The Rise of Korean Entertainment

Chapter 3157 Second Interaction

Inexplicably kicked by Yoona, Li Menglong at least didn't know the reason.

Yun'er may be very angry, but when she is unable to speak, how could Li Menglong guess her complicated heart.

Besides, Li Menglong didn't have the urge to make himself unhappy.

Yun'er even ran upstairs on her own initiative, is it possible for him to follow up and ask for clarification?

This kick should be regarded as his pampering for Yun'er as an elder, anyway, it's all about coaxing children, so be bold!

In the lively scene before, only he and Xu Xian were left in a blink of an eye. What is this little girl's plan, why don't she go up to rest?

"How long have you been talking? Why haven't I seen the reason?"

Xu Xian's eyes were dazzled when he looked at it. He really didn't intend to waste his time. What are these people talking about inside?

If she was not mistaken, many people simply typed a bunch of random characters and sent them up. Does this string of words have any meaning?

It can't be a password or something, the kind that needs to be deciphered.

"You have to ask them about this, but most of the long and logical sentences are sent by me. I have always chatted very decently."

Li Menglong is trying to separate himself from the girls, don't be misunderstood by Seo Hyun.

As for the reason for Xu Xian's curiosity, since the little girl is too lazy to look at it, he can also help to sum it up.

"So it's those women making trouble for no reason, right?"

Xu Xian purified Li Menglong's summary again, but is it sure that this statement can be believed?

It's not the first day I met them, maybe the girls have to bear most of the responsibility, but Li Menglong insists on saying that he is pure and pure, so Xu Xian is the first to not believe it.

It seems that when she has a black belly, is it possible that Li Menglong is a saint?

He even took the initiative to provoke in many cases, the kind that no one would believe even if the girls explained it later.

The girls seemed to trouble him for no reason, but there was a reason for that.

It's impossible for them to call Li Menglong over just because they didn't have a good breakfast in the morning.

They are not mentally ill. Besides, if this is the case, how can Li Menglong endure until now?

However, considering that Li Menglong was the only one present, Xu Xian didn't need a bowl of water, he could just understand what Li Menglong meant.

This can be regarded as Xu Xian's workaround, she has been making progress silently, and she is not as straightforward as the girls said!

"Oppa has worked hard, and you have been wronged again. I will communicate with them later, and try to get them to come down and apologize to you!"

Xu Xian said here that maybe she didn't believe it herself, and asked the girls to apologize, it would be better to kill them.

Fortunately, Li Menglong also knew this, so he didn't mean to point it out at all.

Xu Xian took the initiative to say good things to comfort him, and he must appreciate it. It is good for everyone to give both parties a warm ending.

"Forget it, I'm not that stingy, anyway, let you go for nothing, you have worked hard."

Sure enough, they are all adults, and it is quite appropriate to meet each other and talk about hard work, but I always feel that I am a bit outsider.

And how should I put it, under the circumstances that both parties can guess each other's thoughts, this kind of politeness seems quite interesting, anyway, Xu Xian laughed directly.

"I'm not laughing at you, I just suddenly thought of something happy."

Facing Xu Xian's initiative to explain, Li Menglong didn't know how to answer. This explanation was quite superfluous, and it sounded more like mocking her.

Fortunately, Li Menglong is really tolerant towards Xu Xian, as long as the little girl can be happy, it's fine for him to be a clown once in a while.

"Bring all the mobile phones and computers that Yun'er brought to her, otherwise, if there is another noise later, I will get up and turn them off for her."

Before Li Menglong and Xu Xian separated, he hadn't forgotten to ask her to help, but would this idea be too extreme?

Yun'er doesn't have so many careful thoughts. If it wasn't for the time limit, if she and Li Menglong wanted to chat, did he have any misunderstandings about Yun'er?

Xu Xian, who came up with a bunch of equipment, was still thinking about this matter. This is related to the details of everyone's daily relationship and cannot be easily ignored.

