The Rise of Korean Entertainment

Chapter 3203 Concentrated Thoughts

Lee Soon Kyu didn't intend to hit Kim Taeyeon. After all, in her opinion, the other party really worked hard, which she still had to admit.

But there is a problem when Kim Taeyeon keeps talking. Why doesn't she ask what Lee Soon Kyu has done?

The core of mutual flattery is "mutuality", but flattery from one side will only destroy everyone's friendship. Is Kim Taeyeon sure she doesn't understand this truth?

Seeing that Kim Taeyeon was still pretending to be confused about what happened, Lee Soonkyu could only interrupt the other party's continuation: "What do you mean, I have done something big!"

Lee Soon Kyu's words made Kim Taeyeon's mood dim by three points. Her hands are still trembling. Can't this woman see it?

Even though Lee Soon Kyu had done some mental work, he still couldn't get tired of her. The physical pain was the real pain.

So without waiting for Lee Soon Kyu to explain in detail, Kim Taeyeon covered her ears and ran out.

As long as she doesn't hear it, then she is the one who works the hardest in the team. Lee Soon Kyu and others are just kids following her to get bonuses.

As for whether Lee Soon Kyu thinks so too, it doesn't matter. What their team values ​​is that the minority obeys the majority, so Kim Taeyeon only needs to convince the other girls now.

If everyone could be of the same mind as her, then Lee Soon Kyu's little emotion would be destined to be suppressed. By the way, what did this woman do before?

Kim Taeyeon felt that to know herself and her enemy, a little inquiry would be more beneficial to her future performance.

I originally thought I could find out the inside story just by chatting with someone, but the process was far more difficult than Kim Taeyeon imagined.

Everyone seemed to be avoiding her on purpose. Did she do anything outrageous?

There is no need to recall it, Kim Taeyeon is sure that she has not done anything similar. She knows herself very well, but she does not have the courage.

On weekdays, the only person who has to hit hard is Li Menglong, so is this all something he did behind the scenes?

It's just that Li Menglong doesn't seem to have that much energy. Whether he's talking bad words behind his back or using the name of the company to issue orders, it's not enough to make everyone surrender.

Kim Taeyeon can no longer care about her original plan now. She has to figure this issue out, otherwise she won't feel at ease.

How can an artist who is hated by his own company entertain the public?

Soon, Kim Taeyeon blocked an employee in the corner. Although the employee was much taller than her, it was she, Kim Taeyeon, who was actively supporting the wall now!

The other person leaned against the wall and curled up as much as possible, not daring to look at Kim Taeyeon.

Even though everyone was of the same sex, Kim Taeyeon's gaze was so aggressive that it made this person's heart beat rapidly.

If Kim Taeyeon confesses her love directly, how should she respond? Should she refuse directly?

Although her orientation is very normal, if the person opposite her is Kim Taeyeon, she doesn't mind giving him a chance.

"Say it, little girl, don't make me do it!"

While speaking, Kim Taeyeon gently lifted the other person's chin with her fingertips. This feeling of being a villain is really great.

The other party's refusal to welcome her made Kim Taeyeon ready to take action. She was already thinking about how to escalate her offensive after the other party refused.

But the other party didn't give her this chance at all, and told her everything she knew in a few words.

This is a bit of a pity, but it can be regarded as clearing up Kim Taeyeon's doubts. It turns out that the person who "spoke" was Li Eunxi.

She just said that Li Menglong didn't have this ability, but it was different when Li Enxi came over. This Ernie still spoke the truth about his company.

Even if it were girls coming here, they would probably have to be honest for a while when faced with this situation. As for how long it would last, it would depend on Li Enxi's attitude.

As for Lee Soon Kyu's work, Kim Taeyeon really doesn't like it. She would have avoided running away if she had known it before. She is completely confident of winning the final victory.

It may be difficult for outsiders to interview Li Enxi. After all, he is the boss of the company. While considering the effect, he must also ensure that the other party's image is positive.

