The Rise of Korean Entertainment

Chapter 3386: Concern leads to chaos

Xu Xian looked at her mobile phone for a long time. Although there was no missed call, she still saw someone's faint call.

But Xu Xian doesn't know how to face it. She just hopes that the time on her mobile phone will be wrong, but the possibility of this is pitifully small.

Besides, there are so many people around. Xu Xian can definitely confirm each other. Is it possible that all the times are inaccurate?

After realizing that he could no longer paralyze himself, the first thing Xu Xian recognized was time.

The reality was not the worst. At least she didn't sleep until get off work, which would have been too dramatic.

But the current time is still not so friendly to her. There is no need to think about lunch. The appearance of the girls means that the lunch break has long passed.

The current time is exactly three o'clock in the afternoon, a rather embarrassing time!

According to Xu Xian's original plan, it was definitely too late to apologize, but it was not appropriate to pretend that he didn't know anything. After all, there were still three full hours before get off work.

There's no way she can go back and sleep in her cage again, right? Not to mention whether she can accept this, just whether she can sleep is a question.

Moreover, the harassment from the girls has not stopped. After all, Xu Xian's previous reaction was too weird. Even if it was for concern, they had to figure out the whole story.

However, since Xu Xian was not going to speak, the guesses they could make were very limited.

They did ask about Xu Xian's whereabouts when they came to work in the afternoon. After all, the little girl didn't come out to greet them immediately. This is not the arrogance that a maknae should have.

The explanation given by Li Menglong was that Xu Xian went out to work in the field, a reason that seemed reasonable but was actually full of absurdity.

The girls were all doubting themselves. Why did they believe Li Menglong's lies? Why didn't they have any doubts at all?

There is nothing wrong with running in the field, but Xu Xian can't explain it alone. Why isn't Li Menglong with him?

Of course, if the girls asked, Li Menglong would probably give other reasons, but this was not the reason for their credulity.

In the final analysis, they felt that Xu Xian's absence was not important. Maybe the little girl was avoiding them on purpose. This was also a reason.

Now it was time for them to pay for their rash behavior. They once thought they would have a headache, but this was not going to work.

So while Xu Xian was still in a daze, they secretly sent a few people downstairs to ask for details.

As for the target to be questioned, besides Li Menglong, are there any other candidates?

Li Menglong frowned at the actions of these girls blocking the door and calling for help.

Normally, they respect themselves at work, at least they won't disturb his work so blatantly.

So something unexpected happened today, and they couldn't help but break the rules they had set.

No matter what, Li Menglong couldn't pretend that he couldn't see it, so he could only follow helplessly: "Speak quickly if you want to say anything, my time is limited!"

The girls hadn't spoken yet, but they were put under pressure by Li Menglong. Did he want to block their mouths with this attitude?

If it was just their own private matter, they might be really scared at this moment.

But now they are doing it for Xu Xian, in order to seek justice for their maknae, and they really don't mind doing things that even they think are crazy.

"Then you'd better not use lies to excuse us, the opportunity is in your hands!" Kim Taeyeon first threatened, and then asked: "What's going on with the maknae? Are you bullying her again?" Already?"

It was okay not to mention Xu Xian. Li Menglong had almost forgotten about it, but now, those remaining memories began to attack him severely again.

"Did Xiaoxian ask you to come here and ask? No, she shouldn't be so thick-skinned yet. So it's your spontaneous action?"

Li Menglong made his own inferences, and based on his understanding of everyone, he quickly discerned the inner truth.

Since these girls don't know anything yet, there is no need for the two parties to continue talking: "If you have any questions, just ask Xu Xian, I have no comment here!"

After leaving these rather cold words in response, Li Menglong turned around and left coolly, so fast that the girls' remaining hands only grasped a ball of air.

Judging from this speed alone, Li Menglong should not feel any guilt at all. So this time it is all Xu Xian's fault?

Although it is not impossible, Kim Taeyeon and others really can't believe that their maknae has finally grown up?

They did not believe Li Menglong's words. After all, this man had been with them for so long, and his acting skills were more or less stolen from him. What if they were deceived by him?

It didn't matter if he didn't answer the question directly. There were so many people on the second floor, so I couldn't believe that no one else knew what was going on.

However, they were not so impulsive this time. If they went to block the door again, Li Menglong might just call the security guards to chase them away.

Kim Taeyeon couldn't help but shudder at the thought of being dragged out by her own security guard in her own company. The scene was too "wonderful".

So they need to use relatively gentle methods, such as squatting at a distance!

There are more than a dozen people in the office, and someone will always need to go to the bathroom. This is their chance!

After stopping several people, they finally reluctantly learned what happened.

But what should I say? In the narrations of these people, Li Menglong is simply a bastard who is angry with both humans and gods. He is the kind of person who would not be unjust if he was struck to death by lightning on the spot.

It's just that Kim Taeyeon and others still understand him. Although he does have hateful parts, it's not to this extent, right?

Especially the person standing opposite Li Menglong is Xu Xian, which restricts his performance even more. So is there any misunderstanding here?

They urgently need to hear the other side's account, but Li Menglong no longer intends to cooperate, and the rest of the people at the scene seem to be on Xu Xian's side, so they still want to ask Xu Xian now?

The problem is back to the original point, so wouldn't it be pointless for them to come down here?

But Kim Taeyeon doesn't think so, because the information she got has its own uses, such as deceiving the truth from Xu Xian's mouth.

"It's just about drinking. What's the big deal? Be good and don't take it seriously!"

Kim Taeyeon's unusually vague advice really misunderstood Xu Xian. The little girl's eyes were full of guilt at the moment. She didn't expect that she was so ridiculous. These sisters were still willing to forgive and accept her. Now she just wanted to throw herself into their arms and cry bitterly. The field.

