The Rise of Korean Entertainment

Chapter 3184 Turn a blind eye

Wearing the stolen coat, with his pockets stuffed with cash that the other party actively contributed to, Li Menglong's steps were inexplicably brisk.

Sure enough, it is human nature to "get something for nothing", but who is willing to work for nothing if they can get something?

For this reason, he chose to let these people go, not because they were sensible, but because they helped the girls out of trouble, which is worthy of praise.

Of course, only he himself may know exactly what happened.

However, Li Menglong really didn't care much about receiving the goods this time. All he could think about now was Yoona's group.

Although it is not yet known who is behind the scenes, Li Menglong has been able to lock in a range.

After all, ordinary people don't have the appeal to mobilize so many people at the same time.

So either the top management of the company relies on their power in the workplace to impose their demands; or it is the girls who use their popularity to deceive these evil colleagues.

But even if someone is instigating it behind the scenes, the group of people who are really responsible for the operation cannot completely clear their names, nor can they look at what they have done.

The clothes that Li Menglong lost and the scars on his body alone were enough to make this group of people unable to stand up. They were just waiting to atone for their sins.

As for the final method of atonement, that depends on Li Menglong's specific thoughts.

He doesn't have any plans now, mainly because there are too many people taking action, and he is not sure whether the other party will honestly apologize.

If they want to rely on the large number of people to exert pressure, then Li Menglong really wants to let them know what life is worse than death.

However, this group of people probably don't have that much courage. Li Menglong still has a certain understanding of his prestige.

But when young girls get involved, it is not ruled out that they will be charmed by these women and do things beyond their capabilities.

In short, these speculations and worries are all his personal thoughts. Only after meeting this group of people can he have the truest perception.

And now he has arrived at the door of the store, and before he can even enter, he can already hear the shouting inside.

This group of people seemed to be very happy, with bursts of laughter, but the sound was extremely harsh to Li Menglong's ears.

He had gone through so many accidents to finally get here, but this group of people seemed to be in peace. How could he balance his mind?

However, he was not controlled by anger. He still stood upright at the door, trying to hear more of the "inner thoughts" of these people.

These are all the same sentences he will give to those people in the future. For now, it can basically be declared that the death penalty will be suspended.

None of them had any thoughts of shame or introspection. No one thought about how difficult it would be for him to be in the company, and no one even heard the suggestion of bringing him a lunch.

All kinds of laughter could be heard in my ears, including the banter between them and the gossips in the circle that they asked Yoona and Kim Taeyeon to confirm.

Of course, the center of the topic is still Li Menglong. Whenever someone mentions his name, it will definitely raise the atmosphere to another level.

If he keeps waiting like this, Li Menglong is really afraid that these people will laugh to death here. Aren't they afraid of causing trouble to the store?

He was already hesitating whether to enter the scene, otherwise he would not be sure what he would do if he listened for a while longer. Would he go in with a knife and kill all these people?

But he didn't hesitate for too long, someone made the choice for him.

Speaking of which, it was originally agreed that the lucky few would come to treat the lunch today, and Yoona planned to see the final price and then give bonuses to those people.

The one who was sent to inquire about the situation was Xu Xian. Who made her the maknae? She should do this kind of chores.

It’s just that the person in charge of the checkout thought that Xu Xian was here to get free of charge, so he kept speeding up: "We agreed to let us treat you, just go back and sit down!"

Xu Xian didn't have this idea at first, but the other party said so. If she didn't express it, would she seem out of place?

If it were Xu Xian a few years ago, she would probably choose to listen to the other party's suggestion. In her opinion, there is really no need to argue.

But Xu Xian is also growing up. She knows that in some situations, she cannot completely follow her own wishes, and she must also consider the other person's feelings.

This is undoubtedly a similar scene at this moment. As long as she expresses a little intention to pay, the other party will definitely have a double sense of accomplishment after successfully settling the bill.

Having said that, similar practices can barely be considered as "green tea". After all, they are all about "manipulating" men.