Once Li Enxi is not satisfied, it would be better for her to say it directly. If she keeps it secretly in her heart, the consequences will be more serious.

But that's just for ordinary people. Any girl can do the job.

With their professional skills, it is really easy for them to guest reporters and hosts, but if they frown, it means there is something wrong with their thinking.

As a result, Lee Soon Kyu still dared to talk about hard work. There was really a big problem with her attitude. As the captain, Kim Taeyeon must reshape her outlook on life.

But when Kim Taeyeon came back full of sorrow, she didn't find Lee Soonkyu. Did this woman run away?

Sure enough, she had a strong conscience and knew that the lies in her mouth could only be concealed for a while, so she simply "fled away" in fear of crime.

But what Kim Taeyeon wanted to see was not this scene. At least he knelt down to express his humility to her. She had a lot of experience and would definitely forgive her.

Without knowing Li Soonkyu's whereabouts, she could only continue to wait here, trying to apologize for being late.

But she didn't see any sign of Lee Soon Kyu until she got off work. Could this woman just run away?

Looking at the sisters gathering around her, they are Kim Taeyeon's biggest supporters.

After her long explanation, everyone agreed whether it was voluntary or forced, and she, Kim Taeyeon, was the one who had the hardest time.

"So now I am going to cause trouble for Lee Soon Kyu. Which of you supports and who opposes?"

Kim Taeyeon looked at each of them with a sullen face and full of threats. Whoever dared to hesitate for a second, she would let them know what the majesty of a captain meant.

It seems that the captain has no actual rights, but after all, his status is different from that of ordinary team members.

She doesn't mind using the smallest power in her hands to bring the greatest malice to these women. She will make these women's lives worse than death!

Fortunately, the girls are really not that stubborn. They have been busy for so long today, and no one has that much energy to mess around with Kim Taeyeon anymore.

Besides, Kim Taeyeon didn't disobey the captain for Lee Soon Kyu just to cause trouble for them. Could it be said that only Lee Soon Kyu is her biological sister?

So their plan is not to help each other. As long as these two people don't fight to the death, they won't say a word during the whole process.

With this unified consciousness, Kim Taeyeon's process of "persuading" everyone became much smoother, making her feel the comfort of being the captain for the first time in a long time!

If girls can be so obedient every day, then is Kim Taeyeon really willing to give something precious, such as half of her property?

Of course, she herself knew that this kind of thing would never happen, so she dared to agree to such a condition. Now it seemed more realistic to go to Li Shungui for trouble.

They walked out with a large force, accompanied by their colleagues who were about to get off work. Their team looked very impressive.

Some people who saw this scene on the second floor have secretly come to tip off Li Menglong: "You should run quickly, Kim Taeyeon and others have already brought people down."

Looking at the panting man, Li Menglong couldn't react for a while. Is this a new employee recently? When had Li Menglong ever been afraid of this?

But before Li Menglong expressed this tough attitude, it would be better if he could control the direction of his eyes. He subconsciously glanced at the window before. Wasn't he trying to jump off the second floor?

It wasn't reason that stopped Li Menglong from acting like this. After all, with his skills, the height of the second floor could only be that much.

But the reporter's speed was too slow. Kim Taeyeon and the others had already appeared at the door, followed by at least dozens of people.

This aura really seemed like he was here to seek revenge. No wonder some people misunderstood him. But how did he offend this woman? Why can't he remember it himself?

It's not that there are no grievances between him and Kim Taeyeon, but based on their daily interactions, there is no need to find a reason to slap each other at any time, because there are definitely times when he has been forgotten in the past.

But those little things wouldn't lead to such a big scene. Do you want to lead the people on the third floor to start a war with the second floor?

Of course, this is just Li Menglong's wishful thinking. Kim Taeyeon and the others can indeed seduce everyone living on the third floor, but why does he think he can coerce everyone on the second floor? By order?

Let's not talk about whether everyone will listen to him. It is already after get off work time. Is he sure he still has the right to give orders to everyone?

Li Menglong himself was a little desperate, otherwise he would give it a try, maybe he could defeat the group of people in front of him.

