Looking at a plate of golden fried chicken, Yoona seemed to be able to feel its crispiness in her mouth, but she really didn't dare to eat it.

With her past experience, Yoona could easily calculate the calories in this plate of fried chicken, which was simply not something she could digest.

Although the girls are all teaming up to eat secretly, they are still sensible. If a few people share a portion, they can only satisfy their appetite at most.

But now Yoona is alone. If she really eats all these things, she will be under a lot of psychological pressure.

Even if she is indeed not fat, this figure still needs to be maintained, and she is not enough to break the laws of reality.

The so-called not getting fat no matter how much you eat, there are conditions. For example, the so-called eating more is compared to other girls.

If compared with ordinary people, Yoona's appetite is actually not that big, otherwise she wouldn't have to be an artist and would just wait to go to the hospital to be dissected.

So Yoona now has a lot to think about, such as who to ask to come down and share it together, and sharing can also maximize the benefits.

Yoona's first choice is naturally the girls upstairs. If she asks any two people to come down, they will probably call her "sister" immediately. Otherwise, why would she take care of those women like this?

However, Yoona didn't feel too happy about the inexplicable addition of a bunch of older "sisters". After all, it was all time-limited, and they not only came to call people sincerely.

It seems that we still need to change someone. Since the fake sister is not good, can we consider bringing the real sister over?

The relationship between her and Xu Xian is still quite stable. This is the "comradeship" accumulated after being bullied together, which is precious.

But she wanted to use it to flatter her, but only if Xu Xian accepted it.

Considering Seohyun's past attitude, Yoona can almost guess the solution. It's just that neither of them can eat a piece of fried chicken. This is really not good.

After all this calculation, the whole team of girls is gone. If we settle for the next best thing, it seems that only Li Menglong is left?

To please Li Menglong is a long-term main task for Yoona. Of course, she offends and teases him during the process, but this does not affect Yoona's ability to please him.

After all, she was guarding a great director. If she didn't lean in to make her presence felt, she would be afraid of being ridiculed by her peers. This was simply a shame among actresses.

As an actor with extensive interview experience, Yoona knows what to do and of course what not to do.

In short, she thought that she had always performed well, but as her efforts increased, she could never see the rewards she deserved.

In fact, when Yoona is rational, she can understand the reason, because the reward she needs is not something Li Menglong can give, but a specific opportunity.

To put it more bluntly, Li Menglong must have a plan to make a movie before he can draw Yoona to be the heroine. Otherwise, how can he repay Yoona? Draw a pie?

Compared with the rewards given by Li Menglong, Yoona's flattery seemed insignificant. He could only exchange quantity for quality. In theory, this exchange was fair.

However, this method of exchange is accompanied by a long period of accumulation, which can easily cause Yoona's psychological imbalance, so she will take revenge from time to time.

Even Yoona doesn't pursue any rewards now. It's just a subconscious move. Otherwise, who else could get this fried chicken cheaper?

Since you want to please Li Menglong, you can't carry it directly to the second floor. Wouldn't that cause trouble for him?

So Yoona chose to find someone to call him down, and even made a temporary invitation for this purpose. As for the raw material of the invitation, it was a postcard obtained from a fan.

Yoona really wants to see Li Menglong’s expression when she receives it. It will probably be quite interesting, right?

Li Menglong was indeed a bit confused at the moment. The employees in the store downstairs came up to him directly, left the photo without saying a word, and left with a handsome figure from behind, not even giving him a moment to stay.

In desperation, Li Menglong could only start from the photo in front of him. In the photo, Yoona was smiling brightly, but in his eyes, the smile was a little fake.

Because relying on the remaining memories in my mind, at least today, when Yoona smiled, it was not the way she looked in the photo, or it would be much wilder.

Li Menglong was really looking forward to Yoona in the photo coming into his life, but he also knew that this was just a dream.

But why did you give him this photo? Was it to let him remember Yoona's most beautiful moments? The kind that can't happen in real life?

