The Rise of Korean Entertainment

Chapter 3176 see you on the roof

Li Enxi never thought of reneging on debts, that behavior was really too bad.

It hasn't been ten minutes since the girls transferred the money face to face, and the money is still warm in her account.

In such a situation, she turned her face openly, even the black-hearted Li Enxi couldn't do such a shameless thing.

It's just that if you fulfill the entrustment of the girls without discount, then you will be too sorry for Li Menglong.

Don't look at the unfeeling she said before, but the friendship between the two of them for so many years is here, even if a dog has been together for more than ten years, it will still have feelings.

Not to mention that Li Menglong can also bring real benefits. Although the girls are the "pillars" of the company, Li Menglong may not be another pillar.

Perhaps in the eyes of the vast majority of people, Li Menglong is not even worthy of carrying shoes for girls, and the popularity of the two sides is simply a difference.

But the main job of girls is entertainers, and their job is to accumulate enough popularity.

And Li Menglong's main business is not easy to say, director, company management and even acting as a broker.

But his side job is for sure, that is, being an artist.

So when Li Menglong's side job can be compared with the top entertainers, it can be seen that his work is actually doing pretty well.

But if an entertainment company wants to be stable, in addition to an endless stream of artists, it also needs some behind-the-scenes pinnacles.

For example, a top manager, for example, a top songwriter, or a well-known director.

Seriously speaking, these talents can bring long-term development to the company, after all, artists have a "freshness period".

This is the biggest disadvantage of an artist. No matter how terrifying an artist's popularity is at the peak, there will be a day when it will fall.

But these behind-the-scenes workers can support groups of artists after groups. This ability of continuous blood production is not something that everyone can possess.

This can be regarded as the background of a top entertainment company, and Li Menglong has similar abilities and development trends.

First of all, his films have achieved good results, which provides a platform and confidence to cultivate newcomers.

Secondly, he still has enough funds behind him to attract many talented directors as his supplements and alternatives.

The combination of the two is actually quite reliable insurance.

The company can continue to arrange for newcomers to participate in movies with good results, not to mention a hit, but after participating several times, it is still no problem to get the title of a powerful newcomer.

So now it's Li Enxi's turn to be in a difficult situation. As the company's current power holder, she needs to be at peace.

Both sides are the pillars of the company, and she can't afford to offend anyone, especially if she still collects money.

She really regrets it now. Sure enough, there is no money to earn. Is it too late for her to return the double?

Of course, Li Enxi did not give such a naive suggestion, she still had to take into account her image in the hearts of the girls.

"Your proposal is not impossible, but I really can't guarantee that it can be 100% completed. There must be differences in details. Can you accept it?"

Li Enxi's answer was more sincere. If she really took care of everything, the girls might not believe it.

"Don't worry, we are not that picky, as long as you do your best, then let's act now?"

"You still need to prepare in advance?"

"Of course, you can't do it empty-handed. As intelligent humans, tools are our best helpers!"

Looking at the light of wisdom shining above the heads of the girls, Li Enxi almost had to cover his eyes. What do they want to do?

The so-called tools should refer to weapons, right? Just how prepared are they?

Originally, Li Enxi thought it was just some books, basins and the like, and if it was more rough, it was nothing more than finding some mops in the bathroom, but why did they go straight to the stairwell?

She was really curious, and of course she was also afraid. She always felt that these women were going to come up with something extraordinary.

Facts proved her guess. Li Enxi didn't even know why there was a fire ax in the stairwell of their company?

The bright red paint on the ax looks like it is covered with blood. As for whose blood is it, do you still need to think about it?

Li Enxi really wanted to persuade the last sentence, it was all an internal conflict, so he wouldn't use this kind of killer weapon?

But the girls didn't give her this chance. While testing the sharpness of the axe, they turned around and urged: "Oni, hurry up, we can't wait."

"Okay...Okay, I'm leaving now!"

