"Onie, I brought you a gift, come out and take a look!"

Xu Xian had already started shouting before she entered the door. She was in a very happy mood at the moment.

After all, she knew what she would see next, and those women might not be happy for long.

It's not that Xu Xian looks down on them, but based on the recent eating rhythm of this group of people, one by one, they are all in the overweight category.

Of course, there is no so-called specific standard weight for them. It mainly depends on each person's requirements for themselves.

And to be honest, based on their current weight base, even if they gain three or two pounds, it will basically not have any impact, and they will still be as beautiful as gods.

But aren't they going to make a movie? This will test their physical condition.

It’s not that they can’t be photographed if they are a little fatter, but they will really regret it once their image is not so perfect.

To be more utilitarian, maintaining the most "extreme" state in movies and TV series is indeed a very profitable thing.

Because these images will not grow old, fat, or ugly, and will always remain in the hearts of every audience with the most perfect posture.

Once the audience can get the first impression, isn't this a real influence?

The girls are also veterans in the industry, so how could they not understand this?

It's just that theory and practice are two extremes, and their thoughts and actions seem to be going in opposite directions?

Even if girls object to this in every possible way, there are always some things they cannot refute, such as weight!

Xu Xian was too lazy to talk to them, so he placed the scale in front of them, picked up a notebook from the table and started recording: "Who is the first person? Kim Taeyeon?"

In order to make the scene more serious, Xu Xian didn't even call her sister at the moment, but they couldn't care about these details now.

They were excusing each other, and no one was willing to be the first to step forward, not even Kim Taeyeon who was named.

This kind of sudden attack without any warning is too annoying. Even if they have full confidence in themselves, this is not the reason for Xu Xian to launch a surprise attack.

They strongly asked Xu Xian to respect each of them. As for specific performance, for example, before weighing himself, he should give them a report.

Faced with the requests of these women, Xu Xian agreed to them all, but he would implement them next time, so he would just give in this time.

It was said that Xu Xian's original intention was just a small revenge, but looking at their uneasy looks at the moment, she became a little worried.

How much overweight are these women? Are they so scared?

From her point of view, the figures of these women are quite perfect. Xu Xian has even seen more detailed pictures, so she can vouch for them.

But considering that she lives with this group of people every day, it is indeed easy to not notice it.

So don’t say anything. Numbers are the most reliable. Can they be brave? We don’t want them to go to the hospital for injections.

"Lin Yuner, you come first!"

When Xu Xian temporarily became a "sister", she subconsciously had a tendency to move closer to that group of people.

This cannot be blamed on Xu Xian. After all, she has no experience in being a sister. All her concepts come from learning from these women.

And what would girls do when they encounter a similar scene? Of course, let the two maknae test the water first.

So Xu Xian subconsciously mentioned Yoona's name. The key is that Yoona really stood up. Is this a favor to Xu Xian?

Who knows that Yoona is simply confident, and her weight rarely puts her under pressure.

For this, Yoona has always been grateful, and she doesn't know how much pain it has relieved her.

After all, there are living examples around me. Every time I see the pain of those women losing weight, Yoona has to buy gifts for her parents. I am really grateful!

But even if she was confident enough, Yoona had to be prepared and took off everything that was heavy on her body.

Cell phones, watches, jackets, shoes, socks, if this was at home, they would probably take them off even more thoroughly.

That's not all. Before going up, Yoona even exhaled all the air in her stomach. This is also the weight.

Yoona, who was holding her breath and concentrating, only stood there for a few seconds, but these few seconds were extremely long for herself and the people around her. They urgently needed a result.

But the result was not satisfactory. The girls looked like they were mourning for their heirs, but Yoona jumped up happily.

Because Seohyun's past weight was recorded, her weight did not increase compared to the last time, but dropped by nearly one kilogram, which even exceeded Yoona's own expectations.

She has even begun to think about what to eat at night. This kilogram is a redundant weight for her.

What's wrong with her having a good meal for this? She has the capital to gain weight. Do those women dare?

As long as she, Lin Yoona, treats everyone who comes for dinner today, she wants to see how many people come over in the end!

Yoona's detachment is undoubtedly attracting hatred, but until the result is finally confirmed, the girls don't know whether they will be her enemies.

They still have some illusions in their hearts. What if they get the same result?

This is not impossible. After all, they and Yoona live and eat together, and Yoona has lost weight. Why would they be fat?

With this unfathomable confidence, the remaining women stood up one after another.

As for the final result, you can make a judgment based on the state of the scene alone, but those who can still laugh are the people who are going to have dinner together in the evening.

There are more of these people than expected. Kim Taeyeon and Lee Soon Kyu formed the only small group, and they became the minority in the team!

"Yeah, Huang Meiying, why don't you stand up? You're just on an even footing, what's there to be happy about?"

Kim Taeyeon tried to pull Pani over, but Pani really couldn't be "loyal" anymore this time.

Because she knew exactly what these two women were going to go through next, and she really didn't want to experience it again.

Besides, that’s fine if we all work together. When losing weight, I’m most afraid of the comparisons around me.

Some people can eat and drink large amounts of fish and meat, but they can only watch helplessly, trying to chew out the aroma of the meat from the grass blades in their mouths. Isn't this a joke?

So Pani would rather eat a little less with Yoona, even if she will be hungry when she gets home, than eat grass until she is full with Kim Taeyeon!

"You... you traitor!" Kim Taeyeon pointed at Pani and said angrily: "I just didn't perform well today. Besides, I haven't squatted in the bathroom today, so maybe..."

The girls are no longer too lazy to listen to Kim Taeyeon's "fantasy". They have only imagined more of the same fantasy, but their reason tells them to return to reality!

