The Rise of Korean Entertainment

Chapter 3342 Take a seat

Barely promoting a "potential newcomer", Li Menglong should have a sense of accomplishment as a Bole.

But what should I say about this matter? Li Menglong didn't really want to associate his name with the whole thing, because it would easily make him look embarrassed.

Of course, he wouldn't do anything like breaking his promise to get rich. He could definitely ask the company to come forward.

Just for Li Menglong to show up, it's just like swatting away mosquitoes with a cannon. Now that the company is asked to come forward to arrange an opportunity for a supporting role, doesn't the company consider the issue of humiliation?

But this is not Li Menglong's responsibility. What does Li Menglong have to do with the company's disgrace?

As for whether the company will continue to "subcontract" this work, Li Menglong thinks it is possible. If the blame continues, it is hard to say what the result will be.

So Li Menglong finally decided to come forward by himself. When introducing Dawei, he tried to keep the relationship as clear as possible. For example, he introduced Kim Taeyeon because of his face.

As for this person's relationship with Kim Taeyeon, how about saying he is a relative of her family? cousin?

"It's great to say he's your cousin. Besides, he looks nothing like me. No one will believe it."

Kim Taeyeon instinctively resists the identity arranged by Li Menglong, but this is just an excuse. No one will dig into it, and in the end, it is probably Li Menglong's face.

But if she really feels awkward, then she should find someone else. There are so many girls, there should be someone who is willing to recognize a "cousin".

And this cousin can do things. If I want to eat some fried chicken in the future, I won't ask this "cousin" to treat me, but there is no problem in getting some benefits from the kitchen.

Many people may ignore the energy of a chef, but that definitely does not include Li Menglong. He has really done this profession.

It is no exaggeration to say that if a chef wants to bankrupt the store, it can really happen in a matter of minutes, and the boss can even be unaware of it.

As for providing convenience, it's even simpler. If you add an extra piece of chicken steak to the same burger, will anyone notice?

Or it’s the same fried chicken, but stuff more chicken wings and drumsticks into the topping. Will anyone count it?

In short, this "cousin" is definitely not in vain. Kim Taeyeon still doesn't appreciate it. I can only say that she is still young.

But after settling this matter, is it time to settle the score between the two of them?

Li Menglong was inexplicably pulled over to take the blame for Kim Taeyeon. He didn't say anything, and he also solved her problem perfectly. Verbal thanks are still necessary, right?

He no longer pursues these vain things. He only has one request now, and that is to wipe out the grudge with Kim Taeyeon, specifically everything that happened in the morning.

If Kim Taeyeon still wants to cause trouble, then she should take revenge on those sisters. After all, they are the main ones who make suggestions.

Kim Taeyeon doesn't have any objections to this. She can still tell who is the mastermind.

Of course, this does not mean that Li Menglong is innocent inside, but who makes those women traitors? Traitors are more hateful than enemies.

The two finally agreed on the terms, and then they got tired of looking at each other. Not to mention shaking hands and high-fiving, even saying more words felt disgusting.

So one went to the second floor and the other to the third floor, and the two officially parted ways!

Li Menglong's return didn't cause much of a sensation. At least everything seemed normal here on the second floor, as if those who were cheering before were not the same group of people.

It's just that Li Menglong was too lazy to cause trouble for them, but someone still took the initiative to come up to them. It was obvious that everyone was still curious.

Naturally, Li Menglong would not have a good temper about being a "fun" in the eyes of others.

But who knew that the person standing opposite was Xu Xian? Why was this little girl joining in the fun? Did those people bribe her?

"Don't talk nonsense, I'm just curious. Why did Ernie ask you to go down? It can't be the same thing in the morning, right?"

Xu Xian seemed nervous, but her words revealed herself. If she didn't know anything, how could she know that Li Menglong went to the first floor instead of being pulled to the third floor?

However, Li Menglong did not choose to expose it, because Xu Xian must not know the specific details, so he can make nonsense now?

Seemingly seeing Li Menglong's plan, Xu Xian warned you seriously: "I advise you to be kind and don't make up lies to deceive me. I will go to Kim Taeyeon for verification."

