The Rise of Korean Entertainment

Chapter 312 Please answer 199…

Although he didn't rest much for two consecutive days, Li Menglong was so excited that he didn't feel sleepy at all. He received too much news in two days, and he had to bear too much, and the corresponding thinking was also intensifying.

As one of the most popular groups of the year, no one knows exactly how many fans Turbo had back then, but die-hard fans must have started at least 100,000. Looking at the group of them who turned from fans to fans in the later period, Li Menglong did not blame them at all. real!

On the contrary, he and Kim Jong Kook owe everyone an explanation. After all, they have liked you for so many years, especially when he saw these fans today. , he knows that in that era when the Internet just started, when information was even scarcer, the relationship between fans and idols was more intense and pure.

No matter who it was for, Li Menglong knew that he wanted to do something, which was a response and gratitude to those forgotten time and forgotten people.

The best way is for him and Kim Jong Kook to return under the name Turbo, and then explain the hidden secrets in the last show, but this is the method that Li Menglong least wants to use.

It has nothing to do with fame or hard work, it’s just that I don’t want the name Turbo to fall down so easily. You must know that they disbanded at their peak, and if they make such a bleak comeback now, he feels it is an insult to this name and those who once liked it. Turbo should always be on top.

At the same time, Li Menglong is also worried about the acceptance of those old fans. Does Wai Yi not believe it? Therefore, Li Menglong felt that a better and more intuitive method should be used to tell everyone about a real turbo group, a relationship between fans and idols, and a passionate era.

Li Menglong has many advantages, but if I have to say that he is more enviable, then his ability to coordinate or tap into the advantages around him is definitely one of them.

Write down all the available resources you know on a piece of white paper: Girls’ Generation, SW Corporation, Kim Jong Kook, Yoo Jae Suk, Lee Joo Yong, Na Young Suk…

The moment he saw these names, Li Menglong knew what to do. He could integrate these resources and apply them. What else could express his own criminal thoughts?

He changed a piece of paper and took out a pack of cigarettes from the bottom drawer. Although he rarely smoked, Li Shunkyu and the others threw them away when they saw it. Fortunately, Li Menglong secretly hid some.

He went to the kitchen and made a large pot of bitter coffee, found a can, moved his body, and turned the desk lamp to the brightest, and then he started a night's journey.

Xu Xian woke up a little late the next day, because it was not easy either in Japan or Korea, and he returned to a familiar room and fell asleep more deeply.

Yawning, I smelled smoke as soon as I opened the door. You must know that this is the second floor. I ran down with a bad feeling. There was still visible smoke coming from Li Menglong's room.

Fortunately, the scene was different from the one she imagined. Li Menglong was still in good spirits and was not crying. It seemed that smoking was just refreshing and providing inspiration.

Li Menglong didn't notice her arrival at all, and Xu Xian didn't care to speak. Although she hated bad things like cigarettes, she still looked at the dozen handwritten papers next to the table first.

Looking at the bottom piece of paper, at first it was just some messy thoughts, and even the handwriting was so scrawled that Xu Xian couldn't read it clearly: Busan dialect? There is a sense of intimacy, but it is not easy to promote; the protagonist positioning is best related to the entertainment industry, the audience is interested, and I am familiar with it...

As the subsequent ideas became clearer and clearer, Xu Xian actually saw a complete outline of the story. Although there were no details, the pale summary was enough to make her feel the charm of the story.

The most important thing for a good story is to move people. Although she herself has not experienced that enviable era, looking at the vivid characters on the paper and the fans who have advanced and retreated with their idols, Xu Xian feels that she resonates with her.

But she is a star, and more ordinary people will find themselves in it as fans. It is not Xu Xian who saw the core selling point of this story, but Li Menglong wrote this sentence from the beginning out.

After sorting out the manuscript and putting it aside, Xu Xian frowned and poured out the ashes of his cigarette, and filled a pot of hot coffee for him, but in the end she didn't say anything. For the sake of a good work, she thought it was okay to smoke it once. , but don’t think about it in the future.

When Li Menglong looked at the almost open ending, he, like every author, couldn't make up his mind about the ending, but it didn't matter, he didn't plan to write it alone anyway.

When I stood up again, the aftereffects of a night's sleeplessness, cigarettes and coffee came flooding back. Fortunately, the exercise with Jin Zhongna the past few days was not in vain, and my body shook but I still managed to hold on.

Looking at the time, it was already noon, and he hurriedly called Xu Xian's name. She seemed to have some activities today, but just halfway through calling, he found the note posted on his door.

