The Rise of Korean Entertainment

Chapter 3237 Personal Action

Yoona's self-concealed behavior was not approved by the boss's wife. After all, the two had huge differences in their ideas from the beginning.

The boss lady really wants to make a big business, this is the prerequisite.

If Yoona directly said that she had no such plan, then that would be it, and it was impossible to forcefully buy or sell.

But Yoona just kept pushing and pulling with her here, and finally gave such a sincere discount. She actually gave this answer.

She also bought a cup of coffee and the extra money was a tip. How dare she, Lin Yoona, say such things?

If Yoona feels that this discount is not enough, then she can ask Li Menglong. He is also an industry insider and he knows the corresponding costs.

This discount has really gone to the end, Yoona can’t possibly plan to eat and drink for free, right?

"Forget it, you are already a great artist, and your thoughts are indeed different from those of us ordinary people. Why don't I buy you this cup of coffee?"

The landlady suppressed her anger and decisively wanted to send Yoona away.

It's just that the insinuations in these words are too obvious. Unless Yoona is really stupid, how could she not hear it?

So where exactly is the problem? It couldn't be her. Could it be that there was something wrong with her initial deduction?

Impossible, her reasoning is almost impeccable in logic, and coupled with her extraordinary wisdom, the root of all these problems must be the boss's wife!

Having a certain conclusion, but it still does not help the reality at this moment. What is needed now is not the division of responsibilities, but a way to solve the problem.

Yoona chose to ask directly. Compared with the secretive interaction, this was more direct and facilitated the accumulation of misunderstandings.

When the boss lady heard all of Yoona's reasoning, she didn't know what expression to show.

The anger must be gone, but the sense of absurdity is becoming more obvious.

Who gave Yoona the confidence to believe that her nonsense reasoning was correct?

The entire basis of this inference is nothing more than the initial discount offered. This is just as unreasonable as when some fans took a look at Yoona's photo and then even thought of the names of their children.

But Yoona explained so seriously that the landlady couldn't even say sarcastic words.

The landlady waved her hand wordlessly, signaling Yoona to take her coffee and go away quickly, otherwise she wouldn't be sure what would happen next.

Yoona did see the other party's impatience and knew that communication in this situation was inefficient. She didn't mind giving the other party some time to calm down.

But before leaving, Yoona obeyed the rules and handed over the money. You have to give money when buying things. She is not the kind of person like Li Menglong who likes to take advantage.

Originally, a cup of coffee was not expensive. After all, it was almost free on weekdays. The price tag was just to add it to the set meal to make the set price more cost-effective.

As a result, Yoona now took out the biggest bill. Is she still waiting for change?

"Why are you still looking at me? Didn't you tell me to give me the rest of the money as a tip? I don't think it's too little!" The attitude of the landlady is still bad.

Faced with this situation, Yoona was a little bit too angry to say anything because the other party was really a bit fierce.

She initially said that because she thought she had some change here, and it turned out to be such a coincidence.

Yoona didn't want to slap herself in the face. To be honest, such a small amount of money was nothing to her.

But I’m afraid of comparison in everything. How much does a cup of coffee cost? Yoona’s money is enough to buy dozens of cups. Isn’t it a bit exaggerated to consider these as tips?

Besides, people tip because they think the waiter has provided good service, but why does the boss lady have the nerve to accept this money?

Her current actions are clearly a robbery. Is this appropriate?

It's just that Yoona still didn't dare to say the complaints in her heart. She was also afraid that the boss's wife would turn her back on her.

Let's wait a little longer. If that doesn't work, just wait until we get off work with the girls. There will be more of them by then. I don't believe that the boss lady would dare to bully her so blatantly!

She, Lin Yoona, is also the organized woman behind the scenes!

Holding the expensive cup of coffee, Yoona walked up silently, looking forward to the moment of revenge.

Considering that going to the third floor now is causing hatred for herself, Yoona is still more inclined to harass Li Menglong.

