The Rise of Korean Entertainment

Chapter 3411 Swallowing

It's impossible to give face to someone. Li Menglong worked so hard to cook the dinner, and they were planning to leave without eating even one bite?

Stop daydreaming here. Unless they can guarantee that they won't need Li Menglong to cook in the future, they'd better sit down honestly.

This threat was a real blow to the girls. How could they agree to such outrageous conditions?

As artists, their daily food choices were very limited. Once Li Menglong also went on strike, wouldn't they have to rely on "chef" Xu Xian?

This result was really too terrifying. In comparison, the food in front of me didn't seem that hard to swallow.

After all, these things in front of them have been eaten by themselves, and they are indeed healthy enough. It's just that they are a little unacceptable when paired together.

As the captain of the girls, Kim Taeyeon always takes the lead at times like this, and this moment is no exception.

I saw Kim Taeyeon carefully reaching out her hand, gently picking up a piece of vitamin and throwing it into her mouth. Not to mention, it tasted very good when chewed, and the taste was not unpleasant.

Even Kim Taeyeon had to spare no effort to identify it: "What I just ate should be vitamin C? What is this earthy yellow thing, calcium tablets?"

Now that Kim Taeyeon has taken action, the other girls can't stand to watch.

This is not because they were encouraged by Kim Taeyeon, but because the despair in their hearts drove them to give up on themselves.

Even Kim Taeyeon, as the captain, cannot resist the threat from the dark forces, so what qualifications do these little minions have to refuse?

Unexpectedly, Li Menglong was already watching from the side, and Xu Xian, the traitor, had been peeking at them from the corner of his eye.

These two people really suffered retribution, and the girls cursed them both from the bottom of their hearts!

However, how effective this kind of idealistic statement can be can be seen from them.

When it comes to the frequency of being cursed and cursed, how can Li Menglong and He De compare with them?

Although the girls have enough fans, it means that there are also many people who hate them. The resentment of these people has accumulated together. It stands to reason that they should have gone to another world long ago.

But aren't they still living well now, and their quality of life is even continuing to improve? Is this the effect of being cursed?

So instead of thinking about these useless things here, they might as well be more practical, such as turning over the table or something like that.

However, this idea has never appeared in their minds. Do they really think that Li Menglong's muscles are in vain?

As long as they dare to do this, Li Menglong can make them follow in the footsteps of the dining table with a backhand, so do you want to give it a try?

The girls proved their choice with practical actions, and they began to silently try the food on the plate!

However, their movements were quite "elegant". Some used chopsticks to dip the sauce bit by bit, while others used their fingers to rub the crumbs on the plate. The most popular thing was undoubtedly the vitamin tablets, which tasted really good.

Looking at the intact bread on the girls' plates, Li Menglong couldn't stand it anymore: "Why don't you eat bread? It's not high in calories, and you don't even put much oil in it!"

What Li Menglong said was too hypocritical. Do they still want to thank him?

Now the fishy smell can no longer be suppressed. If he puts in more, will there be anything left to eat?

But they really couldn't delay for too long, because they had almost eaten the rest of the side dishes, and the huge bread in front of them was the staple food.

"I'm not very hungry tonight, why don't I save it for tomorrow morning?" Li Shunkyu's excuse instantly ignited the enthusiasm of the girls, and they all gave their own reasons.

"I still want to eat, but I'm really too fat. I have to discipline myself!"

"I'm allergic to bread, you know that!"


It's okay to have an outrageous excuse, but if you can't even think of an excuse, why don't you take a big bite? Do you really think that Li Menglong’s kindness can be easily betrayed?

The unlucky guy who was chosen was Pani. The main reason was that she spoke too late. The excuses had already been used by the previous sisters. She couldn't think of anything before she was so anxious.

Pani is also honest. Although he is not willing to admit defeat, he still has to give Li Menglong an explanation.

So under everyone's gaze, Pani picked up the bread and took a big bite.

