The Rise of Korean Entertainment

Chapter 3293 Successful modification

Yoona's dream of fighting could not be realized in the end. There were so many people watching around her, so if she wanted to fight, she had to find a place where no one was around.

Even for the sake of the overall image of the group, Kim Taeyeon and others have to stop them, let alone those who sincerely come to help.

"Yeah, that's enough for you guys. You've been here since before to cause trouble. What are you here to do? Are you here to embarrass me?"

Xu Xian's sharp voice passed by her ears. Even if she didn't see her flushed cheeks, she should be able to feel the little girl's anger at this moment.

She definitely has reason to express this attitude. After all, no matter how you look at the whole thing, it looks more like these women are looking for trouble.

If they don't give a clear reason today, Xu Xian will really satisfy Yoona's desire. Isn't it just a fight? She will accompany him to the end!

As the hidden captain of the team, when Xu Xian gets angry, these women still dare not make a mistake.

It's just at home. In front of so many people, would it be a bit embarrassing for them to be frightened by their maknae's words?

In order to prove their courage, Kim Taeyeon took the initiative to stand up as the captain, but she did not dare to confront them head-on, but chose to make a small defense.

"It's all Li Menglong's fault. We were all deceived by him."

Even though Kim Taeyeon thought she had spoken relatively tactfully and was not so confrontational, Xu Xian still glared at her fiercely.

And Xu Xian was not satisfied with the confrontation between eyes. She simply rushed to Kim Taeyeon, pointed at her mobile phone and signaled to call Li Menglong immediately. Don't think that just making an excuse can mean that nothing happened.

Xu Xian admitted that there might be Li Menglong's reasons for this, but he wouldn't assign the girls to cause trouble on the second floor, right?

It's obvious that their own problems are bigger, but now they still want to drag Li Menglong into the water?

Seeing that Xu Xian had no inhibitions, Kim Taeyeon couldn't help but take a few steps back.

She originally planned to restore her image, but now it seems that her image is shattered. Should she continue to respond?

Kim Taeyeon was a little bit eager to give it a try, but the girls around her didn't dare to give her another chance to show off.

Let’s not talk about Kim Taeyeon’s chances of winning. Even if Xu Xian is speechless by her argument, will the little girl choose to take action next?

They are afraid of a fight between Yoona and Sooyoung, aren't they afraid of a fight between Seohyun and Kim Taeyeon?

To some extent, the impact of the latter is even worse, so can Kim Taeyeon be more honest?

In the end, the group of them fled, and before leaving, Xu Xian ordered him to apologize to everyone!

Don't take everyone's goodwill as a reason to squander it casually, they must also be responsible for their own actions!

Thinking of that embarrassing apology scene, the girls now want to touch the floor with their toes. Why did Xu Xian get offended like that?

If the little girl was simply helping Li Menglong, they would be the first to not believe it, so the problem still lies with them?

Fortunately, the girls' outlook on life is relatively normal, and they easily came to this conclusion after chatting with each other for a few words.

Since you made a mistake, it seems natural to be taught a lesson by the maknae?

Although there is some suspicion of embarrassment, it can also be seen that they love Xu Xian. Otherwise, how could Xu Xian dare to do this?

Reluctantly relying on this reason to successfully numb themselves, the girls really don't want to think about it any more. As for what other people think of it, as long as they don't say it in front of them, then let them think about it.

Now they just want to wait for lunch to be delivered, and then vent all their accumulated anger on Li Menglong.

But did they ignore some important points, such as what they planned to do when they went down there in the first place?

Their original intention was to remind Xu Xian not to lend money to Li Menglong, and now they should have barely achieved their goal.

Because in this state, Xu Xian would probably not give Li Menglong a good look, but would Li Menglong call for help?

Of course not. Li Menglong is quite loyal. Since he thinks Xu Xian may have been exposed, he will not continue to cause trouble to the little girl.

After all, Xu Xian is innocent. If she wasn't trying to help herself, she could have hidden behind the girls and watched the fun.

Without any plan to follow Xu Xian's route, in theory, Li Menglong would have almost no channels to obtain large amounts of funds.

Of course, the premise is to borrow money without intending to repay it, otherwise Li Menglong would always be able to get a lot of money even if he went to the bank for a loan.

The girls just wanted to make him feel sad and force him to contribute his little treasury.

Li Menglong did have this plan, but he was really hesitant. Is there another way?

In the end, he really thought of one, but the specific effect still needed to be seen on the spot. He embarked on the road to deliver the food with full of trepidation, hoping for a good result.

The first restaurant is undoubtedly the top priority. If it fails here, then Li Menglong's subsequent plans can be abandoned.

So he chose a store that he was not very familiar with. The girls had only recently discovered the store. The owner of the same store was not very familiar with him. At least they didn't recognize who Li Menglong was after seeing him.

This is more embarrassing, at least Li Menglong's originally planned opening remarks will not be used.

Fortunately, he is not afraid of society. Since the boss didn't know him, he took the initiative to introduce himself. These are all necessary abilities for an artist.

Even though Li Menglong's identity as an artist has a lot of qualities, he is still much better than ordinary people.

As for the boss, he couldn't keep up with Li Menglong's thinking. At first, he thought he was a businessman who came to promote. After all, he came to see the boss. He was either here to cause trouble or to promote.

But when he heard Li Menglong introduce his identity, he was a little confused again. Could it be that he had met a liar?

It is said that because the artist-related industry is relatively developed, there will naturally be many people who want to take advantage of the sidelines.

The most classic one is to use the identity of a talent scout to trick children who dream of becoming stars.

At first, you just deceive one person alone, but later on, you may also involve the other person's entire family. In short, it is very abominable.

The boss resisted the temptation to call the police and planned to deal with Li Menglong to see if it could be the latest scam?