But in any case, we can only wait until tomorrow, and now it's time to go back to bed.

The door of the room that was not pushed open by Yuner before was easily pushed open in Xu Xian's hands.

Xu Xian knew that Xiao Yuan had specially reserved the door for her, would you like to say thank you?

But before going in, Xu Xian looked at the pile of equipment in her hand. Her original intention was to bring it directly to her room, but she always recalled what Li Menglong said before.

Xu Xian felt that he was cursed, and Li Menglong was trying to stir up the feelings between their sisters.

But in the end Seo Hyun obeyed his heart and left all the equipment at Yoona's door.

But she didn't do it because of Li Menglong's words, she just wanted Yun'er to find her right away, that's all!

After solving the burden in his heart, Xu Xian went to rest with peace of mind.

Even before going to bed, she deliberately put on soundproof earplugs.

Don't ask Xu Xian why he did this, just asking for peace of mind.

It's all because of Li Menglong's words, which cast a shadow in her heart. She wants to use her one night's sleep to prove Li Menglong's suspicion!

Xu Xian did achieve a little bit and slept until dawn, but her action to trouble Li Menglong was doomed to fail.

She still learned the details from the other girls later, and the time can even be accurate to the second.

After all, anyone who is suddenly awakened by the alarm will subconsciously look at the time on the phone, maybe they have overslept.

But this time it was not them who had the problem. The time on the phone was clearly still in the middle of the night, and the night outside the window could also prove this, so where did the sound come from?

It would be fine if it was just ordinary noise, but the sound of the electronic device alarm is too harsh, and it is getting louder and louder.

The girls in each room were forced to get up, and they wanted to see which crazy woman had set the alarm at this time, rushing to reincarnate?

In fact, when things got to this point, the girls were so resentful.

Similar things have happened before, because their schedules are different, and it is understandable that some people need to get up early.

But why didn't they press the alarm, they all woke up as the people next door, but the person who took the initiative to ask for an early date was still asleep?

But the reality was even more extreme than they had imagined. An electronic device was vibrating desperately on the floor in front of Yun'er's door, frantically showing off her sense of existence.

Taeyeon and the others naturally recognized the origin of these devices, but they didn't seem to be able to explain why Yoona left these at the door, and even set an alarm for this time.

In fact, the girls already had a vague guess in their hearts at this moment, but they still wanted to confront Yun'er, at least let the little girl understand.

As a result, Yun'er, who was sleeping soundly, was woken up, and it was surrounded by a group of women.

To be honest, the scene after waking up is quite scary, a group of women with disheveled hair hanging their heads, who knows if they are human or ghosts?

Yuner's first reaction was to scream, her mouth was wide open, but the sound she made was probably not much stronger than that of a newborn kitten.

This cute scene immediately dissipated the anger of the girls out of thin air. As long as Yoona can honestly apologize at this moment, they might go back to sleep.

But Yun'er gave another answer, which is not very honest.

"I really don't know anything. If you have any questions, just ask!"

Yun'er was at a loss at the moment, not only had to deal with the threats from the girls, but also had to deal with the noise outside the door, why did this voice sound so familiar?

"I don't know, do you? Are you sure you don't want to change your answer?"

"It's probably because she fell asleep, let's help her move around and restore her memory by the way!"

"Don't say it so cruelly, if you pee your pants after being scared, don't you think it's disgusting?"

The continuous pressure from the girls is indeed effective, at least Yoona can barely recover some lost memories.

In fact, as long as she can make a judgment, she will not shirk responsibility.

She had barely seen what was at the door through the gaps in the girls' crowd, and she could also make a side confirmation from the ringing of the bell.

It's just that it shouldn't be. These things shouldn't be on the first floor. The surprise she specially left for Li Menglong, why did it come to her door now?

This is really a hell. Fortunately, Yuner has a more scientific explanation. Could it be that Li Menglong discovered her little tricks, so she was thrown over by the other party?

