The signature controversy did not last long. After all, it was only a niche demand. Besides, during working hours, it was not easy for everyone to continue to be absent from work.

They all came here to take care of Li Menglong's "business" in the name of work.

So when the deal came to an end, Li Menglong was surprised to find that there was a lot more work on the table.

Is he asking for trouble? Or are these people all planning in advance?

Although I really want to go to those people and ask them, considering that they have already given money, it seems that it is not easy to pester them any more?

Even if the money is used for other purposes, there is still no problem in buying peace for an entire afternoon. Is it a buy one get one free?

Li Menglong, who received monetary encouragement, is very motivated to work, mainly because the work itself is not that complicated.

All documents that can be sent to him have been carefully considered by the people below. In theory, just sign your name.

Some leaders would like to show their presence, but Li Menglong has no such need. His presence seems to be so high that it is scary.

As for the possible problems in these documents, what does that have to do with him?

He just came to fill in for the shift. As long as this afternoon passes, the subsequent work has nothing to do with him.

Even if Li Enxi came to him, he would dare to use this rhetoric to fight him back.

Since you choose to let him take over, you must consider the possible consequences. Isn't this something that adults should have?

Moreover, Li Menglong also has his own little thoughts. He really wants to cause some trouble. In this way, he will not be asked to take over in the future, right?

It's not like he is idle every day. He is already busy with the work in his hands, but Li Enxi comes to cause trouble?

Li Menglong even thought about replicating the opponent's actions. If he could trick Li Enxi into working for him, the effect would be very good.

The only thing that needs to be worried about is Li Enxi's ability. He can be upwardly compatible, but does Li Enxi still have the ability to engage in low-level work?

Logically speaking, there should be no problem. After all, this person also climbed up from the bottom. It is time for the other party to recall the past of youth.

At this moment, Li Menglong was thinking about Li Enxi's possible tragic future, and at the same time, he was turning into a brainless signing machine, which was similar to Xu Xian's previous signing state.

Relying on a completely mindless working mode, Li Menglong successfully solved all the work within half an hour.

In order to prevent any "fish from slipping through the net", he also walked around the third floor and asked in every office to make sure there was no other work.

"Is Li Eun-hee too pretentious to complain about such an easy job? I think we should discuss reducing her salary."

Li Menglong was still making sarcastic remarks on the sidelines. This kind of sarcasm between the two leaders left everyone wondering what to say. It was impossible to agree, right?

Putting aside the possible retaliation for offending Li Enxi, Li Menglong's words alone made everyone feel as sick as if they had swallowed a fly.

Because Li Menglong was not only belittling Li Enxi, but also devaluing their work as worthless.

After all, Li Enxi's job is too easy, does it mean that the work they submitted is also easy?

This is simply not true. I believe he knows exactly how Li Menglong completed his work.

This is simply irresponsible. If anyone has a bad intention, in just one afternoon, with his cooperation, the entire company can be wiped out!

Everyone even planned to shelve the document signed by Li Menglong and bring a new one to Li Enxi tomorrow so that their work would be meaningful.

With everyone's flattery, Li Menglong was happily sent away. He returned to his familiar position again, but why didn't everyone look particularly welcoming to him?

"I have worked very hard for a long time in order to meet you earlier. Don't you feel grateful?"

Since everyone is embarrassed to express their feelings, then Li Menglong will express his feelings for them. Why should such compliments be hidden?

Is this considered forced representation? Everyone in the office dared not speak out in anger, and even showed some false smiles.

It stands to reason that as a well-known director, Li Menglong's judgment on acting skills is several levels higher than that of ordinary people, and he can easily tell everyone's forced smiles.

But he didn't react at all. He was still immersed in the false atmosphere he had created. Wouldn't anyone dare to come and expose his "Emperor's New Clothes"?

In the expectant eyes of everyone, Xu Xian was forced to stand up.

Even though no one spoke during the whole process, everyone's eyes were too heavy.

Xu Xian couldn't stay out of the situation even if she wanted to. What made her feel guilty this time was that she seemed to have let down everyone's expectations.

But this can be regarded as following her heart. She really can't stand it a little bit, and she needs to be down-to-earth.

Bragging about yourself is not impossible, it can be regarded as a way to gain confidence in yourself, but you have to control it within a certain limit, and it is best not to disgust others.

"Oppa, the work for the afternoon has been arranged. You can do whatever you want. Don't force yourself too much."

What Xu Xian said was incomprehensible. At least Li Menglong didn't understand it. There should be a subtext, right?

When did the tacit understanding between him and Xu Xian become so bad? That shouldn't be the case. The two of them were clearly able to fight each other when they were upstairs, but why couldn't they do it downstairs?

While Li Menglong was reflecting, everyone in the office had already taken action.

There was no subtext that he understood, and there was no secret among everyone. It can only be said that Li Menglong was a fan of the authorities.

But he reacted quickly. To be precise, it was everyone's actions that gave him a clear understanding: Was he being disliked?

The people in front of him were busy but carrying out their work in an orderly manner, and the core of the people was the little girl in front of him.

This scene looks relatively familiar, because usually the person who is surrounded by him as the core is Li Menglong himself.

The feeling of being replaced by him is indeed a bit disappointing, but more importantly, I am happy that the cabbage grown at home has finally grown.

He doesn't object to being replaced by Xu Xian, but at least leave a place for him. He feels very redundant now.

This may be what Xu Xian expressed before. At least this afternoon, there is no room for Li Menglong here, so he can go and rest.

In theory, this is definitely a good thing. You can fish openly during work, which is the highest enjoyment for any migrant worker.

But Li Menglong is not that kind of person. To be precise, he is not a worker. He is making money for himself. He works for his hobby. His motivation is much stronger than others.

