The Rise of Korean Entertainment

Chapter 3366 Another voice

As Yoona revealed herself in person, the atmosphere at the scene became much more lively.

After all, although Li Menglong is considered an insider who knows a lot of inside information, Yoona is the person involved.

First-hand news and second-hand news are completely two extremes. There is no doubt which one is more interesting to everyone.

But did they trust Yoona too much?

They are also breaking the news. They think that Li Menglong is just talking nonsense. His identity really does not allow him to say too much.

But why do they think Yoona is telling the truth?

As a manager, Li Menglong didn't dare to talk about the same topic, but as an artist, Yoona was able to talk freely?

It can only be said that these people have a filter for Yoona. This is really not good. Can they think independently?

But this is what makes it difficult for Li Menglong to force others. What everyone hears is just a joy, so why should we go into the truth and falsehood?

To be precise, the entire entertainment industry is based on countless lies. He doesn't naively think that fans will believe every piece of news from the media, right?

It's all entertainment anyway. As long as you feel happy and worthy, it doesn't matter whether the news is true or false.

Although Yoona may not think so much, she also has a personality that can drive people crazy. Anyway, there are no reporters at the scene. What can't she let go of?

As long as no one goes to record, even if the news is revealed later, Yoona can still deny it. Anyway, there are a lot of outrageous news in the industry every day, and she is not short of it.

"I'm not bragging to you. During our most popular period, when merchants came to us to invite us, they always came with cash in sacks. We had to take a taxi to go to the market because the nanny vans were used to carry cash!"

What Yoona said was so vivid. The key was that no one at the scene could accurately refute it, because Li Menglong didn't even know the girls at that time.

In other words, Yoona is the only person involved at the scene, so naturally she will do whatever she says.

Of course, normal people can use basic logic to make judgments. What is the difference between this kind of talk and drunken bragging?

They even came here carrying cash in a sack. Could it be that they couldn't collect money normally? Or are they helping to launder money privately?

Li Menglong believed that they secretly took on private work. After all, their split of accounts with the company was outrageous at that time, and it was understandable that they wanted to earn more for themselves.

But don’t think that there are so many people in the company just for work, and there are so many pairs of eyes staring at them.

Besides, based on their experiences at the time, they probably didn't have that much courage. It can only be said that the scene described by Yoona would probably only happen in her dream.

Since Yoona's words were so exciting and the rest of the people were so excited, why did Li Menglong, an outsider, go over and stop her?

I took the lunch from the boss. It was indeed according to Li Menglong's instructions. It was covered with a layer of meat, and the price was probably not cheap.

But Li Menglong obviously doesn't need to worry about this. Yoona has carried so much money in sacks in those years, so what is this expense now?

Moreover, Yoona is no longer satisfied with just carrying a sack, and has now evolved into directly driving a cash transport truck to deliver money.

Li Menglong wanted to remind Yoona, did she confuse some movie plots?

This is obviously a classic plot in some gangster movies, intended to highlight the greed of powerful people and at the same time make the scene more impactful.

Yoona was just an artist at the time. Even if she was in the most popular girl group, she shouldn't be associated with the cash truck.

If anything, it would be more reasonable for the robbers to drive over in a cash transport truck and try to kidnap them.

But Yoona no longer cares about logic. She just brags according to the picture in her mind, as if she has really experienced this kind of life.

Yoona was so happy when she said it. Maybe she had never thought that bragging, especially illogical bragging, would be so interesting.

She didn't even bother to eat. Fortunately, the little girl didn't have a big appetite. Li Menglong occasionally took the time to feed Yoona a mouthful, which was enough to fill the little girl's stomach.

Not only Yoona was immersed in it, but everyone around her was also very fascinated. They had all finished eating, but no one left.

To be precise, not only has the number of people not decreased, but it has been increasing.

Because everyone in the company was eating nearby, heard the news, or passed by, many people chose to come over.

Among them, there were a few people who were willing to join in the fun, but they still chose to wait and see for a while. After all, their status did not allow them to join in all the fun.

"Why are there so many people in the store? Does it sell something delicious? Should we also go there and queue up?"

"There are many colleagues from the company, why don't you ask someone to bring one for you?"

"Why did I seem to see Li Menglong? Wasn't he blocked in the company by Yoona and not allowed to come out?"

Kim Taeyeon and others had good eyesight. The moment they saw Li Menglong, they subconsciously moved closer.

Because as long as this man is around, they don't have to worry about safety issues, and instead wonder about what happened.

They didn't just come to watch the fun, they also wanted to help.

If Li Menglong was alone, it would be difficult to attract onlookers, so it was probably a girl trapped inside.

They naturally thought that one of the sisters was causing trouble, but judging from the way Li Menglong was eating peacefully, it didn't look like him, which made them even more curious.

As a few people came closer, they began to faintly hear Yoona's voice.

Just because they were too far away, they could only hear some intermittently. As a result, this little content almost made them fall to the ground.

It's not that Kim Taeyeon and the others are too timid. After all, they have experienced a lot of storms over the years, and they still have the calmness they should have.

But what Yoona said now was too shocking. If they heard correctly, Yoona said before that their one-year income could buy a skyscraper?

They wanted to know how many floors Yoona's so-called skyscraper had and where was it located?

Their income is indeed much higher than that of ordinary people, but housing prices are also not cheap!

If the location of Yoona's so-called skyscraper was better, their annual income would at most be enough for none of them to buy a house, and the area couldn't be particularly large.

This premise is based on the two years when they earned the most, which does not coincide with the peak of their popularity.

During the period when they were most popular, most of their income was turned over to the company. As the person involved, Yoona should be the most aware. Why is there still a problem with her memory now?

If it was just amnesia, the girls could continue to make money with Yoona, but she is just making it up now. Is her memory confused? Or do you simply don’t want to live a good life?

