The Rise of Korean Entertainment

Chapter 3154 Infiltration Failed

Yun'er was a little at a loss standing on the first floor.

She intended to knock on Li Menglong's door, but was it appropriate?

She didn't consider the inconvenience of men and women, but simply felt that Li Menglong's emotions might not be so positive before.

If this annoys him by knocking on the door again, will he directly fight with himself?

This is already Yun'er's beautified idea, after all, if Li Menglong really wants to do something, the two of them will definitely not be able to fight desperately, she is the one who is hanged and beaten.

It's just that she has a reason to knock on the door. Although there are blankets in the storage room on the side, the bedding on the floor is in Li Menglong's room.

She can't sleep directly on the floor, can she? She has been reduced to playing on the floor, so just treat yourself better.

After hesitating for a while, Yun'er finally chose not to knock on the door.

This doesn't mean she gave up, but chose a more dangerous method - sneaking in!

It could be considered a small accident, when Yun'er was hesitating, she accidentally bumped into the door, and it turned out that the door opened.

Even though it was only a small gap, it gave Yun'er some evil thoughts that she shouldn't have.

Sneaking into the room of the sleeping opposite sex in the middle of the night, after all these conditions are superimposed, it doesn't seem like a good thing no matter how you look at it.

If the infiltrator was replaced by Li Menglong, no one would complain for him even if he was directly hacked to death.

But now it is Yun'er who is acting, which seems to make people feel much more comfortable.

Of course Yun'er didn't have this kind of thought, she was also very nervous now, she didn't even dare to breathe the whole time.

Even though she was a singer with the talent of doubling her lung capacity, she still didn't last long.

Especially in this situation where the heart is beating wildly, the oxygen consumption is much higher than usual.

Yun'er almost felt that she was about to be suffocated to death, she hurriedly fell to the foot of the bed, and then gasped for breath.

She felt a little regretful now, such an exciting activity was really not suitable for her.

Don't look at her seeming to be very courageous on weekdays, but that's only on the premise that she is sure that there is no danger.

How is it like now, once Li Menglong is awakened, will she be turned away and sent to the police station on the charge that she tried to indecently assault Li Menglong?

Thinking of this crime, even in the dark of night, Yun'er's pale face can't be concealed, it's really too embarrassing.

So even if she dies, she must not be caught by Li Menglong!

But it shouldn't be so unlucky, she just came in to get a quilt, and he shouldn't disturb the sleeping man in the process.

Anyway, if she was sleeping by herself, if Li Menglong wanted to steal something from her room, as long as it wasn't stealing from her, there should be no possibility of being discovered.

Reluctantly doing some psychological construction for herself, Yuner has also adjusted her breathing, and she will go all out next.

But before she acted, she still held her breath and tried to listen to the movement in the room.

Before, she was afraid that the light in the living room would shine on Li Menglong, so when Yun'er came in, she closed the door without any lighting tools in her hand.

After all, she is quite familiar with Li Menglong's room, and she should be able to find it with her eyes closed.

So in this room where you can't see your fingers, all Yuner can rely on is her own hearing.

Fortunately, as a singer, it's time for her to show her professionalism.

As a singer, you not only need to have a good voice, but also have extraordinary lung capacity and keen hearing are all necessary skills.

Of course, these are all high standards. Now in theory, as long as one looks good enough, the other conditions can be ignored.

She even heard that recently someone is trying to clear up idol lip-syncing, saying that as long as idols can perform perfectly on stage, it’s fine. As for the sound being recorded directly, it’s more stable.

This kind of statement seems to be to relieve the idol's pressure, but Yuner really wants to spit on the other party, and it seems that she has no good intentions.

Why are singers called singers when they don't have to sing?

Besides, the basic skills of idols are now tolerant enough, isn't it enough?

But these things have little to do with Yun'er, she is more sorry for the younger generation.

Her own basic skills are quite good, especially in terms of hearing, she can discern many details in songs.

In fact, seriously, this can be regarded as a prerequisite talent for becoming a music producer, but it's a pity that Yoona didn't want to develop in this direction.

