The Rise of Korean Entertainment

Chapter 3359 Cancellation

With a sneak attack, Jessica Jung and Yoona finally managed to join the hugging queue.

It's just that the originally warm and touching atmosphere was completely destroyed. The two of them came here intentionally to cause trouble, right?

Besides, Li Menglong's arms are not that broad and can hold four girls at the same time. He is not so lucky.

So Li Menglong could only passively let go, and apart from glaring at the other party angrily a few times, he had no better way to express his anger.

It's not that he can't curse, but he doesn't have a proper reason to accuse these two little girls of taking advantage of him by delaying him?

Fortunately, he really didn't have such thoughts, so the loss at the moment was just that. What he was curious about now was whether the whole thing could be considered over?

Although he was not given a clean slate in the end, Li Menglong no longer made such fanciful demands. If he wanted these girls to admit their mistakes on their own initiative, they would have to provide ironclad evidence.

The precise proof depends on the other party's mood. If the mood is not so beautiful, then it is not impossible to continue to quibble.

In this case, what else is there to say? Although it is destined to be impossible to get a fair ending, the current result is considered good.

Xu Xian and Kim Taeyeon on the opposite side also thought so. Although they wanted to help Li Menglong at the moment, they knew their sisters better, or to be precise, they knew themselves.

If you want to know the final result, you only need to put yourself in another person's perspective and put yourself into the other person's perspective. Isn't the result obvious?

Therefore, if Li Menglong can be more open-minded, it will really be of great benefit to both of them. As for the grievances he feels in his heart, it can only be said that this is the price he has to pay.

Now, when he opens his eyes every day, he is surrounded by beauties, and all he sees are charming and graceful beauties. Doesn’t he need to pay any price for all this?

To put it more bluntly, their looks can afford to be beautiful, right?

Li Menglong eats nine "big meals" here for free every day. Has he ever paid for one meal? Does he always eat and drink for free outside?

However, when faced with this kind of question, Li Menglong's answer might be a bit special, because he can really rely on others to treat him outside, but he never spends his own money.

After a rough calculation, it is obvious that the probability of being treated by others is higher, which can be regarded as one of his characteristics.

In short, there is no way to continue what happened today. Even if Li Menglong wanted to continue questioning, no one would cooperate with him.

Jessica was hugging Yoona and whispering. She had not forgotten her original goal, which was to close the relationship with Yoona.

To be precise, it was a relaxation. She thought that Yoona was too afraid of her. This was not good and would cause Yoona to accumulate too much pressure.

After all this complaining, does Yoona feel much better mentally? Do you have any plans to have a heart-to-heart talk with her, Jessica?

The two parties involved are not going to speak anymore, so the burden of appeasing Li Menglong falls on Kim Taeyeon and Seohyun. Is this considered taking the blame for others?

Fortunately, no one was an outsider, and Kim Taeyeon and Seohyun didn't complain too much. Besides, they thought Li Menglong had given up, so it shouldn't be that difficult to appease him, right?

He motioned for Jessica and Yoona to go up first, and the two of them asked tentatively: "Yooner has been driven away by us. You can go back to bed and rest."

It seemed like they were concerned, but in fact they were urging. As long as Li Menglong could lie on his bed, their work would be completed and they could go back to rest.

I originally thought it was an extremely simple job, but who would have thought that Li Menglong actually refused: "Forget it, I have laid out the quilts and drank a lot of wine. What's the point of going back to sleep now? This is not a waste of time. It’s hard work.”

Li Menglong gave a seemingly reasonable explanation, but why did it sound like something was wrong?

Didn't he drink to have a better rest? Now let him go back to bed to rest. Isn't this the right choice?

The two parties are not on the same channel at all. The more they communicate, the more depressed they become. Stopping losses as early as possible is the more correct choice.

Both Kim Taeyeon and Seohyun are quite sensible, but leaving now would be a bit irresponsible, so they decided to keep one person behind.

Anyway, the bed is empty. If someone sleeps on it, it can provide a more reasonable explanation for Li Menglong's behavior and allow the two of them to complete their tasks.