The only man around Xu Xian who could use him to practice was Li Menglong, and similar techniques had been used on him.

What should I say about the effect? ​​It must have had some effect, but it was far from what Xu Xian expected.

Similar to the person in front of him now, with Xu Xian's participation, the other person's voice was obviously a little louder, and the action of taking out his wallet was so cool.

Just when Xu Xian thought he would succeed, this person stopped inexplicably, and his whole body began to tremble involuntarily, and his face became increasingly pale.

This kind of experience that only works at the beginning but is a mess later on is the result Xu Xian gets most often from Li Menglong.

Perhaps because of trust, covetousness of her beauty, etc., Li Menglong was often fooled at the beginning.

But he can always react in time. Even if he continues to be fooled occasionally, Xu Xian also suspects that it is the other party's intentional cooperation.

It's okay to be defeated by Li Menglong. After all, his resistance is high enough, but why does the person in front of him have the same reaction?

Is Xu Xian really unwilling to give in this time? After finally being a "scumbag" for a while, he declared failure in advance before he could reap the rewards?

She took a few steps forward and followed the other person's gaze. She wanted to see what the other person was looking at.

Then Xu Xian couldn't help but synchronize his movements with the other party. Although the frequency of trembling was much different, Xu Xian was also afraid.

It is true that Li Menglong's expression at the moment is too dark. Considering his previous experiences, he is probably seeking revenge, right?

Even though Xu Xian thought she was relatively innocent, she still came over to attend the "celebration banquet" after all. This was a stain that could not be removed.

As for the person who came to pay, he wanted to disappear immediately. You must know that the reason why he came to pay was because he received a reward from Yoona.

And why did he win the award? It was because he hated Li Menglong the most!

So now that I suddenly saw the blackened Li Menglong, if he didn't run away immediately, it was considered that the other party had a good attitude. Of course, it might also be that his legs were too weak to run.

"Why are you looking at me? It's a coincidence. I'm here to eat too, but you don't need to treat me. I brought my own money."

As Li Menglong spoke, he took out a few crumpled banknotes from his pocket. You can imagine how these banknotes were ravaged by Li Menglong in his hands.

The moment they saw the banknotes, Xu Xian and both of them noticed Li Menglong's coat.

This coat had an unfitting protrusion, and it looked like a tights on him. Where did he get it? Shouldn't he have been stripped naked before?

The moment they had this idea, the remaining memories of the two began to attack them. The clothes looked familiar.

Although I have not deliberately observed it, I have to say that people can always burst out some unimaginable energy in critical moments.

The two of them looked at each other, and after confirming each other's thoughts, they took two steps back in unison.

These clothes were just left by those people, and it goes without saying the source of the money. So is Li Menglong "killing people and stealing goods"?

The group of people were eliminated in just a few minutes. This speed made the two of them quite frightened. Wouldn't it be easy to deal with the two of them?

Li Menglong didn't care what the two people were thinking. He didn't even know what he was thinking. In short, he paid his share and walked in with a plate of ready-made noodles.

At first, he didn't attract much attention from everyone. Even if someone discovered him, they would probably be too frightened to speak, and there would be no way to remind others.

Therefore, Li Menglong seemed to be an invisible person. Not only did people come in, he also sat down and ate noodles in front of everyone.

There weren't many empty seats inside, so Li Menglong sat in the seat vacated by Xu Xian.

Seohyun could reach out and touch Yoona from this position, but Yoona was probably in a hurry to interact and didn't notice his arrival.

But after all, it is impossible not to see it all the time. Even if she turns a blind eye, there are still everyone around her.

As everyone at the scene gradually became silent, Yoona was also very confused: "Why don't you say anything? Don't worry about Li Menglong, I will solve it for you!"

Yoona patted her chest and said with certainty, it was not that she had the courage, but that she had to shoulder the responsibility.

Let’s not say whether we can deal with Li Menglong, but at least show this attitude first.

Even if she failed then, everyone at the scene would not be able to blame her anymore, but she had already made a promise, so why did everyone's faces become more and more ugly.

