The Rise of Korean Entertainment

Chapter 3296 Strong words and reason

After Xu Xian repeatedly confirmed the authenticity of the news, she finally couldn't sit still.

It seems that Li Menglong has taken the initiative to stop his crazy behavior, but who knows what he thinks? What if you just want to retreat in order to advance?

Although Li Menglong's own influence is limited, or even if it causes bad consequences, it will not cause a devastating blow to him.

At least compared to artists like Xu Xian and others, Li Menglong didn't have many options.

No matter what happens, he can retreat behind the scenes and completely become their personal assistant. As long as they have something to eat, he, Li Menglong, will never be hungry.

But this is not the reason for Li Menglong's misbehavior. Anyway, Xu Xian can't just watch him "seeking death". She has to save people!

"Where is Li Menglong? Hasn't he been here before?"

Xu Xian confirmed Li Menglong's arrival because of the potted plants on the table, but why did he leave again?

At this time, some colleagues on the side were embarrassed. Although it was not entirely their fault, to a certain extent, Li Menglong was indeed driven away by them.

How are they going to explain to Xu Xian? If they tell the truth, will Xu Xian misunderstand them?

But they were obviously overly worried. Xu Xian still didn’t know who Li Menglong was?

As long as he doesn't bully others, he expects others to bully him? Did he admit it honestly?

Although she was unsure of the specific process, Xu Xian no longer planned to ask. She just wanted to find Li Menglong as soon as possible.

After everyone's guidance, Xu Xian took the initiative to go to the third floor to search. By the way, she was also a little curious. Why did Li Menglong come here?

Knowing that the girls had left, would he have to apologize to the wall?

After searching around several familiar rooms, I was surprised not to find him. Finally, I happened to hear his voice, and then I followed the direction to find him.

But what should I say about the scene she saw? Li Menglong seemed to be having fun, sitting in Li Enxi's position and spinning around with his chair.

Speaking of which, he is already in his thirties and still has such a childlike innocence. Isn't this really against the law?

Although this can also show that Li Menglong has a young mentality, Xu Xian really doesn't want to continue watching it. It's really eye-catching.

Just as Xu Xian slowly retreated, Li Menglong and Xu Xian looked at each other for a moment, and now both of them were embarrassed.

To be precise, the person who was "forbidden to stand" on the spot was Xu Xian. Although Li Menglong was motionless, the chair under him was still spinning. The contrast between the movement and the movement looked extremely funny.

Xu Xian couldn't hold it back any longer, and the smile on her lips grew bigger and bigger. In the end, she simply covered her mouth and ran out quickly.

But does this move make sense? The corridor was filled with Xu Xian's cheerful laughter. If she had been louder, people on the first floor might have heard it.

It stands to reason that Xu Xian's laugh point is relatively high, maybe because Li Menglong's actions just now really touched her heart.

Although it was a bit embarrassing, Li Menglong felt a strange sense of accomplishment. It was not that simple to make Xu Xian laugh.

Not to mention the opposite sex, even if girls want to achieve this achievement on weekdays, they need to prepare for a long time in advance, and they also have to take the risk of failure with a high probability.

Li Menglong kept reminding himself that he must not be proud. This emotion was abnormal. He even felt like a pervert.

This behavior would be fine if it were done by young people in adolescence. It would be uniquely youthful and ignorant, but it would be too greasy for an adult man like Li Menglong to do it.

His self-reflection was still very effective. At least when Xu Xian came in again, he had already presented himself as a successful person.

I saw him sitting there upright, staring at the screen intently, and his hands were about to press the keyboard to release sparks.

Although Xu Xian doesn't have the occupational disease of a director, she does occasionally bring it into the corresponding perspective. For example, at this moment, she really wants to coach Li Menglong's acting skills.

To be precise, the shots related to certain professions have become routine. For example, if you want to show the superb skills of a chef, you must set the pot on fire while cooking.

Which normal chef would do this? You are so tired from cooking every day, why do you want to put on such a meaningless performance?