Although from a logical point of view, their idea is quite outrageous, they really can't be expected to think more about it. They also want to rest now.

In the end, the winner was Xu Xian. I don’t know whether he was unlucky or lucky.

"Maknae, just have a good rest here. If someone tries to do something to you, remember to call me and I will come down and chop him to death immediately!"

Kim Taeyeon seemed to be saying this to Seohyun, but she was staring at Lee Mongryong the whole time. Why not just issue a threat directly?

Li Menglong didn't particularly understand, and even felt that the warning was not strong enough. Does Kim Taeyeon know the specific steps to hack a person to death?

Although Li Menglong himself has no experience in this area, he has at least killed chickens, and they were still live chickens.

It can be said that judging from the life experience of contemporary urban people, they don’t even dare to kick a mouse to death, so why do you expect them to kill someone?

But Li Menglong just pretended to believe it. After all, Kim Taeyeon didn't dare to kill anyone, but she dared to anger someone to death.

Especially when she united with the remaining girls, the noise was enough to make Li Menglong commit suicide several times.

From this point of view, Kim Taeyeon's threat is still quite strong. Does Lee Mongryong want to please Seohyun?

"Aren't you tired enough? How about I have a few more drinks with you?" Xu Xian teased rather speechlessly.

Although she doesn't know the details of what happened before, Li Menglong is probably not that innocent.

At least when it comes to drinking, it was Li Menglong who took the initiative to invite him, right?

Sure enough, alcohol is not a good thing. Even if you don't drink too much, it can make people subconsciously do many extraordinary things.

With Xu Xian's stern warning, Li Menglong dared to continue. He even chose to pour the remaining half bottle of beer into the sewer instead of drinking it.

This kind of wasteful and self-respecting behavior made Xu Xian not know what to say. Whether it was accusation or praise, it was not appropriate.

Fortunately, there was only half a bottle, so Xu Xian didn't bother to talk anymore, but before falling asleep, she wanted to confirm Li Menglong's mental state.

It's not that he's afraid of Li Menglong having sex after drinking. His wine quality is not that bad.

Xu Xian was mainly worried that he wouldn't be able to get up tomorrow morning. In this case, should she prepare breakfast?

Li Menglong was still relatively resistant to Xu Xian's self-recommendation. Even if he wanted to take revenge on those women, he did not want to use this method of self-destruction.

So he vowed to get up on time and put a table full of breakfast that would satisfy everyone.

Although Xu Xian felt a little pity, she still chose to believe Li Menglong, but Li Menglong betrayed her trust with the facts!

Although Xu Xian's sleep quality has always been good, she is also someone who needs an alarm to wake up.

When Xu Xian woke up according to the normal rhythm, she actually saw Li Menglong's figure at a glance.

This feeling is quite strange, at least for Xu Xian.

However, there was still a door between the two of them. Li Menglong was lying on the floor of the living room, dazedly planning to struggle, because Xu Xian's alarm also woke him up.

It seems that one alarm clock can wake up two people at the same time, which is a very cost-effective solution, but in fact, Xu Xian has already begun to curse in his heart.

Because of the agreement last night, Li Menglong shouldn't get up with her. He should get up at least half an hour early.

In fact, the girls felt quite guilty about Li Menglong preparing breakfast early.

They didn't dare to really regard Li Menglong as their agent, and regarded all this as a matter of peace of mind.

Besides, even managers rarely prepare breakfast for artists all year round.

They had discussed this issue with Li Menglong. The first option was for everyone to take turns preparing breakfast, but in that case the quality of the breakfast production might not be particularly stable.

Option two is much more extreme. Simply cancel the breakfast and let everyone solve the problem by themselves. This is the fairest way.

The girls were quite fond of the second plan, but it was rejected by Li Menglong because he himself also wanted to have breakfast.

Although it’s inappropriate to say this, preparing breakfast for one person is not that different from preparing breakfast for a group.

