The Rise of Korean Entertainment

Chapter 3214 Temporary decision

"How is it possible? How could I lie to you?"

Li Menglong tried his best to speak sincerely, but how could he say it? After all, he was just a director, not an actor.

Maybe he can give actors some guidance in terms of acting skills, but it is only at a theoretical level.

If he really had to let him play on his own, it would be the current situation. Yoona looked at it with a curl of lips. Was she sure she had received such poor guidance in the past?

Li Menglong's embarrassment at this moment can be seen personally. This display of guilty conscience is too much. Could it be that he did it on purpose?

If this is part of Li Menglong's plan, it would be more terrifying. He actually wants to take advantage of Li Soonkyu's weakness, but is this realistic?

Putting aside whether he has such a keen sense of smell, considering the situation at this moment, there is no need for him to do anything extra.

There won't be much gain if he succeeds, and if he fails, Lee Soon-gyu won't know how much anger will be added.

Of course, these are all speculations of the girls. As a person involved, Li Menglong is thinking of all kinds of excuses now.

At first, he wanted to confirm this matter. The girls have thousands of fans, so maybe there really is such a one.

Even if you can't find a specific fan, you can still find a lot of similar patients by going to the intensive care unit of the hospital.

Although she deceived Lee Soon Kyu in this way, it was not considered a bad thing. It was just that she was contributing to charity.

Just considering the risks he had to take and the effort he had to put in, Li Menglong always felt that it was not worth it.

And once he doesn't plan to do this, it seems that he has no choice but to confess, but the consequences are not something he can bear.

So Li Menglong chose a compromise: admitted it, but only half of it!

"It is true that this specific person does not exist, but there are indeed many people among your fans who need help!"

Li Menglong gave an explanation again, and this time it sounded much more reliable. Li Soonkyu's cold face gradually showed an expression of concern.

"Really? Please name a few specific ones and I'll see if I can help."

On the one hand, Lee Soon-kyu was making requests to Lee Meng-ryong, but on the other hand, he was also sincere.

They can't get to where they are now without the help of their fans.

In the past, due to reasons such as money, time, etc., they were powerless to face similar situations.

Even now, it is impossible for them to solve all fans' problems, but there is no problem in helping individual fans out of their predicaments, and they also have this desire.

Of course, the premise is that there are real difficulties. Li Menglong had better not make things up for her here, otherwise she will have to draw a knife.

Where does Li Menglong still have the courage now? He is telling the truth.

Although he doesn't know much about this aspect, the company has recently had similar plans.

That is to select some fans of the company and even its artists to help, so as to enhance the company's overall image and reputation.

Among them, because girls have the largest fan base, they naturally have relatively more energy invested in them.

Although Li Menglong was not responsible for this aspect, he was always required to make the final summary, so he could give some specific examples at this moment.

As Li Menglong narrated, the originally restless room became quieter. The girls all had the same thoughts as Li Shunkyu, and wanted to give something in return to the fans.

It’s okay that they didn’t have this opportunity in the past, but now that companies have come forward, can they do something about it?

"The funds provided by the company are fixed, right? Can we provide an additional amount of money?"

"But all the money will be used for our fans. Isn't this illegal?"

"Do you need us to come forward? We can take some time recently, even in the evening."

The girls were obviously very enthusiastic about this matter. Not only did they contribute money and effort, but the key was their extremely positive attitudes, which made Li Menglong not even know how to refuse.

He didn't feel much about this kind of thing at first, it was just a routine matter for the company.

Whether it is to give back to the society or to improve the company's image, in short, it is just a sum of money, which should be regarded as public relations expenses.

But the girls' ideas are obviously much more noble than his. At least they are not that utilitarian. They really want to do something for their fans, even if they can only help a few people, but they just try their best.

According to Li Menglong's original intention, they should go to orphanages and other places to donate a few materials, and find some media to take photos during the process, and the matter would be considered completed.

But the girls now plan to go deeper and not give him a chance to refuse. They contacted the company's staff themselves, asked for the information and screened it themselves.

There were only about a hundred pieces of information collected. After all, it was not a glorious thing, and fans were not very enthusiastic about participating.

The girls quickly picked out one of them: "What do you think of this person? A single mother who works the night shift at a convenience store and has to take her children with her. How pitiful."

The girls all showed sentimental expressions after hearing this information. Only Li Menglong was the most normal. He had seen many people whose lives were more tragic.

What should I say? Although it is worthy of pity, from his point of view, he would rather see these people climb out from the bottom through their own efforts.

As for the help he can provide, it should be an opportunity. If you just want to passively wait for help, you deserve to continue to be unlucky.

Of course, his idea itself is extreme enough, but depending on everyone's different life experiences, they will indeed have completely different ideas.

He can at least respect other people's ideas and not ask everyone to have the same plans as his.

It's like the girls at this moment have begun to discuss how much money they should give each other.

Speaking of which, they didn't have much experience to refer to for this kind of thing. They instinctively wanted to give money, but they felt that something seemed wrong.

So they could only look at Li Menglong. As the most experienced person present, could he give some reliable opinions?

"I personally don't tend to give money directly..."

As soon as Li Menglong stood up, he was criticized by the girls. They were extremely emotional at the moment and accused Li Menglong of being cold-blooded.

He became a bad guy out of nowhere. If he didn't have to take Lee Soon Kyu's emotions into consideration, he would have given up his job long ago.

Fortunately, this group of people left him a gap for explanation. They just subconsciously gave their opinions.