As Li Menglong gradually revealed his intentions, the boss became more convinced, but the only thing that made him hesitate was whether there was something wrong with what this guy was cheating on?

If he understood correctly, the person opposite just wanted to have a free lunch?

If you open a restaurant, you will inevitably encounter people who run away immediately after eating, but would it be too polite to inform them in advance before eating?

In Li Menglong's eyes, the boss's suspicion was obviously a manifestation of consonance. Sure enough, the girls' names still worked.

But this fame is not enough for Li Menglong to buy a meal out of thin air. It's almost enough for the girls to come by themselves, so he can forget it.

So Li Menglong immediately struck while the iron was hot and came up with the conditions he had prepared: "I will post an article using my company account, which will list the delicacies that girls eat every day, including your dishes. What do you think?"

This is essentially an exchange of interests, and the only thing that needs to be considered is the cost and the possible publicity effect.

Of course, the premise is that Li Menglong's identity is not a liar, so does he have any information that can prove his identity?

The boss is also a person who is used to doing business, so naturally he will not ask such a rude question directly, but there is no problem in taking a roundabout way.

"Is the company account too official? Can't they use their own president account?"

The boss's question is normal. After all, girls' personal accounts are more suitable.

If possible, Li Menglong would also like to do this, but wouldn't it cost a lot of their accounts?

Li Menglong knew the password of their account, but how dare he use it?

If they caught him, then the meal would be in vain. He might as well pay for it himself.

However, Li Menglong quickly thought of a compromise proposal. Since the company's account is not good, what about the accounts of other artists? For example, Yoo Jae Suk?

"So you want to use Yoo Jae Suk's account to post content about what girls like to eat?"

The boss really felt ridiculous at this moment, that is, Li Menglong had been talking for so long before. If he had given such a proposal right away, he would have called the police long ago.

But Li Menglong felt that he was extremely smart, and he had thought of such a good idea.

He even thinks that the boss should subsidize him with some cash. After all, Liu Jae Suk's popularity is no worse than that of girls.

However, considering that the two had a very happy conversation before, the boss did not directly drive him away at first, so Li Menglong was willing to let the store take advantage.

Moreover, Li Menglongcai acted extremely quickly. He immediately called the company and asked for the password of Liu Zaishi's related account.

Similar accounts are almost all operated by companies. The only difference is that they are all handed over to the company, and the artists can also express their own ideas.

The latter's behavior obviously carries a lot of risks, and many artists have fallen into it, so the company has very strict control over this aspect.

So when Li Menglong got the account password, he received a call from Li Enxi within a minute, and there was a series of questions.

Li Menglong had the foresight to turn on his phone and throw it away at the table. He had already started to take the menu and prepare to order.

At this point, the store finally had some basic trust in Li Menglong, and was at least willing to check his information online.

As a well-known artist, Li Menglong still has a lot of photos, and each title is more important than the last.

The title of Yoo Jae Suk's best friend alone is enough for him to come and eat and drink, not to mention that he is still doing it in the name of girls, which is to bring traffic to the restaurant.

Li Menglong didn't notice the change in his boss's attitude, or in other words, from his perspective, the boss's attitude had never changed.

He is currently dealing with Li Enxi's cross-examination. This woman is really too sensitive. Is it necessary to be so worried?

Li Menglong is not a newcomer on his first day. Will he not know what not to say?

And with his relationship with Liu Zaishi, he doesn't have to worry about him blowing himself up. Even from a profit perspective, he has no reason to do so.

But the real reason couldn't be explained clearly. After all, he knew it was embarrassing, so he could only respond with silence.

His silence really frightened Li Enxi. Although he didn't know what this guy was going to do, it was definitely not a good thing.

So Li Enxi didn't bother to talk to him. While she ordered people from the company to go to the backend to apply for a password change, she went directly to the girls to ask what happened.

Maybe the girls don't know much about this, but they should be able to guess a little bit. After all, they are all "same".

The girls were a little surprised by Li Enxi's appearance, but after hearing her question, they became even more confused.

"We don't know anything. If he wants to do anything, he can just use our account. He knows the password."

The girls' answers were very innocent, because it was indeed the case. Their fame did not need to be much less than that of Liu Jae Suk, and the consequences had to be relatively controllable. There was no reason to bother Liu Jae Suk.

So a group of them started to get together to think, and they had to figure out what Li Menglong was thinking.

In fact, they could have called and asked, but Li Enxi couldn't get the answer. They guessed that they wouldn't be able to do it themselves. After all, they were still theoretically at war.

When they thought of this, a flash of lightning flashed in the minds of the girls almost simultaneously. They looked at each other subconsciously, their eyes full of shock at Li Menglong's absurd behavior.

This man couldn't be doing it to make money. As for why he wants to make money in this way, it seems that it will be turned back to them.

But they don't agree with this logic. They have absolutely legitimate reasons to retaliate against Li Menglong. All his subsequent actions are based on his personal thoughts and cannot be blamed on them.

Even to show their innocence, they could call and scold Li Menglong severely.

But this movement was slowed down by the presence of Li Enxi. If they really said this in front of the other party, would it affect their president's perception of them?

Although they don't care much about this, why do they have to do it if they can avoid it?

They decided to change their thinking and help stop Li Menglong's crazy behavior without touching the truth.

"Onie, let's have lunch together at noon. This will give us young artists a chance to curry favor with the leader!"

The girls acted maliciously in front of Li Enxi. If it had been Li Menglong, they would have slapped her in the face, but Li Enxi was very fond of this trick.

After taking care of Li Enxi, the girls said that they had asked Li Menglong to bring lunch in advance, so could they please contact Li Menglong again to indicate that he can help himself and that he does not need to prepare lunch...

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