"What nonsense are you talking about? Wherever there is any advance discussion, it's all..."

"That's just improvising. I didn't expect you two to have such a tacit understanding, but Lee Soon Kyu's acting skills are really bad!"

Seohyun forcibly interrupted Lee Mong-yong's answer and commented on Lee Soon-gyu's acting skills with his chin raised.

This made Li Menglong not sure how to answer. Xu Xian seemed to have already determined a certain fact.

And what she said makes sense. It’s really hard to deny Lee Mong-ryong. Is it possible that Lee Soon-gyu’s acting skills still deserve praise?

It should be said that it is thanks to Lee Soon Kyu's relatively clear positioning. Otherwise, if she followed Yoona's example and insisted on becoming a movie queen, the careers of these two directors in the family would be over.

Even if Lee Mong-ryong and Seohyun tried their best, it would be difficult for Lee Soon-kyu to be promoted to such a high position because she does not have this acting skills as a basis.

It's just that her acting skills are bad. The key is that she has no ambition. Compared with Yoona, it's really a world of difference.

It's just that this kind of praise should be hard to make Yoona happy. How could she be reduced to comparing herself with Lee Soon Kyu?

The two of them are not players on the same track at all. Lee Soon Kyu is just playing for fun on the road to becoming an actor, but she, Lin Yoona, is serious!

Besides, even if attitude is put aside, in terms of talent alone, she, Lin Yoona, should be much better than Lee Soon Kyu. Isn't this a fact?

Regarding this question, Li Menglong and Xu Xian's answers may be cruel.

To be honest, among the idols who turn into actors, there are only a few who are talented.

The reason why idols can become actors depends more on their appearance, plus the influence of popularity, business, etc.

Among the many influencing factors, acting is definitely not included.

For example, when there are two idols competing for a role at the same time, the first thing to consider is popularity, salary, appearance, etc. Among them, acting skills will definitely not be ranked high.

It can be said that why do two people with no acting skills have to compete with each other? Isn’t this embarrassing for the director?

However, the ability of acting is still somewhat special. Although talent can create distance, through long-term training, great progress may not be possible.

As long as there are enough opportunities to "squander", the growth rate is still considerable.

This has been verified by many artists, and idols have many performance opportunities due to off-site factors.

Yoona is one of the more outstanding representatives, and her acting skills have been steadily improving with each film.

It is estimated that after a similar situation continues for a few more years, she will transition to making a few literary films.

After all, literary and artistic films can theoretically better showcase acting skills and greatly increase the probability of winning awards.

As for Yoona specifically, she has another choice. There are two directors at home, one senior and one junior. Does she still want to go out to pick up roles?

Even if these two people work slowly and meticulously every year, they can only produce one work every two years on average.

Lin Yoona, on the other hand, can maintain the frequency of one work per year, which just covers the creative cycle of the two of them.

It takes a year to create a character, which is considered prudent for any actor. She, Lin Yoona, fully deserves the trust of the two.

In short, she is completely bound to these two people, no one can think of getting rid of her!

Especially Seohyun, she can be regarded as growing up with Seohyun. When he was unknown on the road to directing, Yoona was the first to lower his demands and come to help.

Xu Xian must remember this kindness and not forget her after achieving certain success in the future!

Naturally, Xu Xian and Li Menglong knew very well about Yoona's little thoughts, so they were not that disgusted.

After all, to be honest, Yoona has achieved a good balance in terms of acting skills and popularity.

If you choose normally, Yoona will have a place, not to mention she has her own advantages.

Yoona's main advantage is that she is extremely cooperative and communicates smoothly without any unnecessary considerations.

When the director can live with the actors and can correct the actors' thinking almost all day long, this advantage is simply much greater than that of outsiders.

Yoona is naturally aware of this, so even if everyone gradually moves out of the dormitory in the future, she will be the last one to move out.

As long as Xu Xian and Li Menglong still live together, she will definitely stay here and no one can drive her away!

She can pay a lot for this, such as paying rent, paying for water and electricity, and even including food, accommodation, shopping, etc.

Yoona will use her huge financial resources to completely "support" these two directors. In other words, this can be regarded as the pinnacle of alternative actors, right?

After all, for ordinary female artists, the most radical way to bind a director is to marry the other person, but it is impossible to marry two people at the same time.

But Yoona is much more advanced now. She mainly plays the emotional card, plus some material compensation. She is very satisfied with it!

Other girls can do similar things. After all, the relationship between Li Menglong and them is not a joke.

It's just that this will be very tiring. If you want to obtain as many resources as you want, you must put in corresponding efforts.

Otherwise, an originally excellent script, coupled with a professional team, would be brought down by the leading heroine, leading to the failure of the entire work. Can anyone bear this responsibility?

If it happened once, the girls would probably be too embarrassed to see anyone.

If it were an ordinary team, the worst they could do would be to stop cooperating next time, and it wouldn't be a bad idea not to meet each other for the rest of their lives.

But how Li Menglong and Xu Xian can avoid it is an unsolvable problem.