This doesn't make sense. Is it because Lin Yoona's credit is in arrears? Or is Li Menglong really such a powerful deterrent?

"Don't be afraid, he is just a paper tiger. I will help you fight again. This time, try to get his guilt..."

Seeing Yoona still talking nonsense, Kim Taeyeon and others at the table with Yoona were about to cry.

Although this is YoonA seeking death alone, does Li Menglong think so? Isn't there some small group behind Yoona who is supporting her?

If it's just a small mistake, Kim Taeyeon doesn't mind taking the blame for Yoona. This is what she should do as a captain.

But Yoona is clearly running wildly on the road to death. Kim Taeyeon can no longer stop her, and now she can only pray that the other party will not take her with her.

It is said that she is already thinking about how to announce the news of Yoona's withdrawal from the group. Is she feeling unwell? Missing unexpectedly?

Although Kim Taeyeon didn't want to get involved, she really didn't dare to let Yoona continue to speak. The metal chopsticks in Li Menglong's hand were bent by him.

He secretly tugged on Yoona's pants, probably with too much force, and at one point Yoona held onto the belt tightly with both hands.

"Yeah, that's what I said. Don't try to do it now. Besides, the target is Li Menglong. What's the point of using me to practice?"

Yoona's response was still full of aggression. Fortunately, she finally looked back at this moment. After all, she still had to eat.

It’s just that Yoona’s movements after turning back were smooth and smooth, as if she didn’t notice that someone had changed in the seat diagonally opposite her.

Logically speaking, it shouldn't be. The difference in stature between Xu Xian and Li Menglong should be obvious to individuals.

So this is Yoona's strategy, trying to use this "invisible" attitude to pretend that nothing happened?

It's just that this kind of "blinding one's eyes" approach is too stupid. Let's not talk about their reactions. The main reason is that Li Menglong doesn't believe it.

So without waiting for the other girls to make a move, Li Menglong took the initiative to test them. He took a piece of beef from his plate.

Originally, this temptation was outrageous, but Yoona's response was even more exaggerated.

She did not choose to take it directly. Instead, she opened her mouth wide. Did she want Li Menglong to feed it to her mouth?

To be honest, Yoona's actions at the moment are very cute, and they can be considered sweet scenes in TV dramas.

But coupled with the ashen expression on Li Menglong's face opposite him, the atmosphere of the original idol drama instantly turned into a suspense drama.

Even if Li Menglong stabbed Yoona's neck with chopsticks in the next second, no one would be surprised at all.

Even considering the causes and consequences, they didn't think that Li Menglong's actions were too much. It was actually Yoona who was too out of touch.

Fortunately, the scene that troubled everyone was finally over. Because the other party didn't move for a long time, Yoona was a little dissatisfied: "Yeah, don't hand it over if you're not sincere. I, Lin Yoona, don't care about it."

"Really? How did you tell that I was not sincere?"

Li Menglong spoke slowly. He had already confirmed that Yoona was not pretending to be stupid, but that she really hadn't noticed him all this time.

For outsiders, such outrageous things must be intentional, but for Yoona, it is just right. It is indeed something she can do.

In this case, don't let yourself accumulate anger anymore. It will not be good for your health, nor will it be good for Yoona's future encounters.

The moment she heard Li Menglong's voice, Yoona was able to remain calm and composed: "Maknae, you are imitating here again, don't do this kind of prank!"

Although Yoona was able to cope with it easily, anyone who knew her well could see that she was nervous at the moment. At least her legs under the table had shaken and left an afterimage.

If she simply didn't notice it before, then Yoona is just pretending now.

She realized who was sitting diagonally across from her, but she didn't dare to react. She would rather stay confused.

So Li Menglong pretends that he has never been here, and she, Lin Yoona, has not seen each other. Can Li Menglong accept this option where everyone is harmonious?

"What do you think?"

As Li Menglong spoke, he threw the beef into his mouth. The sound of chewing made Yoona get goosebumps all over his body. Is that beef? That is clearly her flesh and blood, Lin Yuner!

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