Everyone was not particularly happy after the meal, except Xu Xian of course, the little girl's smile never stopped.

This weird scene is really puzzling. Does she think it's fun to tease these people?

But this doesn't seem like Xu Xian's character, so can she explain it so that the people across from her can have fun together?

"I just think this scene of everyone pursuing health together is very friendly. Don't you feel this way?"

Xu Xian blinked his big eyes, his eyes full of sincerity.

Faced with this look, what could they say? Is it possible to say that they have no feeling at all?

If you really want to say this, it would be too hurtful, so they can only fool Xu Xian here without conscience:

"Indeed, I was so moved that I cried. If you don't believe me, see for yourself!"

"The maknae cares about us so much. If there is any gift you want, the boys and girls will give it to you."

"How wonderful it would be if this kind of life could last forever!"

Although everyone is perfunctory, they still need to pay attention to skills. Who said the last sentence? Isn't this providing "bullets" to Seohyun?

Sure enough, Xu Xian did not waste this person's kindness, and immediately said excitedly: "Really? Then let's make an agreement, and I will accompany you every day from now on..."

Xu Xian said a lot excitedly, but the girls couldn't even listen to a word because they had no intention of complying.

They are not confused, why should they agree to this condition? Is it because you have been living too happily recently, so you want to find some discomfort for yourself?

Xu Xian seemed to be aware of the perfunctory behavior of these women, and couldn't help but lower the corners of his mouth a little. He originally thought that they were finally on the "right path", but now it seems that their awareness still needs to be improved.

Fortunately, this is a long-term task, and Xu Xian is not secretly upset about the short-term failure. She still has a lot of time to squander.

As long as she perseveres, there will always be a day when she succeeds. At least now she has successfully put these women on the table, eating extremely healthy food with her.

In order to enhance the sense of identity of this group of women, Xu Xian also took the initiative to mention Yoona and the others. Of course, the topic was mainly about the food they might eat.

In Seohyun's context, is what Yoona and the others eat like food? It was clearly poison, as if they were likely to die after eating this meal.

This exaggerated description is difficult to gain recognition from Kim Taeyeon and others. In other words, they would rather die while eating meat than continue to eat grass here.

"We are in a team. Isn't it inappropriate for us to enjoy it here by ourselves? How about we call them all over?"

It was Pani who came up with this bad idea. Even though Pani is usually a bit stupid, that's just because she doesn't want to use her brain. She is smart.

Especially in this situation where she suffered an unreasonable disaster, but the other girls could still eat and drink, she felt extremely unbalanced.

She must make those women pay the same price, and this is just the beginning of revenge!

Everyone at the scene, including Xu Xian, knew Pani's little thoughts clearly, but no one chose to refuse.

Let alone others, Xu Xian is mainly thinking about whether he can bring the other sisters back to the "right path". What if some of them repent?

After getting Xu Xian's approval, the girls immediately took action, but instead of going into battle on their own, they pushed Li Menglong to the front.

According to them, Li Menglong's identity is the most suitable to come forward, of course, in order to reduce the defensive psychology of the women.

Originally, they thought that things would have twists and turns, and that they might have to rely on the majesty of their sisters to force the group over in the end.

But the whole thing went incredibly smoothly. The two parties didn't even talk for a minute before Li Menglong hung up the phone on his own initiative.

"What should I say? They won't come over, right? Give me your phone and I'll tell them in person!"

Kim Taeyeon seemed to have been planning this sentence for a long time, and she just wanted to take action without even asking about the outcome.

But Li Menglong gave a different answer: "They are nearby and are ready to come over now. Do you want to call a few copies for them in advance?"

This answer actually made the scene quiet for a while, especially Kim Taeyeon. Although it was not embarrassing, there was really no light on her face.

Li Menglong settled the matter without her taking action. Was it because he didn't take her seriously?

Kim Taeyeon herself knew that there was obviously something wrong with this logic, so she didn't bring it up. She just kept it in her mind while thinking about what happened to those women.

