In the end, Li Menglong did not choose to wait foolishly. He was too passive, and there was a possibility of being discovered by them.

The thought of being seen by them in this dignified appearance made him feel ashamed.

To be precise, Li Menglong was not afraid of embarrassment, and these women would not miss the opportunity to laugh at him, which made him feel tired just thinking about it.

What else is there to say? We can only think of solutions from other aspects.

Considering his current penniless situation, the choices Li Menglong can make are extremely limited. It is just to find someone to pick him up. The key is who to find!

Without a mobile phone, it may mean that for ordinary people, there is no choice, because ordinary people can only remember one or two phone numbers at most.

But isn't Li Menglong's profession rather special? As an agent, he has to be extra careful in protecting his numbers, and he is also influenced by girls to a certain extent.

In short, in their mobile phones, either simple names are stored, or they are not stored at all and appear in the original form of phone numbers.

This method can effectively prevent subsequent troubles caused by the loss of the mobile phone. Although it seems a bit unnecessary, it may be effective at some point.

Just like Li Menglong now, he can recite dozens of phone calls silently, covering all the familiar relationships around him. This is the function!

So now he is stuck in a dilemma of choice, not knowing which one to choose.

So Li Menglong used the stupidest method and muttered all the numbers he could remember to make a selection.

But while reciting silently, Li Menglong discovered a rather strange number. Why did this set of numbers appear in his memory?

Li Menglong himself thought it was magical. It stands to reason that such a "one-time" number should be deleted in time. Is this the legendary fate?

Since numbers that shouldn't exist have appeared, this may be God's will. Li Menglong is too lazy to choose, so this is it!

I walked to the door and borrowed the security guard's cell phone. The process was relatively smooth, of course because of the reputation of the girls.

Celebrities like girls are the focus of attention in any community, and even Li Menglong can look familiar to them.

As for why he appeared like this, Li Menglong did not explain, but the people opposite could guess. Celebrity gossip is the best conversation material for ordinary people:

"They were probably kicked out. I've seen many people like this!"

"Who can't see it yet? The key is why he was kicked out. Could it be because he secretly..."

"Sure enough, rich people only play with flowers. They have such beautiful girlfriends and go out all day to have sex. Tsk tsk..."

Sure enough, from the perspective of ordinary men, eroticism is a topic that can never be escaped, and it is an enduring one.

As long as they can use some logic, they should know that the so-called conclusion they came to is nonsense.

Even if Li Menglong really cheated on him, he still foolishly rented a house in the same community? Don't you think this is exciting enough?

But he didn't think about clarifying it. Anyone who is an artist must see through this.

Part of the money they earn is to bear these rumors, and to put it more exaggeratedly, conscientious artists should periodically provide similar news for public entertainment.

The saying "entertainment stars" is really not a joke, and you must not raise yourself to the level of an artist just because you are too popular. That is making yourself unhappy.

And Li Menglong is quite open-minded in this regard. As long as you don't say this in front of him, anyone can discuss it how they want. Does it have anything to do with him?

He was more focused on the call at the moment: "I want to order fried chicken, hurry up, I'm still waiting to eat it, if it's not hot, I'll complain to you!"

If the voice hadn't sounded so familiar, the person on the other end of the phone would have already started cursing.

They were so rude when they first came out. They were just a shop for buying fried chicken and they didn't provide slave services. It was a big deal that they didn't do this business.

It’s just that it doesn’t seem to work this time, because this person’s complaint is definitely not just a lie, and even making up lies in front of the boss’s wife is a routine operation.

Maybe the boss lady won't be fooled, but she can't stand Li Menglong's continuous efforts, so if possible, it's better not to offend him easily.

Besides, Li Menglong's tone was more like a joke between friends. It's just that he was eating fried chicken at this time. Is he sure he wanted to give it away?

"I woke up early just to tease you? Hurry up and deliver it. I'm waiting at the gate of the community. It's me in pajamas. Don't admit it!"

