The Rise of Korean Entertainment

Chapter 3127 Seeking Reunion

"Change the conditions? Do you have any other suggestions?"

Li Menglong himself really couldn't bear to think about it. After all, every time he thought about it more, his heart ached a little more.

So he still relies more on the girls on the opposite side. Even if Yoona has already been eliminated first, there are still Kim Taeyeon and Seohyun.

As the first and last members of the girls' team, these two are the best of the team.

With their clever little minds, they will definitely be able to come up with more ideal suggestions. Do they have any ideas?

Kim Taeyeon is too lazy to use her brain. Why should she make suggestions for Li Menglong?

She hadn't even cared about Li Menglong cheating on her yet, so she still expected herself to save him?

Fortunately, Xu Xian is still relatively powerful. She can't possibly watch Li Menglong and Li Soonkyu break up.

To be honest, once these two people break up, it will be a serious blow to the entire team.

It seems that Li Menglong's departure has no essential harm to their team, but that is just the appearance, or from an outsider's perspective.

As someone who was absolutely on her own, how could Xu Xian not know how much Li Menglong had helped them.

Even if we don't talk about Li Menglong's advantages, the fact that he has worked with them as an agent for so many years is already a qualification worth looking at.

As the work partner with whom they have the most daily contact, they have spent so many years getting used to each other, and now they are told to change to someone else?

Re-adapting and establishing new trust are not easy.

In case the new person is embarrassed, they will need to replace the manpower, which will delay the time even longer.

And in the process of adapting, wouldn't they quarrel with each other? Maybe it will evolve into a more serious conflict.

This is really not Xu Xian's exaggeration, that's what she thinks anyway, so for the sake of the stability of the group, she also has to maintain the relationship between Li Menglong and Li Menglong.

"Forget it about the material aspect. I feel like Ernie doesn't pay that much attention to it. How about we start from the spiritual aspect?"

Xu Xian found another way and planned to change the track for Li Menglong.

As for the things Kim Taeyeon took out before, even if Lee Mongryong sold them, he couldn't afford them. How could he compare with Kim Taeyeon?

But things like spirit and emotion cannot be measured by money. Maybe Lee Soon Kyu is very satisfied?

"I have an idea. Let's talk about it in detail. What exactly should I do?"

Li Menglong also took the opportunity to give Xu Xian some reassurance, telling Xu Xian that he didn't need to think too much about his feelings, and that he could give up his self-esteem temporarily.

Seeing Li Menglong speaking so cheerfully, Xu Xian had to give him a thumbs up.

This kind of person deserves to be rich. Although his net worth is so amazing, he can make the decision to give up his self-esteem in order to save money. Isn't this admirable?

For comparison, you can look at the girls. Both their assets and their ability to make money are more than one level behind Li Menglong.

As a result, not only do they spend money lavishly, they are always willing to waste large amounts of money for freedom, dignity and other specious things.

They should learn from Li Menglong. After all, it is not easy for anyone to make money, so there is nothing wrong with saving some.

Of course, this is only what Xu Xianhui advocates. As for asking her to abide by it, forget it.

Xu Xian really disagrees with Li Menglong's stinginess.

After making so much money, you have to spend it. Otherwise, wouldn’t the point of making money be to save money?

However, Li Menglong always said that he had no assets in his name. Girls always complained about this, but in the end, he basically won a big victory.

Who made Li Soonkyu insist on controlling the assets in Li Menglong's name? This woman's conscience is simply bad!

Faced with the complaints from the girls, Lee Soon Kyu has fought with Lee Mong Ryong several times, but the result is still nothing.

When Lee Mong-ryong doesn't intend to cooperate, Lee Soon-gyu wants to unilaterally transfer the huge amount of property in his name to the other party, which is really a fool's errand.

Perhaps to outsiders, this should be a rather enjoyable scene. After all, many members of the opposite sex hold the view that they must control all of a man's assets.

In response to this, both parties often get into quite unpleasant troubles.

But things went smoothly for Lee Soon Kyu here, and she even made all kinds of complaints. Are you sure she's not showing off?