Would they know nothing about the situation at the scene? It's obviously impossible!

This is not the first time that a similar situation has happened. They have experienced it more or less. Now it is obvious that they know the situation at the scene, but they are still willing to come and suffer together.

Logically speaking, this kind of behavior is praiseworthy, after all, it is very loyal.

But this is not the first day that Kim Taeyeon has met that group of women. There is no denying that they are particularly united on certain occasions, but it definitely does not include this moment.

Kim Taeyeon instinctively felt that they came here to cause trouble, and this suspicion was soon fulfilled.

Not even a quarter of an hour later, Yoona led a group of girls in with an arrogant pace, as if there was no one in the world she could even look down at.

The appearance alone was enough for several people at the scene to make a judgment. These people were not here to share weal and woe, they were clearly here to show off!

"What a coincidence, everyone is here? So are you. We are a team, why do we have to eat in two places? If outsiders see us, we don't know how we will be arranged."

Yoona stepped forward and hugged Kim Taeyeon's shoulders enthusiastically, but the words in her mouth seemed to have a deeper meaning?

Although everyone knows that they should not cooperate with Yoona, some people can't help but wonder: "So you are here to have dinner together now?"

"Of course, and it's not just about eating, I, Lin Yoona, will also treat you today!"

In order to prove that she was not lying, Yoona actually ordered some vegetables and ate them with gusto.

This is not the performance of Yoona alone. The group of people who followed her are all similar, so what are they doing?

Kim Taeyeon has smelled the key recently. This is not a description. She really smelled something wrong with her own nose.

"Ah, you weren't eating barbecue just now, were you? And you didn't eat any vegetables the whole time?"

Kim Taeyeon just smelled the aroma of barbecue on Yoona's clothes, and the rest was her reasoning based on her own character.

However, considering that they have lived together for so long and do tend to be similar in many aspects, this speculation is likely to be the truth.

Yoona, who was eating her food, was choked in an instant. Of course, she didn't want to hide it, but didn't she reveal her secret too quickly?

The fact was just as Kim Taeyeon thought, Yoona took the others to eat meat together.

However, a few of them were absent-minded when eating. It was not because they knew that the other sisters were suffering, so they felt guilty. This only made their food taste more delicious.

What they were worried about was the revenge of those people afterwards. The eyes of those women were probably glowing green. Who knew what outrageous things they would do.

In order to avoid this scene from happening, they took the initiative to discuss a plan, which was to eat meat until they were half full, and then come back here to "suffer" with their sisters!

Overall, this plan went relatively smoothly. At least they didn't feel any pain at all while eating.

After all, when they ate meat before, it was really greasy, and it couldn't be paired with any vegetables. They felt guilty when they swallowed it.

So now that we have the opportunity to "atone", we naturally have to take two more bites. Anyway, they are mixed together in the stomach and digested, so they should be eaten together.

As for being discovered on the spot, it was actually within their acceptance range. They were conspiring. What could Kim Taeyeon and others say?

Kim Taeyeon really couldn't say anything. Even though her hands and feet were shaking with anger, she still had to stay relatively calm.

Because they have indeed come to suffer together. Regardless of what happened before, you have to appreciate it. But is this feeling too "heavy"?

Thinking of the image of Yoona and the others eating with their mouths full of oil, Kim Taeyeon's heart was bleeding. Why wasn't she the one eating meat?

Seemingly feeling Kim Taeyeon's resentment, these women had some conscience and gave her all the few meats in the salad.

How could Kim Taeyeon accept this kind of charity? Do she really think she is a beggar?

"You don't want to eat this? Then I won't be polite!"

Li Menglong doesn't care about his reputation. He still has to be picky when it comes to eating meat. Kim Taeyeon deserves to be hungry.

Seeing that there was another traitor on her side, Kim Taeyeon really couldn't sit still and slapped the table hard: "Pay the bill and leave!"

