The Rise of Korean Entertainment

Chapter 3224 Substitution

Yoona obviously has bad intentions, and Li Menglong is not blind, so how could he not see what she was thinking at the moment?

She just wanted to watch him quarrel with the girls. It didn't matter which side would win the final victory. It was the process that she valued.

During this period, she would definitely instigate in various ways, trying to make the incident more bloody. It would be better if she could injure two people.

With such obvious instigation, how could Li Menglong do what she wanted?

Besides, even if he didn't see anything, based on his current state of mind, there was nothing he wanted to buy.

This is in line with the girls' usual perception of him, and it is extremely difficult to get him to spend some money.

Since you don’t have anything in particular you want to buy, why would you steal girls’ cards? Just to let them cause trouble for him?

Many teenagers must have done similar mindless behavior to attract the attention of the opposite sex.

It's just that Li Menglong has grown up, and the attraction of the women in front of him is just that, not enough for him to tease them at the expense of himself.

So Yoona is destined to be disappointed. This time she suffered a loss, and Li Menglong will definitely find an opportunity to make up for it later.

"To make up for it? How can you make up for it? You don't even look at what you have done to me!"

Yoona yelled out. If it was just in the car, it wouldn't matter if she pointed at Li Menglong's nose and cursed him. The girls might even join in and join in the conversation.

But now that she is outside, let alone how rude her attitude towards Li Menglong is, is the content of these words also open to question?

People on the sidelines were already looking at it. Should I inform my friends about this outrageous news and share it with each other so that the news can spread all over the Internet?

Of course, the content may have changed at that time, and everyone may express their inner guesses, such as Li Menglong versus Yoona...

Yoona herself was a little stupid. As an artist, she still had a basic sense of professional acumen. Such words should not have come out of her mouth at all.

But why is she angry now? Not to mention apologizing, she doesn't even mean to explain. Let everyone misunderstand her. She wants to risk her reputation and Li Menglong's.

This move is indeed very deadly. Similar tidbits are the most difficult to clarify, let alone match the identities of the two.

The scandal between the company boss and his artists should involve a certain degree of unspoken rules, right?

In short, everyone must be making dark guesses. Yoona can't clear her name at all. At least for Li Menglong, he may have to be more careful when going out in the future.

With Yoona's current terrifying popularity, there are probably a few people who are willing to avenge Yoona.

But Yoona can be willful, but the girls around her can't just watch this scene happen.

Especially Lee Soon Kyu, these two people have done too much harm to her, right?

If it really happened, that would be fine. She would break up when it was time to break up, break off the relationship when it was time to break up, but now it was just a misunderstanding, not even a misunderstanding.

Just because of such a trivial matter, the two of them have such a reputation. Lee Soon Kyu cannot just sit idly by and do nothing. She has to stand up!

They are currently in a breakfast shop near the company, and several of them are hungry. They can't just go to work, right?

It was definitely too late to go home for dinner. Even though the girls strongly suggested it, Li Menglong still stubbornly vetoed it.

He could think of these women's plans with the heel of his feet, and they were just planning to "leave and never come back."

As long as they return home, they have many ways to stay at home and not leave.

The simplest way is to take off all your clothes, or to be precise, wear underwear. This is not a scene that Li Menglong can "look at".

In this case, let alone trying to pull him away, even if he glanced at him, he would be criticized verbally and written by the girls.

Although it was a pity, Li Menglong still gave up this temptation, and he was more willing to take these girls to work.

Even though he didn't have a good rest, I believe his body is strong enough to survive these women.

This can be regarded as his little punishment for the girls' willfulness!

The situation last night really shouldn't have happened. Whether it was the time or their actions, it was not what a mature artist should do.

Li Menglong also wanted to stop them from doing good things, but he had to consider his own situation first.

Besides, there's no way to do good deeds to people in the middle of the night. This is more like a staged photo shoot.

They could choose a more ideal time. Li Menglong had the same idea last night, but no one paid any attention to him.

In this case, they will bear the price, and there will be no unnecessary talk. No one will be able to leave today, and they will all be allowed to work honestly in the company all day long!

In order to prevent the girls from taking advantage of the situation, Li Menglong has already begun to make plans to ensure that they have a fulfilling day!

The girls still don't know Li Menglong's evil thoughts. At the moment, they are busy explaining to everyone around them that they are cleaning up their mess.

"To be clear, did I say anything during the whole process? If you don't care about your own sister, do you want me to do it myself?"

Li Menglong clearly distinguished the responsibilities, but the girls thought he was shirking responsibility.

Because normally, as a manager, one of Li Menglong's responsibilities is to manage his artists.

Of course, this also varies from artist to artist. Often when a newcomer is young, the agent has greater rights.

Once an artist becomes famous, the manager becomes just an errand boy. What can he say to the artist? Aren't you afraid of being kicked away?

The popularity of the girls goes without saying, but Li Menglong is not an agent who follows the rules. Are you kidding, is he afraid of being fired?

"Then I really want to thank you. You can find a new person quickly. How can I take over the work? Today?"

The expectation on Li Menglong's face showed no hidden intention at all, and the blood pressure of the girls rose a lot.

Can this person say something reliable? The girls wanted to get rid of him, but did they have the right?

If they really had some irreconcilable conflicts with Li Menglong, most people would choose to let them leave if one of them was destined to leave.

Even if Li Menglong does not have any shares in the company, he will still be like this just as a director.

Because although girls are very popular, the corresponding amount of money they can earn for the company is not that impressive.