Seeing that these women were not interested in talking to her, Kim Taeyeon could only look back to the sisters in the same dormitory to find a sense of presence.

"You're still interesting enough. The two of us will be half-sisters from now on. I'll have some snacks in the evening, and they all belong to you. Am I loyal?"

Kim Taeyeon patted Lee Soon Kyu on the shoulder hard, which was so touching, but did she think Lee Soon Kyu was a fool?

This is no longer the period in the practice room. There will also be battles of wits and courage with the guards of various teachers, and sneaking around to eat something.

They are already adults and need to learn self-discipline!

Seriously, is Seohyun's supervision that scary? The two of them had to eat something high-calorie. How could Xu Xian force them to vomit it out?

In the final analysis, it is still their own requirements for themselves. In this case, if they still eat snacks, aren't they lying to themselves?

Giving Kim Taeyeon a look, Lee Soon Kyu had already started to book lunch in advance.

Even if you eat grass, you still have to choose the variety you like, and it will probably have some meat in it, even if it's just sashimi.

Kim Taeyeon was brought back to reality by Lee Soonkyu's indifference. She was sitting on the ground at a loss. She really didn't want to control her diet, especially when it was just the two of them.

But it's useless to say anything now. Even if she doesn't want to do it, Xu Xian and even the other girls will not watch their captain fall.

This is a rare opportunity to openly supervise and even attack Kim Taeyeon. If others don’t tell her, Yoona will at least seize it. The little girl wants to come back with revenge!

"Oh, it's really a sin..."

With Kim Taeyeon's sigh, Seohyun has completed the final record, but before leaving, she still has to give a few words of advice.

Forget about the weight loss plan, each of them is extremely familiar with this process, and they can even be called masters.

Xu Xian is more concerned about the supervision level. Although she believes that Kim Taeyeon will not surrender, this does not prevent her from providing another insurance for the other party.

"Then I'll leave it to you until noon. I'll come and take over their lunch at noon!"

Xu Xian is not the kind of person who will throw away all the problems. She is responsible for this.

After hearing that Xu Xian was going to take the two of them to dinner at noon, Kim Taeyeon and Lee Soon Kyu were really ashen-faced.

They clearly knew how cruel Xu Xian was to them. Now they didn't have to expect a few pieces of meat in it, and they weren't even qualified to choose vegetables.

Looking at Xu Xian's leaving figure, Kim Taeyeon and Lee Soon Kyu really wanted to cry.

But the other girls didn't even give them a chance to cry. From now on, the two of them no longer have so-called personal freedom.

Even if they want to go to the bathroom, someone will accompany them all the way. Otherwise, what if they eat secretly inside?

Although they want to refute, Kim Taeyeon and Lee Soon Kyu do not have such confidence.

Because once you are hungry to a certain level, hiding in the bathroom and eating instant noodles is not out of the question.

As for why the girls know it clearly, it’s because they have all been there, so can these two be more honest? Save some face for each other.

The girls upstairs were still interacting in a friendly manner, but Xu Xian quickly found Li Menglong.

She Xu Xian is a person with a clear distinction between love and hate. Taking revenge on the girls is only part of her revenge. Li Menglong doesn't think she is innocent, right?

However, before retaliating, she still informed Li Menglong of the matter, because he, as an agent or director, must be qualified to know this information.

Although it seems to be personal and private information, this can be regarded as one of the artists' helplessness. To a certain extent, artists have no privacy.

"So? What's the use of telling me this? It's not me who stuffed the food into their mouths. I don't bear this responsibility!"

Li Menglong thought Xu Xian was here to hold him accountable, so he quickly distanced himself from the relationship between him and those two people.

This image is undoubtedly very negative, and there is no sense of responsibility at all. Xu Xian is very disgusted when he looks at it.

But she wasn't sure if this was staged by Li Menglong. What if he just wanted to drive her away?

So Xu Xian continued the conversation at his own pace: "You are responsible after all, so remember to have lunch together at noon. I have already made an appointment with those two people."

It was obvious that someone took the initiative to treat the guests to dinner, and they were accompanied by several popular celebrities, but Li Menglong's mood was not at all beautiful.

This was not the first time he had watched this. Even if he had not experienced it personally, he could feel some of their pain after watching it too many times.

As a result, now Xu Xian wants to take him to realize together, which is unnecessary.

His weight isn't that important. As long as it doesn't affect his health, he doesn't seem to have to worry about it.

"You can't keep this kind of figure forever, you will always gain weight, so you should accumulate experience in advance."

After Xu Xian finished speaking, he immediately turned around and left without giving him a chance to refuse.

Li Menglong finally saw the little girl's determination. This was obviously revenge, so why didn't he say it more straightforwardly?

But it's too late to say anything now, unless he wants to fight a protracted war with Xu Xian and would rather accept unknown revenge later.

It seems that compared with those unknowns, the current situation is not unacceptable.

It’s nothing more than lunch. No matter how terrible it is, can it still be miserable in the morning?

Xu Xian didn't have free time to cook this time. Even if she planned to do so, Li Menglong didn't want to give her this chance at this moment.

So what else is there to say, hurry up and get busy, he wants to completely fill Xu Xian's brain with work.

If the little girl forgets all this, it will undoubtedly be great news for Li Menglong, but is it possible?

Li Menglong thought it was unlikely at first, but as time passed, he became more and more optimistic about his plan.

Xu Xian is really too dedicated to his work. This is definitely worthy of praise. Who taught him this?

To put it bluntly, Li Menglong believed that he should have at least half of the credit, and now it was time for him to reap the rewards.

Xu Xian's merits have become Li Menglong's sustenance at the moment, especially when she sees that everyone has begun to discuss where to eat, but she still has no reaction. She must have forgotten it, right?

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