Fortunately, there is an invitation attached to the back of the photo: Mr. Li Menglong is sincerely invited to have afternoon tea at table 34 of the fried chicken shop on the first floor in five minutes. We look forward to your arrival!

There's nothing wrong with the invitation itself, but why don't you leave a name? Otherwise, where would Li Menglong guess who the other party was? What if it was the Hongmen Banquet?

But it can’t be said that there are no clues. After all, there is Yoona’s photo on the back, and Yoona’s handwriting barely matches.

But Li Menglong still felt that it was not reliable. Isn't it just an afternoon tea? He is not that greedy, otherwise he would not go?

While making the decision, Li Menglong did not complete the matter. He handed Yoona's photo to Xu Xian opposite.

After almost a series of the same actions, Xu Xian quickly frowned. What was her youngest sister doing?

Xu Xian didn't really want to go to the appointment, especially when the boss didn't invite her, why would she join in the fun? Is it because you can't think about it?

But as Li Menglong's secretary and Yoona's sister, she has both public and private obligations to deal with this problem, but she really doesn't want to take action.

Xu Xian's entanglement was seen by Li Menglong. He thought the little girl would run away angrily, but now it seems that he thought wrong?

Since neither of them wanted to go down, Li Menglong could only think of other ways. Fortunately, the problem was not difficult to solve.

What the two of them see as trouble may be, in the eyes of outsiders, opportunities that they cannot even ask for!

"Ahem, everyone, please pause for a moment. I see all your hard work, so now I have secured a benefit for you, a one-on-one afternoon tea with the goddess Lin Yoona..."

Before Li Menglong could finish his words, cheers could be heard all around.

Even if everyone knows that there may be something wrong here, so what, at least Yoona is really down there, and that's enough.

Besides, being able to go down and have something to eat during working hours is already relaxing in itself. The only thing that bothers them is that there are so few places.

Li Menglong could have let a few more people out, but he emphasized that it was one-on-one. This seemed to mean that there was something rare to live in?

Facts have proved that everyone's guess was correct. Li Menglong's mind is really thinking about making money all the time, but he still found a seemingly reasonable excuse.

According to Li Menglong, everyone is his brothers and sisters. It is not good to give this opportunity to anyone, at least he cannot make this decision.

So in order to be as fair as possible, he decided to auction this opportunity publicly. The highest bidder would win, and a small auction took shape instantly.

Although he didn't know the formal auction process in detail, he had roughly seen it on TV, so Li Menglong first walked around the venue with Yoona's postcard to show that the items were genuine.

Then he wanted to find a small hammer, but he was so anxious that there was no such thing, so he simply punched the table to signal the start of the auction.

Xu Xian subconsciously covered her head when she saw this. She couldn't imagine what would happen next. I hope it wouldn't be too embarrassing.

The initial development was indeed similar to what Xu Xian expected. The scene was so quiet that it was almost embarrassing. However, when the first person began to tentatively give the price, the scene suddenly became lively.

And what should I say, the atmosphere at the scene actually had a tendency to rush towards fanaticism, and the evidence was the increasingly incomprehensible prices.

Of course, when someone bid over one million, Xu Xian knew that this temporary auction was going to get out of control.

It's not that Yoona's opportunity to eat is not worth the price. It's not like similar auctions have never happened. For example, at some celebrity charity fairs, similar things do happen.

But those occasions were all negotiated in advance, and the artists themselves or the company might even have paid for them. In short, it was impossible for people to randomly bid.

And what should I say? This method seems a bit disrespectful. Of course, Xu Xian believes that everyone does not have this intention.

So she had to organize everyone to continue bidding, because if the money was not much, it could be regarded as a joke, otherwise things would change.

But just when Xu Xian was about to speak, someone actually shouted out a sky-high price: "One hundred million, I'll bid 100 million for this opportunity!"

