Li Menglong's roar really scared the girls, because he rarely had such an emotional moment.

In the past, even if he was really angry, he would mostly ignore them as an expression instead of directly yelling.

This is Li Menglong's advantage, of course, it can also be said that it is his image burden!

He stubbornly believes that extroverted expression is a sign of cowardice, especially when the other side is a group of delicate girls, which is even more unacceptable.

But today he made an exception. It cannot be said that Yoona's prank is bad, but it can only be said that he did not give Li Menglong a little time to react.

How much he trusted Yoona before, how ridiculous it is now!

Lin Yuner spent so much money just to do this? Is this money to burn?

Of course, in theory, the one who gave the money is the boss, no matter what Yoona wants to do, Li Menglong must cooperate.

Or even if Yoona told Li Menglong all this in advance, he would probably agree to it, after all, Yoona is really willing to pay!

But Yoona chose a worse way, using deception to make Li Menglong ignore all the details until the truth came out.

Of course, Yoona doesn't think she is deceiving, she has been showing her acting skills all the time.

As for Li Menglong being deceived, it only means that her acting skills are superb enough, and Li Menglong should be happy.

Because they are about to have a cooperative project, Yoona's acting skills are the foundation of everything.

It is a blessing for Li Menglong to cooperate with such a deep actor, why should he get angry?

Yoona thinks that Li Menglong has not turned around yet, and he is now in a state of obsession, or feels embarrassed?

But no matter what, Yoona can't face him directly, because the acting performance is over, and the next step is to consider real life.

Once back to reality, Yoona can't stimulate him without a bottom line, and the consequences are not something she, Lin Yuner, can bear.

So what else is there to say? Yoona is hiding behind the girls at this moment, responding with silence without saying a word. She doesn't believe that these women will hand her over.

Once they do this, the subsequent impact will be far-reaching. Will there be trust in the team in the future?

According to common sense, Yoona's idea is not wrong. Helping each other is indeed a tradition in the girls' team and a consensus maintained by everyone.

But there is a limit to all this. The trouble Yoona is causing now is a bit big.

If Li Menglong deliberately targeted Yoona, it would be fine. Even if they don't know the process, they can just speak for Yoona against their conscience. They can do such a thing.

It's just that it didn't work this time. They watched the whole process, including the whole process of Yoona's defection.

Although they don't know what Yoona promised to Li Menglong before, considering Li Menglong's previous tough attitude, Yoona probably succeeded in deceiving Li Menglong's trust.

Combined with Yoona's smooth betrayal, to be honest, if they were in a different position, they would want to beat Yoona to death here.

Li Menglong only yelled at Yoona at this moment, which was already an extremely restrained state.

So what should they do now? Should they continue to mindlessly protect Yoona and bear Li Menglong's anger, or hand Yoona over in exchange for the possibility of staying out of it.

The girls are undoubtedly more inclined to the latter, after all, they were passive participants throughout the whole process without any subjective will.

In theory, this is a problem between Yoona and Li Menglong. They are just "props" to intensify the conflict. When have you ever heard that props have feelings and tendencies?

But they also have to save face. Once Yoona is handed over, this little girl may complain about them for a long time.

And complaining is fine, they also have to be responsible for making Yoona happy, which is quite a headache to think about, so what should they do?

The girls were caught in a dilemma, and Li Menglong had a relatively simple choice. He had to teach Lin Yuner a lesson today!

Otherwise, if this happens from time to time in the future, who can he trust? How should he get along with the other girls?

He didn't want to live in fear every day and think deeply about every word he said to them. In that case, he might as well quit.

Considering that he was satisfied with his current job and it was only Yuner who was naughty, he thought there was still a possibility of correction.

He even wanted to kill the chicken to scare the monkey, and let the other girls know that some jokes can't be made by punishing Yuner!

And to achieve this, he had to use thundering means to hit Yuner, so why was she still hiding?

Li Menglong didn't plan to go around in circles, and rushed up to the girls' obstruction. He didn't really think that his muscles were for nothing, right?

Although the girls were passively resisting, they were really limited in what they could do, not to mention that they were not without the intention of letting him go.

Since they can't make a choice, why not take both into account? That way, there will be no worries, right?

Even if Yoona asks them later, they have a reason to defend themselves: Didn't you see what Li Menglong looked like at that time? We were almost beaten to death by him. It's not that we didn't stop him, it's that Li Menglong was too abnormal!

As for the scene presented in reality, of course it was quite different from the words prepared by the girls.

What they meant by being beaten to death was that Li Menglong just waved his hand and they were blown away by his palm wind?

Li Menglong was a martial arts hero at this moment, and the girls were just minions to highlight his high martial arts skills.

Their specific state was that they would be injured if they touched them, and they would die if they were touched. Even if Li Menglong blew a breath, they would fly several meters away.

This kind of cooperation was undoubtedly exaggerated to a certain extent, but they didn't care and still insisted on rushing up.

Their weird state once successfully stopped Li Menglong's steps, because he was not sure about the mental state of these women. Could they be crazy?

Fighting with a group of lunatics was undoubtedly a high-risk action. The key point was that he was not crazy yet, he was normal!

Fortunately, he was still a director and could see the strong performance traces of these women.

To be precise, with their current exaggerated actions and words, ordinary people could see the problem, so he could continue to act.

Li Menglong soon stood in front of Yuner, while the women that Yuner had high hopes for were either lying on the ground in various miserable postures, "not knowing whether they were dead or alive", or leaning against the wall, "seriously injured and dying".

