A portion of instant noodles is to be shared by four people, which is beyond the normal design of instant noodles.

If the portion is really enough for four people, then why does the merchant sell it for one person? Isn’t this a loss?

Even though Pani has added a lot of extra items, it still has a lot of appetite for a few people.

It is said that girls have nothing to do with having a small appetite. They eat less just to control it intentionally.

At this time, there are ready-made instant noodles in front of you. Even if you eat a few mouthfuls, it will not be worth the hard work of Li Menglong and the two of them.

There really wasn't even a drop of soup left in the bucket of instant noodles. Li Menglong was very sure of this because he personally watched Kim Taeyeon tip her head over the bucket of instant noodles.

Tapping her mouth heavily, Kim Taeyeon tried to remember the taste in her mouth, but why was it so blurry?

She must have received too little. If not, she would not have given up her image. Her previous actions were still a bit embarrassing.

Fortunately, none of the people around her dared to laugh. That's right. Does she have to do it to know what to do?

After being glared at by Kim Taeyeon for no reason, Pani moved closer to Li Menglong, feeling that this way she felt a little safer.

At the same time, she was also guessing about Kim Taeyeon's purpose. Did she want her to do something?

Considering everything that happened before, Pani naturally came to the conclusion: "Taeyeon, do you need me to help you make another instant noodles?"

Pani really asked kindly, but what he got was a cold shoulder: "Instant noodles? Do you want to fatten me to death and then become the captain yourself?"

This statement is too exaggerated. Even if it is said that Yoona and others have the idea of ​​usurping the throne, it is more reliable. Pani is probably the most comforting one in the team.

She has never thought about the captaincy at all, it even scares her. Besides, she also thinks that Kim Taeyeon is the best captain.

Is it just Kim Taeyeon who treats her like this? Is she worthy of Huang Meiying’s support?

Xiuying saw this from the side and immediately got involved. It was not that she wanted to join in the fun, but that someone needed to lighten the atmosphere.

There were only four people in total. Instead of counting on Li Menglong, who was dozing faintly there, she might as well go there herself: "It's true, you still need to eat less instant noodles."

Xiuying only said half of what she said. Her plan was to agree with Kim Taeyeon first and gain her trust before taking action.

However, Kim Taeyeon's reaction was extremely weird. She slapped the table and jumped up: "I am the leader of Girls' Generation, and I can't even eat instant noodles? Am I that fat?" Looking at Kim Taeyeon Her cheeks were flushed with anger, and Xiuying was going crazy. Could this woman be crazy?

Pani took the initiative to give her instant noodles, but was scolded, and she, Cui Xiuying, chose to stand on the opposite side of Pani, and the result remained the same.

So what does Kim Taeyeon want to do? Is it possible that she can give a third option?

Seeing that the atmosphere was gradually becoming tense, if no one came forward, not to mention that the three of them would quarrel, but at least the next few hours would be more difficult.

Fortunately, Li Menglong was awake at the moment, mainly because he was frightened by the noise made by Kim Taeyeon. Was this woman targeting him on purpose?

Although he said he was dozing off, Li Menglong was actually very aware of everything happening around him. Could no one see Kim Taeyeon's little thoughts?

It can only be said that Pani and Xiuying are too immersed in their own thoughts. If you think about their captain's daily behavior, you will know that all of Kim Taeyeon's actions are planned.

In the face of sisters' kindness, even if they don't want to accept it, is it necessary to scold them?

This is obviously not her normal appearance, so do you want to expose her?

Li Menglong hardly hesitated. Even if he would be resented by Kim Taeyeon later, he still had to seek justice for Pani and Xiuying. He was so just and he definitely didn't want to see Kim Taeyeon's excitement.

"Why don't you understand? Go get some instant noodles, but they are definitely not for Kim Taeyeon. As for if there are any leftovers in the process, if some people are afraid of wasting, they can also come over and eat some. "

Li Menglong said a lot in a long way, but fortunately it was not so obscure. Both Pani and Xiuying understood what the other party meant, and even saw clearly the duplicity of Kim Taeyeon's appearance.

