Li Menglong's blatant "taking advantage" this time naturally received a radical response from Kim Taeyeon.

Lee Soon-gyu opposite was his girlfriend, and her reaction was so intense. If she, Kim Taeyeon, were unusually peaceful, wouldn't she be kidding?

So in order to prove her innocence, Kim Taeyeon tried her best.

The upper body could not move because Li Menglong's huge body was pressed tightly against her, and it was extremely difficult to "hold" him.

Fortunately, her lower body was still free enough, so Kim Taeyeon used a technique. A more professional term would be to unload her force?

In short, Kim Taeyeon took the initiative to take a step back. This simple action made Li Menglong completely lose his center of gravity.

Li Menglong's hands were waving helplessly in mid-air, trying to catch something. They looked extremely weak.

Kim Taeyeon couldn't bear to watch it. After all, from her perspective, Li Menglong's expression was indeed extremely frightening.

But the total height was only half a meter, so it wouldn't hurt him if he fell. There was no need to be so exaggerated. It would only make people laugh at him for being too artificial.

With the joint efforts of Kim Taeyeon and Lee Soonkyu, Lee Mongryong fell to the ground so gorgeously.

And this scene happened to be recorded by the person taking the photo opposite. He was even extremely satisfied with his work. Is this photo worthy of consideration for receiving an award?

It's a pity that there is no similar platform for him to show it. Even if there is, Li Menglong will probably rely on his personal influence to prevent this photo from seeing the light of day.

But don’t be too discouraged, there are warm-hearted people everywhere!

"Remember to send me a copy of this photo later. Do you know my email address?"

"Be sure to keep the camera. You have the confidence to protect it with your life, even in the face of Li Menglong's threat!"

"What's going on on the other side? Did Li Menglong finally arouse public anger and get beaten up by a group?"

With the appearance of the large army of girls, the crowd watching the excitement suddenly became much happier.

When the girls didn't show up, everyone really didn't dare to show it. What if Li Menglong's wife would settle the score?

But it's another thing when the girls take the lead. They can hide behind the girls and ridicule without restraint.

As for this precious image data, they will definitely want to collect it later.

It is estimated that in the future, when chatting in the company group, you will not be able to integrate into the group without relevant emoticons.

Even if Li Menglong personally takes control, most of the people will not give in. They will just go underground.

Anyway, they are determined not to succumb to Li Menglong's power. This is what they want based on their own ability. Why can't they "appreciate" it?

Besides, the photographer and everything else were all set up by Li Menglong in advance. This might have been his original intention, so that everyone could express their suppressed emotions after exhausting work.

It is not unreasonable to say this. The reason why the atmosphere in the company can be so harmonious is inseparable from Li Menglong's "acting as a clown" for several years.

It is inevitable that everyone will accumulate some grievances at work, and these grievances will often end up being concentrated on the leader.

Although it is not entirely the leader's responsibility, who makes the leader's position a natural target? They earn the money from being scolded!

However, due to being a leader, this resentment often accumulates until the day of resignation.

But Li Menglong found another way to let everyone express their grievances reasonably after work.

Today's incident alone will keep everyone happy for at least half a month.

If the effect of the "emoji pack" is good, it is not impossible that it will last for several months.

Li Menglong seemed to be ridiculed and insulted in the process, but in fact it relieved everyone's emotions in disguise, thereby improving the overall work efficiency.

Which party is taking advantage of this "transaction" depends on the considerations of all parties, but the initiative still lies with the leadership.

It is estimated that even if this case is made public, not many people will follow it and learn from it.

After working as an ordinary employee for so many years, and gradually reaching the leadership position now, just to be a "clown"?

If this question were asked back to Li Menglong, he would probably not be able to give an answer, because he didn't mean it at all.

He may even think that this is some kind of over-interpretation, just because the company is running well, so he is forced to find some excuses that seem to be in the past.

Anyway, he would never admit it. He definitely didn't deliberately act ugly. Everything that happened was just an accident.

He proved this with his actual actions. After he got up, he had no intention of causing trouble with Kim Taeyeon and Lee Soon Kyu. Instead, he immediately staggered towards the photographer's position.

"Don't move. The camera is the property of the company. I want to exercise the right to use it now. Give me the camera immediately!"

Li Menglong rarely showed a touch of the unruliness of a superior, but the effect was quite average!

That person had received warnings from the girls in advance, so it would be more appropriate to describe him as a provocateur.

He had already promised the girls that he would defend the camera with his life. How could he break his promise now? The girls were watching behind him.

He was seen holding the camera firmly in front of him and did not speak, but his determined expression revealed his determination.

He was planning to fight Li Menglong to the end, even if he was fired by Li Menglong for this, he would not hesitate!

Of course, this kind of words just sounded nice, and he knew clearly that this kind of thing couldn't happen.

At any rate, there was some instigation from the girls. Once he was fired for this, they would be the first to be embarrassed.

Besides, based on his understanding of Li Menglong, it shouldn't reach this level, but it is estimated that some additional work is inevitable.

Fortunately, the price was just within the range he could bear, so there was nothing else to say. Unless Li Menglong killed him today, he should not expect to return the camera.

Facing this kind of person who was determined to confront him, Li Menglong was speechless. Is this really crazy?

What if there were some excuses in the past, just to embarrass Li Menglong?

He is too lazy to talk nonsense, he just wants to do it. He has the confidence to defeat the opponent, but the prerequisite is that they are one-on-one!

But he dares to think about such a good thing? How could the people around him watch him bully others!

However, it is still taboo to help openly, but it is really not difficult at all to help and cover from the side.