Pani didn't even think about chewing, she just wanted to swallow it quickly, but the more anxious she became, the more difficult it became, and she was choked.

She had already begun to roll her eyes, but the girls thought this was a sign of distaste. Did they want to see her die here?

In the end, Li Menglong couldn't stand it anymore and took the initiative to hand her a bottle of water, which saved Pani's life.

Pani, who came back to life, wanted to express her gratitude, but instead she subconsciously clapped her mouth. Why was the aftertaste in her mouth so weird?

Pani thought it was her fault for a while, but when she looked at the water in front of her, everything seemed to be clear.

Pani pointed to the bottle of emerald-green water and asked Li Menglong, are you sure this is drinkable? Why is there a rancid smell after fermentation?

"It shouldn't be, it's just some leftover scraps..."

Li Menglong pointed to the trash can in the kitchen and told Pani that if he didn't believe it, he could go look for it himself. There was really no unnecessary debris.

But the answer itself is already scary. Will these things be poisonous when mixed together? Otherwise, it would be inappropriate to wait for Pani to observe them for a night, otherwise they would suffer collective food poisoning.

Li Menglong's behavior can escalate to the level of attempted murder in an instant. Could it be that the company has plans to form a new girl group? No room for old people like them anymore?

If this is really the case, then we can have good communication and let everyone get together and relax. It doesn’t have to be so bloody and cruel!

Faced with the girls' moves to change the subject, Li Menglong remained unmoved. Anyway, whoever doesn't finish the food on the plate today shouldn't even think about leaving.

After realizing that Li Menglong no longer intended to be a human being, the girls began to despair. They had to accept this cruel reality and slowly picked up the bread that smelled of the sea tide.

In terms of raw material cost alone, this bread is indeed not cheap at all, but the price is not necessarily related to the taste, at least that is the case here in Li Menglong.

He can use some cheap food to make delicious dishes, and he can also make these things that are comparable to poison, it all depends on his mood.

Li Menglong's mood today is obviously not so sunny, so the girls' mood must also remain cloudy.

You must know that they are the ones who paid Li Menglong, why should they suffer such injustice? Doesn’t anyone dare to stand up and say something?

As long as one person takes the lead, everyone else will stand up to support him.

It's a pity that everyone thinks this way, so no one takes the lead to stand up. Is this sad?

The girls who recognized the fact began to chew in small mouths, but they soon discovered that Pani's method was more effective. Just swallow it directly, at least the stomach did not have the ability to sense the taste.

However, in order to prevent them from encountering the same problem as Pani, they prepared mineral water for themselves in advance.

As for the drinks carefully prepared by Li Menglong, they were excluded from the list of options because they were too high in calories.

At this moment, the girls took a mouthful of bread and a mouthful of water, and then frowned and swallowed, which made people feel distressed just watching.

However, Li Menglong and Xu Xian were unmoved. They had long passed the age of being deceived by girls' expressions.

Besides, the two of them are directors. This profession is really useful in life. At least Xu Xian is rarely deceived by them.

The girls also have a hard time saying this. In the past, they did not take it too easy to deceive Xu Xian. However, unlike now, they have to make a lot of preparations in advance, and they may not succeed in the end.

This is all because of Li Menglong. Did he have this kind of mentality when he trained Xu Xian?

Sure enough, once a man gets bad, he has nothing to do with women. Li Menglong is such a snake-hearted person!

While they were swallowing the bread, they glared at Li Menglong fiercely.

If Li Menglong avoids his gaze for even a second, they can spit out the food in their mouths.

In the end, Li Menglong was unmoved. Wouldn't he be shy? He was being stared at by several female artists at the same time!

Li Menglong's persistence succeeded in getting the girls to eat and drink enough, and each of them even burped. The scene looked quite interesting for a while.

But this is only Li Menglong's perspective. The girls are not so leisurely here. After all, the smell brought out by the hiccups is also full of fishy smell.