It's just that he was prepared for the worst, but Kim Taeyeon's words made him want to curse: "Just go find Lee Soon Kyu. Why are you looking for me?"

Li Menglong's voice was a little loud in his excitement. Everyone in the office heard his scumbag speech. How could he say such a thing?

Seeing that Lee Soon Kyu might be in some trouble, Lee Meng Yong, a man who has no sense of responsibility at all, immediately tried to cut off the relationship with the other party. Why didn't he break up with him directly?

Kim Taeyeon was frightened by these words. It's not that Li Menglong couldn't say this. It's not that he had never seen more scumbag behavior in the dormitory on weekdays.

But in front of so many people, should he also pay attention to the impact?

Even if the girls know that he is just having sex, everyone doesn't know. Does he need to explain?

Faced with Kim Taeyeon's deliberate pause, Li Menglong understood what the other party meant.

After opening and closing his mouth feebly several times, Li Menglong decided to give up.

This kind of thing is getting darker and darker as it gets described. He must insist from the beginning that it is a joke and not have any guilty conscience.

This is what he thought, and indeed he did so, which made Kim Taeyeon very difficult to deal with.

After all, in theory, she was the cause of the trouble. If Li Menglong himself didn't want to take responsibility for himself, then it would be up to her, Kim Taeyeon, to end it.

"Uh... Actually, we came to get off work with you. Did you see that I was joking?"

Kim Taeyeon forcefully gave an explanation, which sounded barely believable.

This was already the best effort she could do. Li Menglong didn't know what to do. Did he still want to refuse?

She had specifically observed before that everyone on the second floor was also packing their things, and he didn't want to work overtime today.

It's just logical that Seohyun should be here. Why can't I see their maknae even after looking around?

Then I counted the sisters behind me. It seems that Seohyun and Yoona are all together with Lee Soon Kyu? Is it possible that the three of them have to carry a large army to form a small group?

Girls have long been numb to Kim Taeyeon's "genius" ideas that pop up from time to time.

If we really want to talk about forming a small group, then do they count as a small group now?

Besides, Li Menglong is here. Just ask him. Even if he doesn’t know Li Soonkyu’s whereabouts, he always knows Seohyun’s location, right?

"Xiaoxian? She and I asked for leave in advance. Aren't you looking for her?"

Li Menglong gave an answer that surprised everyone. Xu Xian actually knew how to ask for leave?

Ever since being dragged by Li Menglong to work on the set for a period of time, Xu Xian didn't seem to know what rest was.

In addition to dealing with their regular work, Xu Xian devoted all his energy to the study of directing.

This little girl has the potential to be a workaholic, and it scares them all to see her.

But if I want to give advice, I don’t know where to start. After all, with Li Menglong’s help, Xu Xian is definitely on the right track.

They themselves were already very lazy, Xu Xian did not "join in" with them, but took the initiative to work hard. They, the sisters, had no reason to stop them from any point of view.

As a result, they were suddenly told that Xu Xian would also ask for leave, which surprised them. Are you sure it wasn't an excuse that Li Menglong came up with at the last minute?

"Believe it or not, what does it have to do with me? Can you leave my office now?"

Li Menglong directly issued an eviction order. Even if he did have to get off work as usual today, could he work overtime himself?

This move did not scare the girls, but scared everyone around them to death.

Why did the topic of overtime suddenly come up? Li Menglong stopped dragging them together on a whim.

So without any communication, everyone bowed their heads and left with a tacit understanding. The scene looked a little scary.

In less than a minute, they were the only ones left in the originally bustling office: "How do you work on weekdays? Look how many people you offended!"

Faced with the accusations from the girls, Li Menglong didn't take it seriously, because the girls' understanding and requirements for work are different from ordinary people.

The core requirement of girls' work is to please everyone. As long as more people like them, their work will be considered a success.

But as a leader, how could Li Menglong make the people below him love him?

Unless he gave this group of people a holiday every day, and paid leave, he really couldn't think of a reason why these people loved him unconditionally.

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