Li Menglong's guess is relatively accurate, which is also based on his understanding of the woman in front of him.

In fact, since he found him, he already had a similar premonition.

After all, counting from last night, Yun'er has always been at a disadvantage with him.

No one would be able to swallow this tone, let alone someone like Yun'er who never knew what to suffer.

After being bullied by girls for so many years, doesn't she still muster up the courage to resist every day, from this point of view alone, Yoona is a fighter!

But now it's his turn to be targeted, but he can't guess what Yoon'er is going to do, can't it be to let him record the show instead?

"Sure enough, we have a tacit understanding. Since you have already thought of it, I won't say anything superfluous. You must perform well in a while. I have already received the rewards in advance."

Yun'er said a lot in one breath, mainly because of Li Menglong's sensibleness, so it seems that it is appropriate to divide him up later?

But Yun'er was too optimistic before tomorrow, Li Menglong just mentioned that casually, still in a questioning tone, how could it be heard that he has accepted his fate?

"Are you sure you're not joking with me? I'm not you, how could I go on the show casually?"

Li Menglong's voice could hardly be suppressed, that is to say, there were outsiders around, otherwise he might have to do something.

Yun'er naturally saw his impulsiveness, so she took a few steps back rationally: "The matter has come to this, then tell me what to do!"

This is Yoona's last trick. A proper showdown is conducive to the development of her expectations, and the facts are similar.

Li Menglong first glanced at Yun'er, and then at the people behind the program group, he really didn't know what to say now.

He's not stupid, although he didn't realize it before, but after so long, his brain still can't react?

If the group of people at the scene hadn't colluded with Yun'er in advance, he would have directly bumped his head to death here.

However, it is precisely because he is convinced of this that his room for counterattack is quite limited.

This group of people probably prepared more than one plan in advance, no matter what Li Menglong said, he would give a corresponding method.

The easiest thing is to lock up the "contract". Although it is only a verbal promise, the key is that Yuner took the money!

To charge a fee but let the show have no guests, isn't it to let the show group "open the skylight".

No matter from any point of view, this approach is particularly immoral!

Not to mention the impact on Yun'er's own reputation, even if it doesn't spread so widely, it is still a black spot.

As Yooner's manager, Li Menglong should indeed solve such troubles for artists, this is part of his job.

Although he can blame Yun'er later, it doesn't help the current situation, and he is also in a big head.

"Don't panic, oppa, it's just a small radio show, you can go over and say something casually later, isn't there still a host here?"

After all, Yuner still has a bit of conscience, after seeing Li Menglong's sluggish expression, she still couldn't bear it.

Is it because she has some problems with Li Menglong's positioning?

From her point of view, going straight to a radio show without any preparation is really not a big deal.

But she is an artist, and Li Menglong is an artist?

If I have to say it, Li Menglong can barely be regarded as half, but even so, he should not have so much fear of radio programs.

It's just that Yun'er ignored some basic facts, Li Menglong's normal development path is different from theirs.

For a regular artist like YoonA, broadcasting is really the foundation. I don’t know how many programs he has been on when he first debuted.

Even for artists, the position of a broadcast host in the early stage is quite a tempting opportunity.

But Li Menglong is different, he was directly taken by Liu Zaishi to hang out in variety shows.

Although variety shows are indeed more demanding than broadcasting, in theory Li Menglong, who can enjoy himself in variety shows, should be able to handle broadcasting at his fingertips.

But he hasn't had much contact with it after all, and he doesn't even know what to say for a while, should his voice be adjusted?

Seeing Li Menglong ask such detailed questions, it's hard for Yun'er, a senior, to continue watching the fun, she needs to help.

With the help of Yun'er and everyone in the program team, Li Menglong was directly pushed into the live broadcast room after a short ten-minute emergency training.

Through a transparent glass, Yoona kept telling Li Menglong to take a deep breath, and even snatched the writer's notebook on the side, and wrote on it to communicate with Li Menglong.

By the way, Yoona's appearance of jumping up and down is very similar to that of a kindergarten teacher. When the children are performing on the stage, the teacher must follow along with them, otherwise they are really worried.

After barely making it to the broadcasting time, Yoona sat down on the chair and was unwilling to get up again.

If she had known how tired she was, she might as well have gone in by herself. Is she cheating Li Menglong?

I always feel that I am at a disadvantage here!

But she can't take care of these things now, she needs to carefully distinguish Li Menglong's dialogue, so as not to cause some performance accidents.

It's just that from the current voice alone, Li Menglong's nervousness can't be detected at all, and even the voice is quite magnetic, which makes people yawn uncontrollably.

This also shows that Li Menglong's lack of experience, now it's a morning show, the voice must be clean and powerful, don't make it look like it's twelve o'clock in the middle of the night.

It's too late to remind him now, but fortunately it's not a big mistake, and besides, he has made up for it as much as possible through other aspects.

"That's right, I'm Li Menglong, today's guest. I'm very happy to communicate with you. Let me take a look at your questions..."

This is also the core advantage of radio programs. Because of the duration and the number of listeners, almost all viewers who want to participate can get real-time feedback.

"Why didn't the girls come? Probably because they were still sleeping at home."

"Why did I come? I'm also curious, I just came out to buy breakfast, why did I come to the show?"

"The manager is also responsible for buying breakfast? Does this audience know little about the job of a manager? Simply put, we are doing chores for artists..."

After all, Li Menglong was brought out by Liu Zaishi. Leaving aside his initial discomfort, it doesn't matter whether the question was too weird or he answered it on purpose. In short, the atmosphere at the scene should not be too lively.

Even the host has been asked by the pd several times not to play songs, so Li Menglong was asked to chat more. The number of listeners is almost breaking the record.