After hearing the price, the scene became quiet again. To be precise, there were still sounds. Li Menglong was so excited that he trembled: "One hundred million? Which boss called it? It's a deal. Do you still want to eat with others? I I can make another appointment for you!"

Li Menglong really saw a business opportunity. This kind of opportunity to eat alone was auctioned publicly. If the occasion and group of people were different, he would not dare to do this.

But this moment is very suitable. Having a meal alone with colleagues on the first floor will have any negative impact on the girls? Maybe they don't care much about it themselves.

But Li Menglong will become rich because of this. Even if the subsequent people can't give so much, considering that everyone is familiar with each other, a 30% discount is not negotiable.

Li Menglong had already rushed over excitedly with the postcard. He wanted to kill this deal quickly and don't let this taken advantage of him get away.

However, when the crowd subconsciously made way for a passage, Li Menglong's running pace began to slow down, but he had no time to stop.

Li Menglong regretted how fiercely he rushed before, and secretly cursed himself in his heart: How could he be so relaxed? So relaxed that you didn’t even hear Yoona’s voice?

Looking at Yoona opposite, Li Menglong wanted to explain, but he couldn't come up with a suitable excuse, so he simply asked what he wanted in his heart: "Does what you said before count?"

Yoona was originally waiting for Li Menglong to come down and eat fried chicken together. After waiting for a long time, she didn't see him, so she had to come and invite him.

As a result, when she arrived on the second floor, she saw such a big show. Her good intentions were openly "auctioned" by Li Menglong. Is he still a human being?

In extreme anger, Yoona shouted out the sky-high price of 100 million. It was really just a casual saying, and she didn't take it seriously.

But she didn't expect that the first thing Li Menglong did after coming over was to ask for money. Didn't he consider whether he had the life to spend the money?

"Forget it, I, Lin Yuner, always keep my word. Come out with me and I will take you to get the money right now!"

Yoona almost squeezed out these words through her teeth. Even without seeing Yoona's distorted face, she could still feel her anger.

As a director, Li Menglong would naturally not be able to detect the scene that ordinary people can see. He knew that he was finished.

What else is there to say? In order to survive, Li Menglong can only think about how to please Yoona: "Yes, this line skills are what I want. Yoona, you have really improved recently, I am very pleased!"

Li Menglong naturally changed his identity. One second he was a bastard who came to Yoona to ask for money, and the next second he became a bole who admired Yoona.

Normally, it would be impossible for Yoona to keep up with this pace. After all, she needs to passively change her identity, so she will end up being half a beat behind.

But this time it was different, because Yoona had no intention of keeping up with the rhythm. No matter what Li Menglong said, it would not affect Yoona's determination to kill him today.

Yoona simply stopped talking at this moment, and just wanted to drag Li Menglong out.

Her only sense told her not to take action here and to save some face for Li Menglong, but only if he cooperated.

But how could Li Menglong cooperate? Would he risk his life to cooperate with Yoona?

He could only turn to Xu Xian for help at this moment. Little girl, hurry up and come to save her life. If you have anything to say, you can say it later. I really can't watch the show anymore.

Xu Xian glared at Li Menglong angrily. Who told him to cause these troubles? Now he is afraid?

But no matter what, she still had to stand up. Once Yoona really had to pull him out, she could wait to collect Li Menglong's body.

"Onie, is there any misunderstanding here? Listen to me and explain to you!"

Xu Xian's words still have some effect. At least Yoona can still listen and wait for her to continue speaking, but she obviously doesn't have much patience.

What is being tested now is Xu Xian's ability to confuse right and wrong. This is really not what she is good at, but in this life-and-death situation, she did burst out some small universes!

"We were discussing where we were going to have dinner!"

"Eating? Then why are you shouting the price?"

"It's to set the standard. For example, if there is only one million, where can we eat it? But now you are shouting 100 million. Is the standard set too high?"

After Xu Xian gave this explanation, she clenched her hands tightly behind her back. She was proud of herself. She could come up with such a reason. Xu Xian was really a genius!

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