Besides, the girls also gave him extra money for breakfast and allowed him to go out and buy it back. This could be regarded as a reduction in Li Menglong's burden.

And Xu Xian will get up from time to time to help. Generally speaking, everyone is in a process of mutual understanding. Generally speaking, the girls have the advantage.

So when they came down and found that there was no breakfast to eat, they didn't have any complaints, not even words of comfort.

Because in their opinion, Li Menglong shouldn't have any negative emotions. If he didn't do it, he didn't do it. This is not a matter of course and does not require any explanation.

The free and easy reactions of the girls actually made Xu Xian unable to deal with it. When the little girl got up, she complained a lot about Li Menglong.

Although she had a reason for it, after all, she specifically asked Li Menglong last night, and he made a stern promise. How should she explain it now?

However, when compared with the reactions of the girls, Seohyun's response was quite extreme and childish.

This makes Xu Xian very embarrassed. In total, she has become the most redundant one, and the bad woman who is destroying the stable relationship between the girls and Li Menglong!

It’s just that breakfast is very important. It not only provides the energy needed throughout the morning, but also affects your mood for the rest of the day.

In short, Xu Xian thinks that breakfast should be more serious, whether it is the specific food or the time of eating, but those women seem to think it doesn't matter?

Although it was not appropriate to say this, Xu Xian did feel that these women were vaguely happy.

It’s not like that for them, they are all adults after all, don’t they know what is good for themselves?

Besides, eating breakfast doesn't seem to put that much pressure on them. They don't need to prepare it in advance, they are just responsible for eating it.

If this level of action annoys them, they really should reflect on themselves.

However, Xu Xian was obviously over-speculating on the girls' thoughts. The reason why they were so relaxed now was partly because they didn't want to put pressure on Li Menglong, and partly because they were instinctively happy after breaking the routine.

This feeling is like going to work normally, only to have the company suddenly explode on the spot. You really can't fake that kind of heartfelt joy.

Now it was just a matter of skipping breakfast. They didn't feel any problem, and they weren't very hungry anyway.

They even began to discuss what to eat on the road, or simply wait until noon, thinking that they had lost weight?

All in all, the girls were very full of ideas, which made Xu Xian, who had already taken out milk and cereal at the side, seem very abrupt.

It was then that she could see who really cared about her. Of course, it was probably Li Menglong who was also hungry, but he was actually sitting opposite her.

"What, don't you welcome me?" Li Menglong teased, and without waiting for Xu Xian to answer, he poured himself a bowl of cereal.

These women are really willing to spend money on food, because it is one of the few ways they can please themselves, and besides, they don't eat much.

So this bowl of cereal doesn't look very cheap, because it's filled with quick-frozen crisps of various fruits and vegetables. Why don't they just buy fresh ones?

Although Li Menglong didn't understand that much, he didn't have the urge to ask. Anyway, he just ate along, and the girls would never trouble him in this regard.

Xu Xian, who was sitting opposite, was also happy to see someone joining in the meal. Even if the breakfast was too simple, having someone with her proved that she was not alone.

But just when she was about to fill Li Menglong's milk, Li Menglong stretched out his hand to block it. What did this mean? Are you here to tease her?

Li Menglong proved his sincerity with practical actions. He just didn't like eating it with milk.

Seeing Li Menglong putting spoonfuls of dry cereal into his mouth, coupled with the crisp chewing sound, Xu Xian couldn't help but frowned. Are you sure there is no problem with eating like this?

Not only Xu Xian himself expressed doubts, but the girls who were preparing to wash up also had the same expression.

After all, this unorthodox way of eating challenges their bottom line too much. This is food that can be eaten as a meal, not those puffed snacks. Can Li Menglong show some basic respect to the staple food?

As a result, Li Menglong not only refused to listen to the advice, but also ate quickly. Finally, he picked up the one-liter bottle of milk opposite and emptied the milk in one breath.

Although Xu Xian poured a glass, the rest was still not enough for a toast. The girls felt that the problem must be Li Menglong, they are the normal people!

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