Although he is working, working overtime is unpopular.

Yoona is also doing it for his own good. If he works overtime all the time, everyone will alienate him. If someone is more extreme, they might die together with him.

So now she is saving Li Menglong's life in disguise, and he should be very grateful!

However, even though she had a legitimate excuse, Yoona still only dared to hang around the door, not daring to step beyond the bounds.

It's just that her sense of presence is too strong. Even Li Menglong sitting in the back can pay attention to her, let alone her colleagues near the door.

Li Menglong planned to pretend to be confused at first. No matter what Yoona's purpose was, he didn't see anything anyway.

But the reality didn't allow it, because there were too many people sneaking over to talk to Yoona.

Even though there are still many people sitting there, I'm afraid their minds are not on work.

After all, how can YoonA be as good-looking as she is in a monotonous job?

To be honest, if he could, Li Menglong would rather look at Yoona all day long.

As long as Yoona doesn't feel embarrassed, he can watch it for a longer time.

Even though he denied the girls in various ways, he never belittled their appearance without conscience.

It’s okay to deceive outsiders, but you must not deceive yourself.

So why is the "beautiful girl" Lin Yoona always hanging around here? Has she eaten too much? Can I change my place for walking?

"Who is that at the door? Didn't you ask you to buy me coffee? Why are you so late?"

Li Menglong simply called Yoona in, and even took the initiative to give a justifiable reason.

This was also a helpless move on his part. If anything, it was the lesser of two evils. In order to allow everyone to focus more on their work, he had no choice but to sacrifice himself.

It's just that he has no way to express his painstaking efforts, because those people won't understand and will probably think that he is taking advantage.

This is not true. They don't know the pain of interacting with Yoona. Li Menglong really paid a lot.

Of course Yoona doesn't know what Li Menglong is thinking, otherwise she would have poured the coffee over her.

Unlike now, he handed the half-drunk coffee to Li Menglong honestly, and his movements were extremely cautious.

"What? Just say it if you don't want to, don't make it look like I'm bullying you." Li Menglong couldn't help but tease.

It stands to reason that Yoona should have a shy reaction, but the little girl's expression is still serious: "Of course, you don't know how expensive this cup of coffee is. I'll scare you to death if I tell you."

"Oh, you are really scared of me. Come on, I just don't want to live anymore."

Li Menglong spread his hands with a mean expression on his face.

Yoona's attitude was extremely stable throughout the whole process, because she didn't pretend to be serious this time, it was completely from the bottom of her heart.

And when Yoona reported the price of the coffee, Li Menglong also cooperated and choked. Was Yoona being robbed?

It’s not that the price itself is outrageous, and it’s not like I’ve never tasted more expensive coffee, but this is clearly the instant coffee from a fried chicken shop, and there’s the shop’s logo on the paper cup.

In order to prevent any misunderstanding, Li Menglong specially rinsed his mouth with water, and then tasted it again. The smell of the essence inside became more and more obvious.

So what is going on? Can Yoona explain it to him?

Yoona is naturally very willing, and she even plans to sue the landlady.

Even if the landlady suppressed Li Menglong on a bloodline level, he probably wouldn't dare to say anything.

But just in case Li Menglong gets impulsive, her appearance is all there, and it's okay to be so passionate about her beauty.

Yoona planned to take a gamble, but Seohyun didn't intend to give her this chance.

It was said that everyone was working hard at first, but Yoona insisted on coming over to join in the fun and grabbed the core of the office.

Let’s not talk about the impact that Li Menglong’s “work stoppage” had on everyone’s work. Just speaking from a mental level, why can he chat with beautiful women while everyone has to work in silence?

Even if part of their salary is paid by Li Menglong, this is still not a special reason for him.

Therefore, in order to maintain a good work distribution in the office, Xu Xian had no choice but to "beat up the mandarin ducks".

