The Rise of Korean Entertainment

Chapter 3388 Special Treatment

The girls' enthusiasm for gossip did not last long, mainly because it was false news.

Even the source of this false news started from them. In this case, is there any need to continue the discussion?

If they had that time, they might as well continue to bully Yoona. At least it would be fun for the little girl to resist.

But they didn't bully Yoona for no reason, they wanted Yoona to learn a lesson.

And Yoona also knew this clearly. Her previous words and deeds were too Meng Lang.

Even if they themselves know it is a joke, it does not mean that their colleagues around them will think so.

Once everyone confirms the news, Yoona is really just waiting to cry. Will she still be in the mood to play with the girls?

Xu Xian was happy to see the good mood of the women behind him.

Although she still had difficulties to face here, she didn't expect the rest of the people to be in trouble with her.

Even though they have a relationship like biological sisters, sometimes they still have to take responsibility themselves. For example, Yoona's previous words and deeds naturally include the difficulties Seohyun is about to face.

Xu Xian thought of many countermeasures, including but not limited to giving Li Menglong a lot of money to calm Li Menglong's anger.

Many similar plans have been made. It's not that Xu Xian is too uneasy, it's just that she has so much time that she doesn't know what to do.

According to Xu Xian's original plan, Li Menglong should be back in two or three hours, and the girls were all awake at that time. This was an opportunity.

Although he didn't expect to ask the girls to help, Xu Xian would still feel relieved that he could get their help at any time.

As a result, when the time came, not even Li Menglong was seen. Was it because he was too involved in playing outside?

Xu Xian felt that this was not the case, because judging from the information revealed by Li Menglong before, he used to be a trash can.

What is the duty of a trash can? It is naturally to hold garbage. So how happy would Li Menglong be when he is full of garbage?

Xu Xian tried to introduce it simply, that is, replacing Liu Jae Suk with girls. As a result, she became depressed instantly.

Sure enough, this kind of thing is not something normal people can do. I believe Li Menglong would mostly resist.

If someone else came to invite someone else today, Li Menglong would most likely refuse. Any excuse he could find would be considered as giving him face.

But who would let Liu Zaishi face him? Li Menglong couldn't even leave early, let alone refuse.

Thinking that Li Menglong was in dire straits, Xu Xian's heart was lifted in the air again.

She was not only worried about Li Menglong, but also worried about her own situation.

You must know that she planned to apologize seriously to Li Menglong, but the other party was full of anger. What would Li Menglong do in this situation?

Didn't this make Xu Xian more difficult out of thin air? It made Xu Xian want to give up. After all, the timing was really not that suitable.

If only one thing could be changed, Xu Xian would not have any unnecessary hesitation at all, but everything that happened today was too special.

Xu Xian must resolve this matter completely tonight, otherwise she won't have to sleep. The price is too high, right?

In order to make Li Menglong's mood relatively relieved, Xu Xian decided to take the initiative, otherwise waiting at home all the time would be too much.

Considering the current time, there is a certain degree of risk in taking the initiative. At least Xu Xian cannot go out alone.

Although I don’t want to cause any trouble to the girls, it’s a special situation right now, so is anyone among them willing to help?

In order to show fairness, Xu Xian asked everyone. He thought there would be a fight, but the result was very different from Xu Xian's guess.

"Don't you want Ernie to go with me? We are going to pick up Li Menglong. He might be drunk now. Don't you care about him at all?"

Xu Xian widened his eyes and told Lee Soon Kyu in a questioning tone. It was really not that Xu Xian had a bad temper, it was really these women who went too far.

She has asked around, but no one is willing to act with her, and the reasons are all weird.

Some said they were too weak to move; others said it was too dark outside and they were afraid of ghosts;

The reason given by Kim Taeyeon was the most novel. She said that she had already washed herself. She went out for a while and then came back. Didn't she have to wash herself again? It was just a waste of energy and time. The key was that she was afraid of wasting water!

This reason is really invincible. What can Xu Xian say? Is it wrong for people to save precious fresh water resources?

So Xu Xian had no choice but to target Lee Soon Kyu. Her initial reason was that the game couldn't be stopped and she couldn't cheat her teammates.

