The Rise of Korean Entertainment

Chapter 3362 Everyone has a share

Kim Taeyeon and the others did not stay too long. After all, she knew exactly what was going on inside. She was just pretending to be for outsiders to see, and she had never heard of anyone trying to deceive her.

After stacking all the things she brought at the door, Kim Taeyeon thoughtfully took a photo.

She wasn't afraid that someone would take it away, but she was afraid that the landlady wouldn't admit it later. They had been here after all, and there couldn't be any flaws in this.

As for whether the landlady will expressly thank them, that's beyond her control, but if she compares her feelings with others, she should still be a little touched, right?

As the boss’s wife’s biological brother, Li Menglong didn’t even think of coming over to visit him. Isn’t this contrast obvious enough?

Anyway, Kim Taeyeon was prepared to be praised, and even planned to refuse all material rewards from the landlady, such as letting them eat free fried chicken for a whole year, which was not good.

Fried chicken is delicious, but it must be eaten in moderation. Otherwise, how about cashing in all these thanks?

Kim Taeyeon is not that greedy. She knows that she cannot discount the product at the selling price. In that case, the proprietress will have to lose all the profits.

You can't even discount based on the cost price alone. It is more appropriate to give a discount on this basis. No matter how much discount it is, Kim Taeyeon is not picky at all.

Just dreaming is more suitable to think about at night. After all, daydreaming is always suspected of wishful thinking, so it is more appropriate to dream at night.

Since there is no reward from the boss lady, Kim Taeyeon can only find a way on her own.

It would be fine if she was alone, but there were several younger sisters following her, so why not let them follow her in vain?

Although they didn't have so many utilitarian ideas when they came here, they did have certain expectations, such as receiving some gratitude.

As the spiritual world is destined to be unsatisfied, Kim Taeyeon can only do her best to make them gain materially.

"We're all out anyway, so don't be in a hurry to go back. Is there anything you want to do? Tell us!"

Kim Taeyeon also learned the lesson and didn't speak so fully. After all, the experience in the morning was still fresh in her mind, and she was not that forgetful.

Once these female lions open their mouths, no amount of money she earns will be enough for them to squander.

So first listen to what these women think. If the expenses are not big, she can pay for them.

They should also restrain themselves. Is it something to be proud of by forcing Kim Taeyeon to this level?

"What do we want to do? I want to go home and sleep, is that okay?"

"I've had breakfast too, but it's too early for lunch. How about we go shopping?"

"They are still in the company. We'd better not go too far. That's almost enough."

The discussion among several people was very lively, and some of the suggestions made Kim Taeyeon frightened for a time. If she wanted to go shopping, would she have to swipe her Taeyeon's card?

The person who came up with this idea should really be hanged, he is too greedy.

As a member of the girls, Kim Taeyeon clearly understands the shopping style of this group of women and is generally very willing to spend money.

On the one hand, it's because they make a lot of money and have the capital to spend a lot of money; on the other hand, they don't have the opportunity to spend too much money. They can't make money just to look at a bunch of numbers on their cards, right?

The so-called sense of achievement of making money also needs to be demonstrated in detail. A series of cold numbers cannot bring everyone the ultimate satisfaction.

They need more concrete expressions, such as converting money into clothes, jewelry, backpacks, etc. Every time they see these, they will feel that their efforts to make money are meaningful.

But the premise of all this is that they are spending their own money. Once Kim Taeyeon swipes the card for them, the matter will go bad.

Maybe the girls don't care so much. After all, the person who "supports" them is Kim Taeyeon. Even if they don't buy anything on weekdays, they still have to go over and "sleep with" her from time to time.

Now that there are additional benefits available, why should they hesitate?

But Kim Taeyeon, who is the sponsor’s father, has something to say. Let’s not talk about whether her own financial resources can support her. What kind of good body does she have that can take care of so many women at the same time?

But it's not just Li Menglong who finds them annoying, Kim Taeyeon also feels this way from time to time, and it's quite strong.