Lee Soon Kyu really didn't bother to respond to such remarks. He could only say that only his family knew what was going on in such private matters.

Besides, Li Menglong is not poor. Even if the company's income is not in his name, his income as a director is not a small amount.

In particular, he injects various remunerations into the cost of the film every time. With several hits, these investments have increased by an extremely terrifying figure.

He wouldn't deny the money, would he?

It can only be said that the girls are too lazy to get to know him. Otherwise, they would have stripped off Li Menglong's underwear long ago. How could they make him cry about poverty here?

There are even some mindless fans who pity him, Li Menglong, and even leave messages to the girls, suggesting that they should treat Li Menglong better.

Faced with this kind of fans, the girls do not want to hit or scold them. They can only be dumb and eat Coptis chinensis to bear the "infamy".

Thinking of this, Xu Xian still felt a little unhappy. Otherwise, would Li Menglong be allowed to bleed this time?

She was just trying to learn, so she decided not to make things more difficult for herself. Besides, she was only responsible for playing the drums, so there was no need for extra scenes.

"I don't know how you get along with each other in private on weekdays. Anyway, you have to show sincerity!"

Xu Xian played a little trick. Would she not know how the two of them get along?

But she shouldn't have said many words. Li Menglong should have his own enlightenment.

Besides, even if he will agree now, he may not be convinced in his heart, and he may regret it later.

But if she were to blame Xu Xian for all this, wouldn't she be too unjust?

Although the probability of this happening to Li Menglong was low, Xu Xian had to take precautions after all.

She was taking precautions. After all, human nature cannot be tested, so she should try to avoid possible conflicts as much as possible.

It's just that Xu Xian's idea is very good, but does she overestimate Li Menglong's emotional intelligence?

Li Menglong couldn't figure out what to do anyway, and his anxious look made all the girls anxious.

In the end, Kim Taeyeon couldn't stand it anymore and took the initiative to speak: "Is it so difficult? Just be Lee Soon Kyu's dog for a few days. Isn't everything solved?"

Although Kim Taeyeon's words themselves are vulgar, the meaning conveyed is quite clear.

When Li Menglong didn't want to pay huge compensation, the only thing he could do was sell his dignity.

Even this move is quite clever, because Lee Soon-kyu is likely to show his superiority.

Is it possible that she wants to humiliate Li Menglong in front of so many sisters?

It made Kim Taeyeon herself a little excited. How about she also follow in Li Menglong's footsteps?

But Kim Taeyeon really can't pull off this face. She is a well-known figure in the team. She can't act like a rogue like Lee Mongryong.

So even though she was extremely envious in her heart, Kim Taeyeon could only follow her own old path. She didn't even know that her face was so valuable.

With Kim Taeyeon's advice, Li Menglong suddenly understood something. It turned out that he still had self-esteem to sell, something he always thought he didn't have.

As for whether doing so would embarrass himself, Li Menglong really didn't care at all.

Since he was surrounded by his own people, there was no need for Li Menglong to avoid being embarrassed in front of them.

Secondly, he has to look at the amount. If it was just for a meal, he would definitely hesitate, but the current price is enough for him to pay everything.

Seeing that both of them had made up their minds, Xu Xian breathed a sigh of relief. This matter should be considered over, right? Can she return to her job?

Seohyun really wanted to run away, but neither Kim Taeyeon nor Lee Mongryong could let her go.

Help people to the end, and they will have to face possible difficulties from Lee Soon Kyu soon. Xu Xian can't abandon them.

"The maknae must come up with me, my life is in your hands."

"Xiaoxian, you can't finish your work, you have to learn to adjust your time!"

Kim Taeyeon and Lee Mongryong are singing and deceiving Seohyun here, looking like a pair of liars.

But why did they only fool Xu Xian? Does she, Lin Yoona, have such a lack of presence?

Or is it that in their eyes, she, Lin Yoona, can't help at all, and might even be a hindrance?

I have to say that Yoona knows her well enough. If Yoona wants to leave now, the two of them will never stop her.

The one who can really make a difference is obviously Seohyun, Yoona is not even a soy saucer.

And what should I say, you must always be prepared for her to stab you in the back. This kind of attack from behind is the most deadly.

