The Rise of Korean Entertainment

Chapter 3235 Tacit Cooperation

Li Menglong wiped his lower lips vigorously with the back of his hand. It was not because he was greedy, but because he talked too much, so he was a little thirsty.

But fortunately, the goal has been achieved, and the landlady has taken the initiative to speak. Wouldn't he be able to order at will?

But what is the standard for this so-called "not too expensive"? Does it mean that as long as it is not wasted?

Li Menglong tentatively ordered a whole fried chicken, but the landlady didn't make any move at all, as if she didn't hear him.

He immediately understood what the other party meant. He felt that the asking price was too high, so he could just take the half, right?

He thought he had taken a big step back, but in the end nothing had changed. Li Menglong was dumbfounded.

Don't speak if you are so insincere. How can you pretend to be generous? It made him so embarrassed now!

"I have difficulty choosing, otherwise you should recommend it to me?"

Li Menglong took the initiative to give up the right to choose. His sincerity is already obvious, right?

It stands to reason that when things have developed to this point, the boss lady should be more generous and show off her noble personality.

But as Li Menglong's business mentor, the two have almost the same concepts in certain aspects. For example, how much is face worth in front of real money?

"It's not appropriate to eat anything at this time. How about a cup of coffee? If one cup isn't enough..." the landlady said.

Li Menglong really wanted to spit on the other person, why did he have the nerve to say it?

All in all, all we get in the end is free flow of coffee. Is this considered a treat?

You must know that the coffee in the store is the instant coffee installed in the machine. If you have to say the difference, it is just the gap between brands.

The key point is that instant coffee is free in every office of the company. Why does he have to come here and suffer humiliation?

"So you're saying no? It's a waste of my good intentions. Please make it clear in advance next time!"

The boss lady can sell things cheaply and behave well, but can she be a little bit offline as a person?

Li Menglong, who originally planned to refuse, changed his mind. Did the other party think that drinking instant coffee would not kill anyone?

No matter how low the cost of coffee is, there is still a minimum price. As long as Li Menglong drinks enough, it can still make the landlady feel a little heartbroken.

But this would put his body to the test. After all, combined with the low price of large batches of instant coffee, he would have to drink a lot of it.

To be conservative, he would have to at least empty the current machine. But can he?

Li Menglong originally thought he could, but soon he realized that he was impulsive.

"Is your coffee expired? Why does it smell strange? Will you be poisoned if you drink it again?"

He had already begun to find reasons for himself to escape, but how could the landlady let him do so?

He directly took out the purchase list, which had all the dates and certificates of quality, including the certificate for the kitchen water purification equipment. Li Menglong could drink it with confidence.

Even if he does have an accident, it's probably because of his own health, so don't deliberately implicate it.

Seeing that the landlady was determined to see him die here, Li Menglong was not going to cooperate. His good days had just begun.

Just how to escape specifically, Li Menglong placed his hope on Xu Xian.

Considering the time he wasted here, Xu Xian should have come over by now.

Of course, Xu Xian is not here to cause trouble, but needs him to take charge of the work. The little girl's main goal is to distinguish between public and private matters.

Sure enough, everything was as he thought. A few minutes later, Xu Xian's figure appeared on the stairs. Li Menglong wanted to rush forward to greet him.

After all, this is the hero who came to save him. Should he consider committing himself to it?

It's just that this idea cannot be considered unilaterally by him. He must also listen to Xu Xian's opinion. What if she thinks this is repaying kindness with hatred?

"Are you still here drinking coffee? Everyone is waiting for you upstairs. Come and follow me!"

Xu Xian also tried to pull the other party while speaking. In her expectation, Li Menglong would probably resist for a few times.

But when the contact actually happened, she felt that Li Menglong was surprisingly cooperative. His whole body was like a light feather, following her strength and flying up.

How is this going? Could it be that she suddenly awakened some kind of superpower, the kind that inexplicably increased her strength hundreds of times?