Li Enxi didn't dare to say a word, otherwise the ax might hit her. Can her small body hold the ax?

I'd better let Li Menglong try it out by himself, isn't he always in the gym, and it just so happens that there is a place for those muscles to come into play.

That is to say, Li Menglong didn't hear her voice, otherwise he would have scolded people a long time ago, and the muscles he developed were not for the purpose of carrying the ax hard, and he couldn't carry it either!

But seeing that the girls were "killing", Li Enxi's original broken plan had to be reduced a little bit.

In order to keep Li Menglong alive, she also did her best, and Li Menglong can't blame her again afterwards.

The process of finding Li Menglong was relatively smooth. I thought he would hide on purpose, but who knew that he was on the second floor.

In fact, it is also very simple, Li Menglong just needs to hide in the crowd to be safe, and to make the girls fearful.

Even Li Menglong has made a plan. Even if he is going to the bathroom today, he will make an exception and bring a few people to go with him.

Who stipulates that only girls can go to the bathroom together, he Li Menglong will break the distorted impression of the world today.

But this time the people who came to him were not the girls, but Li Enxi!

"Why, is there anything else?"

What Li Menglong said was very straightforward, in fact, Li Enxi almost turned around and left immediately.

It is not impossible to say that this is a work attitude. After all, it is enough to ask questions and solve them, and there is no need to have too many personal pleasantries.

Li Enxi is quite used to this greeting, and he can still keep his face unchanged: "You don't think the morning is over, do you? Didn't you receive an interview invitation from the reporter?"

It's also here to "find fault", but Li Enxi just wants to be smarter than the girls.

The girls often couldn't give any tenable reasons, and they were more unreasonable, and even Li Menglong could frighten them off by speaking casually.

But Li Enxi is different, not saying everything can be justified, but it is not a problem for Li Menglong to pay attention to it.

For example, regarding the phone call, Li Enxi has not actually confirmed the news.

But after so many years of ups and downs in this circle, she still doesn't know how this situation will change?

Even when she saw Li Menglong's face was slightly stiff, she could take the initiative to attack: "Take out your phone, why don't you just turn it off?"

One sentence made Li Menglong lose the courage to straighten his back, he was pinched by the other party's sore feet.

No matter what you say this time, Li Menglong is lazy. As Yuner's manager, he must actively communicate with the media at this time.

Not to mention using my relationship to greet various media, but at least I can't play missing. Isn't this telling those media to write casually.

Of course, Li Menglong was not so irresponsible. The reason why he dared to do this was because he knew that someone in the company was acting.

In this case, he was lazy for a while, but Li Enxi came to him directly, how should he explain now?

"You don't want to explain to me now, you are going to work above, let Xu Xian stand on the second floor for a while, there should be no problem, right?"

Li Enxi looked at Xu Xian who was pretending to be transparent while speaking, saying that the little girl had no intention of speaking on her own initiative.

This kind of intrigue at the top of the company is really not for a small artist like her to participate in. The waves splashed by the two of them might drown her.

But when Li Enxi named him, Xu Xian had to say: "There should be no problem, right?"

Xu Xian chose an answer that did not offend both parties as much as possible, but it can also be said that it offended both parties, which can be regarded as an unflattering response.

In an ordinary company, Li Menglong, the master who took her, would feel that she was impersonal and would not stand by him.

As for Li Enxi, who is in charge of the company's business, he thinks that Xu Xian has not taken responsibility. Even if his qualifications and experience have improved, he is still not enough to take on greater responsibilities.

But Xu Xian's existence is too special, especially for these two people, there is almost no ill feeling towards her, which is why Xu Xian can openly stand on both sides.

It turned out that Xu Xian was the temporary substitute, and Li Menglong took the culprit, Yuner, to the third floor.

It is said that Xu Xian was not the only one who pretended to be transparent. Yoona kept her eyes closed and chanted the mantra silently the whole time, but she was dragged out from under the table by Li Menglong.

