The Rise of Korean Entertainment

Chapter 3285 Stealing Learning

The "ambiguous" interaction between Xu Xian and Li Menglong did not last long. First of all, Xu Xian's strong thighs were very powerful. After a few kicks, he couldn't bear it.

Next comes Xu Xian's threat. Let's not talk about how serious the consequences are. The key is that it is extremely simple to execute.

If Li Menglong didn't want to be blocked in the room and beaten by the group of women at the door, he'd better be more honest. Besides, Xu Xian paid him.

It stands to reason that Li Menglong should collect money to do things, but things did not go as smoothly as expected.

The agreement between the two of them was to give Li Menglong a commission from the completed activities, but activities also fluctuated.

They did take the initiative to call and extend the invitation. It seemed sincere, but it was also full of games.

To put it simply, the person who called was also a middleman who specialized in undertaking this type of platter activities and was responsible for inviting artists to support the scene.

Generally speaking, the organizer will spend a sum of money as funding, and may make several specific sets of artist invitations during the period.

As a middleman, what is left of this money is his profit, so he must try his best to lower the price on the artist's side.

One of the more important skills is to shop around. Of course, it is limited to the top groups of artists, who are often used for the finale.

For example, some new groups can get away with it by just giving them some money, but it is incomparable to the appearance fees of subsequent artists.

There are only so many top artists, and they may be temporarily inactive for various reasons, so the scope of replacement is extremely limited.

How to lower the price as much as possible in this limited space will test the gaming skills of both parties.

For example, Li Menglong had made a firm offer before, and no matter how many good words or even threats the other party said, he remained unmoved.

Xu Xian was quite surprised by this, because as far as she knew, the price was obviously a bit high. Didn't he want to ask for a high price first, and then take a step back?

She even thought it was her fault for a time. Without the commission she promised, Li Menglong might have agreed half-heartedly, but what should he do now?

Xu Xian was not short of money for this activity. She just found it interesting. Is the job of an agent so complicated?

Maybe many fans' concept of managers is just serving tea and water to artists. This is indeed part of the job. As for the specific ratio, it may depend on the considerations of both parties.

As for Li Menglong specifically, he has to do a lot of work of serving tea and pouring water. Even now he is still doing it, but many of it is just a matter of convenience.

It's like he wants to drink coffee and bring some to the girls; he wants to have dinner and brings them some dinner...

If he was just responsible for eating and drinking for free, the girls wouldn't be able to tolerate it long ago. It's not that he feels sorry for the money, but that he can't occupy the latrine and not shit.

Fortunately, his performance at work is also very professional, but it seems that he is about to overturn today.

Li Menglong vowed that the other party would definitely call back and would eventually accept the price he proposed.

As for the source of Li Menglong's confidence, it is naturally due to the information he received.

There are only so many top artists in total, and you can count them on two hands who are still accepting events. Can't they communicate with each other internally?

Although it seems to be a competitive relationship, it is an interaction between newcomers.

The levels of these people have been different for a long time. They already know each other personally, and each of them has achieved a certain degree of financial freedom. Naturally, they have to fight for a certain right to speak.

But what surprised Xu Xian was that these agents were also in contact with each other in private. Is it more convenient for them to change jobs with each other?

And Xu Xian is not particularly sure what they will talk about in private. Is it exchanging gossip about various artists?

Xu Xian got goosebumps just thinking about that scene. They may have been a little hesitant about communicating with each other as artists. After all, they were all involved, so they would always be shy.

But this group of agents is different. These news are probably just a seniority discussion between them. Besides, they usually keep a lot of secrets that they can't share. It's uncomfortable for them to hold it back.

It just so happens that we are all in the same industry, and the work and image of our artists have become stable. Each of them is considered a prominent presence behind the scenes in the industry, and they are equal in status. So what are you waiting for?

But Xu Xian was overthinking it. It was one thing that they were in contact in private, but it had to be said that they were familiar with each other.

A non-compete agreement alone is enough for them to drink a pot, and they still switch jobs between each other? If they want to change jobs, they are basically disappearing from the industry.

There are only a few ideal ways out for a manager. Either their big artist goes out to work alone, and the manager leaves and becomes a partner.

Or get the approval of the original company, start a business in the form of a branch, and start with new people.

It is not uncommon for people like Li Menglong to take off by relying on "rich women", but it is relatively rare to be able to fly to his height in the end.

While Li Menglong was bragging with Xu Xian, his cell phone did ring, but the news he received surprised him, and even made him angry.

Because the other party actually said that they had found an alternative combination, they had to reconsider their cooperation with the girls.

Of course, the other party did not leave any room, that is, he signaled Li Menglong to lower the price, but how could he agree.

He hung up the phone and started looking for someone to inquire, because they had agreed on the fees and prices between them. Although there was no explicit written agreement, it was considered a tacit understanding.

As a result, someone is taking the job at a low price. What is this? Start a low-price war?

Fortunately, the cause of the matter was quickly figured out. Li Menglong even found the agent there. After a brief communication, the two parties immediately understood the fishiness involved.

To put it simply, neither party lowered the price. It was the middleman who tried to force them to bid maliciously against each other in this way.

What else is there to say now? Let the middleman do the work. Who can be hired in the end may be lucky?

Xu Xian witnessed the whole process from the side. To be honest, she was still a little angry. She even encouraged Li Menglong to call and scold him back, at least to expose the person's ugly face.

But Li Menglong smiled and refused. Xu Xian was still naive, but this was good, at least he liked it very much.

As for Xu Xian's proposal, I can only say that people can't get along with money. In the end, if the other party comes to see him again, he will probably agree with a kind attitude, pretending that nothing has happened.

This is the world of adults, where everything is aligned with interests.