Similar scenes also appear on hackers or computer operators. Who told them this view: the faster the keyboard is pressed, the higher the skill is?

Although there is a certain correlation, there is also a threshold. Li Menglong's current hand speed is obviously unscientific.

In particular, Xu Xian was well aware of the other party's daily typing speed. It was said that a considerable part of her work time was spent typing for Li Menglong.

It stands to reason that this method of paraphrasing affects efficiency, and Xu Xian's typing work is also relatively repetitive and boring.

But there is nothing we can do about it. If Li Menglong is allowed to type word by word, he will do nothing else that day.

In order not to waste everyone's time, Xu Xian could only reluctantly take on this boring job.

By the way, didn’t Li Menglong have any private contact? It stands to reason that typing speed is still easy to practice.

Xu Xian once tried to bring out her own experience, but under what circumstances did she or the girls practice it?

It seems that they all have similar experiences, and their previous levels may have been different. However, after they started to compete with black fans online, their typing speed could no longer slow down.

So Li Menglong can give it a try. Although the method is a bit extreme, it really works.

Maybe he doesn't have that many negative fans, but that doesn't matter. Just change his thinking.

The key point of the problem is to confront the fans. He can take the initiative to act as their anti-fan, and then go to fight with their fans.

I guess Li Menglong also has a lot of "truthful words" he wants to say, so don't hold back.

Of course, her persuasion has had no concrete effect so far, mainly because Li Menglong's talent in this area is really limited.

I can only say that God is fair to everyone. After giving Li Menglong super fast typing ability, he also gave him the talent of a director, a popular idol girlfriend, and a large entertainment company...

Xu Xian couldn't bear to count anymore. Even though she was regarded by others as a child favored by God, compared with Li Menglong, she was still regarded as a stepmother.

"Ahem, why didn't you say anything when you came? I'm working seriously and don't have extra energy to observe the surrounding situation."

Li Menglong said pretentiously, mainly because Xu Xian stood there without speaking, which made him very embarrassed.

You can't just keep silent like this. Could it be that Xu Xian wants to compete with him for perseverance?

Xu Xian heard Li Menglong's flattery, and she didn't want to expose it at all. That was what her sisters would do.

Compared to their naughtiness, Xu Xian is undoubtedly much more mature.

"I just came here to see you. I haven't seen you all morning. I miss you so much."

Xu Xian came up with a confession. Although it was not so disgusting, Li Menglong was still a little unable to resist. Is this little girl awakening?

But Li Menglong is not so narcissistic. He always feels that there is something in Xu Xian's words, so can she finish it in one go? Give him a good one too!

"This is what you asked me to say. If I say it wrong, don't be angry."

Xu Xian hadn't forgotten to find a way out for herself in advance. After getting Li Menglong's consent, she finally showed her fangs: "Do you still need me to point out to you one by one the bad things you did?"

The little girl's change of attitude was so sudden that even Li Menglong, who was familiar with her, didn't realize it. Did she come here to show off her acting skills?

Just when Li Menglong was about to make a joke, he noticed a little seriousness on Xu Xian's face, so was the little girl serious?

Li Menglong couldn't help but think quickly. This kind of non-directional question was the most annoying. How could he guess what Xu Xian was referring to?

He has done so many unconscionable things that it is impossible to list them all for Xu Xian to match. That would not be asking for death.

So he could only start looking for the most recent one, but he was really not sure: "Is it the content I posted before?"

Li Menglong's demanding tone made Xu Xian even more angry. He still didn't take it seriously? In summary, Xu Xian just eats carrots and doesn't worry about it?

If it weren't for the relationship here, Xu Xian would have turned around and left a long time ago, so he wouldn't continue to chatter here with him.

Now that he has taken the initiative to mention his problem, let's talk about it. Xu Xian hugged her shoulders and looked reluctant. She was indeed a little impatient.

But it's not that she's impatient to listen, but she always has the desire to take action directly. She becomes violent!