Why should Li Menglong go up to suffer the crime by himself, and Yun'er has to stand up. As the party involved, she explains to the media by herself, isn't it more credible.

Faced with Li Menglong's heretical approach, Yuner was quite resistant for a while.

She is not Xiaobai who made her debut on the first day, and she has never heard of an artist taking on the role of dispelling rumors. She is still with the group of reporters who are afraid that the world will not be chaotic.

Li Menglong clearly had no good intentions, but she didn't have much room to refute, she could only say that it was time to take a step forward.

But where Li Enxi wants to take the two of them, why does it feel more and more wrong the further they go.

"Is this going to the rooftop? There's a better phone signal there?"

Yun'er made some complaints casually, but Li Enxi actually nodded her head. Does she have no good excuses?

This logic still needs to be reflected for a while, but Li Enxi did not give the two of them this time.

At this moment, Li Enxi has tightly closed the door from the inside, while Li Menglong and Yun'er were locked on the roof, and a few figures appeared in the distance at the right time.

It is said that girls generally have no experience of being a bully, whether in reality or in characters.

In reality, they mainly don’t have this opportunity. I won’t talk about it after their debut. When they were trainees, they were surrounded by all kinds of teachers and seniors. Everyone was exhausted for their debut. Even if they wanted to make some small moves, they would be isolated at best. , Squeeze out.

As for the roles, they are even more incompatible with their positioning. If the bullies all look like them, is it considered as giving benefits to the other party when they bully them?

So at the moment, they can only try to imitate some stereotyped images that often appear in movies, such as hanging a cigarette in their mouths, carrying a wooden stick around their necks and putting their hands on it.

Of course, a simple modification of the costumes is indispensable. Speaking of which, they don't understand why those female bullies in the movie often wear very sexy clothes.

Since so many screenwriters and directors think so, young actors like them should dress up accordingly.

So Li Menglong couldn't take his eyes off at all, those white thighs, that whole little belly...

"Hiss... are you blind? Eight-pack abs, open your eyes and see for yourself!"

The girls are very dissatisfied with Li Menglong's evaluation of this whole belly.

Of course, the eight-pack abs is exaggerated, but Li Menglong can't describe it like this, there is no beauty at all.

But now is not the time to discuss these things. After Kim Taeyeon put the half-person-high fire ax on the ground, the atmosphere at the scene finally became a bit chilly.

"Don't be impulsive, we can discuss anything!"

Li Menglong also took the initiative to stand in front of Yun'er when he said this. It seemed that he wanted to help Yun'er block the knife, but it also seemed to be submissive.

Kim Taeyeon thought that her intimidation tactics were successful, but who knew that Li Monglong's next sentence revealed her intentions: "Swinging this kind of ax requires skill, don't hurt yourself!"

This is not Li Menglong joking, it is indeed a worry from the bottom of his heart.

This kind of ax is too heavy, and its length is exaggerated. If she doesn't use her strength skills well, the surrounding area may fall down immediately.

In this way, Kim Taeyeon is estimated to be able to achieve a unique achievement - the first person to physically surpass teammates!

Even if this achievement is placed in a prison, it is at the level of walking sideways. Is she sure she wants to do this?

"Are you looking down on me? I'll show you how strong I am, Kim Taeyeon!"

Kim Taeyeon spat twice into the palm of her hand, then picked up the ax and planned to go forward and do her best.

It's just that she can disbelieve what Li Menglong said, but it's not for her to be precise.

The girls around were counting one by one. They couldn't bear to watch their captain go to jail, so they all took the initiative to stop her, and at the same time threw the ax far away in an instant.

While there was a mess here, Yun'er was not idle.

It wasn't that touching that Li Menglong took the initiative to help cover it before. He wanted Yun'er to try to open the door.

This was the only escape route for the two of them, and there was only Li Enxi on the opposite side, which was much easier to deal with than the girls in front of them.

So Yuner pulled hard, while playing the emotional card: "Oni, my arm is broken, it hurts..."

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