Li Menglong's tone was unkind, and he didn't think there was anything wrong with his attitude.

You must know that when these people come to deliver a takeaway, the errand fees they get are terrifyingly high. Although it is not as exaggerated as a month's salary, it is enough to allow them to rest for a few days.

Of course, this money cannot be provided by the proprietress. If everyone pays according to this standard, then she will stop running this fried chicken restaurant.

In fact, the girls set the number, and they paid for the extra money.

The main reason for doing this is because their address is not within the delivery range of the store, but they want to eat the fried chicken in the store. What should they do?

So they activated their money-making abilities and reached a private agreement with the employees in the store.

The boss lady also knew about this, but on the premise of not delaying her own work, she turned a blind eye and stopped the people under her from making money. This was not her style.

And this is the reason that makes Li Menglong more impulsive now. If the girls don't pay, he can only bear the money himself.

His heart was bleeding when he thought that he not only had to pay for fried chicken, but also a large amount of extra errand fees.

The key is that he can't choose to default on the debt. He can defraud money from girls, but he must not get money from people below. This is a matter of principle.

So it's a wonder that Li Menglong, who had incurred a large amount of debt for no apparent reason, was in a good mood. He even looked at the security guards with unkind eyes.

Don't think that he doesn't know what the people across from him are muttering. We are all men. How can he not understand what these people think?

If you don’t want to listen to the gossip of artists, then Li Menglong will tell them and let them know the “truth” of this industry!

"Am I bragging? Why did I lie to you, and do I need to lie to you? Really, when I went in that day, there were hundreds of people inside, both men and women, without any clothes on..."

Li Menglong's saliva was flying at the moment. People who didn't know it thought he was telling stories here.

But it’s not too far off. It’s all nonsense anyway, and what he’s saying now is enough fantasy.

In fact, several security guards began to suspect that he was talking nonsense very early on, but they could not provide any evidence.

And Li Menglong always talks about similar words: What is my identity? Do you know the entertainment industry or do I? Why did I lie to you?

In the end, several security guards will have doubts about life. Otherwise, is it still too late to change careers and become artists?

Even if you are involved in related industries, just to experience the legendary conference without wearing clothes!

I believe that after today, there will be a few more rumors about the chaos in the entertainment industry, and the whistleblower will also swear that these are all first-hand sources, and there is absolutely no mistake. These are all said by big figures in the industry themselves. of!

Is Li Menglong a big shot? There is no doubt about this!

It's just that who said that big people can't lie to others? This is obviously a rumor. To be precise, the better you are at lying, the higher the chance of becoming a big shot.

But don't tell the other person this truth. It's not that Li Menglong wants to be a villain, but that he just fulfilled the responsibilities of an entertainment star.

Isn't it enough to proactively provide ordinary people with some conversation topics so that they can be happy about it for several days?

If you have to make the other party recognize the reality, that's not what an artist should do. Otherwise, who would chase stars?

It happened that the delivery person also came at this moment, but the way he arrived made Li Menglong quite dissatisfied: "Ah, I paid you such a high fee for running errands, why can't you just drive here?"

Faced with Li Menglong's groundless accusation, the deliveryman was speechless: "You asked me to deliver it faster. Two-wheeled ones are naturally faster than four-wheeled ones. Do you think I don't want to drive?"

Now it was Li Menglong's turn to have nothing to say, so he stopped short of admonishing him, forgetting to tell the other party that sending fried chicken was just a way of sending him, and that picking him up was the real mission.

But it was too late to say anything now, he didn't even have a choice, so he just had to endure it.

Instructing the other party to wait here for a while, Li Menglong planned to serve the fried chicken first, otherwise it would be a waste.

But the delivery person disagreed, and even Li Menglong couldn't pay extra.

Because coming here to deliver food was a private job, and the store was already short of manpower in the morning, he really couldn't stay out for too long.

Although Li Menglong's sworn assurance only took ten minutes, who would dare to believe what he said? Anyway, people who are familiar with him will have some doubts.

