Yoona's performance at this moment far exceeded Li Menglong's expectations.

Considering Yoona's past personality and strong self-esteem, she should obviously shirk everything.

But that doesn't seem to be the case now. She is even more enthusiastic than Li Menglong: "Why do you take such a small cup? There is no one to eat, please take out the lunch box!"

Faced with Yoona's urging, the person opposite was obviously hesitant and used a lunch box to hold coffee, so what should he use to drink it?

"Use your mouth? How did you eat when you were eating before? Now you naturally drink it!"

Yoona said matter-of-factly, as if this shouldn't be a problem in her opinion.

After her repeated urging, the person opposite took out his lunch box slowly, while Yoona kept her promise and filled it up.

This is not an isolated case in the office. Seeing that they have no way out, these people seem to have turned on some kind of alternative switch.

This feeling is very similar to Yoona. When rejection is ineffective, why not try to enjoy it?

At this moment, Yoona didn't even think about whether she was embarrassed or not. Anyway, as long as everyone was embarrassed, then her behavior would be "ordinary".

I have to say that this is really a good idea, and it’s difficult for Yoona to come up with it in such a short period of time. Couldn’t she have already drafted it?

As everyone gradually lets go of themselves, the containers used to hold coffee are really diverse.

No one has taken out the common water cups anymore. Apart from being laughed at, there won’t be any new ideas.

As for the ones who took the lunch boxes, only the first one received applause, and subsequent imitations were more clumsy.

Nowadays, everyone is racking their brains to think about how to come up with new ideas, and some people have even gone crazy.

"Are you sure you want to use this bottle to hold coffee?"

Yoona was a little resistant instinctively, so let’s not talk about whether it is clean. Are you sure this bag won’t leak?

The next person was more innovative and brought a toothbrush for daily use. The white traces of toothpaste around it were still hanging on it.

With this toothpaste as a decoration, the taste of the coffee will probably be quite unique. At first glance, this person is a gourmet and a very particular person!

As this person gained Yoona's approval, the eyes of everyone around him were burning. Why didn't they think of this idea?

Everyone is obviously from the same company and is responsible for similar work, so logically they should have similar ideas.

But the gap between people is so big, especially in terms of creativity and imagination. This is talent and it is difficult to catch up later.

Li Menglong has a lot of say. Only an unconstrained and eclectic person like him can come up with the idea of ​​using a basin to hold coffee. He is really a genius!

Seeing Li Menglong becoming more and more proud, Yoona still had a hint of anger in her eyes.

I don’t think she, Lin Yoona, is really enjoying it. This is just a helpless solution. If she doesn’t do this, she, Lin Yoona, won’t have the shame to continue to stay.

But it was still forced after all, and Yoona didn't enjoy the feeling of being a "coffee beauty" at all.

She is already a top artist and does not need to continue to be recognized by her colleagues at work.

To put it too much, the number of people who wanted to flatter her was countless, and there was no shortage of the hundreds of people present.

But in order to integrate into the group, Yoona can only play this less lovable role. As expected, as an artist, you shouldn't dream of having freedom.

In the face of popularity and interests, if you give up freedom, personality, etc. appropriately, it can only be regarded as an exchange of equal value.

Since she doesn't plan to wake up alone, Yoona can only continue to play her role well. This is her self-requirement as an actor!

"Can the person behind you let go of the trash can? People can't...at least they shouldn't..."

Yoona tried her best to save some face for that person. Is this a sign of losing control of her activities?

Sure enough, events without any plan should not happen. Yoona now lacks the necessary means to calm everyone down.

Fortunately, a paper cup appeared in front of Yoona at this time. After experiencing lunch boxes, pen holders, tooth holders, etc., such a normal choice suddenly appeared, which made Yoona very uncomfortable.

Who is so bold? When everyone is pretending to be crazy, this person actually tries to make everyone drunk and me alone. Doesn't he know that this will alienate the entire group?

Yoona really wanted to persuade the other party at this moment. She really wasn't doing it for herself this time, she was just thinking about the other party.

But when Yoona saw Xu Xian's bright eyes, the words of persuasion on her lips were instantly stuck.

Xu Xian's appearance was not just a brake, it was a head-on collision that forced Yoona to stop.

"Why don't you give me coffee? Are you personally discriminating against paper cups?"

Xu Xian asked slightly indifferently, but these words almost immediately triggered Yoona's warning line.

This is not the result of thinking, it is completely regarded as her "passive skill". To be precise, most artists have this ability.

To put it simply, artists will instinctively avoid problems like choosing between two. This is the experience they have gained after being taught countless times.

Like Seohyun's question, if Yoona answered it on the show, it would probably cause an uproar immediately.

Regardless of whether she supports or opposes, another group of people will jump out and accuse her from the moral high ground.

To be precise, the two groups are probably the same group of people, but the results are the same.

So Yoona had no intention of answering at all, and poured Xu Xian a full cup of coffee in a more official manner, and that was it.

However, the seemingly simple interaction between the two people made everyone behind him feel relieved. They finally no longer had to work hard to innovate.

And I have to say that the reason why paper cups were invented is because they are convenient for drinking water. At least they are much more convenient than lunch boxes, dental tubes and the like.

As everyone regained some sense, the scene finally looked a lot more normal.

If you have to say something weird, it's just Yoona herself, because she has to keep using a spoon to pour coffee out of the basin.

Logically speaking, after reaching this step, things can gradually come to an end. Everyone divides the coffee and thanks Xu Xian together, that's all.

But I don’t know who brought it up and actually wanted to take photos of Yoona.

Is this an attempt to rebel? This is definitely a piece of black history!

As a well-known artist, it can be said that Yoona has been documented in various ways since her debut. There are countless similar embarrassing scenes.