She wants to eat instant noodles, but she doesn't want to take the responsibility of gaining weight after eating instant noodles. How can such a good thing be possible?

Besides, the food will end up in her stomach after all, and the weight gain cannot be transferred to the two of them, so why is she being reserved here?

After being exposed by Li Menglong, Kim Taeyeon could no longer be assertive no matter how thick-skinned she was. She even had to please Pani and the two.

"Do you want instant noodles? I'll get them for you right away. I'll treat you!"

Kim Taeyeon asked a few people extremely diligently, with a flattering smile on her face.

Although she was speechless at Kim Taeyeon's arrogant behavior, Pani didn't mean to take advantage of her, so she could only call it a fun thing at night.

It's really convenient to have something to eat in a convenience store, which makes Kim Taeyeon want to have one at home.

And this is not a money-losing business. Even if it only serves a few girls, since the distance is so close, can the price be adjusted appropriately?

Kim Taeyeon is very clear about the income of these women, and she doesn't want too much. She strives to deduct one-tenth of the income of these women every year, and she will be very happy.

However, if we really implement this goal, the pricing will probably be terrifying. I don’t know if there are relevant laws to punish such profiteers.

With Kim Taeyeon's heart-warming service, a bucket of instant noodles was placed in front of the four of them.

The table, which was not that big, was crowded with four people. No one spoke, and everyone was looking out the window in trance.

There was no so-called scenery, just an empty road, but with the gradually getting stronger aroma of instant noodles, everyone felt extremely relaxed.

"Okay, it's time. If you soak it any longer, the noodles will have risen."

Kim Taeyeon clapped her hands vigorously and handed the opened chopsticks to everyone one by one. At this moment, she looked like a captain.

"Tch, you haven't seen us when we debuted. I took good care of them."

Faced with Li Menglong's teasing, Kim Taeyeon explained extremely proudly, and even pulled Pani and Xiuying to prove it.

It was naturally impossible to disobey Kim Taeyeon at this time, and besides, they were just stating the facts.

It was really difficult for Kim Taeyeon during that time. As the captain, she not only had to communicate with the company, but also appease the sisters' emotions.

You must know that she was just a child at that time, far from the maturity she is now. Who should she tell her fear and hesitation to?

Naturally, it is impossible to get to the bottom of this. Kim Taeyeon is willing to share it. If she doesn't say it, it is probably her own secret.

Fortunately, all this is over and they all have a bright future now!

"The bright future is to eat instant noodles without worrying about having money to pay the bill, right?"

Li Menglong deliberately distorted the topic. After all, the previous topic was too heavy.

But Kim Taeyeon didn't take it seriously: "Do you look down on instant noodles? We didn't even have money to eat instant noodles back then!"

This statement is obviously an exaggeration. They may not have much money, but they still have the most basic pocket money at home. How could they not even be able to buy instant noodles?

At most, the competition was fierce at that time, and they probably really didn’t dare to steal.

Nowadays, you can sit in a shop and eat openly. The taste of instant noodles is really good. Is it because of the brand, or is it because of the people around you?

"Is the instant noodles expired? Why does it taste so weird? Let me try yours!"

Kim Taeyeon stretched out her chopsticks while speaking. She didn't think that no one would see what her idea was, right?

Obviously they all have the same taste, but if you have to fish them out of someone else's bowl, will the food you snatched be more delicious?

Accompanied by the noise of a few people, the quiet convenience store finally had a touch of happy air.

After eating and drinking, it is natural to rest. At least this is what Li Menglong planned and did.

He is only here to protect the safety of the girls. He is not here to help them work, and naturally he does not provide chatting services.

So when faced with the joint accusations from Kim Taeyeon and others, he just calmly covered his head with his coat, and then lay on the table and fell asleep.

This environment and this posture are obviously not suitable for people to rest, but there is no way. Besides, compared with the girls who need to work, he is already very satisfied.