This is a long-standing problem in many companies. Fans often wonder why many groups seem to be at their peak, but why do they not release an album for several years, or even disband?

This is one of the reasons, maybe even the biggest reason!

It costs money for an artist to release an album or make a comeback, and it's quite a lot. These costs must be borne by the company, including the risk of failure after release.

Even if the album is a hit, since it's no longer a new artist's contract, the company is probably just losing money and making money, so why are you so concerned?

These companies would rather promote a new group of moderately popular artists than waste resources on older artists.

Girls are naturally classified into this category. No matter how popular they are, they earn it for themselves. How much can the company get?

But Li Menglong is different. A successful commercial film director can bring benefits beyond ordinary people's imagination through his works.

To put it more exaggeratedly, Li Menglong alone is enough to become a weight in the exchange of interests between the company and other friends.

Therefore, as long as you are an insider, you will make rational choices. This is one of the reasons why many directors seem to have a particularly high status.

The girls are all depressed when they think that they have struggled for so many years and still can't compare to the bastard Li Menglong. Otherwise, let's forget it?

Let Yoona's dirty stuff be exposed, and then disband on the spot. There is no point in them continuing to hang out.

Such decadent thoughts should not appear among girls. Even Yoona, the person involved, was a little scared.

She was indeed showing off her temper, but she just wanted to attract people's attention, and she didn't want to directly disband the group.

There are many ways for a group to be disbanded, but one of the most disgraceful is the disbandment of a group due to individual members' dirty information.

But there are still many such methods, maybe because similar methods are too explosive and can stay in people's memory for a long time.

Relatively speaking, there are more cases of silent disbandment due to popularity. The most common one is that when the contract of the new member of the group ends, the group also announces its disbandment.

Yoona is not sure whether their group will end up with the same fate in the end, but she absolutely cannot accept that she will become the group's tipping point. She, Lin Yoona, does not deserve it!

"Cheer up, guys, who is Li Menglong? Don't listen to his bragging here, he is just scaring you!"

Yoona's words had no theoretical basis. Maybe she couldn't think of a good excuse in her eagerness.

Although the words are a bit hollow, as long as the emotions are conveyed, she, Lin Yoona, wants to unite everyone, do they have any reason to refuse?

That is, there are too many people around, otherwise the girls might hug each other and cry at this moment.

Don't ask why they are so full of emotions, this is what women are!

However, depending on the environment, you can also celebrate in a different way, such as ordering a table full of breakfast!

This is indeed what the girls did. There was not even room for a cup on the table. Of course, Li Menglong was not only paying attention to the table now, but where was his seat?

"Why do you want to sit down? You're not a well-known director. How dare you come to feed us young artists?"

"What I'm saying is, go and make a meal out of your own fame. Many people will be willing to win over you, right?"

"Oh, let's stop talking. What if this great director bans us? Do you want to kneel down and beg him in the future?"

Li Menglong wanted to laugh when he heard all the gossip among the girls there. Are these women too petty?

Aren't the meanings he expressed before based on facts? Besides, they are not wrong at all?

Now they were no longer afraid of rumors. It was said that they were sitting and eating while he stood aside with a bowl and watched. If this fell into the eyes of a caring person, they would not end well.

"Humph, we admit it, you can scold us as you like, we don't care!"

As the leader, Kim Taeyeon gave a strong statement and was recognized by the members, including Seohyun.

Xu Xian naturally had some resistance in his heart, but he didn't dare to show it in this situation.

If she dares to speak for Li Menglong now, she will be waiting to be attacked at night. These women will not spare her.

So I can only say sorry to Li Menglong. He should understand, right?

Li Menglong didn't want to understand at all, he just wanted to eat now.

Since these women are not human beings first, don't blame him for doing it. Do you really think he was not prepared at all?

Although it is not specially prepared for today, it seems to be no problem to use here.

I saw Li Menglong walking to the place where he was ordering food. Although the girls were eating breakfast, they were staring at Li Menglong from the corner of their eyes. He wouldn't really go for credit, would he?

All the embarrassing scenes that the girls imagined did not appear. Li Menglong ordered a normal meal there, and what he finally gave was cash!

This action completely aroused the girls' doubts. Where did Li Menglong get his money?

It's not that Li Menglong can't be rich, but he clearly spent all his money in a convenience store last night. Where did he go to get his personal money without going home?

As for stealing it from them, that's even more impossible. With Yoona's example in front of them, they were quite careful today.

It seems that the most suspicious person is Xu Xian, who makes her the most generous.

She is the one who gives Li Menglong pocket money the most in the team, making her seem like Li Menglong's sister. It's no wonder that the girls all look at her.

But this time, she was wrongly blamed. Xu Xian had no time to take action. She was with these women the whole time, and they knew it!

This is indeed the case. In this case, there are no other options. They can't think of them anyway.

Li Menglong had already come back with a dinner plate at this moment. Even though he was alone, the food on display was not much less than that of the girls. All he wanted was face!

"Are you a pig? Can you finish all the food after ordering so much?" This is a polite "greeting" from the girls.

Li Menglong naturally responded: "You should worry about yourselves. If you dare to waste food, your legs will be broken!"

He knew the appetite of this group of people very well, and they definitely took out his share. Now it was their turn to have a headache.

The two sides didn't agree with each other, so they all lowered their heads to cook. Li Menglong was concentrating on it, while the girls here had to be distracted and think about where the money came from.

At a certain moment, Yoona slapped the table hard. She didn't even care about the other girls who were frightened. She pointed directly at Li Menglong: "Did you use my card to withdraw cash before?"

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