Fortunately, Xu Xian was not so naive. After simple thinking, she easily figured out the situation at the scene. It turned out that Li Menglong wanted to leave but couldn't.

Although she didn't know the details, it didn't stop her from cooperating with the boss's wife.

Just when Li Menglong was about to stand up, Xu Xian held his shoulders: "Oppa, don't be too anxious. I know how hard you have been recently. Otherwise, you can just stay here and rest. I will take care of it."

Xu Xian pretended to be a considerate and good sister, but Li Menglong could clearly see the teasing in her eyes.

This little girl has also learned to be naughty? The timing was also quite straightforward. Who did you learn this from?

Caught between these two women, one behind the other, Li Menglong couldn't get out for a while. Or should he continue to stay here and fight to the death?

Patting his belly, he could clearly feel the liquid sloshing inside, and his burps were filled with the sweetness of coffee.

Li Menglong was not sure if anyone's death was due to excessive coffee intake, but it was probably not that many, so he shouldn't join in.

He drank all the coffee in the cup and then turned the paper cup upside down on the table without giving the landlady a chance to refill it.

"What? I won't drink it now. There's still a lot left in the machine, don't waste it!"

The landlady dragged her chin with one hand, her tone full of teasing.

Being laughed at by such a person, Li Menglong didn't feel embarrassed at all. After all, he regarded this person as an elder, and he had to respect the old and love the young.

Seeing that Li Menglong didn't respond, Xu Xian couldn't help but guess what happened. It always felt like it was quite interesting.

It's a pity that Li Menglong didn't have any desire to explain to her. To be precise, he didn't dare to speak, what if he spit the coffee in Xu Xian's face.

Li Menglong's confrontation with the boss's wife finally ended with him feeling unwell. Combined with his previous strong declaration, it was quite anticlimactic.

But he couldn't care about that anymore, he took the initiative to reach out his hand, but why didn't Xu Xian have any sharp eyesight? Come here and give me some support!

"Ah? Oh, you can just say it, but what happened to you? You broke your leg when you ran down before?"

No wonder Xu Xian asked this, because Li Menglong indeed put a lot of weight on her, and this was no joke.

But unlike Xu Xian's guess, Li Menglong was indeed injured, but the injury was not to his legs, but to his stomach!

As for why stomach problems make him unable to move, we can probably refer to pregnant women. The body is not so convenient.

It took a lot of effort to move to the second floor. Xu Xian seemed to have been performing on the stage for half an hour, and he was dripping with sweat.

"Oppa, you must live healthy, otherwise once you collapse, I won't be able to carry you."

Xu Xian didn't know what considerations led him to think of such a realistic scene.

Li Menglong was so angry that he almost spit out his coffee, so couldn't he expect him to order it?

In order to prove his health, Li Menglong pushed Xu Xian away, and he wanted to reach the "end" on his own strength.

So in just a few short steps, he finally felt like he was crossing mountains and ridges.

Everyone around him subconsciously wanted to cheer him on. This performance of "being physically disabled but strong in spirit" deserves everyone's praise!

But everyone endured it because they couldn't disrupt his rhythm.

When Li Menglong successfully sat in his seat, the entire office burst into cheers, and Li Menglong even had the nerve to wave to the group of people.

This made Xu Xian confused in the takeaway. She always felt that she was too normal, so she seemed out of place with this group of people.

Although she plays the red face most of the time, she doesn't mind playing a harsh role occasionally.

"What time is it? Are you still here making noises? Don't you all have jobs?"

Xu Xian came up and scolded her, but she couldn't just find someone to scold. That was Li Menglong's position.

However, she also has her own tricks. There is still someone in this office whom she can bully at will, and who can serve as a warning to the monkeys.

"What are you looking at? It's you who is talking about it. Do you have to name me? Mr. Li Menglong!"

Xu Xian put his hands on his hips and spitted out his mouth continuously. His face was squeezed into a ball with anger, and his eyebrows were the most twitchy, almost standing up.

