didn't buy anything for himself, and the bags in his hand were all Xu Xian could wear and use.

This is not that he deliberately wanted to keep a distance, but simply had no interest in shopping.

To be precise, Xu Xian also had no desire to shop, but since she came here, she had to dig a hole for those women. Someone had to buy things, and it couldn't be too cheap.

So Xu Xian had to suffer. Was the little girl so wronged because of this?

"Then I'll help you share the burden. You pick two things for me. Is that okay?"

Li Menglong compromised, but he got two white eyes from Xu Xian.

He said this now. Don't you think it's a bit late?

Xu Xian's things Xu Xian picked, of course, are the items that fit her style. Do she and Li Menglong have the same style?

Imagine Li Menglong wearing his clothes and wearing his jewelry. Xu Xian shuddered. The picture was too disgusting.

"Forget it, I will take responsibility for what I did, but don't I really need to call and ask? What if they don't act according to your guess?"

Xu Xian still expressed her concerns, mainly because leaving without paying was too challenging to her bottom line.

Once the girls did not take action or actively refused, her good reputation would be over. Would someone chase the company directly to collect the debt?

Xu Xian's worries are still reasonable, and Li Menglong, as a manager, actually encouraged the artists to do such things, which is indeed not very professional.

Considering that a long time has passed, most of the girls have been deceived. If they ask now, the effect should be quite good.

So the two of them didn't even wait for the elevator, and simply climbed the stairs all the way up. It is estimated that someone is moving, otherwise why is the elevator so slow?

The physical strength of the two of them is still no problem. Although they are also panting violently, they soon calmed down, so whose number should they call now?

Li Menglong decided to test from the edge first, for example, asking the company whether the girls have returned to the company.

If there is no such step, then the two of them will consider going back to pay. Fortunately, the girls are still "cooperative".

Li Menglong carefully asked about their state when they left the company, and then his heart was at ease. They were obviously hooked.

Now that he has the confidence, Li Menglong naturally has to be a little bit artificial. How can such a perfect plan be without the necessary flattery?

It's a pity that the person standing next to him is Xu Xian. If it was Yoona, the compliments would have been poured out without cost.

However, Xu Xian is not without her own advantages. She is quite engaged and focused!

Logically, by observing Li Menglong's demeanor, Xu Xian should at least relax a little. After all, if there is a problem, it is Li Menglong who is in the front.

But Xu Xian is not like that. She is still very nervous. Her index finger has been put on her mouth and nibbled. Her manicure is not cheap. Shouldn't she cherish it a little?

Xu Xian in this look is easy to make people want to tease her. This may be the reason why those women tease Xu Xian from time to time. They really can't help it.

"Ahem, the situation here is not very good, you see..."

Before Li Menglong finished his prepared words, Xu Xian jumped up immediately: "I said you can't do this, but you just don't believe me. What should we do now? Should we go back to pay?"

In fact, Xu Xian should ask about the content of the call now, or at least listen to Li Menglong's so-called analysis. Why is she so anxious?

But this is understandable. Li Menglong's actions are too unreliable. What's the difference between this and running away?

Expecting the girls to pay for them sounds like a fantasy!

Seeing that Li Menglong has no way out now, Xu Xian can only act in her own way.

Considering that it will take a lot of time to rush over now, Xu Xian chose to seek help, and the goal is naturally quite clear.

The previous contacts failed to take shape due to various reasons. Fortunately, this time it was a two-way rush, and the speed of answering the phone on the other side was also very fast.

However, when the call was really connected, the people on both ends of the phone fell silent at the same time. They obviously had a lot to say, but they just didn't know how to start.

Xu Xian looked at Li Menglong for help, but he couldn't help him. He couldn't communicate for Xu Xian. Those women should have a lot of opinions about him.

Fortunately, the person on the other side was still responsible, or he couldn't hold back his temper after all: "Where are you? Don't you know how long we have been looking for you? You still have the face to call me? Why didn't you answer before..."

Kim Taeyeon's series of questions almost caused Xuxian to crash. It was not because the questions were too sharp or even because of her tough attitude. It was simply because the content triggered Xuxian's thinking.

Xuxian was smart enough after all. She could theoretically get the same answer that Li Menglong could think of.

It was just that she was blinded by her anxious mood before, so she didn't react for a while.

But Kim Taeyeon's words gave Xuxian important information. It seemed that the women on the other side were very angry at the moment?

As for the reason for the anger, it couldn't be because Xuxian didn't answer the phone in time, right?

So the conclusion was quite obvious. They seemed to have acted according to Li Menglong's plan.

Recalling everything Li Menglong had done before, Xuxian could fully understand their desire to kill people.

This behavior of being forced to clean up the mess for the person who didn't see him was too disgusting. The key was that they had no way to ignore it, which was the most unpleasant thing.

They had clearly seen through Li Menglong's so-called plan, but because of various off-site reasons, they had to take the initiative to jump in. No one would like this feeling of being manipulated.

In their eyes, Xu Xian is likely to be Li Menglong's accomplice.

Even if she is indeed quite innocent, she at least showed up and acted as a credit guarantee for Li Menglong. This can never be denied, right?

Otherwise, if it was just Li Menglong himself, how could he leave without paying? Is it because he is handsome?