Kim Taeyeon and others couldn't let Yoona continue to talk nonsense, so they took advantage of their relatively thin bodies and squeezed in through the gap between the people.

For a time, they thought they had heard it wrong. After all, from any point of view, Yoona had no reason to spread rumors about her team like this.

But as they got closer to the center, Yoona's remarks became more and more outrageous.

Considering that Li Menglong was right next to YoonA, as his manager, instead of stopping her, he continued to eat. Could it be that Li Menglong forced YoonA to say it?

Although this reason still sounds quite ridiculous, Kim Taeyeon and the others no longer want to pursue the truth of the matter, they just need to shirk the responsibility.

Anyway, part of the money an agent earns is used to take the blame. Li Menglong should have realized this a long time ago.

But when they actually stood in front of Yoona, they found that this excuse was useless.

Yoona's expression was one of joy and excitement, and she didn't look like she was being forced at all. When they spread rumors, they also had to pay attention to some basic facts.

They are already a little desperate now. Could it be that today is the end of their group? They were completely unprepared!

Besides, Yoona can decide such a big thing? Why don't you discuss it with these sisters first?

This is Yoona's fault. The group is about to be disbanded anyway. Why does Kim Taeyeon, as the leader, still tolerate it?

After being a responsible and good captain for so many years, she also wanted to be a little bold.

Kim Taeyeon stepped forward and grabbed Yoona's collar: "Lin Yoona, what are you talking about?"

Kim Taeyeon's sudden appearance really gave Yoona a half-death blow. When bragging, she was most afraid of meeting the person involved, which made Yoona feel guilty instinctively.

And considering what she said before, she also felt that she was a little crazy.

It can only be said that the atmosphere before was really great, and Li Menglong did not stop her, which proved that she had not caused serious consequences yet.

The latter is undoubtedly the key point. Yoona dared to act recklessly out of her trust in Li Menglong. Does he have to bear part of the responsibility?

Yoona knew that she was doomed, so she didn't struggle at all. Instead, she stared at Li Menglong and signaled him to think of a solution quickly.

Lin Yuner's every meal is not free, Li Menglong wants to repay her!

There were no emergencies in the past. In short, Li Menglong shouldn't complain. Does he want to have another time?

Yoona's threat this time is really playing into Lee Menglong's pain. He seems to have to do something for future meal tickets.

"You're here just in time. We are holding a bragging conference to see who brags the most outrageously and has the most innovative ideas. Do you want to join in?"

Li Menglong gave a random reason. As for whether Kim Taeyeon and others believe it, it depends on fate.

But before Kim Taeyeon wanted to answer, everyone around her was constantly helping Yoona to speak. To be precise, they were perfecting Lee Mongryong's lies.

They all saw Yoona's dilemma. Since they were so happy to hear it before, they had to repay Yoona now.

Li Menglong's free lunch is not free, and the inside story everyone heard is not free either!

"That's right, what Yoona said was so exciting, I almost believed it."

"If you think about it, you know it's impossible. Skyscrapers cost a lot of money. Who can afford them?"

"Taeyeon, why don't you let go first? Yoona is about to stop breathing."

Faced with everyone's well-intentioned advice, Kim Taeyeon will naturally not be ungrateful.

In fact, as long as she is given an excuse, Kim Taeyeon will give up on her own. After all, she does not want the group to be disbanded hastily.

It's just that this reason sounds really unreliable. Even if it's just bragging, can't Yoona choose something that sounds false?

But she didn't know that Yoona was working hard according to this standard. She could only say that the identity of the artist was so magical that any message placed on them seemed to be self-consistent.

Originally, Kim Taeyeon planned to participate appropriately, so as to make the lies of everyone around her less false.

But after realizing this, she decided to forget it. No matter what she said, it was more like adding bricks and mortar. Did she dislike that the scene was not lively enough?

"You haven't finished eating yet? Then we'll go back first and you can eat all by yourself!"

Kim Taeyeon turned around and directed her anger at Li Menglong. After all, there weren't many people at the scene who could make her get angry wantonly.

Li Menglong clearly knows his position. He is just a tool. These words are not meant for him at all.

As for who it is specifically for, it depends on each person's self-perception.

In short, with Kim Taeyeon's words, more than half of the people at the scene immediately stood up. Even those who were a little slow to react also joined the ranks of leaving.

It only took a few minutes for the originally crowded store to become deserted until only Li Menglong and the boss were left.

"It doesn't matter, it's better if they all leave. I'll give you some big news!" Li Menglong continued to fool the boss here.

After all, it was just chatting over meals, and Li Menglong didn't have to bear any responsibility, but he soon realized something was wrong.

Yoona was forcibly taken away by Kim Taeyeon and others, but did she forget something before leaving, such as checking out?

It's hard to say whether the little girl was retaliating intentionally. After all, Li Menglong could have done more before, but he chose to stand by and watch.

How do you expect Yoona to pay for such an insincere approach?

She would rather use the money to feed the dogs, at least in this case she can hear two dogs barking!

However, Li Menglong is really not curious about Yoona's inner thoughts at all. He is now thinking about what he should do.

Forget about the Overlord Dinner or anything else, you can go directly to the company. Is there any point in Li Menglong traveling such a distance?

As for giving money, it's not that he doesn't want to give it, but that he doesn't go out with any money at all.

He is still very careful in this regard. Once he brings money, wouldn't he be tempting the girls and forcing them to come over and take action?

Li Menglong would not give them such an opportunity, so now he has to take responsibility for his caution: "Did you see Xu Xian just now? The little girl must have been working overtime in the company, look at what is left Yes, let’s pack another one for her.”

This is quite natural. No one would have thought that Li Menglong’s ultimate goal was to escape from the bill!

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