Li Menglong did live up to the expectations of the girls this time. He gave a clear reply of rejection, but this reply seemed to leave some backdoors.

If the girls understood it correctly, Li Menglong’s words clearly meant “more money is needed”!

This is not possible. They did not refuse because of the cost. The logic behind this must be understood.

But if they had to say it, if the other party was really willing to bleed a lot, they wouldn't be able to do it without reluctance.

Sure enough, they are his own people. Li Menglong understands the psychology of these women very well.

At the same time, he also has enough knowledge about the brand. It may be that the girls lack relevant negotiation experience, so they made wrong judgments.

Don’t they know the price of their collective endorsement?

The number one girl group has more than just a nice name, otherwise why would so many people want to pull them down one after another?

It’s full of benefits. To put it more bluntly, it’s all money!

Therefore, they must not underestimate themselves too much, nor think too highly of the brand.

How could such a huge expense be decided by just a few people on site? Do you really think that anyone who comes here is Li Menglong?

Not every company boss is used to being on the front line, but people like Li Menglong are an exception.

Besides, asking girls to speak for themselves collectively requires repeated weighing. At the very least, the contract will take several days to prepare.

After all, there are many ways here. The simplest thing is, once the girls cause a scandal during the contract period, how should this be calculated?

Compensation is certain, but how much will it cost?

Double compensation is unrealistic, and the original price seems unfair to the girls. After all, they have already completed most of the work.

If it is only partial compensation, the brand will feel that it is at a loss. Do they really lack such a small amount of endorsement fees? What they have lost is their brand image, a priceless thing!

At this time, a professional and detailed contract is needed as evidence, so that both parties can solve the problem smoothly when they are unhappy.

Of course, these are the most extreme ideas, and any artist with some brains would not let himself fall into this situation.

Sure enough, everything that happened next was similar to what Li Menglong had imagined. Although several people at the scene were quite moved, they did not take the initiative to invite Kim Taeyeon and the others in the end.

This made Lee Soon Kyu so angry that she really wanted to say that she could pay for the filming, as long as she could get those women to work together.

But considering that this behavior was too stupid, although she had money, she couldn't waste it like this, so she could only endure it silently.

After getting a fairly satisfactory result, the girls couldn't tell whether they were happy or disappointed. In short, they didn't feel very comfortable.

It was as if they were watching a large amount of money slipping in front of them, but they didn't consider whether the money ever belonged to them.

When there are no external factors affecting the shooting process, the shooting process will be much smoother.

The main reason is that both Lee Soon Kyu and Yoona are quite professional. It's just a few sets of photos where they just pose in random poses.

Seeing that the filming was on track, Li Menglong began to consider retiring after his success.

Normally, this kind of activity does not require him to show up, of course, provided that he is really busy with work at hand.

However, similar things have happened many times, and they all have mature experience in dealing with them.

For example, once there is a conflict between each other's activities, Li Menglong usually gives up those relatively stable jobs first.

Now that they have reached an agreement, all it takes is someone from the company to follow him, while he has to deal with more complicated problems, such as following the other girls to the scene.

But what should I say about the current situation? His job in the company is more important than staying here?

This is somewhat inappropriate. They should obviously be in the first sequence. Li Menglong should know who is paying him, right?

Li Menglong could picture the unruly appearance of those women in his mind. In order to avoid this scene from happening, he decided not to tell anyone and left quietly alone.

In order to achieve this effect, Li Menglong started preparations half an hour in advance, mainly to reduce his presence at the scene as much as possible.

He has tried his best, but he is still not sure whether it is effective. After all, there is no possibility of testing this kind of thing. It is just a one-time deal.

While the girls were busy, Li Menglong slowly implemented his plan.

The process seemed relatively smooth for the time being. At least he managed to get back into the car. All he needed to do next was to successfully start the vehicle.

But just as he was pulling on his seat belt, the side and rear door was suddenly opened, and a strong gust of wind rushed in.

At first, he thought it was because he hadn't locked it before, but when he turned around, he found a big living person lying on the seat.