Although it seems like she shouldn't care about this extra photo, Yoona just does!

If you can, reduce the amount of black history. Quantitative changes lead to qualitative changes. Maybe this photo will be the straw that breaks the camel's back in the future.

It's just that Yoona spoke up too early. She wasn't the one they wanted to thank and take photos with, so why did she refuse on Seohyun's behalf?

Li Menglong didn't mean to pity Yoona, so he said this directly, making Yoona look even more embarrassed.

Only then did she finally realize that she was just a tool responsible for making coffee throughout the whole process, and her importance was probably not as important as Li Menglong.

Not to mention Xu Xian herself, who was treating the guests. Her image in everyone's minds was already quite perfect, but now it's just a routine bonus.

In short, the good guy is Seohyun, the bad guy is Lee Mong-ryong, and Yoona, is she a clown?

Yoona figured this out by herself. Although no one said it openly, Yoona is not a stupid child, so how could she not hear it?

I didn’t expect that she, Lin Yoona, was so wise in her lifetime and had so many fans fanatically following her outside, but ended up turning into a clown in the workplace of the company. She failed!

Yoona's loneliness is quite obvious. Although everyone can see it, they don't know where the problem is. Do they need to apologize to Yoona?

It's not that they are stingy with their so-called dignity, it's simply that they are afraid that this move will arouse Yoona's rebellious psychology.

Everyone could only look at Xu Xian subconsciously. As a member of the same group, she should have something to do, right?

Many people even looked at Li Menglong, were they planning to ask him to help?

Regarding the thoughts of this group of people, Li Menglong can only say that it is unnecessary.

Even though Yoona is indeed young, she also looks so delicate that I feel pity for her.

But in fact, Yoona has been a "veteran" for many years, and has seen far more storms than these people here.

How could she really be depressed because of something like this? Or, even if she was temporarily depressed, how long would it last?

Relying on Yoona's strong self-regulation ability, it was enough to adjust her mentality, so they just kept their hearts in their stomachs.

Xu Xian obviously meant the same thing, so he invited everyone to take a photo together.

Although it is not a particularly memorable day, these daily interactions are meaningful in themselves.

Xu Xian even wanted to print out this photo, put it at his work station, or enlarge it and hang it on the wall of the company.

And her idea was immediately echoed by the fire. As for photography equipment, there is really no shortage here.

Almost all kinds of shooting equipment are available, and there are even semi-professional photographers. Will Li Menglong, the director, also play a role?

"What do you want me to do? Guide these people's positions, or make their smiles look warmer and more innocent?"

Li Menglong complained speechlessly, don't always want him to use his talents just because he has the status of a director. Isn't this one of the most annoying things for girls?

As singers, they are actually quite resistant to "singing a song" in various private occasions. Such occasions include but are not limited to singing studios, family gatherings...

Firstly, singing too many times will inevitably lead to boredom; secondly, it’s the singer’s self-esteem. They have practiced for so many years not just to perform on similar occasions.

Fortunately, Li Menglong is not that sensitive. If he wanted to simply record a video for everyone, he would still have to come forward.

Forget about just directing the photography. Asking a director to do this is really overkill.

"Tch, if you don't know, just say you can't. Do you think taking pictures is easy? Those famous photographers are so expensive!"

Yoona finally found a chance to vent her anger. Her contemptuous look made her want to trample Li Menglong under her feet.

However, her statement is biased. No matter how you look at it, the director is more like an enhanced version of the photographer.

If placed in a game, an ordinary person's first career would be a photographer, and his second career would be a director.

The photographer is only responsible for taking good photos, while the director is responsible for taking "photos" that last in hours.

From a quantitative perspective alone, the two are not players of the same weight.

As for Yoona's so-called expense issue, it's okay for outsiders to not understand it. She has two directors around her. Doesn't she know the income of these two directors as directors?

Because he had enough confidence, Li Menglong did not respond to Yoona's ridicule, but calmly sat in the C position: "Xiaoxian, sit next to me!"

Looking at Li Menglong's enthusiastic invitation, Xu Xian instinctively resisted.

Although artists have an instinct for the center position, this is just a private photo shoot, and Seohyun doesn't want to be in the limelight.

Seeing that Xu Xian didn't come over, Li Menglong thought that the other party was shy. In that case, he would find a partner for her.

"The aunt who distributes coffee should also take a rest for a while and come over to take a group photo together. I will make an exception and allow you to sit next to her!"

Faced with Li Menglong's invitation, Yoona didn't really want to agree. Who asked him to call Xu Xian first, as if she was an alternative answer.

In the end, Li Menglong even tried to call her "Auntie". How could he have the nerve to call her "Auntie"? She, Lin Yoona, was famously young!

Seeing that Yoona refused to agree, Li Menglong actually tried to mobilize the people around him to shout along with him. Did he take it for granted?

But how should I put it, maybe everyone has a death wish, especially the opportunity to "tease" Yoona in this small way is especially rare.

So as several people responded one after another, more and more people joined in, and for a while the entire company could faintly hear their shouts - Aunt Yoona!

Yoona's face suddenly turned red. Are these people still the same people she knows?

She, Lin Yoona, always thought that her popularity and image in the company were pretty good, but now it seems that she is overthinking it. In the eyes of these people, she is just an aunt or an aunt.

It is said that Yoona can accept that one day she will grow old and become an aunt, but that will be a long process of ten years.

At least in recent years, even primary school students would probably call her sister when they see her.

Unexpectedly, these people made Yoona "age" in advance and made her realize that she will not be young forever, so does she still need to thank these people?

But now she still faces an important choice, whether to reject this "insulting" name and let them keep shouting, or whether to reluctantly sit over and at least let these people stop first.

Both paths seemed difficult to her. How should she choose?

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