"Onie, where are the others? Why are you the only one down here?"

As one of the girls, Xu Xian naturally knows how to hurt them.

From the moment he saw Yoona appearing alone, Xu Xian realized that there was something wrong.

It's just that I was too lazy to speak before, so now seems like a good time? Yoona, do you want to explain?

Facing Xu Xian's inquiry, Yoona's little face was full of doubts, as if she was asking Xu Xian: Aren't they in the same group?

But no matter what, I have to give an explanation. After all, Li Menglong on the side seems to be very interested in this issue.

"This... that... I actually ran out secretly, well, that's it!"

Yoona kept nodding her head, as if this would make her answer more reliable.

Would you like to hear what she said? If you pull anyone over, you can see that she doesn't mean what she says.

Yoona was aware of this, so in order to prevent the two from getting to the bottom of things, she simply ran out without looking back.

This scene caused a sound of regret to be heard in the scene, and everyone felt the same disappointment.

They placed too much expectations on Yoona, but they didn't expect that they only got Yoona running away.

It seems that they are ready to fight to the end with Li Menglong today. By the way, can they still see the sun tomorrow?

But their ideas are obviously too extreme, can't they think about it for a while?

If Li Menglong really planned to take them all night, he would definitely let them go out for dinner at this moment. Maybe he had even made reservations for supper in advance.

How else would a bunch of starving people get to work? By willpower?

He really just had some unfinished work, so he planned to delay it for a while, maybe half an hour at most.

Xu Xian knew this clearly, so he didn't come forward. At the same time, he was also resistant to Yoona's appearance.

Because Yoona seems to be righteous, but in fact she is the one who really delays everyone from getting off work. She is guilty!

As a sinner, Yoona is currently wandering around. There is no place for her, Lin Yoona, in Nuo Da's company. It sounds too unreal.

But this is the fact. Although she didn't offend everyone on the three floors, no one wanted to talk to her.

Yoona wants to go home by herself, no one cares about her anyway!

But it was obviously not her style to leave in such a dejected manner. She had to make some big news. She wanted to become the focus of the audience again!

A crazy plan soon took shape in Yoona's mind. She was hesitant to do it because she had to consider the consequences.

But she estimated that she wouldn't be beaten to death, so what was there to be afraid of? Just leave her half alive. She, Lin Yoona, was famous for her tenacious vitality.

After having a plan, Yoona started her own operation journey. Her first step was to take out her mobile phone and log in to her live broadcast account.

Yoona did not appear directly, and there was not even a sound, she just played the picture.

However, the picture itself is extremely attractive, because Kim Taeyeon and others appear in the shot.

If that's all, that's it. It's not like the girls haven't done live broadcasts before, but the angle of this shot is too weird.

How to describe it specifically? It was as if someone was lying on the ground at this moment, quietly pushing open the crack of the door, and then sneaking a peek inside.

To be precise, I couldn't see the girls clearly. If I weren't too familiar with them, I would probably think it was a prank.

But it happened that this was Yoona's own live broadcast account, which immediately aroused fans' alert:

"Isn't your account hacked? I advise this person to stop as soon as possible. You are committing a crime now!"

"Is there anyone who can contact the girls? Tell them quickly, otherwise, maybe something will be photographed."

"I found the company's phone number here. I just tried to call it, but no one answered."

"It does look like it's in the company. Everyone, try it. There should be numbers for other departments."

Fans were really anxious at first, after all, this kind of perversion has exceeded everyone's bottom line.

But after a while, everyone calmed down a bit. Because the picture was blurry and their voices couldn't be heard, it didn't seem that serious?

Everyone even went on to discuss what the girls were doing and who was lying on the ground secretly photographing them. Couldn't this be a new way of publicity?

The power of fans is still huge enough, and of course it can also be said that the influence of Yoona and the girls is big enough.

Even though most of the company's departments are off work, there are still people who received calls from enthusiastic viewers...

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