But fortunately, it wasn't wasted. Why don't you use this talent now.

Yun'er tilted her head and carefully collected the sound information in the room, trying to build a picture in her mind through the sound.

It's just that this room is too quiet, so quiet that it's scary.

After she also held her breath, there was not even a trace of noise in the room, which doesn't make sense!

Yun'er once thought that she heard it wrong, and the rest of the voice was nothing, Li Menglong needs to breathe even during sleep, right?

Even if he is in good health, his breathing is long enough, but one breath in a minute is exaggerated enough.

In the end, Yun'er silently recited more than a hundred numbers in her heart, but she didn't hear the slightest sound of Li Menglong's breathing.

This is a bit scary, wouldn't Li Menglong go back to the room after being angry with her, the more he thought about it, the more he felt wronged, and finally he was pissed to death?

Although Yun'er herself knew that this idea was absurd, she really didn't have time to think about it, she was eager to see Li Menglong's situation.

Relying on her familiarity with the room, Yun'er touched the edge of the bed all the way to the position at the head of the bed.

What should I do next, Yun'er wants to place her index finger exactly where Li Menglong is in the middle, so as to feel his breath.

But this black light is blind, she can easily touch other places with a slap.

It would be fine if Li Menglong was really lying dead, but if she was still alive, she would be beaten to death.

Yun'er struggled repeatedly for a long time, and some people couldn't help turning over after a long time.

After noticing Li Menglong's turning over, Yun'er held her breath again, but there was a touch of excitement in her eyes, it really was God helping her, Lin Yuner!

Li Menglong turned over this time and turned his face to her position, don't ask her how she knew, she has barely adapted to the darkness now, and can faintly see the outline.

Why hesitate now, and decisively stretched out his sinful little finger.

As for why you don't use the index finger commonly used in TV, maybe it's because this gesture is more handsome?

But Yun'er still has the heart to care about these things, she is really panicking now, Li Menglong is indeed not breathing.

She suppressed her worries and waited for another ten seconds, but the result was still not satisfactory.

What else is there to say, Yun'er is already planning to save someone.

She seemed to have learned some simple first aid methods in some program before, even if she was only half-baked, but what is there to be picky about in this situation?

Besides, she didn't intend to avoid suspicion, she leaned her head over and planned to give Li Menglong artificial respiration first.

However, as the faces of the two got closer, Yun'er always felt that there was a gleam of light in her eyes inexplicably, as if it was the light reflected by some kind of object.

Although it was extremely faint, Yoona could still see the two of them getting close, but what exactly was it?

When the tips of their noses were about to touch, Yuner finally realized what it was.

Although I can't see the information contained in Li Menglong's eyes now, under this environment and this action, his eyes must be quite scary.

Yun'er didn't even know when he opened these eyes, had he been lying there watching her jokes?

Or is it that Li Menglong "will not die with peace in his eyes"?

Yun'er's brain is completely useless now, after all, anyone who is continuously frightened will have some stress reactions.

So seeing Yuner still trying to put her hand under his nose, Li Menglong was really speechless.

"Move down a little more, my nose is blocked tonight, I've been breathing through my mouth!"

Li Menglong's hoarse voice combined with that faint look in his eyes, combined with the dark room at the moment, finally Yun'er couldn't hold on anymore.

The whole person ran out of Li Menglong's room, with a high-quality dolphin sound single as a gift.

But in terms of the quality of the dolphin's voice, who would dare to say that Yoona's singing skills can't even be compared with Kim Taeyeon.

However, Yuner's performance is too dependent on the surrounding environment, so Li Menglong can't scare her every time before she sings, right?

Considering the horror of tonight, Li Menglong felt that this should be regarded as a small peak. If he wants to achieve self-transcendence in the future, it will probably be very difficult!

After all, today was a superposition of all kinds of accidents, and Yuner herself cooperated enough, so it would be very difficult to repeat it.

So Li Menglong sat up silently, while listening to Yuner's free "singing", while reminiscing about the excitement of the previous interaction.