What seemed like a fierce scene turned out to be so cute in Li Menglong's eyes. He even wanted to poke the other person's bulging cheeks.

Fortunately, he still has some sense. If he really did this, Xu Xian could break his fingers off on the spot.

Now that he knew what the little girl needed, Li Menglong naturally had to cooperate. He stood up tremblingly, and then knelt down more slowly.

Xu Xian was dumbfounded for a moment. She really wanted to take advantage of Li Menglong, but the reaction given by the other party was a bit too much.

How could she be so virtuous that she could force Li Menglong to kneel down? Wouldn't this cost her her life?

Xu Xian's brain already showed signs of stagnation, which made Li Menglong quite painful.

He had given Xu Xian enough reaction time, just to stop him.

In the end, Xu Xian didn't know whether he was stupid or just wanted to watch the fun, but he actually just stood there and didn't care. What should he do?

Li Menglong was also thinking, but his body did not support him thinking for too long, and soon his thighs slowly began to shake, and then afterimages were shaken.

This action undoubtedly attracted Xu Xian's attention and also made the little girl sober up.

She realized what she should do at this moment, but it was too late.

When Xu Xian stretched out his hand, Li Menglong also knelt down with a plop, and the sound of his knees colliding with the ground was loud and clear.

However, everyone seemed to hear an earthquake-like sound in their ears. Things were getting serious. Even Li Menglong had to kneel down in front of Xu Xian?

Although they don’t know what’s hidden in this, do they have to follow it?

It can only be said that the "herding effect" is very harmful!

Just when they were hesitating, someone had already taken a step ahead of them. Xu Xian almost didn't hesitate and knelt down in front of Li Menglong.

She knew that Li Menglong's action was probably an accident. With their relationship, the other party didn't have to use this method to embarrass her.

But what's the use of knowing this? The people around them are not roundworms in the stomachs of the two of them.

So she urgently needed to use this method to offset the influence caused by Li Menglong, but why did she always feel that this posture was weird.

Soon she knew where this sense of dissonance came from, because she didn't know who was muttering, but there was a faint voice: "This is not for husband and wife to worship..."

Xu Xian had an epiphany. It was indeed similar to the scene he had seen on TV, but there were still many differences in details, right?

For example, Li Menglong kept trying to get up, but his body was really weak. In the end, Xu Xian couldn't bear it and took the initiative to help him.

"If you don't work or talk about it, you still have the energy to watch the fun? Do you really think that the money the company gives you is charity?"

Compared with Xu Xian's criticism, Li Menglong is much more direct. With his identity and status, he really doesn't have to worry too much.

Of course, seriously speaking, what he said was a bit excessive, but considering everything that had happened before, it was understandable that he would become angry.

Anyway, no one around him came out to talk back. Instead, they all bowed their heads honestly.

Regardless of whether there is any work at hand, just start typing on the keyboard first. The attitude aspect still needs to be fully developed.

Although he was suspected of being perfunctory, Li Menglong was already very satisfied, and even looked back at Xu Xian with some pride. Don't you admire him?

It's just that Xu Xian's response to him was just a slap in the face. It wasn't her first day at work, so couldn't she see what it meant to be perfunctory?

It can only be said that everyone is willing to cooperate. Whether it is out of fear or pity is not Xu Xian's concern.

Judging from the results, the cooperation between the two was successful, although there were stumbling blocks in the process.

Xu Xian was at least satisfied, but Li Menglong still wanted to find more of a sense of presence for himself.

He has been chattering for five minutes. Where did he come from? Did his menopause come early?

Men also have related symptoms, but they are about fifty years old. Li Menglong seems to be a little younger.

It can't be that he is so old at heart. In that case, Li Shunkyu would suffer a big loss. After all, her sister has a very young mentality, and the generation gap between the two is too big.

Fortunately, Li Menglong quickly proved his innocence and was able to stop immediately when Xu Xian gently pulled his sleeve.

Listening to advice means that you can communicate, and people who can communicate are considered normal. Seohyun is happy for Lee Soon Kyu...

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