The Rise of Korean Entertainment

Chapter 3370 Extraordinary moves

Yoona clearly knew the rules of the game, but she just couldn't control herself. After all, they had danced this dance countless times and it was already engraved in their bones.

Now asking her to temporarily change the corresponding actions, isn't this embarrassing her, she even feels that she may lose.

This is a result that Yoona cannot accept. If she loses to Li Menglong again in her own songs, she might as well die here. How can she still have the dignity to live?

Li Menglong didn't mind stepping forward to "humiliate" Yoona, but considering that his own strength was only that much, he might not be as good as Yoona if he went up.

After all, Yoona just couldn't keep up with the rhythm of the game, but her own dancing was still quite moving, and Li Menglong was more willing to admire it from the sidelines.

However, this tacit understanding did not last long, because the off-site assistance that Yoona called for had already arrived.

Considering that the distance was not very far, the speed at which the girls appeared was understandable, but it was still a little too fast.

Li Menglong seriously suspected that there were personal factors driving this. For example, someone who was particularly interested in games urged everyone to get up immediately after hearing the news. She was not willing to wait for a moment longer.

This was also confirmed by Li Soonkyu's current gaze. This woman's eyes simply wanted to swallow these machines.

If she likes it so much, why would she want to open an entertainment company? Wouldn't it be more in line with her preferences to open a video game mall?

But this is because Li Menglong thought too rashly. It is not easy for Li Shunkyu to make some money. Such a large investment must be cautious.

Investing in entertainment companies, on the one hand, is influenced by personal factors, and on the other hand, she is really familiar with this industry, which has certain advantages.

Even if he doesn't know exactly how to succeed, Lee Soon Kyu is at least confident that he won't be cheated. This is the key point.

As for the video arcade, she knew it was unreliable as soon as she heard it. She didn't even know the purchase price of the specific machine. What if she was deceived?

Besides, it's okay to come to this kind of place occasionally. Don't turn your hobby into work, otherwise it will make everyone depressed.

There was no time to think about these complicated issues. Li Shunkyu was like a wild horse running wild, and he had already started running wildly.

The few people who came with him were not that interested, so they immediately looked for Yoona. They did not forget their purpose of coming here. They were here to save people.

But when they came together, they felt that her presence was a bit unnecessary. Yoona was obviously having a lot of fun. Is she sure she wasn't here to show off?

Considering the little girl's character and courage, the girls ruled out the idea. They could only say that Yoona might have changed her mind midway.

As for why this happened, you have to ask Li Menglong, how did he make Yoona happy?

Although they all have corresponding abilities, they should communicate more. What if Li Menglong's technique is more advanced than theirs?

Considering that there will definitely be times when Yoona will be angered in the future, I plan ahead and learn how to do it, and I won’t suffer any loss!

Li Menglong sneered at these women's humbly asking for advice!

Can this method be handed over to them? No matter how bad it is, it's impossible to teach in vain. Don't they know what exchange is?

Yoona didn't know that these people were discussing such a dark topic. Her face was now extremely rosy and covered with sweat beads, which made her look even more alert.

Not to mention Li Menglong, YoonA looked like this. Even the girls who spent time with him couldn't handle it. A group of women immediately surrounded him, not saying anything, but taking advantage of him carelessly.

Li Menglong is so envious. He also wants to help, but will he be beaten?

Since these women don't welcome him, then Li Menglong will go find someone who does. He doesn't believe that no one needs him.

Sure enough, at this time, you have to look at "your own people". Lee Soon Kyu started waving to him from a long distance, with a strong sense of welcome.

Li Menglong originally planned to be reserved for a while, but Li Shunkyu simply ran over and pulled him over: "What are you doing there? Come here and play video games with me. Playing on the computer is too boring."

Sure enough, Li Shunkyu's thoughts were not so pure. Fortunately, being needed by others was considered a kind of happiness. Li Menglong could only comfort himself in this way.