So Hupani fell beautifully first. The process was probably that he kicked his right heel with his left foot, and the direction was particularly correct, and he fell directly into Li Menglong's arms.

He is now in the same situation as Kim Taeyeon before. Kim Taeyeon's choice was to push him away. Should he choose the same way?

To be honest, there was still some pressure in this choice. After all, the person he was holding in his arms was Pani. Who wouldn't want to hold her for a while longer?

Fortunately, Li Menglong's determination was pretty good, so he only hesitated for a dozen seconds, and then resolutely wanted to push Pani away.

But as he exerted his strength, he was surprised to find that there was a force fighting against him. Is this woman Pani crazy?

Pani was not crazy. She did fall down on purpose to delay Li Menglong.

She didn't think about how long the delay would be, but the premise was that she could get up on her own instead of being pushed away by Li Menglong.

Although it is not a big deal, it is still unacceptable in Pani's eyes. Has she fallen to the point where she will be disliked by Li Menglong?

So Hupani completely ran away, and walked around behind him, wrapping his hands around Li Menglong's neck, and simply locked his legs around his waist.

This posture is much more professional. It seems that many fighters in mixed martial arts will deliberately look for a similar position, but what to do next?

Pani naturally knew nothing about this, after all, she had not yet learned the next action.

But Li Menglong actually knows how to fight. The simplest thing is to throw him from behind in the air and use Pani as a cushion to slam him to the ground.

But that would probably cost the little girl half of her life. He would have to send Pani to the hospital instead, which would be too much of a loss.

So he could only watch the man run away with the camera. This was obviously theft of company property. Can he call the police?

"How much does the camera cost? We can just compensate him for it. How can this be considered theft?"

The wealthy girls immediately showed their rich character, making Li Menglong want to kill them.

But considering that the money would not end up in his own pocket, he could only let these women go for the time being.

And how long will he have to carry the "baggage" behind him? The man has disappeared. Can Pani get down from behind him?

"Your weight of more than 100 kilograms is no joke. If you don't believe it, just carry a bag of rice by yourself..."

Before Li Menglong could finish his words, Pani choked him again. He really dared to say anything.

When did she weigh more than 100 kilograms? Don't spread rumors at will, because his identity is very sensitive, and similar news may become common knowledge among everyone.

"I have maintained my weight in double digits all year round, and the maknae can vouch for this!"

Pani Titu brought Xu Xian in to prove to himself that after all, among everyone present, Xu Xian had the best reputation.

Xu Xian did not refuse. She was indeed responsible for recording their weights all year round, but Pani still occasionally exceeded three digits. This is a fact.

If it were Seohyun a few years ago, maybe he would have just told the truth. That scene would have been particularly exciting.

Fortunately, after so many years of indoctrination from girls, Xu Xian finally realized that the truth can hurt people in many situations.

Similarly, not every lie is so bad. White lies can also have a healing effect on many occasions.

"It's true. Ernie's weight has even been maintained under forty kilograms all year round!"

Xu Xian covered up for Pani this time, but it was obvious that she rarely lied, so she used too much force.

Forty kilograms is considered a relatively extreme weight for a female idol, and Pani is a plump type. The last time she weighed forty kilograms seemed to be when she just debuted?

In any case, Pani himself was too embarrassed to admit it, not to mention that there were other girls around who were eager to break the news at any time.

This kind of opportunity to openly smear a member is rare. If you kill a teammate, you will lose one part of the competition. How about giving it a try?

Pani discovered this in time, so after threatening Li Menglong, he went to find those women to silence him.

As for Li Menglong rubbing his neck and coughing dryly, he should really let these women learn how to fight if they have the chance, otherwise it would be insignificant.

Having had similar interactions several times, Li Menglong was really afraid that one day he would die in their hands!

"What are you looking at? You've never seen a quarrel, right?"

Li Menglong doesn't like anyone now. He looks like a porcupine with spikes all over his body: "Aren't we all awake already? Why don't you go to work!"

This is a sign of anger. Although everyone wanted to boo Li Menglong again, their rationality told them that it would be enough.

If we continue, it will really hurt both sides, so I just go to work. Anyway, my mood is really too happy now, and it is just right to use "painful" work to balance it out.

Although this group of people are all "obedient", their relaxed attitude still makes Li Menglong unhappy. This is not the effect he wants to see.

Seeing that Li Menglong was going to continue his output, Xu Xian from the group had to step in to stop him.

She is also very dissatisfied with everyone's acting skills, so she can't restrain herself a little. It's so difficult to pretend to be in pain. She must continue to stimulate Li Menglong!

But after all, none of them are professional actors, and it is indeed difficult to ask them to perform at a professional level, especially in front of the great director Li Menglong.

But she didn't want to see another conflict between the two sides, so she had to do something, such as diverting the trouble away?

"Oppa, I think the Unnies have gone too far this time. You can't just let them go!"

Xu Xian's words caused the girls who were having an intense interaction to stop instantly. They must have heard wrong, right? Otherwise, why would this little girl Xu Xian stab them in the back?

Besides, they had no sense of presence in the whole thing. Xu Xian insisted on attracting Li Menglong's attention. Did she have a bone in the back of her head?

But Xu Xian was also speechless. They could only say that in order to keep the entire department running normally, they had to make some sacrifices.

Each of them has shares in the company. Although they are not many, they can still receive annual dividends.

Therefore, it is also good for them to keep the department running smoothly, and it can even be said to be their obligation!

As for whether the girls will agree with this statement, that is not within Xu Xian's consideration. It would be nice if she could give a reason. They really can't ask for more.

So, can Li Menglong take these women to another place to fight, and don’t delay them from starting work here!

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