If we let him rest now, wouldn't that deprive him of his right to enjoy his work?

Besides, if Xu Xian was killed just for revenge, he wouldn't be able to "catch him without mercy". This kind of benign little interaction between the two people has always existed, which can be regarded as their mutual enjoyment.

Logically speaking, if he wanted to rejoin the work, Li Menglong could just seize Xu Xian's position directly, but that would not reveal his ability as Li Menglong.

He has to work his way up from the bottom. He doesn't become a leader right up there. This kind of experience cannot be replicated by Xu Xian. Let the little girl learn something today.

Li Menglong walked around the office. Not to mention, these people were so guarded against him that he couldn't make a move for a while.

So he simply stayed by the printer, not believing that no one was coming.

This trick really worked, even if everyone didn't want to talk to him at all, they couldn't help but Li Menglong took the initiative to talk to him.

"Printing? Just let me do it. You can go do other things. I will send it to you in a minute."

Li Menglong's politeness made the person opposite frown. Are you sure this is not a trap?

After several attempts to shirk, he still couldn't get over Li Menglong, and he successfully got his first job.

Logically speaking, this is not even a chore. If he wants to integrate into the group, he needs to show more of his value.

And Li Menglong did exactly that. When the printed document was sent over, the person didn't bother to say thank you because it was already filled with various comments.

Li Menglong even deliberately drew out the use of punctuation marks. Just looking at the traces of modification, it can be said that it is almost useless.

Even though he knew that Li Menglong was deliberately looking for trouble, the man opposite him still couldn't say anything.

It's not that I don't dare, but everyone in the office doesn't have that much respect for Li Menglong, at least they won't be bullied unilaterally and don't dare to speak.

Simply because Li Menglong was on target, let’s just say that there is nothing wrong with any of the things he modified, right?

Aren’t punctuation important? Haven’t you heard the story of an entire project failing because of a single punctuation mark?

If someone asks, Li Menglong really doesn't mind making up a paragraph for the other party on the spot. Anyway, there are many similar chicken soups.

It seemed that he had foreseen Li Menglong's possible answer, so he gritted his teeth and began to revise it. There was still no dialogue with Li Menglong throughout the process.

This attitude of "you can correct your mistakes after you know them" surprised Li Menglong. Can he tolerate this? Are you sure you don't want to argue with yourself?

He felt like he had been punched on cotton, and his whole body was shaken violently. When did the tempers of these people become so kind?

This is not the group of "tricksters" he is familiar with. Could it be that his revision efforts are not enough?

With some self-doubt, Li Menglong increased his efforts in revision, and for a while, the printer became a restricted area.

Even if they are just passing by, everyone would rather take a few steps around just to avoid any interaction with Li Menglong, even if it is eye contact.

This feeling of being rejected by the group should be called cold violence in the workplace, right?

In other words, this can be regarded as a method used by some companies to suppress the situation. When they want to fire someone and there are no legal procedures, this unscrupulous method can be used.

Whenever you encounter people with poor mental endurance, depression is probably inevitable.

But what can I say about Li Menglong's mental endurance? At least so far, I haven't seen his too depressed side.

It's not that he is pretending to be strong, it's just that the stoic side of his character doesn't allow him to do so.

And those are the experiences of ordinary people. Why would Li Menglong, as a leader, suffer cold violence?

He has ten thousand ways to fight back, and now he is just thinking about which method to use.

He stayed in front of the printer for another half hour, during which time no living person appeared within a two-meter radius of him.

He doesn't plan to wait any longer, because these people have obviously increased their computer operations, and emails and other things are also very convenient.

As for the documents that need to be kept on file, you can wait until tomorrow to print them. There is really no need to bite the bullet and interact with Li Menglong for this.

Since they are so shy, Li Menglong himself has to take the initiative. In fact, it is really easy to cause trouble for these people.

Li Menglong easily found a set of speakers from the equipment room next door. The speakers that were half the height of a person were enough to illustrate its usage scenarios.

It is estimated that this is used by the company to hold activities outdoors, and Li Menglong now wants to use it indoors.

He even specially selected songs by girls. With such details, Xu Xian shouldn't be so angry when he hears the familiar voice, right?

The only person in the entire office whom Li Menglong was wary of was Xu Xian. Once this little girl got angry, he could only apologize honestly.

This is also the reason why he is restrained, otherwise why would he be "bullied" by his group of people?

Even though he was prepared, the moment Li Menglong pressed the play button, he was still knocked back several steps by Yinlang.

The sound effect was so amazing that Li Menglong was not sure whether his ears were still normal.

And Li Menglong was not the only one who was "attacked". He was still somewhat defensive, and everyone in the office had no preparation in advance.

When the sound wave hit, more than one person suffered cardiac arrest on the spot. Although the heart resumed beating again after a few seconds, their faces were pale.

It must be said that the one who was in relatively good condition at the scene was Seohyun, because she is very familiar with this kind of scene.

Anyone who has been to a concert should know the sound effect, and Seohyun, who is in the center of the stage, performed in a similar environment.

But now was not the time for her to reminisce. Xu Xian frowned and looked into the distance. Even if Li Menglong could not be seen, would there be anyone else who could do such a thing?

Or does anyone else have the courage?

Xu Xian walked over quickly. For the first time, she felt that her singing voice was so harsh. Is it really her voice?

Without even bothering to look for the switch, Xu Xian kicked off the power connection, and the whole world finally returned to peace.

But it seems that everyone is in extremely bad condition, their eyes are dull, as if there is no hope in life.

Xu Xian wanted to comfort everyone, but the moment she opened her mouth, she knew she couldn't do it, because she couldn't just yell in everyone's ears, right?

In this case, she could only choose another way to appease her, such as catching the culprit and cutting him into pieces in front of everyone...

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