He didn't even intend to pursue the fact that he was woken up by Yun'er, but the only pity was that it was too dark before, so he couldn't see Yun'er's expression.

If this can be recorded, it is estimated that it can be ranked as one of the five darkest moments in Yoona's life, and even a strong contender for the first place.

While Li Menglong was secretly reminiscing, Yuner's "singing voice" finally got a response.

But how should I put it, the number of people who responded to Yuner's singing was far less than expected.

The first to get down were Lee Soon Kyu and Kim Tae Yeon, holding baseball bats they found out of nowhere, and they were cautious all the way.

They can't wait to take one step back and take two steps back, even if they saw Yun'er's figure, they still didn't plan to get close.

"What's the matter, don't say it's a prank, we all brought the guys down!"

Kim Taeyeon was the first to warn Yuner, and it is understandable to do so, after all, the little girl is also a person with a criminal record.

But at this moment, Yun'er felt a little uncomfortable.

She was almost scared to death by Li Menglong, and she needed the gentle embrace of these sisters, but they doubted herself first when they came up?

This is simply the second violence against her victim. Can she complain to these two women?

It's a pity that Yun'er can't find such a department at all, even the management of the company will not penetrate into their lives, and it will easily arouse their disgust.

From the current point of view, the best way for Yuner to complain is to go to the parents of the two people to file a complaint.

Needless to say so many details, as long as you tell the other party that these two people bullied you, it is estimated that the two of them will get an education of love.

But doing so is also prone to sequelae, after all, parents don't live with them.

Their lessons are likely to arouse the two's rebellious psychology, maybe they will treat themselves even more violently afterwards, Yun'er dare not gamble!

Besides, she still wanted to save face, and she also resisted the behavior of suing this kind of behavior that was despised even among elementary school students.

So what else can she do now, explain to these two women honestly, but before that, she has to ask a question: "Why are you two? What about the others?"

Yun'er's expression at the moment is unusually cute, it doesn't look like she is deliberately pretending to be stupid, so she really doesn't know?

"Those who are sleeping can't hear it, those who hear it don't want to come down, and those who want to come down don't plan to move after seeing the two of us, do you understand?"

Li Shungui explained as clearly as possible, she could see that Yuner was being serious tonight, maybe she was thinking too much.

But this time, I don't blame Yun'er for thinking too much, she really almost broke her throat.

With such a loud volume, even if it was her prank, shouldn't these women come down and take a look?

If nothing happened, he could take revenge on her, Lin Yuner, but what if something unexpected happened?

They just don't like themselves, this bunch of bad women, she, Lin Yuner, won't like them anymore!

Seeing Yuner's aggrieved appearance, what can Taeyeon and the other two do, they can only go over and pat her on the head to show comfort.

But they didn't put down the baseball bats in their hands, and they didn't know what they were handing out. Is there a thief?

In fact, they also knew that there was a high probability that it was an accident, but everyone came down, and if they didn't make things more serious, how could they make Yun'er accept it?

Besides, there is still no movement on Li Menglong's side. They all dawdled down from the second floor. Shouldn't it be time for him to show up?

Taking advantage of the time to comfort Yun'er, the two sneakily looked towards Li Menglong's room.

Because the door has been fully opened, Li Menglong can be vaguely seen by the light of the living room.

But the two of them would rather the door be closed, this scene is really scary.

The dim light could only reach Li Menglong's waist, and his entire upper body was hidden in the darkness.

But through some details, it can be seen that he is hugging his shoulders, and everyone is sitting up, it is impossible to sleep with eyes closed, right?

So Li Menglong is hiding in the dark and staring at them with wide eyes. This is like a scene in a horror movie. Can you let them go?

After all, the two of them didn't intend to develop their acting skills, he just needs to train Yuner more, the two of them are not jealous!

Now there is no need to ask Yun'er what happened, the two of them were frightened when they were prepared, and Yun'er did not pass out on the spot, which is already considered extraordinary courage.

So should I go and close the door now, I always feel that Li Menglong will pounce out in the next second, with blood on the corner of his mouth, the kind that bites anyone...

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