The Rise of Korean Entertainment

Chapter 3247 Blatant murder

But this is fun, and it’s not a bad thing. It may look a little scary, but the result is still good.

She's just dragging people here to stay with her, and she's not biting anyone everywhere, so what's the need to worry?

Kim Taeyeon was left to think alone, while Li Menglong was already swaying and falling on his bed.

"Why exactly? Is it because of the perfume?"

Kim Taeyeon is already a bit confused at this moment. If she doesn't figure out this answer, she might not have to sleep tonight.

But when Kim Taeyeon was thinking hard, did she realize that maybe her current state was the source of Lee Soonkyu's happiness?

Kim Taeyeon didn't meditate for too long on the first floor. She was not stupid. Even if it was out of curiosity, there could be a better way.

For example, go upstairs and ask Lee Soon Kyu to find out!

There was almost no hesitation. After all, she had no reason to be afraid of Li Shungui. Even when it came to their fighting ability, the two were evenly matched.

But the premise of everything is that she can appear in front of Lee Soon Kyu, but now she can't even enter the room!

Lee Soon Kyu actually locked the door in advance. Is this because he felt guilty? Or did you foresee certain possibilities in advance?

In short, this can't be an accident, because Kim Taeyeon's pillows and quilts are piled at the door. It seems that Lee Soonkyu did it intentionally.

How could she endure this? She subconsciously wanted to break down the door.

But reason is a good thing after all. Even if she is the captain of Girls' Generation, she cannot offend everyone else at the same time.

And her current actions may cause public outrage, so is she sure she wants to do this?

After hesitating for a while, mainly because she was really unwilling to do so, she was actually tricked by Li Sunkyu.

But what can she do, at least tonight there is no possibility of revenge for her.

Unless she stays here all the time, taking advantage of the time when Lee Soon Kyu goes to the bathroom at night, but what if this woman sleeps until dawn?

In order not to look like a fool, she could only go back to the first floor again.

Fortunately, there is no shortage of sleeping items here, but it would be really uncomfortable if she had to sort them out by herself.

Since it was Lee Soon Kyu who made the mistake, does Lee Mong Ryong, the boyfriend, have to apologize?

But what left Kim Taeyeon speechless was that she couldn't open the other party's door. Was this a matter of calling in advance to communicate?

Otherwise, it would be impossible to explain why Li Menglong would behave in such a superfluous manner. It couldn't possibly be because he was afraid that girls would harass him at night, right?

It seems like an outrageous guess, but it is infinitely close to the truth.

Li Menglong was really on guard against their arrival. Regardless of the specific reason, he at least did not want to meet these women in the short term.

In his sleep, he didn't know that his caution had worked, otherwise he might have been applauded.

Kim Taeyeon threw the huge quilt on the floor, nagging full of resentment while tidying up her nest with great effort.

Although it was not a physical job, it was completely unnecessary. She was just being made things difficult by some people.

Even a second before she fell into a deep sleep, Kim Taeyeon was still thinking about this matter silently in her mind.

She didn't want to wake up tomorrow morning and not remember anything. She wanted to go back and take revenge.

Lee Soon Kyu is the culprit, Lee Mong Ryong is not a good person, and even the other girls are considered accomplices.

Is she planning to challenge the entire team? I have to admire Kim Taeyeon's courage.

But again, if you want to achieve this, you must first be able to stand in front of the girls.

Her attempt to confront Li Shunkyu last night failed, and the same thing happened this morning. The difference was that she didn't enter the locked door last night, but she didn't see anyone at all this morning.

Kim Taeyeon, who had just woken up, subconsciously rubbed her eyes and wiped the sweat from her forehead with the back of her hand.

This is the reason why Kim Taeyeon woke up. She didn't sleep until she woke up naturally, but was woken up by the sun.

The dazzling sunlight shines into the room through the clear glass, coating every item it hits with a layer of brilliant color, making people feel warm just looking at it.

However, Kim Taeyeon was too warm, and she was too lazy to get up. She still sat on the ground and kept moving her short legs, letting her butt slide slowly on the ground.