As a member of the girls, Kim Taeyeon has to admit this. When one or even two girls get together, it is undoubtedly a kind of enjoyment.

If there are more than three people, you need to find an excuse to escape in advance, otherwise staying here will only be a form of torture.

Kim Taeyeon felt this way at the moment. She just let a few people discuss it, but why did they seem to be fighting?

Although she also likes to watch the excitement, as the person directly responsible for the scene, there is a lot of pressure on her shoulders. She has to control the scene.

"Shopping is not impossible, but I have to designate the store. Can you accept it?"

Kim Taeyeon was really careful enough. Even at this point, she did not mention her intention to treat guests. Maybe she really frightened these women's actions in the morning.

Li Shungui and others naturally had no objections. As long as they could stay outside for a while, they would be extremely satisfied.

After all, this all needs comparison. When I think of Xu Xian and his gang still working hard in the company, they seem to be happy no matter what they do.

In the end, Kim Taeyeon found a small cheap store near the company, where the items were all priced at a fixed price, and the most expensive item only cost 1,000 yuan.

This price makes Kim Taeyeon very satisfied. Even if these women risk their lives to buy it, how many pieces can each person buy? Is a hundred pieces enough?

Calculating the money based on this amount, the combined expenses of the three of them are not as high as the expenses of a breakfast stall.

So Kim Taeyeon could finally show her magnanimity. She pointed at the dazzling array of products around her and said boldly: "You all can go and buy with confidence. I will pay the check for you today, Unnie!"

These words indeed sounded passionate, but what they received was only the patter of applause from Li Shunkyu and others. They really couldn't arouse any more emotions.

Although Kim Taeyeon's willingness to spend money on them is already a sign of goodwill, but can she show some respect and stop making both of them so embarrassed all the time?

Now they want to go look for it even more. What if there are items in it that are more expensive? Then there is the possibility of Kim Taeyeon going bankrupt.

It's a pity that there are no such products in such small stores. If you want to bankrupt Kim Taeyeon, the unit price of the products is still relatively high, and ordinary luxury stores can't do it.

Fortunately, the girls are not so persistent. Since they don't have this opportunity, they just go shopping honestly. The products in the store also look very good.

But that was just enough to see. Yoona picked up a "gold necklace" that weighed about two kilograms. The color was really dazzling.

After trying to hang it around her neck, Yoona immediately became two centimeters shorter. In terms of weight alone, it has already paid for itself. As for the materials and so on, they are all included.

Yoona has already thought about who she wants to give it to, and now that she has plans to give it to someone, should she buy more?

It’s really not expensive anyway, let alone giving it away, you won’t feel bad even if it is lost on the road.

After discussing this idea with the others, everyone agreed.

The reason is also very simple. When the unit price is not high, if you want to make Kim Taeyeon feel as much pain as possible, you can only win by quantity.

And after buying a lot of these odds and ends, they can't just take them home and display them, which will make their high-priced backpacks "eclipse" them.

After all, when it comes to the level of sparkle, every product in the store is not too low-key. Almost all of them are sparkling with jewels.

As a result, Yoona and the others seemed to be here to purchase goods. Red glass, yellow glass, blue glass were constantly being loaded into the cheap plastic baskets...

"Not to mention, diamonds need to be big to look good."

Li Shunkyu stood outside the store, looking at the fist-sized "diamond" ring in her hand against the sunlight. The sunlight reflected and scattered on her face. For a moment, the picture looked extremely beautiful.

Of course, if the "diamond" could be made smaller, the picture would look even more "expensive".

Even with Lee Soon Kyu's worth, she can't own a diamond of this size.

Besides, Li Menglong should have bought the diamond for her. If it were of this size, it would really kill Li Menglong, or could it be that she, Li Shunkyu, didn't want to get married at all?

"How can you wrong yourself with this kind of thing? Besides, didn't you give him a gift in advance?"

Yoona was naturally on Lee Soon Kyu's side and put the necklace around her neck around Lee Soon Kyu's neck as she spoke.