They urgently needed some normal food to balance the space in their stomachs. After rummaging around, they found only ice cream that barely met the criteria.

It's true that they didn't hide some snacks in secret, but if they ate them openly now, it would be a bit of a waste if they used them for "life-saving" purposes.

So just ice cream, the sweet taste won't deceive you.

But the portion of the ice cream is really too small. It may be a little bit too much for one person, but it is too rare for eight people to share.

The girls no longer care about so much. As long as they can suppress the taste in their mouths, they can eat anything.

It's just that this kind of scarce resource can easily cause conflicts. It's not appropriate for anyone to eat more or less. It can't be distributed according to age, right?

Fortunately, the girls have enough experience in dealing with this kind of problem, and they choose to use a knife to cut the ice cream evenly first.

It's a good idea, but did they ignore the hardness of the ice cream?

Just when the girls were at a loss what to do, Li Menglong said jokingly: "Just wait for a while, the ice cream can't always be so hard!"

This suggestion sounded very normal. Some of the girls almost nodded in agreement. As for who this person was, they themselves would not admit it.

Because anyone who wants to nod is probably mentally ill, and no matter how bad they are, their reaction speed will be a few beats slower.

However, Li Menglong is not alone here. Xu Xian responded at the right time: "That's not possible, the ice cream will melt, but simply drinking soup is also an option?"

The girls gritted their teeth and glared at the two people. Why were they so annoying? Don’t they have some basic consciousness?

Especially Xu Xian, that bastard Li Menglong has always been this persona, but Xu Xian is a good boy, so why did he become this disgusting person now? She needs to reflect on herself!

Also drinking soup, no serious person would drink ice cream soup. Even if they gnaw directly on it, there is no way the ice cream will melt. This is not a waste of natural resources.

How they were ultimately distributed is unknown, because the girls had the foresight to kick these two out.

"Am I being excluded by them? Oppa, you are responsible for this. It's all because of you!"

Xu Xian seemed to realize it, put down the book he had just picked up, and asked Li Menglong seriously.

Faced with this kind of accusation, Li Menglong just wanted to say that everyone is familiar with it, but don't blame him randomly. Why should he be responsible for this?

Originally, his generous admission was all, could Xu Xian really come to trouble him?

But what Xu Xian couldn't accept was that this man actually chose to shirk. Doesn't he feel that he needs to be responsible for this?

Putting aside everything else, just talking about this dinner, if Li Menglong hadn't done it intentionally, Xu Xian wouldn't have cooperated, which in turn made the girls resentful.

Faced with Xu Xian's example, Li Menglong also argued with reason: "If I don't make this dinner today, you will be responsible. Do you think there will be any essential difference between the food you make and what I just made?"

A rhetorical question that makes it difficult for Xu Xian to answer, because the actual situation is probably that there is no difference, or that Xu Xian's cooking is more unpalatable.

So it seems that Li Menglong has done something good? Does Xu Xian need to give him a certificate?

"Forget about the certificate. I am famous for doing good deeds without leaving a name. Just keep it in your mind and recite it silently several times after getting up every day. I will consider it as a receipt of your kindness!"

Li Menglong seemed to be vetoing Xu Xian's proposal, but the idea he gave seemed to be more extreme.

I have to think about him several times every day when I wake up. Is this the treatment that a living person should enjoy? He is not afraid of being thought of going to another world. This seems to be a curse, right?

In order to allow Li Menglong to live longer, Xu Xian immediately rejected his proposal and then gave a new explanation.

The two of them were competing in a battle of wits. Of course, it would not be wrong to say they were bickering and passing the time. After all, a group of people over there were still eating, and it was not appropriate for the two of them to do anything at the moment.

"Are you full? How about we both eat something?"

Li Menglong took the initiative and suggested, mainly because he was a little greedy when he saw those women eating, which was too inappropriate.

Xu Xian didn't refuse, but he was sure there was something normal to eat? Not those foods that even girls are unwilling to touch!

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