But Xu Xian is now standing by, waiting for her game to end, and there is also a wave of moral kidnapping.

As Lee Mong-ryong's girlfriend, Lee Soon-gyu should really express his concern at this time.

The key is that if she doesn't go, she will turn into Seohyun to pick up the "drunk" Lee Menglong. Wouldn't this interaction make Lee Soonkyu uncomfortable?

But when faced with various reasons for Xu Xian to move out, Lee Soon Kyu's answer was extremely unified: I believe you!

Faced with this heavy trust, Xu Xian really couldn't afford it. Besides, it was trust. It was clearly Lee Soon Kyu who was being lazy!

The two sides were in a stalemate for a while. Seeing that Lee Soon Kyu remained unmoved, Xu Xian could only use his ultimate move.

Seohyun took out his cell phone and helped straighten Lee Soon Kyu's collar before filming, otherwise he would be suspected of being exposed.

But this thoughtful detail is not enough to warm Lee Soon Kyu's cold heart. It's just that this little girl Seohyun has gone too far. How can she openly record it?

Xu Xian's request at this moment is very simple. Lee Soon Kyu only needs to say what she said before to the camera again, and she will definitely leave without saying a word.

As for the follow-up, Li Menglong will definitely see this video. What will he think then?

Based on the relationship between the two of them, Li Menglong might not think too much, but what if he takes it seriously?

Even though Li Menglong is usually very talkative, it's all because he hasn't touched his bottom line!

So do you want to take a gamble? Lee Soon Kyu is 80% sure that he can get through it safely, but what if he is unlucky and hits the 20%?

Thinking of the possible troubles in the future, Li Shunkyu felt that it was not unacceptable to go out for a walk. Quan thought he was going on a date with Xu Xian. Many people have not had this opportunity.

After making the decision, Lee Soon Kyu's expression immediately brightened a lot, and relying on her years of experience in front of the camera, she tilted her body to the side.

In this way, the camera can better record her expression, which will be used as subsequent evidence: "What? Li Menglong is drunk. How is this possible? You go drive immediately, maknae, we must go and pick him up." …”

Faced with Lee Soon Kyu's sudden arrangement, Seohyun was dumbfounded. Could these be the two faces of the legendary artist in front of the camera?

Seohyun herself is an artist, and the sisters around her are also big stars, so she actually recognizes this.

There are many things that cannot be said in front of the camera, and there is indeed a certain side of an artist that is not suitable to be revealed in front of the camera.

But she has a mobile phone in her hand. What kind of shot is this? Is it worth Lee Soon Kyu's face change here?

The most important thing is that she didn't turn on the camera at all. She was just scaring Lee Soon Kyu before, but she didn't expect the effect to be so good.

In this case, she could only pretend to be pretentious to the end. She stretched out her fingers and clicked randomly on the screen of her phone, and then put away her phone with great care.

"Why did you put it away? Show it to me. How was my performance just now? Will Li Menglong be moved to tears after seeing it?"

Lee Soon Kyu desperately needs recognition from the "director", this is all about his acting skills.

Seohyun, on the other hand, could only praise without conscience. As for Lee Soon Kyu's request to watch, he was naturally rejected ruthlessly. This is not the right that an actor should have!

Li Soonkyu reluctantly agreed to this statement. She was now preparing to leave: "By the way, do you know the address? If it's a long way, I'll wear more clothes."

Facing Lee Soon Kyu's inquiry, Xu Xian just helped her choose a windbreaker jacket. She would not tell Lee Soon Kyu the truth. In fact, she knew nothing!

The only information Xu Xian knew was that Li Menglong and Liu Zaishi were eating, which seemed useless. It was impossible to find the two of them using this information.

But we have to take into account the identities of these two people, especially Liu Zaishi. His popularity is not lower than that of the girls.

Seohyun usually gets recognized by various people when he goes out to eat. There is no reason why Yoo Jae Suk can't meet his fans.

The only thing she needs to worry about is whether any fans are willing to post the photos, so now she has to go online to find the corresponding information.

Lee Soon Kyu, who didn't know he had been deceived, sat down in the passenger seat, but Xu Xian didn't want to drive, and she still had to check the location.