You can barely tell that this is Kim Taeyeon through her body shape, but is she currently engaging in performance art?

If it was a threat, she should show her face at least. She would lie there when she came in, looking more like she was here to touch porcelain.

"Driving? Why are you still standing there? If I disappear for too long, someone will find me."

Kim Taeyeon shouted hurriedly. While speaking, she slowly raised her head, trying to reduce her exposed size as much as possible, and at the same time looked outside the window to see if anyone was following her.

From what he said, it sounded like this person was planning to run away with him?

This is not within the scope of Li Menglong's plan. What he wants is for a person to disappear without causing too much impact as much as possible.

If an adult male goes missing, no one will pay too much attention to him. They may even think that he has gone to the bathroom or is simply hiding somewhere to laze around.

But the same cannot be said for Kim Taeyeon. Let alone the issue of her own existence, who dares to ignore Kim Taeyeon's disappearance?

In other words, if something unexpected happens to Kim Taeyeon, who can bear the corresponding responsibility?

So if nothing else goes wrong, from the moment everyone realized that Kim Taeyeon was not at the scene, they had to dig out her even if they had to dig three feet into the ground.

As a result, Kim Taeyeon is still dreaming about leaving secretly. Does she really not understand this?

Li Menglong didn't bother to explain. He just walked out and opened the car door directly to show his attitude.

Kim Taeyeon was also speechless. Is this man sick? Would you rather not leave yourself than bring her, Kim Taeyeon, with her and bring her down with you?

Speaking of which, she didn't think much of it at first, but after noticing Li Menglong's little moves, she silently started to pay attention and followed him.

The original idea was that no matter what he wanted to do, he would go over and destroy it.

But the plan couldn't keep up with the change. Li Menglong actually wanted to leave. This perfectly touched Kim Taeyeon's heart. She didn't want to stay here either.

The main reason is that Lee Soon Kyu's woman is becoming more and more perverted!

At first, everyone just helped each other, but in the end, I didn't know where Li Shunkyu was wrong, and he started to boss them around.

This is too much. Even if everyone has different positions in their current jobs, they are equal in terms of personality. Why does Lee Soon Kyu bully others unilaterally?

The girls wanted to give her some color, but they were afraid of delaying the work of everyone around them and making them jealous, which was called a depression.

Among them, Kim Taeyeon herself suffered at least half of the malice, because she and Jung Soo-yeon were the only ones on the scene who were Lee Soon-kyu's sisters.

Although the three of them usually don't care about these things, she can't help it. Kim Taeyeon is still the team leader, and no matter what, she is still a roommate.

Lee Soon Kyu had every reason to target Kim Taeyeon, and she did just that.

So now that there is a chance to escape, how could Kim Taeyeon miss it? She almost immediately joined Li Menglong's "Prison Break" team.

But this move was obviously Luo Hua's intention to be ruthless. Li Menglong actually refused to accept her. Was he being disliked?

This conclusion makes Kim Taeyeon even more unhappy. What right does Lee Menglong have to dislike it? Is he worthy?

She could have screamed on the spot to show everyone what an ugly face is.

As for Kim Taeyeon's expectation, for the sake of talking, Lee Mongryong should just give it up.

But Li Menglong remained unmoved and remained here waiting for Kim Taeyeon to leave on her own. Did he really want to defeat her to the death?

In fact, Li Menglong is not so extreme, mainly because Kim Taeyeon's threat is a little harmless.

As long as he didn't really drive too far away, Kim Taeyeon's accusations were all nonsense.

Li Menglong could come up with countless reasons to prove his innocence. For example, he just came to the car to pick up something and had no intention of driving away.

Therefore, Kim Taeyeon has not caught Lee Mong-ryong's behavior at this moment, so he cannot be convicted based on his subjective intentions.

Kim Taeyeon quickly realized this, so this is what makes Lee Mongryong confident?

"Okay, okay, if you want to play like this, then just go back with me. Don't worry, I will follow you closely."