Finally moving to a location without sunlight, Kim Taeyeon clicked her lips, and then fell down again.

It may have only been a few seconds before Kim Taeyeon stood up for the second time, and this time her movements were much faster, completely different from the previous laziness.

Don't blame her for being startled, it was really what happened at the moment that made her unable to calm down.

It wasn't like she had never rested on the first floor, so she knew clearly that the sunlight would not penetrate so deeply in the early morning.

In other words, it would take a long time to achieve the achievement she had achieved when she was awakened by the sun, and it might not be possible until noon.

So what time is it now?

Kim Taeyeon looked around and saw that there wasn't even a watch. Don't they usually have these things on the first floor?

Kim Taeyeon's brain was no longer big enough. She got up in embarrassment, trying to find her mobile phone.

It's just that she didn't bring it here at all last night, so now she can only go to the second floor.

But before that, she took a look at Li Menglong's room. There was no one there at all, and the beds had been made.

Seeing this scene, Kim Taeyeon actually had an ominous premonition about Yoona, but she still planned to make the final struggle.

The originally swift reform turned slow, and she didn't want to accept the reality so quickly: "Children? It's time to get up, the sun is shining on your butts!"

The ethereal voice echoed in the corridor on the second floor, and even in the daytime when there was plenty of sunshine, there was still a hint of horror.

Especially when Kim Taeyeon checked several rooms one after another, and no one could breathe. Could it be that there was an accident? Or is it a prank?

Only her own room was left. Even now, Kim Taeyeon still refused to give up. Before opening the door, she threatened her: "I know you are all in there. It's easier to come out now, otherwise I will be angry." !”

After fighting with each other in the air through the door for a long time, Kim Taeyeon finally gave up and realized a terrifying fact. She was the only one left in the entire dormitory.

As for why this scene happened, is there any better explanation? Of course she overslept herself.

But if you have to say that those people are innocent, Kim Taeyeon disagrees ten thousand times.

She wasn't sleeping in her room, she was lying in the living room. Those women would definitely see her when they passed by.

As a result, no one came to wake her up. Isn't this collusion?

Kim Taeyeon could even imagine the scene when they passed by, tiptoeing without saying anything, with a teasing smile on their lips.

When she thought of this, Kim Taeyeon immediately rubbed her face hard several times. When she saw that there was no excess color on her hands, she returned to her previous decadent state.

It seemed that these women were still somewhat afraid of her, at least they didn't escalate the prank.

Whether it is considered a prank at this moment is debatable, because the girls can definitely call it concern for Kim Taeyeon.

Because they saw their captain sleeping, they thought of her behind the scenes working hard for the team day and night, and then chose to let the other party sleep a little longer. Who can blame her?

Even Kim Taeyeon can't use this reason to trouble them now, but this does not mean that they are innocent.

After knowing them for so long, Kim Taeyeon still can't figure out their little thoughts?

The only thing that Kim Taeyeon is not sure about is the mastermind. Who is taking the lead?

Lee Mong-ryong, Lee Soon-kyu, Lim Yoon-ah and even Seohyun, names one by one came to Kim Taeyeon's mind. It seemed that everyone was suspected.

This doesn't work, she has to point to someone specific so that she can bring them into a one-on-one situation.

Sitting on the floor and thinking hard for a long time, Kim Taeyeon felt that this scene seemed familiar. Did she behave similarly last night?

What finally made him stop thinking was not his own stupidity, but her unsatisfactory stomach. She was hungry.

Although she regarded those people as potential suspects, Kim Taeyeon still would not refuse their kindness, such as the possible breakfast.

Kim Taeyeon came down with hope and goodwill, but what she received was only the cold reality.

The kitchen table was so clean that it reflected light. She took the lead in cleaning it last night, so didn't these people think about her breakfast?

In fact, the girls themselves didn't have anything to eat because they wanted to avoid waking up Kim Taeyeon.

In fact, she ignored the efforts of the girls in this process. In order to achieve the current effect, apart from passing by when necessary, they were active on the second floor throughout the process.