So Xu Xian simply sat in the back row, which made Lee Soon Kyu couldn't help but remind him: "It seems there are only two of us, right? Could it be that you hired a driver in advance?"

Xu Xian heard the subtext hidden in these words, but she did not choose to talk because she really had a reason not to drive.

Fortunately, Lee Soon Kyu didn't take things too seriously and he had to pamper his maknae appropriately.

After some not-so-complicated twists and turns, Li Shunkyu has tightened her grip on the steering wheel, so where should she drive now?

"You drive first, I'm watching the road and I won't let you go wrong." Xu Xian replied without raising his head.

This answer was too perfunctory. It made Xu Xian look like an old driver. She didn't seem to know the way very well.

Combined with the scene where the little girl refused to drive, Lee Soon Kyu finally realized something was wrong, so what on earth was Seohyun hiding?

Xu Xian is really planning to show off his cards. At least he surrenders on his own initiative. He should be treated leniently, right?

But it was such a coincidence that Xu Xian found the specific location in such a short period of time. She found it incredible.

However, the so-called luck cannot escape the accumulation of daily life, and Xu Xian's so-called coincidences also come from her past actions.

The forum Xu Xian was looking for at the moment was Liu Jae Suk's paid forum, the kind where membership fees had to be paid every year.

Although the amount is not very large, for those who are chasing stars, mandatory charges do cause dissatisfaction.

Therefore, fans in such forums tend to be relatively fanatical, and can barely be regarded as die-hard fans.

Once someone is labeled as such, the management in the forum will be correspondingly strict, and they must be able to live up to the title.

Therefore, if you want to dive in the forum for a long time, you must not only pay money, but also make corresponding contributions.

This is not a mandatory requirement, at least it is quite free in scope.

The way Xu Xianda contributes is very simple. He just "sneaks" a few photos when he meets Liu Jae Suk occasionally.

Although it is not difficult for her, Seohyun seems to have no reason to stay here. Is it possible that she really admires Yoo Jae Suk?

If this is the reason, then Seohyun has many opportunities to have close contact with Yoo Jae Suk, without having to communicate with his fans through a screen.

It can only be said that Xu Xian made a lot of seemingly useless preparations. It is possible that even she herself does not remember the reasons, but the power of inertia made her persevere, and now it is time to reap the rewards!

"I sent you the location. Did you receive it, Ouni? Drive quickly after receiving it. If Li Menglong leaves first, our trip will be in vain."

Xu Xian's urging was quite timely. If it had been a few seconds later, Lee Soon Kyu might have pounced on him.

But now, even though she was full of doubts, she could only drive honestly and see if she could get something out of Xu Xian's mouth on the road.

The two of them could be considered a battle of wits and courage along the way. Most of the process was nothing more than Lee Soon Kyu's deliberate innuendo, while Seohyun kept doing Tai Chi and pretending to be confused.

For a time, the two of them could be regarded as opponents and good talents, and they barely managed a draw!

However, judging from the original goal, it should be regarded as a small defeat for Lee Soon Kyu, but she didn't find out anything in the end.

Standing at the door of the restaurant, Li Shunkyu made a final test: "Have you already contacted me? Then go in. What are you doing standing here?"

Faced with Lee Soon Kyu's urging, Xu Xian seemed unusually calm.

She was forced to do this. Although she got the information from fans, she had no way to confirm it.

In other words, there is a high probability that she will be deceived. It would be fine if it was just her, but there would be Lee Soon Kyu with her.

If the two of them can't find anyone when they go in, then they really can't be deceived. How will Lee Soon Kyu treat a liar?

Xu Xian did not speculate, after all, the consequences would not be pleasant no matter how he thought about it.

So she preferred to go in and ask first, while Lee Soon Kyu waited outside for a while. What about this suggestion?

"No, as your sister, I am responsible for your safety. What if something happens to you after you go in?"

The reason given by Lee Soon Kyu was very far-fetched. It wasn't that she couldn't think of a more suitable excuse, it was just that she didn't care. After all, Xu Xian should understand what she meant, right?

"Lead the way... hurry up..."

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