And the key is that the child was taken away by Xu Xian and the others. This is the biggest contribution of these people, otherwise Li Menglong would probably still be here to take care of the child.

But why did I hear the child's laughter again in a daze? Was this a dream?

This dream was quite interesting, because there seemed to be something in my mouth, and I subconsciously took a sip. It was sour, sweet, and tasted really good.

After a few more mouthfuls, the laughter in my ears turned into howling.

There was no need to sleep at all now. Li Menglong opened his clothes on his head and closed his eyes subconsciously. Why was it already dawn? How long has he been asleep?

But now is not the time to get entangled. His first task now is to comfort the crying child sitting on the ground. Why is he crying so sadly?

"Nonsense, someone kindly fed you their favorite yogurt to let you taste it, but you drank it all. Is this something a normal adult would do? Shame on you!"

Zheng Xiuyan, who was on the side, accused Li Menglong and brought out a new bottle. This temporarily calmed the child's mood. Of course, this would be recorded in Li Menglong's account.

"Okay, it's all mine, but why are you here?"

Li Menglong doesn't care about money at all now. After all, he really doesn't have a penny at the moment. What is there to be afraid of?

As for the reason why Jessica appeared here, Li Menglong quickly understood that these were the last three people to change shifts.

So Kim Taeyeon and the others have left? How many hours have you been sleeping here?

Originally, he just planned to take a light sleep. After all, he still had a mission to shoulder. What if a gangster really rushed in and he didn't hear it?

But now it seems that there is no need to worry. Jessica can still work here with peace of mind. That means Kim Taeyeon and the others are very safe.

Moreover, the traffic in the store is not low. Perhaps after a night of fermentation, the information was finally known to the fans of the girls.

If the girls could stay here longer, more people would come. After all, there are still many people who haven't gotten up yet.

It's a pity that the girls didn't plan to stay any longer, because they were already taking over the shift with the single mother, which was simply doing inventory of the goods in the store.

Although I’m not worried about girls being caught stealing, what if someone steals something without paying? So it's better to be on the safe side.

Seeing that there was nothing he needed to help here, he picked up the child on the ground and let the two troublesome people go out for a walk first.

The children all shared their own food. As an adult, Li Menglong naturally had to express his feelings. Don't let the children think that adults are all the same.

It doesn't matter if you don't have money in your pocket, the nanny van is parked not far away, and you can sell whatever you want from it for money.

But it didn't come to this point after all, because Li Menglong was lucky enough to pick up a wallet.

Who is this? He was too careless. Did he lose his wallet casually?

If someone with bad intentions picks it up, they will really suffer a big loss!

In order to teach this woman a lesson, Li Menglong decided to play the role of a bad guy. What would the bad guy do with their wallets if they found them?

This issue deserves more discussion, but what can be confirmed is that this bad guy didn’t have the guts to buy breakfast with the card, and he didn’t know the password.

People like Li Menglong can no longer be considered bad, they should be called traitors lurking around girls!

With the "support" of the girls, Li Menglong naturally felt more confident: "Tell me, what do you want to eat? I'll buy them all for you!"

It's rare to be rich for once. Li Menglong feels great at the moment.

Although he can't be said to be very poor on weekdays, the people around him are actually too rich, making it difficult for him to have the confidence to buy the whole world for him.

But it's different with children. Can the other person have any material desires? It’s just toys and stuff. Are there any toy stores open now?

While looking for a breakfast shop, he actually discovered one, which made the two of them immediately addicted to it. The toys nowadays seemed to be very high-end.

But corresponding to the high-end is the price of beauty. At least Yoona thinks the price is too beautiful.

She didn't get much rest in the first place, but now she was woken up by a series of text message alerts. Yoona really wanted to curse.

She has decided that if it is a harassing text message, she will call it back and curse her. Anyway, the other party doesn't know who she is.

But she was soon dumbfounded. It seemed that the bank cards were all in her real name, right?

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