"I asked someone from the company to pick me up. Oppa woke up and went to drink yam juice. I squeezed it. Remember to pick me up at night. But if you see this note after six o'clock, forget it, you are still too much. Get some sleep! Seohyun!”

"You little girl!" Thinking of Xu Xian's frowning expression as he wrote the note, I don't know how many times he endured it before he finally took away the cigarettes and opened all the windows indoors, so that he could have more when he came back at night. The smell of smoke.

The dozen in his hand can only be said to be an idea or a framework. There are many more to be added. After all, he is not a professional screenwriter. He learned these while following Li Zhouyong. But fortunately, he also has many friends, and he picked and called all the relevant and useful people to the company.

And he himself was holding the juicer that Xu Xian had squeezed out with one hand, that’s right! Xu Xian honestly left him a juicer full of yam juice. In order to save time, he just walked into the car with the juicer.

"Oppa, remember to come to Japan and treat me to dinner. You owe me a favor!" She automatically ignored Yoona's text message asking for credit. Is a phone number worthy of her taking such credit?

He threw the clean juicer into the back seat and finally dialed this number: "Hello! Are you..."

"Xiuyan Nouna?" Li Menglong still felt weird when he spoke. Who knew he knew Jessica Jung, but fortunately he was not the same person.

"I am Wu Xiuyan, who are you?"

"Haha, can't you hear my voice? I'm Kong Lu!"

"Xiao Liu? You are Xiao Liu!" The woman's voice turned from suspicion to excitement. It had been too long since she had heard from Li Menglong.

"Yes, Noona! I'll make a long story short, are you still writing scripts recently?" Although Li Menglong asked, he knew that it was unlikely that the other party would answer yes. After all, Love Rain had just ended, and it seemed that he was on the street again.

"Me? Script? I just wrote a script that hit the street recently!" Wu Xiuyan did not hide it from Li Menglong, but she still had a lot to say, but in the end it just turned into a "hmm".

Looking at this hasty phone call, Wu Xiuyan even felt whether it was an illusion or a prank, but with the address he sent and the greeting text message from Yoona, she knew that it was all true.

It's just that every time Li Menglong appears, he has to be so weird, and does her situation have to be so difficult?

It was the same many years ago. She was a desperate writer tearing up the script and crying bitterly. It was Li Menglong who accompanied her and encouraged her from the street, and the two of them reached the glory of the time together. Is it the same this time?

There was no time to think so much. She walked out with the notebook she had used for many years to record inspiration. She wanted to see Li Menglong immediately. She felt that her opportunity was coming again, because this kind of sixth... I haven’t felt that way for a long time.

Arriving at the appointed place, Wu Xiuyan didn't care even though it was a fried chicken restaurant. She walked in and looked around. A waiter came over very smartly and asked, "Are you invited by Li Menglong?"

Under his guidance, Wu Xiuyan went all the way to the third floor. Like everyone else, she was also surprised by this hidden company. However, when she walked into the large conference room, she saw many old people she had not seen for many years. friend.

Li Enxi gave a warm welcome to Wu Xiuyan's arrival. This person and Li Menglong were the foundation of everything in the company. After all, everything comes from the script. This is what Li Menglong firmly believes to this day.

Li Menglong hadn't arrived yet, or he was still communicating with different people. It wasn't until he walked in with Kim Jong Kook and Cai Yan that all the people Li Menglong invited had arrived.

The staff is a bit mixed, but they are all elites in various industries, and they are inextricably linked to what they are about to face: "We are all our own people, so I'm not polite. I asked you to come here today just to talk about me." The decision, which is the company's main future project, is for the entire company! I hope everyone will give us your opinions!"

Seeing Li Menglong's high-spirited look, Li Enxi was very used to it. After all, it was like this back then. Li Menglong was always confident in arranging the general direction, and they would check for deficiencies and make up for the leaks. Everyone believed in him, and those sitting here is also like this.

"The project this time is an entire TV series, and what we are discussing today is the script!" As he spoke, Li Menglong distributed the information handwritten throughout the night to everyone, and he slowly told the story in his heart.

"The background of the story is at the end of 1995, when Turbo debuted. The protagonist is a star-chasing girl in Busan and a die-hard fan of Turbo. Through a series of events of that era, with Turbo and the changes around her as the main line, let We can all go back to that era together!”

After Li Menglong finished speaking, he took a long breath. Making this decision was not easy. Let alone other things. Li Menglong has put the future of dozens of people in the company on this TV series. You can imagine the pressure on him. And know.

However, he can always think of the excitement he felt when he wrote the outline last night. He knew that this TV series must be produced, maybe because it will be a big hit or because it pays tribute to that era.

"I plan to call this TV series "Reply 1995"!" Li Menglong said loudly.

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