Xu Xian was forced to learn a lesson by Li Menglong. Although she didn't hate the feeling of being taught, the result was a bit unacceptable to her.

What does it mean to watch an event slip away before your eyes? Are they not popular enough?

Even if it can be regarded as a problem of Li Menglong's ability, Xu Xian is not the kind of person who likes to shirk. She is more willing to share responsibilities and solve problems together.

Xu Xian's idea is also very simple. If one activity fails, then just find another one.

In her expectation, this should be a fairly simple thing, but when she put it into practice, she found that it was not that easy at all.

She had almost no channels to "take jobs" for herself. Even if she did happen a few times, they were mostly recommended by friends, and self-recommendation had never happened to her.

If we talk about the experience of taking the initiative to fight for opportunities, I guess Yoona has a little more experience. After all, in order to successfully get the role, Yoona went to interviews a lot, and she got back a dozen business cards every day.

But most of this experience and relationship have expired. That was all many years ago. Yoona has not been short of roles in recent years.

Moreover, Xu Xian specifically referred to the event as a commercial performance at this moment, which was even more beyond her ability.

If it was a program on some TV stations, she could still use various connections to reluctantly contact them, but who should she go to for commercial performances? Are you looking for Lee Eun-hee?

Fortunately, Xu Xian was not that stubborn. After realizing that this matter was beyond her ability, she surrendered decisively.

It’s not that she doesn’t have a spirit of challenge, but everyone is responsible for different tasks, and her expertise is not in this area.

If she has the ability to find a stage commercial performer, then should Li Menglong perform instead?

He can go on stage, but the organizer has to admit it. With the girls' performance fees, the person he sees is Li Menglong. Anyone who comes here will say that he has been defrauded.

But Xu Xian chose to give up, but Li Menglong refused to admit defeat for a long time. He was still waiting to get the commission. He had already thought about how to spend the money, but now he was told that the money was gone?

He really couldn't accept it. He had already started asking around. Are there no large-scale commercial performances recently?

Although he can't lower the price, he can completely compensate the other party in other aspects, such as letting the girls sing more songs and interact more on stage.

Seeing Li Menglong fall into some kind of crazy state, Xu Xian wisely chose to stay away from him. Besides, she still had a lot of troubles on her hands.

Lee Soon Kyu's text message bombardment has never stopped. If Seohyun hadn't refused to answer the phone, the room would have been filled with Lee Soon Kyu's curses.

And the frequency of text messages is also increasing.

At first, it was just one-on-one with Lee Soon-gyu. Xu Xian's hand speed was relatively easy to deal with, and he even had enough energy to pay attention to Lee Mong-ryong's situation.

But as the other girls finished washing up one after another, they found that they had nothing to do. How could they go to bed now?

Normally, during this time, you can chat, watch TV, and of course play with your mobile phone. But if you pick up your mobile phone, do you want to join in the "small talk" between Lee Soon Kyu and Seohyun?

They barely hesitated for a second. After all, this was considered a limited-time event, so they wouldn't wait until it expired.

Besides, who would not be tempted by this opportunity to openly harass a female artist? Does their current behavior seem a bit like a black fan?

However, compared to the extreme remarks made by black fans, the intensity of harassment by the girls is much lower, but the way each person expresses it is full of various characteristics.

"Xuxian, you are so cute. I really want to hold you in my arms. Do I have this chance?"

"People inside, please listen. I'll give you one more minute at the end. If you don't come out, you'll be responsible for the consequences!"

"Ahem, I'm delivering food. Is this the room? Why is there no response when I knock on the door? Can the food be left at the door for you?"

Xu Xian looked at the text messages that kept popping up on his phone, and his whole body was about to shut down.

Especially since everyone's text message style is very different, she has to consider the context before replying. Isn't this too difficult for her?

The best way is undoubtedly to use a set of templates to deal with it, but did these women agree in advance?

This is probably possible. After all, they can communicate at any time outside. Where is Xu Xian, she can't even find a helper.

Li Menglong was on the side, not to mention that he didn't have this intention. Even if he wanted to help, Xu Xian would refuse without hesitation.

Because with Li Menglong's typing speed, it would take less than ten minutes for the girls outside the door to start breaking in.

The reason why they seem calm now is entirely because Xu Xian is still replying and still accepting their "teasing".

In the eyes of the girls, this is a manifestation of her atonement. Of course, it is also because the process is more interesting, otherwise they would not be able to stay calmly.

But this method cannot last forever, mainly because Xu Xian himself cannot accept this kind of long-term consumption, so how will it develop in the future?

Xu Xian cannot be sure, so he can only turn to smarter people for help. What does Li Menglong think?

"Me? I don't have any idea. They can't get in anyway. Why do you still care about them so much?"

Li Menglong responded without raising his head, and his attitude was mainly to show off.

Didn't he just think about tomorrow?

It is true that the girls cannot come in tonight, and the two of them can do it without going out, but what next?

Even if Li Menglong could endure it for a day and a night, Xu Xian didn't have such "special powers".

Although many fans believe that she is an otherworldly fairy, or more accurately, Pixiu.

Because she only needs to eat, but she never needs to consider metabolic issues.

This concept is really too typical, but what Xu Xian wants to say is that she deserves the love of her fans.

Although one of the core tasks of an artist is to meet the image that fans expect, she really cannot do this kind of behavior that goes against normal people's physiological needs.

So she must go out early tomorrow morning. What will Li Menglong do then?

The girls didn't even have to do anything themselves. They only had to send someone to occupy the bathroom in the room, which was enough to make these two people kneel down and beg for mercy.

This is also the reason why Xu Xian has never dared to offend them too much. She is really afraid.

I thought Li Menglong would have some countermeasures, but now it seems that he simply didn't think about it, or was he completely desperate after thinking about it?

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