And he had to be lucky that all Li Soonkyu liked was games. Otherwise, if he changed his hobbies to boxing, jujitsu, etc., he wouldn't be getting beaten on the screen now.

However, one advantage of playing games with Lee Soon Kyu is that you don't have to worry about the other person's emotions and then consider actions such as letting off steam.

Li Menglong was already jealous, but if he couldn't beat him, he couldn't beat her. This woman's skills in the game were frightening.

Although she clearly has such a high talent, she doesn't consider going to the professional arena to kill people, but she has to stay in a small place like this and bully ordinary people. Doesn't she feel aggrieved?

"I'm not as powerful as you say. My skills are only a little bit better than those of ordinary people. In front of other great gods, I'm just a little brother!"

Li Soonkyu was afraid that Li Menglong would not understand, so he continued to give examples: "My level is similar to that of a trainee who has been practicing for several years. Although I am better at singing and dancing than ordinary people, why can't I debut? It's not because I am not good enough!"

Li Menglong didn't know if he should praise him for his clear self-positioning, but couldn't it be understood that Li Menglong's level was not as good as that of ordinary people?

I always felt that this woman was taking the opportunity to mock him, but considering that Li Shungui had this intention, there was no need to hide it. Even if he pointed at his nose and cursed, what else could Li Menglong dare to say?

It didn't seem like a deliberate act. Li Menglong could only bury this suspicion in his heart and think about how to defeat her in the game.

And Li Menglong really found out the possibility of winning. He couldn't do it by simply competing on game skills. This is not an ability that can be improved in a short time.

But he can act outside the rules. The two of them are sitting side by side. Isn't this an opportunity?

So at the critical moment when the two people were fighting, something suddenly happened to the chair under Li Menglong's butt, causing him to fall sideways.

There were obviously two directions to choose from, but Li Menglong fell to Li Shunkyu's side without any surprise.

This choice is not surprising at all. Why experience how cold the floor is when you have a beautiful woman to rely on?

And Li Menglong's "Savage Crash" move also successfully knocked Li Sungyu sideways. When she sat upright again, Li Menglong had already beaten her character to death with a set of combos.

This despicable behavior is simply challenging Lee Soon Kyu's bottom line. How dare he do this? Is he blatantly bullying?

After realizing that Li Soonkyu might take action, Li Menglong immediately jumped up. Of course, he didn't want to play a chasing game with Lee Soonkyu here. The impact would be bad.

He just needs to calm down Li Shunkyu now, for example, remind her that this is a public place and she has to take care of her own image.

This kind of threat is undoubtedly a fatal blow to artists, and even Yoona and the others have to take this into consideration.

But Lee Soon Kyu obviously has certain privileges. Firstly, her current status and popularity are gradually stabilized, and it seems that she can live a little more willfully. Secondly, the person she is chasing is Lee Menglong. Will there be any scandals between the two of them?

At most, it's news like a change of heart, but let's not talk about the situation. Even if it is other than this kind of report, the company has the ability to suppress it.

However, considering the money and favors it would cost, the company would probably consider issuing a statement and then letting the news spread.

After all, the worst result is that Lee Soon Kyu's popularity will be damaged, which will in turn affect her personal activities.

But even if her popularity is relatively healthy now, doesn't she have a lot of personal activities?

So if you don’t spend money on this kind of thing, Lee Soon Kyu is making money. There should be no problem with this logic, right?

Li Menglong saw that his little moves didn't work. Now he really had no choice but to run. However, he didn't run around blindly. He still had a goal.

When Lee Soon Kyu was panting and saw Li Menglong stop, he also saw the other girls gathered around.

Now she has no choice. She can ignore her own image, but she has to consider the image of her sisters.

If the image of the group as a whole is damaged because of her impulsiveness, then Lee Soon Kyu will really be the sinner.

But Lee Soon Kyu can think about his sisters, so Yoona and the others cannot ignore Lee Soon Kyu's feelings.