However, this credit cannot be entirely attributed to Li Menglong. The three sentences are inseparable from the girls, and I have to make fun of them from time to time.

Especially for the science popularization of the broker's work, what Li Menglong said was meticulous, it was almost accusatory, right?

In his description, a broker is not a job that people can do.

At the top, they have to be pressured by the company, and at the bottom, they have to be made things difficult by the artists. In the middle, they have to deal with the endless demands of the program group and businessmen.

The manager was caught in the middle, that would really make life worse than death!

At first, many people didn't believe it, at least they didn't believe that the girls would put pressure on Li Menglong, since they are all such good people.

But Li Menglong can't stand it, he can cite a lot of examples, every case has been experienced by him, absolutely fidelity!

"I once read them the itinerary for half an hour in front of them, just because they didn't want to see it by themselves."

Li Menglong's words were quite rhythmic, and Yun'er clearly felt this.

Not only did the audience leave messages to defend him, but even the people in the live program group looked at her with a sense of scrutiny.

This makes Yun'er eager to explain, she can explain, everyone, don't listen to Li Menglong's one-sided words!

In fact, this is the usual method used by the media to provoke people's emotions. An incident is selectively broadcast after being cut and selected.

Is this fake news? Can't say that completely, because what the other party really said is the truth.

But if there is no problem with the news, Yoona disagrees first.

It's like Li Menglong just complained that they did this, but why didn't they talk about the cause and effect?

If there is really no reason to do this, Xu Xian can just watch from the sidelines?

The reason why this happened is because Li Menglong took a lot of itineraries for them without their consent.

This kind of thing shouldn't have happened between them, but that time it seemed that everyone was attacking each other. In short, this was Li Menglong's counterattack.

And they faced Li Menglong's counterattack, shouldn't they give some response?

Li Menglong tried to block them as much as possible within his own rights, and they fought back in the same way. How could it be that they committed unilateral violence?

Let the other party continue to talk nonsense like this, and they will really be blamed.

So there is nothing else to say, Yun'er needs to save herself at this moment, otherwise she will be beaten to death by the women at home.

In theory, the best way is for her to rush in directly. As long as she gets off the stage in person, all problems can be solved easily.

But Yun'er didn't want to do this, her original intention was to be the boss once, this is the bottom line!

Besides, she seriously suspected that this was Li Menglong's purpose, which was to force her, Lin Yuner, to participate in this way, so that he could be lazy.

For Li Menglong's actions, Yun'er can only say that he is an idiot!

She will never give in, and even thought of a good way to break the situation. To be precise, she had this idea before.

Her original intention was to find a plot that would still make the show exciting even if Li Menglong didn't cooperate.

So she set her sights on the women at home, as long as they can participate, even if Li Menglong doesn't say a word the whole time, the show will not be dull.

Unexpectedly, Li Menglong played well. He thought that this move would no longer be useful, but now is the opportunity.

It happened to let the women at home listen to what Li Menglong was talking about. Could they just let Li Menglong talk nonsense here?

It's just how to get those lazy women to get up and listen to the radio. The first person Yuner contacted was Xu Xian.

Although there is still some distance from the time when Xu Xian wakes up, Xu Xian who barely slept is not so motivated to wake up, at least he can still communicate.

"You want me to push the stereo to the corridor, connect it with the bluetooth of the mobile phone, and turn it up to the maximum volume so that everyone in the dormitory can listen to the radio together?"

Xu Xian thought for a while that this was a harassing call from someone, how could it be said that it was all nonsense?

The risk she has to take in this is simply too great, she doesn't like this prank very much, besides, why doesn't Yuner do it herself?

"I'm not at home. Besides, you're not helping me now, you're helping Li Menglong!"

Once Yun'er's brain is working, she is extremely clever, and she caught Xu Xian's weakness in minutes.

Asking her to help with my prank will not work, but asking Xu Xian to help Li Menglong who is live broadcasting, there is room for discussion.

By the way, Yun'er is still inexplicably sad, she can't even compare with Li Menglong now?

While Yoona was complaining about herself, Xu Xian also confirmed the fact that Li Menglong was actually broadcasting live on the radio.

This surprised Xu Xian very much. After all, in her consciousness, these two people should be resting at home. Why did they go to the radio station?

The key is that Yoona seems to be on the sidelines, but she didn't appear in the show. Instead, Li Menglong was pushed in front. How to understand this?

Xu Xian was completely confused, but she subconsciously obeyed Yuner's orders.

Anyway, it's just harassing those women. If there is a legitimate reason, they shouldn't get angry, right?

As a result, Li Menglong's voice quickly echoed throughout the second floor, and there was endless scolding in every room for a while.

If this scene is heard by fans, it will definitely refresh their inherent impression of the girls. It is a pity that only Xu Xian witnessed this wonderful scene.

No matter how the girls cursed, Li Menglong's voice was firmly nailed to their ears like a gangrene.

They were either active or passive. In short, they actually listened to Li Menglong's program for a long time.

At first they thought that Li Menglong was doing a live broadcast in the dormitory, but it didn't sound like it, especially when there were occasional hosts controlling the field, it was too formal.

And once Li Menglong is really on the radio, then his speeches are quite dangerous. Why does it sound like a complaint to them?

The point is that many things are just his one-sided words. If this is processed by someone with a heart, wouldn't their good reputation be ruined.

Everyone who realized the seriousness gathered in the corridor. After Xu Xian's explanation, they finally got a general understanding of what happened.

Although I still don't understand why Li Menglong went to the radio station to "explode himself", it can't be that they put too much pressure on it, it doesn't make sense at all.

But they know that he can't let him continue talking nonsense now, they want to speak up for themselves, and the best platform seems to be this show...

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