So all in all, taking Yoona up there is really harmful but useless. Can she leave consciously?

But the more they behave like this, the more Yoona wants to follow her. She must prove her worth to see if they still dare to look down on her!

Kim Taeyeon and Li Menglong looked at each other, both wanting to encourage the other to stop Yoona's crazy behavior, but neither one was willing to be fooled.

Because once she opens her mouth, she is destined to be resented by Yoona. At this critical moment, it is not easy for Yoona to cause trouble.

So in the end, all four of them stood together in front of the practice room door.

Li Menglong and Kim Taeyeon were so nervous. They kept taking deep breaths, making Xu Xian grin.

"Are you going to be so exaggerated? You weren't so nervous when you first debuted, right?"

Seohyun couldn't help but tease, but Kim Taeyeon didn't answer at all.

She didn't want to waste her little energy on Xu Xian. Did she still need to think about the answer to such a statement?

When I debuted, I was ten thousand times more nervous than I am now. There is no comparison between the two.

In order to prevent Xu Xian from continuing to speak, Kim Taeyeon simply pushed open the door. No matter what the outcome was, she would still have to face it.

But the moment she opened the door, Kim Taeyeon's face was filled with a flattering smile, and she almost immediately pounced on Lee Soon Kyu: "I was really wrong..."

She is indeed a woman who can be a lead singer. Her voice is so loud that Lee Soon Kyu is probably scared at this moment.

"Hey, who are you? You don't want to rush at me when we meet. Do I know you well?"

Lee Soon Kyu stretched out his arm between her and Kim Taeyeon, not wanting to have any physical contact with the other party.

This state of not allowing strangers to enter is more bluffing. Although Kim Taeyeon guessed that the other party would not give her a good look, but wasn't it too direct?

Even if she pretends not to know her, she still has Kim Taeyeon's good looks, right? Isn't she, Lee Soon Kyu, not moved after seeing it?

If there was such a cute girl among her fans of Kim Taeyeon, she would go over and hug her for a few minutes.

"Kim Taeyeon? Is there such a person in our team? Captain?"

Lee Soon Kyu looked at Jung Soo Yeon while speaking. The meaning conveyed should be clear enough, right?

Kim Taeyeon was stunned. She just went out for a temporary refuge for a while. Not only was there no place for her in the team, but the new captain had already been re-elected?

Faced with Lee Soon Kyu's flattery, Jung Soo Yeon kept waving her hands. Although she was not afraid of Kim Taeyeon, why did she get involved in a fight of this level?

Watching the excitement is her position, she has no intention of becoming the excitement itself.

Seeing that his sisters were not cooperating at all, Lee Soon Kyu was helpless. It can only be said that Kim Taeyeon still has some status in this team.

So she directly turned her firepower around, and Li Menglong probably no longer had this status, right?

"Who is this? Why does he look familiar?"

Faced with Li Soonkyu's teasing, Li Menglong knew he should keep a low profile, but he really couldn't hold it back: "We broke up just a few days ago, so you don't know me anymore?"

One sentence made everyone around him smile. Lee Soon Kyu wanted to pretend to be a stranger, but Lee Mong Ryong directly became a couple who broke up. Is this considered an advantage?

"Fart, what do I, Lee Soon Kyu, think of me? How could I find such an ugly ex-boyfriend like you!"

"This issue is quite complicated. If I have to say it, the most likely reason is that I have money!"

"I'm greedy for your money? I'm very rich myself!"

Lee Soon Kyu was quickly aroused. Lee Mong Ryong was not here to apologize, he was clearly here to demonstrate.

She had not figured out the other party's thoughts at first, so she fell into passiveness at the beginning, but now she has adjusted her mentality, Li Menglong, let's come over!

But Li Menglong's response made her miss again, because Li Menglong also realized that he was not qualified to fight against Li Shunkyu now.

You promised to come here and betray your self-esteem, how could you still have such a strong backbone?

Considering the "status" of the two of them at the moment, Li Menglong felt that the other party should be given some room to develop, so he spoke again: "I'm here to get back together. I can't live without you!"

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