Even Li Menglong was taken to the second floor to wash up, which made him want to run away.

Regardless of how they interacted with each other, Kim Taeyeon really wanted to cause trouble for them at the moment.

Is she a big problem? Otherwise, why would she be left alone at home?

Although sleeping in is a pleasant thing, you should also look at the situation after waking up. If it is at the cost of being late for work, there will not be any good consequences.

What's more, it's no longer a question of whether Kim Taeyeon is late or not, she was abandoned here, and they have to give themselves an explanation.

With this anger, Kim Taeyeon silently made preparations for the trip.

First of all, it must be in a high ponytail to highlight the momentum. Of course, it is mainly simple.

Secondly, the clothes must be leather and have rivets. In times of danger, you can throw them over and use them as weapons to kill those white-eyed wolves.

In theory, the makeup should be matched, but she really doesn't have the energy and her body doesn't allow it.

But the last accessory was still needed. She actually rummaged in the utility room for a long time and finally found what she wanted.

What Kim Taeyeon is holding in her hand at the moment is a shotgun. To be precise, it is a plastic imitation version, the kind that can shoot soft bullets.

It seems that this thing was bought when they had a dinner party, and it was intended to be used as a punishment prop.

But now it was time to show its real effect. She held the barrel of the gun and waved it vigorously a few times. It felt really good in the hand.

Even though it looks like it's made of plastic, the gun's body is weighted by lead weights, so it must be particularly good at hitting people.

There happened to be a sling on the gun, so she slung it directly in front of her and embarked on her journey of seeking revenge with confident steps.

Even though she hasn't eaten yet, Kim Taeyeon still plans to take the lead in seeking revenge, or if she doesn't vent her bad breath, what can she eat?

After hailing a taxi, Kim Taeyeon fought her way to the door of the company. The moment she entered the company, she didn't forget to raise her gun. What if the enemy was right in front of her?

"Hey, where did this robber come from? How much does it cost to rob? If it's too much, I suggest you just shoot."

The landlady was helping to carry the dishes. She took a moment to joke and even slapped the robber on the butt: "There are all customers downstairs, so let's make a fuss up there."

Are you being driven away? And can you show some respect to her, even if it's for the sake of the shotgun in her hand?

But she can look down and see if she can. Let’s not talk about the workmanship of the shotgun. How about being more serious about the color matching?

It's really a death match of red and green. Even girls don't dare to challenge this color on weekdays. The effect of putting it on the gun body can be imagined. You can tell it is a toy at a glance.

By the way, if this looked real, Kim Taeyeon wouldn't have been able to get to the company smoothly. How many people might have called the police on the way.

Fortunately, Kim Taeyeon is not the kind of person who relies solely on weapons. More confidence comes from herself. She, Kim Taeyeon, is the sharpest knife.

With this confidence, Kim Taeyeon went straight to the second floor.

Because there was still a while before lunch break, the people on the second floor were quite neat, and everyone turned their attention to Kim Taeyeon almost instantly.

"What are you looking at? Believe it or not, I will shoot you!"

Kim Taeyeon was obviously shy, and she also knew that her current behavior was quite childish.

But now it's too late to say anything. She can only adhere to the simplest truth: as long as she is not embarrassed, others will be embarrassed.

Of course, her long career as an artist has also given her a lot of experience, and she has done this kind of stupid things a lot in variety shows.

In order to make herself more involved, Kim Taeyeon also fired two symbolic shots.

Apart from anything else, this voice is really a bit restorative, which greatly enhances Kim Taeyeon's sense of involvement.

So she could stand at the door of the office quite confidently and shout loudly to the people inside: "Hand over all the money!"

This scene makes people a little overwhelmed. After all, how many times can ordinary people experience being openly robbed in their lifetime?

Especially when the robber was replaced by Kim Taeyeon, the scene was even more bizarre. Are you sure they weren't hallucinating because they were working too much?

Even Li Menglong, who was sitting in the back, subconsciously rubbed his eyes and asked Xu Xian opposite: "Should we call the police now? Someone is openly robbing with a gun..."

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