This warning came quite timely, otherwise it would be difficult for Li Menglong to change his stance once he spoke. So tell the truth now?

"Kim Taeyeon recommended an acting talent to me. I went down to take a look and promised him several opportunities. You might also have the possibility of working together in the future."

Li Menglong finally chose to tell the truth, but only part of it. As for what kind of associations Xu Xian would make, it was not his responsibility. After all, he did not lie.

Seohyun was indeed misled by him. Can the acting talent recommended by Kim Taeyeon be reliable?

Anyway, Xu Xian was the first one not to believe it, but Li Menglong seemed to have given a positive answer and even given him a chance. This seemed to be true.

Xu Xian was very confused for a moment. She didn't know how to make the right judgment.

If what Li Menglong said is true, then Xu Xian really doesn't mind cooperating in the future, and he can be regarded as half of his own people, but is there really a possibility of cooperation?

"There must be one. I can guarantee it. No matter what style your new work is, the other party will be able to do it!"

Li Menglong promised again, but this time his promise was too exaggerated, right?

But Li Menglong didn’t think so. For a minor role, he still needs to read the script, right? Basically, you can do whatever the director tells you to do.

Therefore, for extra actors, style is still too extravagant, and the beautified view is that any style can be used.

Xu Xian was completely confused now. She was already determined to go down there and meet the genius. Could it be that a golden phoenix really flew out of the company?

However, Xu Xian still suppressed her curiosity. She wanted to focus on her work now. She could choose to go there at noon to see the level of the genius discovered by Li Menglong and Kim Taeyeon.

While Seohyun was making up her mind, Kim Taeyeon was also bragging about her legendary experience upstairs. She could unearth a genius even if she ate fried chicken. Who else could be there besides her?

The girls were different from Xu Xian's doubts. After all, Xu Xian had Li Menglong's endorsement, but they simply didn't believe it.

Instead of believing that Kim Taeyeon has the ability to discover geniuses, it is better to believe that they are aliens!

But they don't dare to say sarcastic words now. You must know that Kim Taeyeon came here to cause trouble in the first place.

Although they don't think they did anything wrong, Kim Taeyeon thinks she has been hurt, so they have to admit it too!

Since you have made a mistake, you must admit it, at least not against Kim Taeyeon, right?

So they have to say flattering words as much as possible, even if it makes them sick, they still have to please Kim Taeyeon.

But maybe they were too sincere in their praise, or maybe Kim Taeyeon got carried away. In short, Kim Taeyeon unknowingly took this matter to be true.

This is really a skill. One of the ultimate secrets among liars is to deceive others first!

Only by letting yourself believe that the lie is true can you have enough confidence to deceive outsiders.

So when the other girls suggested going to see the genius later, Kim Taeyeon agreed.

But the moment she agreed, she finally came to her senses. She knew exactly what happened. It could be said that without Li Menglong's help, she would probably still be apologizing down there.

The result was such a lie that could be exposed immediately. She actually wanted to take these women over to have a look. Did she think she wasn't in enough trouble?

The key is that this time there is no Li Menglong to take the blame for her. Once the girls reveal the truth, will the "genius" collapse on the spot?

Kim Taeyeon wanted to regret it, but she slapped her in the face too quickly, which would cause her to lose her moral high ground towards these women.

So she decided to delay, even if she wanted to confess, until it was close to noon. Before that, she could enjoy the flattery of these women unscrupulously. I have to say that it felt really good!

But as noon came, Kim Taeyeon became more and more anxious.

She knew that the lie she had made up would be exposed as soon as it was exposed, but she was unwilling to point it out, and her worries were increasing.

In the end, she actually chose to break the pot. Anyway, things were already bad to a certain extent. How much worse could it get?

It was nothing more than being discovered by the girls, but they dared to say it directly?

They also have the emotional intelligence that Kim Taeyeon has. If Kim Taeyeon doesn't dare to do something, they also don't dare to do it!

So even if they see through the truth, they will probably hide it with Kim Taeyeon. What if they don't see it out?

They are not directors, and they are not even senior actors. What qualifications do they have to judge a person's acting skills?