So after Xu Xian's self-narration, they finally knew the whole incident, and everyone's expressions were quite strange.

They really didn't expect that their maknae would be so brave and come to work so early in the morning with a hangover.

To be precise, using a hangover to describe it is not very accurate, because Xu Xian drank wine in the morning and came to work immediately. This should be regarded as committing a crime against the wind?

In short, Xu Xian actually did something like this that they didn't even dare to dream about in reality.

Everything can be explained now, whether it's Xu Xian's so-called "field service", Li Menglong's ugly face, or even the other people's intentional protection.

The colleagues on the second floor all have eyes and they can see what is going on, but this does not affect them from still covering for Xu Xian.

After all, is there anything wrong with fans defending their idols? And this kind of maintenance often does not pay attention to any logic and reason!

Of course, their worship of Xu Xian was not that devout. Part of the reason why they helped Xu Xian was to make Li Menglong feel defeated.

In short, as things have developed so far, the most embarrassing thing is Xu Xian. He was obviously the one who made a mistake, but in the end he didn't get any punishment, but he became a hero?

Ordinary people might still snicker in their hearts, but this is Xu Xian, how could the little girl pass this test in her heart.

She is indeed apologetic now, and she does want to apologize, but she missed the best time.

After Xu Xian's intermittent self-analysis, the girls also understood the little girl's thoughts, and even knew that Xu Xian was waiting for them to give them a solution to the problem.

But what can they do? The same thing is equally difficult for them.

But there is one thing that may be different. If it were them who came here, they would probably drink more and sleep until get off work, so they don't seem to have to worry about it?

But how do you say this to encourage Xu Xian to drink more?

Li Menglong has proven with actual actions how absurd this move is, and they don't want to follow in his footsteps.

It seems that Li Menglong is not unjust. Even if he did not persuade him to drink, did he not acquiesce in Xu Xian's behavior of drinking?

He was watching from the sidelines at that time. He didn't even say a word of persuasion. Why should he put all the responsibility on Xu Xian now?

Besides, he was Xu Xian's leader at work. He took his female subordinate out to drink and "drank" her until she was drunk. What was he thinking?

The leader was sitting aside, and Xu Xian couldn't help but drink!

As the girls discussed, the whole thing seemed to begin to slide to the other extreme.

Of course, they dared to talk about this in private, and it was also to make Xu Xian not feel so guilty. Don't they know that they were using strong words?

Xu Xian said she was a subordinate, but who could force her to do something she didn't want to do, Li Menglong?

Why does he have this ability? Girls are not good at it. How many hammers does Li Menglong have?

Fortunately, this method does work. Xu Xian has been freed from the mood of self-pity. She wants to speak for Li Menglong.

Even in private discussions, Xu Xian felt that she needed to respect the basic facts, otherwise she would not be able to convince herself.

But in this way, the position of the girls is more embarrassing, making them seem to be nosy, but they are not so idle.

Fortunately, they have achieved their original goal. They made Xu Xian "alive" again.

As long as Xu Xian is willing to take action, no matter what choice she makes, the girls will choose to support her, so what is she waiting for?

Xu Xian was naturally waiting for the opportunity. No matter what, he shouldn't go down now, especially after hearing what the girls did before.

Even though he knew that everything they did was out of concern for her, Xu Xian still felt that they were causing trouble.

The relationship between her and Li Menglong was obviously very tense, but they still wanted to make it worse. Was it because they were afraid that the two of them wouldn't be able to fight?

However, there should be no possibility of such an extreme situation happening, or in other words, Xu Xian at least at this moment sincerely expected Li Menglong to hit her twice.

In this way, she didn't have to think hard about how to apologize. If Li Menglong felt that it was not enough to relieve his anger, he could just hit him a few more times.

But how could Li Menglong do this? Xu Xian still knew her position in Li Menglong's mind. Although it was inappropriate for her to say so, she was indeed Li Menglong's weakness.

Li Menglong didn't usually say he was obedient to her, but he rarely interfered with her roughly, let alone touched her.

It seems that Xu Xian still has to rely on himself, or else will he kneel down to Li Menglong when they meet? Will this man be moved by this?

"What are you thinking, maknae? You're not going to kneel down, are you?" Yoona came back at some point, and she is still making sarcastic comments: "I've used this trick a long time ago, and it didn't work very well, so I'd better think of something else." Way to do it."

Yoona acts as a senior and advises Xu Xian, but all she can provide are experiences of failure. However, what Xu Xian can think of is really hit by Yoona.

This is not surprising, after all, Yoona has much more experience in this area than Seohyun.

And the two of them live together, so most of Xu Xian's relevant experience was learned from Yoona. In this case, what new ideas can she come up with?

Seeing that there was no useful advice from this group of women, Xu Xian decisively chose to leave. She would rather think quietly alone, so that there was at least some possibility of success.

It's just that this kind of situation that makes all the girls feel troublesome can't be solved by Xu Xian.

She sat in the next room for a full hour, and a lot of hair fell on the floor. She really felt that she could not continue to be entangled like this.

Even though Seohyun's hair is quite healthy, she can't withstand such consumption.

Besides, this kind of thing is not something she can figure out on her own. If she has this time, she might as well go down and confront Li Menglong head-on, and simply let the other party make the request.

No matter how much money Li Menglong asks for, Xu Xian will get it for him even if he loses everything. This is Xu Xian's determination!

This is the most reliable result that Xu Xian can think of. Now she is planning to go over and let Li Menglong blackmail her. This feels quite weird.

It was just that she was determined enough, but when Xu Xian really stood at the door, she took several steps back with a look on her face. She was a little scared...

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