In short, apart from providing spiritual support, they had difficulty even moving a finger, and they really tried their best!

If it were possible, Yuner would naturally want to go over and expose their hypocritical faces, but the reality did not allow her to do so at all, as Li Menglong was staring at her with a fierce look.

In the past, Yuner could pat her chest and confidently guarantee that no matter how she angered Li Menglong, he would at least not really fight with them.

But now it was hard to say, Li Menglong's eyes were red, and that was not because he wanted to cry, but because he was completely angry.

Is it necessary to be so angry? It was just a joke she made, and the process might have exceeded his expectations, but he would have experience next time.

Yuner really wanted to calm Li Menglong's restless emotions, but she was really afraid that she would say the wrong thing.

If this continues to anger Li Menglong, will he slap her directly?

Let alone the possibility of being hurt by Li Menglong's angry blow, the other girls watching alone make it impossible for Yoona to accept this result.

So can we change to a more private space, and then Yoona can kneel down for him, give him a chance?

"Speak! You were very talkative before, why are you silent now?"

Li Menglong gritted his teeth and stretched out his hand. Does this mean he is not going to endure it anymore?

Seeing that Li Menglong was about to take action, Yoona was desperate. After all, she didn't have any good excuses now.

So she simply closed her eyes. It shouldn't hurt that much, right?

And she at least retained some of her image. Even if she was about to be beaten to death, she, Lin Yuner, didn't beg for mercy!

But the imagined pain did not come. Li Menglong was not really crazy. He was just simply angry.

Even at least half of the temper here is directed at himself. How could he be so easily deceived by Yoona? It's really wrong!

He is also constantly reflecting on it. At first glance, it may be a matter of money.

The same money may be regarded as a kind of promise in his eyes. After all, Yoona has given money. There is no point in lying or betraying. Isn't this just a waste of money?

Such a simple view is actually invalid when applied to Yoona!

As a top artist, Yoona obviously has her own unique understanding of money. The reason why she works hard to make money is not to allow herself to be more wanton in daily life.

Or because of the identity of an artist, they can make a huge amount of money while losing the channels for ordinary people's daily consumption.

To put it more bluntly, she made money but had no place to spend it!

In this case, as long as she is not wasting it deliberately, Yoona can indeed do a lot of incredible things.

Specifically, in the previous interaction between the two, it seems that Yoona wasted it in vain, but considering that the money went into Li Menglong's pocket, it can't be said to be a transfer from left hand to right hand, but it can't be regarded as a waste.

This is why Yoona finally turned against him, and it became the root cause of Li Menglong's deception!

After figuring this out, Li Menglong's resentment towards Yoona was not so great, after all, she was the boss who paid him.

However, Yoona's helpless look at the moment was too cooperative. If he didn't say something now, it seemed that he would be sorry for the atmosphere created by the two of them.

Besides, there were so many "audiences" watching on the side. The girls had cooperated before, and it was not good to leave now.

So Li Menglong had no choice but to take action, but the action was not so manic, but looked a little funny.

Li Menglong stretched out his index finger, and then poked Yoona's forehead hard. Every time he poked, he would scold Yoona: "Let you be naughty, let you cheat, let you lie..."

Although this action did not bring pain, the humiliation still existed, and Yoona was not a person without feelings.

Even if she didn't open her eyes now, she could clearly "see" the smiling faces of the women around her. Are they smiling too brightly?

Since Li Menglong is still rational, it means that they can communicate. Yoona's originally dead mind became active again.

She did not choose to apologize or persuade, such words are to be communicated later. In the current situation, if you want to change the status quo quickly, you still have to cut the Gordian knot.

And her previous methods have been proven to be useful, so it seems that it is not impossible to repeat it now?

Anyway, Lin Yuner has no room to continue to embarrass herself now, and she can confidently make any attempt: "One million! Stop it!"

Yuner muttered in a mosquito-like voice. If Li Menglong's hearing was not good, he would have thought that he had hallucinations.

But Yuner's continuous quotation finally made him understand that the little girl on the other side was indeed talking, and her methods were very familiar.

But did she have any misunderstandings?

Li Menglong did like money, and he could be bribed in daily life, but he was not stupid!

The past when he was deceived by Yuner with money was still vivid in his mind, and now this little girl wanted to use this trick again?

It can only be said that whoever would be fooled would have water in his brain... and Li Menglong shook his head, how could he vaguely hear the sound of water hitting?

It's not that Li Menglong has a problem with his thinking, it's just that Lin Yuner gave too much!

When Yuner shouted out 10 million, Li Menglong's movements had slowed down a lot, and when Yuner doubled it again, he began to swallow his saliva.

Because Yuner was closing her eyes, she didn't know Li Menglong's current state, so her idea was very simple now. As long as she didn't reach her preset bottom line, she would keep raising the price.

And the upper limit given by Yuner was her entire net worth!

This is certainly not that Yuner is crazy. She spent all her money for a so-called joke. Even a madman would not be so crazy.

The reason why she dared to do this is because she had the confidence to take the money back, or Li Menglong would not dare to really agree.

And what she could think of was also perceived by Li Menglong, so if Li Menglong was not stupid, he should take the initiative to stop within a certain range.

The specific number should be based on the money he can actually get. This is a test of his greed, so is he sure he wants to continue?

"That's enough, don't add any more!" Li Menglong's voice was getting hoarse. "I don't want that much, 10 million is enough, is this price not too much?"

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