"Have you finished speaking? Can you wait until I finish speaking?" Li Menglong first teased the girls a little, and then expressed his complete thoughts.

It's true to give money directly, but you also have to take the other person's feelings into consideration.

This single mother is obviously a relatively strong person, and this is revealed in every word in the information.

The other party's request alone is enough to explain the problem. The other party's request is just to sleep peacefully.

This request was obviously just to make up the numbers, and the other party probably just wanted to meet the girls.

If you directly give money to such a person, isn't that a slap in the face? Are they sure they didn't humiliate people in the past?

"Then what were we going to do in the past, just help each other take care of the children and stay overnight at the store? Is this definitely a favor?"

Girls always feel that doing so does not reflect their feelings. How about buying up everything in the store?

This proposal was once again collectively recognized by the girls. As for the specific value of a convenience store's inventory, this was not within their scope of consideration at all.

Seeing the enthusiasm of these girls, Li Menglong did not choose to throw cold water on them this time, although he felt that this move was still unreliable.

It's not that they don't have the financial resources, such a small amount of money is really a drop in the bucket for the nine of them.

The main reason is that they have considered how much money this single mother can get? If there is no commission to get, they are just helping the boss behind the scenes.

However, the girls no longer want to worry about it so much. It just so happens that this store is not too far away from them. They plan to strike while the iron is hot and rush there today to fulfill each other's wishes.

Li Menglong really stopped him this time, but it would be better to make more preparations, otherwise tomorrow?

But the girls couldn't hear him at all, and even signaled that he could rest at home by himself. This was their private matter and they didn't need him to follow them.

Li Menglong just listens to these words. Anyone who believes them is just naive.

Going to an unfamiliar place at this time and staying in a store all night, how could he sleep peacefully?

If something unexpected happened and he couldn't eat and walked around, Li Enxi would chop him alive.

So what else is there to say, just put on a coat and set off with these women.

Li Menglong had no enthusiasm for participating in the whole process, certainly compared to those excited women.

It is said that doing good deeds from the heart will indeed make people feel happy, at least that is the case for girls at the moment.

When Li Menglong parked the car outside and smoked another cigarette, the girls had already completed the handover with the single mother.

This process was so fast that Li Menglong didn't know where to complain. Let's not talk about the girls. This single mother is too worried.

She is just a part-time worker. If she just handed over the store to a group of "strangers", wouldn't she be afraid that they would loot the store?

What's even more outrageous is that she also left the child behind. Although the three-year-old sleeping child looks quite cute, it is still unreliable.

In short, after the single mother made an appointment with the girls for handover time again, she ran to sleep. Fortunately, the sleeping place was not far away.

"Then you just have a good rest here. I will keep an eye on the store and the children, so you don't have to worry."

As Li Menglong spoke, he took the initiative to close the door of the nanny car for the other party. Doesn't the other party simply trust him?

There is only a few steps away, and we can communicate in time if anything happens. This is the insurance that Li Menglong has given the girls.

And if possible, he really didn't want to go in together. No matter how he looked at this store, it looked like a dragon's den and a tiger's den.

But the girls don’t think so. They are all very emotional. Don’t they know what time it is?

And the child lying in the corner aside, according to Li Menglong's consciousness, he took him to the car to sleep together. Why did he stay in the store?

"Have you never taken care of a child? Keep an eye on her, she will probably wake up soon."

"Just let people have a good sleep. Isn't that why we came here."

"The kid looks very cute. Should we prepare some food for her in advance?"

The girls began to unite to despise Li Menglong, and they had enough reasons.

Because most of them are not only children, and everyone has more or less experience in taking care of children, even if they look like Li Menglong, they are quite resistant to looking at them.

It was then that they realized that it seemed that Li Menglong lacked basic love for children. Was there any trauma?

They even made a joke about Lee Soon Kyu. After all, it was this sister who would have to worry about this problem in the future.

Faced with the teasing of these little girls, Li Menglong was fine, but Li Shunkyu really blushed.

Although she looks mature, she is extremely young mentally. Is it really appropriate to talk to a little girl like her?

As for their speculations about Li Menglong, Li Soonkyu himself didn't care much.

First of all, this can be considered something that has not happened yet, so it is not easy to speculate too much. After all, one's own children and other people's children are completely different things.

Secondly, even if Li Menglong really doesn't like children, does this have anything to do with her, Li Soonkyu? It's not like Li Menglong is going to give birth, so what right does he have to say?

Seeing that these girls were too out of touch, Li Menglong had to step in to calm them down: "I really don't know how to take care of children, but are you sure you know how to run a convenience store?"

Li Menglong's question is difficult for the girls. They really lack similar experience.

Logically speaking, it shouldn't be, because for girls their age, if they want to do odd jobs, the best places to go are convenience stores or coffee shops.

Basically, people of the same age have more or less similar experiences, but their growth paths have greatly deviated.

The time when they are most short of money is when they are trainees. How can they have time to do odd jobs? Besides, they are not young enough.

And as they successfully debut, it becomes even less possible to work part-time, unless their debut fails.

Then they went further and further down this "wrong" road. It's okay to open a cafe now, but it's not realistic to work part-time again.

"So you have had relevant experiences?"

With the expectant eyes of the girls, Li Menglong shook his head decisively. He didn't like the little money given by the convenience store.

According to his previous understanding, the small amount of money given by the convenience store could only help students who were inexperienced in the world, but anyone who wanted to find a job to support their family would not choose this option.

As for this single mother, it's probably because she has to take care of her children and she really doesn't have much choice.

So now that there is no experienced person among them, what will they do next?

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