As a result, Li Menglong was tightly grasped by them, and these women immediately extended an invitation to Li Shunkyu: "What are you waiting for? Come over quickly and take action!"

Feeling the sincerity of the sisters, Li Shunkyu is not such a forward-thinking woman. The longer she delays, the more dangerous she becomes. It is better to cut the knot with a quick knife!

As a result, Li Menglong was miserable. He was beaten openly by these women for a long time. Even though he didn't use much strength, he couldn't stand the humiliation.

And all of this was photographed by a few passers-by. What should we do now? They have caused such a big trouble, there must be a solution, right?

In fact, the girls are still a little panicked at the moment. Although they know that there won't be any big news, this is not their character after all.

But why can Li Menglong completely shirk the responsibility? Isn't he responsible for this matter?

Besides, even if it's their full responsibility, as their manager, shouldn't he come to deal with the aftermath after the artist causes trouble?

After hearing this conclusion, Li Menglong was dumbfounded. He was really shocked by the shamelessness of these women.

Taking into account the trouble they caused, it was he, Li Menglong, who ultimately had to bear the responsibility?

The key is that there is nothing wrong with this logic. This is indeed the duty he should perform as an agent, but I always feel that they are bullying people.

There was no time to distinguish with these women, so Li Menglong was forced to come up and discuss it first. What if the passers-by were easier to talk to?

It is said that this kind of situation really tests the agent's professional ability. If you go up and threaten the other party to delete the photos and then bring out the legal provisions, this is also a way of working.

However, this method is too "domineering" and does not suit Li Menglong's personality. He is still willing to focus on discussion, supplemented by some exchanges of interests.

This move has been successful so far. The main reason is that the popularity of the girls is here, which can make the other party feel a lot of sincerity.

Signing, taking photos, and additional instructions almost solve the above-mentioned troubles.

"You didn't ask the other party to delete the photo in the end. Is this really okay?" The girls were still worried because it was their willfulness that caused the trouble.

But Li Menglong was very calm: "Didn't I promise not to take it out? Can there be more trust between people?"

After listening to Li Menglong's lesson, the girls were unconvinced. They even expected someone to sell the photo to the media, but they wanted to see what Li Menglong would look like.

But Li Menglong really doesn't care much, because the worst outcome is within his tolerance, so no matter what choice the other party makes, he can accept it.

This kind of confidence is something that girls do not have, because both parties are in different positions and have different resources, so it is difficult for them to see Li Menglong's perspective.

Correspondingly, it is difficult for Li Menglong to understand the worries of the girls, but he can choose to comfort her again: "Don't worry, I will ask Xu Xian to keep an eye on her later, and I promise to find her as soon as the news comes out." People blockade!”

The comforting effect was so obvious that after the girls were stunned for a few seconds, they almost jumped up to fight with him again!

He still wants to tell Xu Xian the news? Are you afraid that they will have it too easy?

They couldn't imagine Xu Xian's attitude after learning the news. He would probably be furious, right?

The youngest maknae in the team is working hard, but these sisters not only skipped work during working hours, but also caused such a big trouble. Don't they know how to lose face?

As the girls continue to struggle with Li Menglong on this issue, it seems that no one has mentioned their previous worries. So this is Li Menglong's method of comfort?

Using a new question to cover the previous question can only be said to be two bottles of poison, but the girls chose to drink them all?

When approaching the company, these women were still telling Li Menglong that if he dared to reveal the news to Xu Xian, he would really get blood!

The threats from the girls have almost risen to the level of life and death, but that's just what happened to Li Menglong's ears.

After all, this is not the first time that the so-called "death threat" has appeared. Isn't he still alive and well?

So can they come up with something new? Instead of using this old-fashioned threat, why not consider the possibility of inducement like Li Menglong?

As long as they can give a figure that satisfies Li Menglong, not to mention keeping it secret, even if they ask him to make up a lie, he can make it extremely true, so should they give it a try?

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