Xu Xian occasionally reflects on herself a little, but she doesn't think it's her fault.

How can an adult's personality change at will? There must be strong external factors.

And it seems that there are not many people around her who can provide this level of pressure. It is best for them to take the initiative to claim it one by one, and don't let her call them out one by one.

Among them was Li Menglong in front of her. Even though this guy was usually obedient to her, it didn't stop him from deliberately irritating people from time to time.

Just like a woman's menstrual period, Li Menglong would have a few fixed days every month and would always use various little tricks to mess with her mentality.

Xu Xian was helpless about this. He had already talked about everything that needed to be discussed. Even Li Menglong took the initiative to admit his mistakes, but there seemed to be no substantial improvement.

What's the use of just having a good attitude? Do you dare next time?

The only thing Li Menglong needs to be thankful for is that there are still people who can tell him the truth. The girls have done much more than him in this regard.

So in comparison, Xu Xian actually thinks that Li Menglong's character is not bad, and is even worth learning from girls?

Silently dismissing these thoughts, Xu Xian now needs Li Menglong's attitude of admitting his mistake. As for the girls' problems, she no longer has the desire to solve them.

But what should I say about Li Menglong's attitude? Why did he say it so easily? Especially the possible serious consequences, he didn’t even mention a word?

"Consequences? What consequences can there be? I just recommended a restaurant and I didn't break the law!"

Li Menglong said it very easily, which was obviously his true thoughts.

It's just that he has worked with them for so many years. Even if he doesn't consider himself an artist, he should still have some basic sense of crisis, right?

It's still illegal. When will artists abide by the law?

It's not that artists don't care about the law, but that they are bound by a higher standard of morality, and the public's supervision of them is much stricter than the law.

Every year, there are many artists whose scandals are exposed. How many of them have committed crimes?

Li Menglong should be grateful that the era when he debuted was still in the barbaric period. If he were to debut now, he probably wouldn't even be able to pass the trainee level.

Xu Xian wanted to popularize Li Menglong, but felt that he was wasting his time.

Because it is impossible for Li Menglong to make his debut again. As for the mistakes that his attitude may cause at work, it is because of themselves.

Xu Xian and her sisters have been in the industry for many years, and many things have almost become instinctive to them without anyone reminding them.

It seems that they and Li Menglong are particularly well matched. Each other's abilities can make up for each other's weaknesses. Should she be grateful for this?

It's just that it doesn't seem like the time to praise Li Menglong right now. Xu Xian wants to make him realize his mistakes, for example, his behavior will affect them!

Isn't this a regular program that happens every year when the staff around them make mistakes and the artists come forward to apologize?

Ordinary people have limited abilities, and the mistakes they make are within the scope of what an artist can make up for, but Li Menglong is anything but ordinary.

If he causes any trouble, the girls will go to hell with him, which saves him the step of apologizing.

Although the relationship between them is very good, the girls probably don't want to live and die with Li Menglong, right?

Especially with this kind of death method, they would really "die with eyes open". Li Menglong had better be honest.

Xu Xian finally fully explained what she meant by telling facts and reasoning. So did Li Menglong realize the seriousness of the matter?

"You only talked about my negative effects, don't I have some ability? Even if I cause trouble by myself, I can still solve it myself!"

Li Menglong gave a completely different answer, which was not the answer Xu Xian expected.

The key is that it is not easy for her to refute, because to some extent Li Menglong is not talking big words.

Maybe some difficulties are insurmountable mountains in their eyes, but for Li Menglong, maybe they can cross them by raising their legs high.

Especially when the problem did not arise specifically, she really couldn't deny Li Menglong's ability.

Not to mention his influence in the industry, as far as his net worth is concerned, spreading all that money would be enough to suppress any negative news.

After all, the media is just that, they are all about making money. Instead of working hard to find news and copy the popularity, why not just take money from Li Menglong?

Xu Xian is a little depressed. Is she going to apologize to Li Menglong now?

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