Anyway, Kim Taeyeon planned to bite her to death, and even prepared to drag Li Menglong to endorse her, but he already admitted it. Do these women still have the qualifications to refute?

With anxiety and uneasiness, Kim Taeyeon finally had to face her "inner demon".

But when she came down with the large army, she met Li Menglong and Xu Xian. Wasn't this too much of a coincidence?

But Li Menglong himself didn't think so. He felt that Kim Taeyeon came to block him on purpose. As for her purpose, Li Menglong couldn't guess yet.

But it doesn't matter, anyway, no matter what Kim Taeyeon says, he is not going to agree.

In this case, there is no need for everyone to join together, and they don't even eat lunch together.

Li Menglong pulled Xu Xian and signaled Xu Xian to stand aside with him and let the women go first.

Of course, there is nothing to say about this attitude. Normally, Kim Taeyeon might be proud of herself for a while.

But it didn't happen today. Although she hadn't thought about getting Li Menglong off the water before, but since she happened to meet him, this was a good opportunity given by God.

If she didn't grasp it, she wouldn't be Kim Taeyeon.

So even though Li Menglong took the initiative to show his alienated attitude, Kim Taeyeon was still enthusiastic: "Oh, what a coincidence? Let's have dinner together at noon. I'm here to treat you. You two won't give me this face, right?"

While speaking, Kim Taeyeon had already taken the initiative to walk up to the two of them, and made her own threat in a small voice: "The things in the morning are not over yet, you can think about it later!"

To be precise, this threat was made to Xu Xian. After all, Li Menglong theoretically settled the grudge between the two.

But if Xu Xian is afraid, isn't it true that Li Menglong is also afraid? Can he leave Xu Xian behind? Is he still not a man?

Facts have proved that Kim Taeyeon's understanding of Lee Mongryong is still somewhat biased. Whether he is a man or not should be defined by Lee Soonkyu, not through such trivial matters.

So Li Menglong pushed Xu Xian out without hesitation. This action even shocked Xu Xian, and then he was speechless. What about Li Menglong?

"I'm here to see you. You sisters are having a dinner together. Why should I get involved?"

What Li Menglong said was decisive, but why didn't he have this kind of consciousness on weekdays? They didn't know how many times they had disliked him, but when had Li Menglong ever cared?

Now I have to give up my dignity. Isn’t it a bit too pretentious?

This unfamiliar face made the girls not know what to say, especially Xu Xian who was pushed out. Li Menglong could hesitate for a moment.

As Xu Xian was the person who was pushed out, she knew clearly how much strength Li Menglong used. Is this because she was afraid that Xu Xian would climb up from the fire pit?

But the one who was even more excited than Seohyun was Kim Taeyeon. After seeing Lee Mongryong, she originally thought that he could come over and take the blame again, but now she turned around and ran away?

Kim Taeyeon did not accept this outcome. Let alone the confrontation behind those words, just the superficial meaning made her embarrassed.

She, Kim Taeyeon, offers to treat guests, but some people would choose to refuse? Or in front of so many people?

Wasn't this pressing Kim Taeyeon's face against the wall and rubbing it like crazy? Her face hurt!

"I just want to have lunch with you today. You'd better think carefully before giving me an answer!"

Kim Taeyeon lowered her voice and threatened with an unusually low voice. At the same time, she secretly accumulated strength at her feet. If Li Menglong dared to refuse, she would immediately hit him with a headbutt!

This already belongs to the category of seeing red with a bayonet. Even if Li Menglong doesn't want to follow him at all, what words of rejection can he say?

If you choose to refuse, you may encounter trouble in the future, but if you choose to refuse now, trouble will appear immediately. Is there any need to continue to struggle?

However, Li Menglong did not forget to seek some treatment for himself: "We agreed that you would treat us? I can eat anything?"

Seeing that Li Menglong's answer was correct, Kim Taeyeon was satisfied. As for Li Menglong's little thought, it was just that he wanted to eat something expensive to make her feel bad.

But when had she, Kim Taeyeon, ever been stingy about this? Li Menglong just let go of his eating. As long as he didn't burst to death, he could eat whatever he wanted!

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