This attitude alarmed the security guards nearby because they believed what Li Menglong said!

Since this person was uncooperative, Li Menglong had no choice but to change his strategy, such as calling in the security guard on the side.

"We can't accept gifts from owners privately. There are regulations. I'm really sorry!"

Facing the security guard's rejection, the corners of Li Menglong's mouth kept twitching. The man opposite him was not good-looking, but he thought he was quite beautiful!

This was the takeaway that Li Menglong ordered at a high price. He was not willing to give it to these security guards. He planned to ask these people to deliver it to him.

However, in the face of Li Menglong's explanation, the security guard always felt that he was just being tough, and he probably couldn't let it go.

Fortunately, judging from the result, it can barely be considered a happy ending.

Li Menglong successfully got on the delivery motorcycle, and the piping hot fried chicken successfully arrived at the door of the girls' room under the escort of security guards.

Instead of rashly knocking on the door, or to be precise, he didn't even knock on the door. The security guard chose to put the fried chicken outside their door.

This was entirely Li Menglong's order. He had to protect the privacy of the girls. How could they come out to meet people without makeup?

Of course, these were all excuses. What Li Menglong was more afraid of was that a certain girl mistook the person outside the door for him. If another accident happened, it would be more of a loss than a gain.

As for the loss of taste and temperature of fried chicken, girls may not choose to eat it. Maybe he can continue to serve as a late-night snack when he comes back at night.

In short, Li Menglong has fulfilled his purpose. He has gone to the company without any worries, and the discussion among the girls has just begun.

The main reason was that they woke up a little late. When they saw the latest news on their phones, they almost immediately joined the queue of eating melons.

However, the news they received disappointed them. Li Menglong, this coward, actually ran away. Is he still a man?

In this case, you should choose to fight back strongly. At most, you can fight with Lee Sunkyu. He doesn't think he will lose, right?

It was obviously a stable situation, but it ended with him running away. He really disappointed everyone.

Fortunately, Lee Sunkyu still had follow-up actions. Although it was a pity that they didn't see the couple fighting, it seemed that seeing Kim Taeyeon being beaten up was enough to make them happy for a long time.

So everyone surrounded Kim Taeyeon's room again. Their captain looked quite miserable at the moment. The whole person was lying on the bed and wailing constantly. Was his leg broken?

This result was obviously beyond their acceptance. They were eager to know the truth of the matter.

Since there is no male creature in the house, why should they be polite? They immediately lifted the quilt on Kim Taeyeon's buttocks and then kept touching her lower body.

Originally, Kim Taeyeon wanted to win the sympathy of everyone. She didn't expect them to go to war with Lee Sunkyu because of this, but it would be okay to say a few fair words, right?

However, it seems that her strategy was too successful. The girls were not just full of sympathy. Did they want to hurt themselves again?

In the end, it was Seohyun's appearance that saved Kim Taeyeon and prevented her from being humiliated by these women.

But everything she had endured before had made Kim Taeyeon's eyes tearful. Of course, this was not all grievance. I don't know which bastard secretly tickled her soles. Is this a serious illness? Don't you doubt whether Kim Taeyeon has washed her feet?

In short, she has written down all of this. Don't give her a chance to heal her waist injury, otherwise she will retaliate one by one.

Especially Lee Sunkyu. It was Li Menglong who made her angry. It was her incompetence that she couldn't catch him. Why should she harm the innocent?

This kind of behavior of not being able to deal with outsiders and only being able to vent anger on one's own family is too hateful, and Kim Taeyeon despises it very much!

"What's that look in your eyes? Do you have any opinions about me? It's good that everyone is here, so you can just say whatever you want, and I will accept it as appropriate!"

Lee Sunkyu came out from the back and seemed to want to discuss further with Kim Taeyeon, so do they need to avoid suspicion? Or should they follow and receive some education?

They feel that they are eager to make progress! So give them a chance to make progress?

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