So the girls have enough reasons to get angry at Xu Xian, not to mention that most of the items they paid for later were for women. It is impossible that Li Menglong used them himself, right?

In short, Xu Xian is no longer a good person in their eyes. Now she dares to call and provoke them. Do you really think they have no temper?

"Speak? Why are you silent? Are you afraid to answer my question? I tell you... Hello? Where are you? Ah..."

Kim Taeyeon looked at the hung up phone and shouted loudly, as if this would allow Xu Xian on the other side to hear it again.

This kind of incompetent and furious performance is too embarrassing, there are people watching around, Kim Taeyeon should take care of her image.

The other girls explained to the people around them while surrounding Kim Taeyeon in the middle, trying to calm her down.

But Kim Taeyeon's brain seemed to be burned, and the person who provided the fuel was Xu Xian. She dared to hang up the phone first. How dare she do this!

In fact, the girls can guess the reason, most of them have nothing to say.

Even if they come over, the result will not change at all, otherwise what should they answer? In that case, any response will make Kim Taeyeon furious.

On the contrary, the cold treatment is already a good response. Of course, they are not speaking on Xu Xian's side. After all, they are also victims.

However, they can already determine Xu Xian's location. If there is no accident, the little girl is probably waiting for them at home.

When the girls think that they have to rush back with takeout and gifts, they feel bad.

They can express their concern for Xu Xian, even if it means spending more money, but the premise is that they must act spontaneously, not in this forced way.

Considering Xu Xian's past personality, they can almost conclude that Li Menglong must have participated in it, and it might all be his idea.

So what else is there to say, they can't wait to go home immediately and put all the food in the lunch box on his head to see how he will react!

And Xu Xian also asked a similar question. She was mainly a little scared. Will she offend these women this time?

Li Menglong must not say that he has not considered the end of the problem. Now the two of them are grasshoppers on a rope!

"Don't worry, what can they do to you? Can they kick you out of the group?"

Li Menglong said it calmly, and even made a follow-up promise: "If they really dare to do that, then I will quit, I will accompany you to fly solo! Is that good enough?"

Although she knew how unreliable Li Menglong's words were, after all, the premise was not established, but Xu Xian couldn't help but fantasize about it.

It's true, if the two of them formed a group, it seems that the effect should be good, and they are also very complementary.

Li Menglong is responsible for variety shows, she is responsible for songs; Li Menglong is responsible for filming, she is responsible for performance; Li Menglong is responsible for eating, she is responsible for flowers...

Even Li Menglong doesn't need to show up, and mainly exists behind the scenes, while Xu Xian stands in front of the stage. Isn't this kind of combination of one in front and one behind quite rare?

Although I can't guarantee that it will be a big hit, it is indeed a new trend in the circle, at least it can make the quiet water surface ripple.

Although he didn't know what the little girl was thinking, as long as she didn't bother him, Li Menglong didn't care at all.

Because he couldn't give an answer at all, he didn't think about the aftermath!

To be precise, there was no way to deal with this matter. He played them around, and finally apologized to get their forgiveness?

They were not the kind of magnanimous women, especially when people were really wronged in this matter, or even insulted at the level of intelligence, they would definitely retaliate.

But Li Menglong didn't intend to think about those things. Anyway, they were either looking for trouble or on the way to looking for trouble every day.

Since revenge and offense will always occur, why not let yourself be more comfortable? At least let the revenge you receive have enough value!

The only person who felt a little sorry was Xu Xian, because he got the little girl involved.

But this wasn't entirely his fault. Xu Xian initially wanted to take revenge on these women, but he just didn't want to make it so "grand."

Li Menglong helped her realize her dream, but the effect was too good. You can't blame him for this, right?

In short, the two of them were thinking about unrelated things, and the room was very quiet for a while, until the door lock was gently turned, and the two of them felt much more energetic as if they heard an alarm clock.

They knew that the final test was coming, especially Li Menglong. He felt that he must enjoy the girls' initial anger, otherwise wouldn't it be pointless to do so much?

He gently patted the back of Xu Xian's hand, trying to calm down the little girl: "The matter is now over, instead of fearfully worrying about the follow-up, it is better to enjoy it first!"

Li Menglong didn't know how effective his words were. Anyway, he was already looking at the door with a smile. To be precise, his ears received the message first: "Li Menglong, you bastard, I asked you to eat, you eat..." …”

A series of obscene words entered Li Menglong's brain, and then, filtered by a series of complex logic, were transformed into compliments for him, which in turn made the smile on his face brighter.

"Ah, you still have the nerve to smile? I..." Kim Taeyeon subconsciously threw the bag in her hand over.

Even Li Menglong didn't expect this impulsive scene. After all, everyone would eat this takeaway. Was he planning to overturn the table?

Fortunately, the other girls had the foresight to change the items in Kim Taeyeon's hands in advance, so only clothes were hit.

After meeting, it escalated directly into a physical conflict within a few words. This progress made Xu Xian a little unable to keep up.

Originally, I planned to enjoy it according to Li Menglong's teachings, but now I still have the courage. The dead are not qualified to enjoy it!

So while Li Menglong was tired of dealing with it, Xu Xian quietly distanced himself from him, and thought about how to shirk all the blame. If Li Menglong forced her to do everything, these women would believe it. ?

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