While talking, Kim Taeyeon walked out on her own. Although the others were shocked, the food on hand seemed not to be wasted.

As a result, Kim Taeyeon soon suffered the consequences. The vegetable salad was tasteless, but the car was filled with the sound of chewing. It sounded very annoying. Did these people do it on purpose?

"I spent all my money on this. Wouldn't it be a waste to just throw it away?"

Yoona defended her packing behavior. As for why she had to eat it in the car, it was because she was afraid it would be stale.

Kim Taeyeon seemed to have no energy left to argue anymore. She realized that if she continued to struggle, she would be the only one who would suffer. It wasn't worth it!

But she had already silently written it down in a small book for these people, and she would look for an opportunity to take revenge on them one by one tomorrow and let them know what the majesty of a captain is!

As soon as she arrived at the door of her house, Kim Taeyeon walked away angrily, not giving the group of women behind her a chance to catch up.

This move should be very obvious. Except for the blind man, there should be no one who can't see Kim Taeyeon's anger.

So what exactly are Yoona and the others going to do? Is it good for them to provoke Kim Taeyeon's anger?

If it was just a simple prank, it can only be said that the price Yoona paid was too high, even if it has not been shown in detail until now.

"Onie, just take care of yourself. Once she gets into trouble, we won't be able to help you."

Xu Xian took the initiative to remind Yoona, but Yoona just stuffed the last bite of vegetables into her mouth and waved her hand nonchalantly, indicating that it was all a trivial matter.

Although I don’t know where Yoona’s confidence comes from, let’s assume that she has enough confidence. I hope this woman is not fierce in appearance but soft in heart.

But Xu Xian's worries were obviously unnecessary, at least in Li Menglong's view.

Is Seohyun only paying attention to Yoona? Didn't you look at the attitudes of the other women?

If there were not enough back-ups, would Jung Soo-yeon and the others watch Yoona's mischief? They clearly had a plan in advance, enough to control Kim Taeyeon to death.

As for the specific details, Li Menglong was also very curious, but Yoona and the others obviously did not intend to explain too much to him.

The group of people returned home in this weird atmosphere. Kim Taeyeon was like a Buddha, crossing her legs and hugging her shoulders on the sofa, making a person sulky.

Even though the TV was not turned on, she was staring ahead intently. If she didn't know the cause and effect, she would have thought she had seen a ghost.

This scene was obviously meant for Yoona and the others to see. If these women were sensible and said some nice words now, they might be able to gain some forgiveness.

But Yoona and the others seemed not to notice, they were all talking and joking to themselves. Is this a prelude to rebellion?

Li Menglong could vaguely see the bloody storm that followed. None of this seemed to have much to do with him, so it should be too late for him to avoid it now, right?

It may be due to some kind of tacit understanding, but of course it is more likely that everyone is unwilling to take the blame, so for a while there was no one on the first floor.

Kim Taeyeon is about to explode. She has shown it so obviously, but no one comes to please her. Is this the legendary cold violence?

Of course, Kim Taeyeon has some misunderstandings about this term. The current situation is obviously different from cold violence, because she has the upper hand throughout the whole process!

Besides, Yoona came here, she was just a little late. This is not a sin.

In fact, according to Yoona's original plan, she should take the initiative to come up with her trump card at midnight, but who would have thought that Kim Taeyeon would explode in advance.

She was forced to advance her plan. She was sitting next to Kim Taeyeon and didn't say anything. She just silently tore off the plastic wrap on the packaging box.

Following Yoona's movements, a rich meaty fragrance instantly filled the air, and Kim Taeyeon instinctively took a deep breath.

At this moment, she seemed to have an enlightenment, and Yoona's entire plan was imprinted in her mind.

This is Yoona's biggest support. She is not a child who only knows how to make people angry. She is well-behaved in private.

How could she forget her suffering sister when she went to eat meat? She always kept this person in her heart, and the takeaway she brought was the most powerful proof!

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