This explanation is much more reliable. After all, it is impossible to expect people like Li Menglong to be sympathetic.

So it seems that she was backlashed by her own prank, the girls have to understand, after all, she is also avenging everyone.

For Yuner's explanation, the girls believed ninety percent in their hearts, but the specific performance is more interesting.

They didn't agree with Yuner's statement at all, and even said that this was a previous grievance between her and Li Menglong, and they didn't want to participate.

Now they just want Yun'er to give an explanation, should there be a unified compensation standard for their awakening?

This kind of bandit behavior once made Yun'er want to die with them. At worst, everyone will drag it together to see who can't hold it in the end.

But considering the possibility of this group of women suddenly going crazy, Yun'er silently chose the way of admitting counsel.

Don't you just want benefits, even if you make an offer, as long as she has what Lin Yuner has, she will give it away for free!

Leaving aside anything else, the attitude of Yoona alone still satisfies the girls.

Despite all kinds of prevarications in the early stage, seeing that things were not turning for the better, they also came up with sincere conditions.

Seeing the little girl's good attitude, they all yawned and prepared to go to rest.

As for the specific conditions, if they still remember when they wake up tomorrow morning, it won't be too late to ask Yun'er for it.

But before leaving, Kim Taeyeon remembered something: "You said you would buy us breakfast, right? Everyone, tell us the names of the dishes."

As expected of their former captain, the methods of revenge proposed are so innovative.

After all, they themselves also know that it is impossible to really divide up Yuner's property, and the reason why Yuner is so bachelor is precisely because they understand this point.

But it's different now, they can still do this kind of thing by asking Yun'er to treat them to a breakfast.

The key is that now it's not just breakfast, they can also specify specific types of food, which contains a lot of information.

As the group of women reported all kinds of food one after another, Yun'er, a half-way idiot, began to calculate silently.

Even though she is not very familiar with the roads, it seems that if she wants to buy all these things, she should not need to continue to sleep now.

So these women are serious? They went back to bed and slept in the cage, and asked her, a weak woman, to buy breakfast for them before dawn?

"Then you can wait until dawn, we are not short of the ten minutes."

Kim Taeyeon pretended to be generous and gave Yuner a break for a while, but this is not the answer that Yuner wants, these women should not go too far!

But no one cares about Yoona who is full of resentment, they are also full of anger now, let's tolerate each other.

Yun'er sat on the floor in the corridor, watching the backs of these women going back to catch up on sleep one by one, while she herself was alone here turning off the alarms one by one.

It is said that in order to get revenge on Li Menglong, there were almost dozens of alarms in each device, and it took a while to turn them off.

If she had known that she would be the one who suffered in the end, why would she have worked so hard to arrange it before? She really wanted to kill someone!

Theoretically, she should commit suicide, after all, the person who cheated her was herself!

But before again, do you want to bring Li Menglong with you, otherwise how lonely it would be to go on the road alone.

Considering the excessive demands of those women, Yun'er felt that this was a good idea.

However, considering the previous shadows, this time Yoona will be much smarter, she took the initiative to wear a pair of sunglasses.

Wearing sunglasses in a dark room, such a group of people will be considered mentally abnormal.

But Yoona is particular about this, as long as she is "blind" enough, then Li Menglong's various performances can only end without a problem, she can't see it!

The process went smoothly enough, she confidently pushed open the door of Li Menglong's room, and then flew towards Li Menglong's bed with the help of past memories.

She wants to give Li Menglong a big surprise. This kind of wake-up service, which Lin Yuner is responsible for personally, is a scene that only appears in the dreams of many fans.

Li Menglong just go for fun, anyway, that's what Yoona thinks!

It's just that she rolled around on the bed and didn't feel anyone's presence. What's going on?

Fortunately, there was an extra light in the distance, because Yun'er was wearing sunglasses, she could barely see the scene in front of her, who is this figure sitting on the chair?

If it was Li Menglong, this would be too scary, right? This man has been sitting on a chair and sleeping since he came back?

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