Kim Taeyeon also gave an escalation of her threat. Although she didn't know why Lee Mong-ryong left early, it was good as long as it was clear that he had this intention.

What she has to do next is to prevent Li Menglong's plan from taking shape and see who is more anxious in the end.

This time Kim Taeyeon succeeded, because after thinking for a long time, Li Menglong chose to take the initiative to help Kim Taeyeon close the car door.

Kim Taeyeon snorted coldly, wanting to say something else, such as saying that she would be fined if she didn't eat the toast.

But considering that Li Menglong's cooperation was still needed in the future, she chose to endure it for the time being, at least until she was in a safe place before she could have fun.

This is all the experience brought to her by many years of being an artist. She knows very well how female artists should protect themselves outside.

It was no longer possible for Li Menglong to disappear silently as originally planned. After all, there was a big burden sitting in the back seat of the car.

But the plan is not impossible, as long as there is someone on site who knows Kim Taeyeon's whereabouts. Do we still need to consider this candidate?

Li Menglong threw his cell phone to Kim Taeyeon and asked her to send a text message to Xu Xian. She should make up the content herself. She should know what to say, right?

"Tch, when I started lying, you were still playing in the mud."

Kim Taeyeon didn't care whether what she said was common sense or not, she had to highlight her momentum first.

But she really didn't brag. She was more or less an expert in deceiving Xu Xian.

I wrote a text message with hundreds of words in a eloquent manner. The core content is nothing more than the same bad excuse used by students when asking for leave. They are not feeling well.

As for whether it was a stomachache or an arm pain, that would depend on the subsequent development. In short, she had given Xu Xian a reason to let it go, even if no one believed it.

And this excuse also included the part about Lee Mong-ryong, that is, he, as the first person to discover the situation, took the initiative to send Kim Taeyeon to the hospital.

It seems that Kim Taeyeon is thinking about Li Menglong, but in fact she wants to drag him down. After all, he will be responsible for this reason. At least he cannot take the initiative to overturn it, right?

Just when Kim Taeyeon was secretly proud, the car suddenly stopped.

Because she didn't have time to fasten her seat belt, Kim Taeyeon was placed straight on the back of the chair. Although it didn't hurt much, it was embarrassing!

"Ah, Li Menglong, did you do it on purpose? Can you drive..."

Kim Taeyeon planned to continue to output, but she encountered the same incident as Li Menglong before, and the car door was opened.

But unlike Li Menglong's calmness, Kim Taeyeon was almost scared to death.

After all, this kind of thing really happened around them, and fans opened the car door and rushed in more than once or twice.

Although it didn't cause too serious consequences, at least it wasn't a wonderful experience.

So Kim Taeyeon subconsciously wanted to push the other person down, which made Xu Xian quite dissatisfied: "Unnie, why do you always push me, isn't there still room here?"

When she heard Seohyun's voice, Kim Taeyeon felt a little dazed for a while. Was she hallucinating?

It shouldn't be. She just sent a text message to Xu Xian, and now he appears in front of her. This can't be magic, right?

Xu Xian finally forced his way in, and Li Menglong ordered Kim Taeyeon who was in a daze for the second time: "You can read and edit the content yourself..."

If Xu Xian hadn't been sitting next to her, if there hadn't been text messages on her phone that had already been sent, Kim Taeyeon would have really thought she had a mental problem.

Fortunately, after communication, Kim Taeyeon's doubts were answered.

Xu Xian does not have any superpowers, let alone predict the future. The reason why she appears here is similar to Kim Taeyeon's previous thoughts.

As an attentive child, she had naturally noticed Li Menglong's strange behavior before.

But she didn't say anything, because to some extent she was on Li Menglong's side, and also believed that staying here was a waste of time.

So when she saw Li Menglong finally taking action, she followed him without hesitation.

However, she is smarter than Kim Taeyeon and knows to run away in advance and at least pass a turn, which can reduce the chance of being discovered.

"So I still want to praise you?"

Kim Taeyeon rolled her eyes and dismissed Seohyun's cleverness. This was all leftover from her fun!

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