Sure enough, this thing is a height cheating device. It doesn't matter who it is, it will be effective immediately after putting it on.

According to Yoona, Lee Soon Kyu gave him such a rare gold necklace. What happened to Lee Mong Ryong giving back a fist-sized diamond? Does he have no money?

That is to say, Li Menglong was not here, otherwise he would have complained loudly: Does he have no money? He has no supply!

I originally thought that their lavish spending would arouse Kim Taeyeon's dissatisfaction, but maybe because the price was too beautiful, Kim Taeyeon even bought a package of them herself.

She has even fallen in love with this place, otherwise they would just open a store like this and sell it to fans as peripheral gifts.

Kim Taeyeon is really not doing this to make money. As we all know, selling things to fans is not considered a profiteer unless the price is increased tenfold.

Now she just sells some cheap jewelry at low prices, which is considered conscientious no matter how you look at it.

The only disadvantage is that it doesn't make any money, or that such a small profit is not worth it for her. But she really thinks this kind of store is very good, and she must visit more in the future.

With a lot of harvest, a few people came in carrying big and small bags. They were going to make a guest appearance as the money-distributing boy today. It didn’t matter who they were, as long as they met, they would get gifts!

Of course, there are always some people who deserve special treatment, and the boss lady is one of them, so you must give enough gifts.

It's just that theoretically they have already given gifts. If they continue to give gifts now, will it put more pressure on the boss lady?

If she wants to reciprocate the gift again, it will cost a lot of money to reciprocate the gift. Girls should take this into consideration.

In the end, they decided to deal with it in a passive way. If the boss lady asked for it, they would give it to her. If the other party didn't find it interesting, they would not join in the fun.

There is nothing wrong with the method itself. The lady boss did take the initiative to come over and even pick and choose, as if she was browsing in a store.

But there was something wrong with the item she finally selected. She actually fell in love with the "gold necklace"!

Yoona felt a little relieved for a moment. It was rare for someone to maintain the same aesthetics as her.

But she bought this necklace specially for Li Menglong, and she didn't plan to let him take it off yet.

Specifically how to achieve this, Yoona has not yet thought of it, but she can definitely work in this direction.

Yoona felt extremely happy when she thought that Li Menglong would wear this necklace to work all day long.

It is precisely because the punishment attribute of this gift is too obvious that Yoona only bought this one. If she buys more, it will exceed her "weight".

Now the landlady wants to take it away, which makes Yoona very reluctant. Can't she change it? Isn’t that big shiny glass nice to look at?

"Why do I need that thing? This chain is more practical. Even if I sell it for scrap, I can still make a little more money."

The boss lady expressed her values ​​in a simple explanation, which I have to say makes sense.

Yoona has no reason to refuse. If she refuses now, it will appear that she is not sincere. This is a taboo in giving gifts.

With eyes full of reluctance, Yoona slowly handed over the necklace. For a moment, she seemed to be about to cry at any moment.

This pitiful little expression was so obvious that it was impossible for the landlady to pretend not to notice it.

Although she didn't know what was going on inside, she really didn't care what she liked, so she asked for a large piece of glass instead.

Yoona was a lot happier now, and even took the initiative to get the boss lady to join her, so that she could join in the subsequent plans.

After visiting the first floor, the group went to the third floor first. Finally, the most important point was where Li Menglong was.

This time, a few people did not choose to rush in swarm. Li Menglong always said that they delayed work, so it is not good for them to always bear such a bad reputation.

So they decided to change the approach this time. They set up a stall in front of the office. This is no problem, right?

And in order to prevent Li Menglong from causing trouble to them, none of them would stay here. They just piled things on the table and put up a sign to let everyone take it as they please.

Yoona specially put an extra sticky note on the necklace, which clearly stated the ownership of the gift, and also asked a kind person to help deliver it.

There were many people who came to get gifts, but no one chose to help with the errands. However, everyone kept this in mind and were waiting to see Li Menglong's reaction. Will he choose to wear the necklace?

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