So while they envy Yoona, they can't feel any jealousy. Who makes them unwilling to bear this heavy responsibility.

It would be nice if they could play some supporting roles along the way, but Yoona herself should be the one who is really responsible for the box office.

As for Yoona's own pressure, only the little girl knows it. It is estimated that she will be tossing and turning on the bed in the second half of the night.

While Lee Menglong and Seohyun complained about Lee Soonkyu, they also didn't forget to praise Yoona. Is this a reward for Yoona's hard work?

But Yoona couldn't hear it now, and Li Menglong didn't have any thoughts that he wanted to convey to Yoona.

It's better for the little girl to keep a certain amount of pressure on her, otherwise her little tail will be exposed.

"Stop talking about Ernie, what do you want to do now? You know you still owe money!"

Xu Xian was one of those people who didn't open the pot. He didn't even notice that Li Menglong was planning to forget it. Did this little girl do it on purpose?

But since it’s all mentioned, it really needs to be resolved.

Li Menglong had already paid off the previous debt related to coffee with his own work. What he now owed was the ingredients he had stolen before.

But how should we calculate the cost? Should we only calculate the price of the original ingredients, or should we calculate it according to the actual price marked on the menu?

Li Menglong undoubtedly prefers the former, but Xu Xian thinks the latter is more suitable.

It's not that she can't figure out the relationship, it's just that she really doesn't want to cause any more trouble because of such a small amount of money.

So Xu Xian plans to solve all the problems at once. As for the specific means, it is nothing more than giving him enough money at once!

This method is undoubtedly a waste of money, but who is going to provide the money?

Judging from the meaning of Xu Xian's words, could it be that the little girl is planning to make a donation?

If a normal man came over, he probably wouldn't accept it. Some people with a stronger personality might think it was an insult to him.

But it doesn't hold true for Li Menglong. If someone can take the initiative to help, what kind of self-esteem should be considered?

Besides, Xu Xian is really rich, why can't he accept the other party's help?

Looking at Li Menglong's confident appearance, to be honest, Xu Xian was a little resistant.

It's not that I really don't want to help, I just want to see how disappointed he is.

But after seeing enough excitement, Xu Xian is also a little tired. It's better to go up to work quickly. By the way, everyone upstairs should be awake too, right?

He randomly took out a card from his wallet and handed it to Li Menglong. The password of any card was not secret to him anyway.

"Go check out first, and buy some coffee on the way."

"You want to invite everyone to drink coffee again? It's not easy for you to make some money, just buy two cups for the two of us!"

Li Menglong advised the other party from Xu Xian's perspective, but why did these words sound so inconsistent to Xu Xian's ears.

If Li Menglong was sincere, he should just buy Xu Xian a drink. Why bring his own?

As for inviting everyone to drink coffee from time to time, Xu Xian thinks it is a sure-fire business.

First of all, the price is not that expensive, at least for Xu Xian, it is completely within the range of daily expenses.

Secondly, a cup of relatively cheap coffee can bring a lot of convenience to her work.

Although these conveniences will not disappear even without coffee, Xu Xianke never takes all this for granted.

You must know that in the workplace, everyone is not her fan, and it is impossible to tolerate everything about her unconditionally.

As long as you are an individual, you must have shortcomings. Xu Xian just tried to hide his shortcomings better by trying to please everyone in advance.

However, her thoughts are destined to be a bit over-the-top. You must know that she often appears in pairs with Li Menglong at work. With Li Menglong as the background, she is simply the Virgin herself.

Xu Xian can completely let go and be himself, while Li Menglong will firmly attract everyone's hostile eyes like a magnet.

By the way, if Li Menglong did all this on purpose, it would be really touching.

It's a pity that even with Li Menglong's love for Xu Xian, he can't do this all year round.

His behaviors are completely his own nature and have little to do with Xu Xian.

On the contrary, Xu Xian built a buffer between Li Menglong and everyone because of his own existence.

By the way, the working atmosphere on the second floor is so harmonious, in which Xu Xian plays a crucial role!

However, neither Li Menglong nor Xu Xian himself is good at going into details about his achievements. Instead, doing things silently is more in line with their styles.

But this does not mean that the two of them have no idea. They are still very grateful to each other and cherish this rare time.

"You'd better do as I say, otherwise there won't be any good excuse to wake everyone up."

Xu Xian pushed Li Menglong again, but Li Menglong was unmoved: "Do you need a reason to wake them up? You let me go up, and you definitely don't need these external means!"

Xu Xian undoubtedly believed Li Menglong's harsh words, but doing so was too strong and inconsistent with Xu Xian's usual character.

So let's listen to her on this matter. Besides, what qualifications does Li Menglong have to make such a fuss here?

"Do you still want to use this card? If you don't need it, I can take it back!"

This is Xu Xian's performance of flipping the table, and this trick is undoubtedly very effective.

Li Menglong hesitated but gave in. There is nothing shameful in bowing his head in front of money.

It's just his aggrieved look that makes Xu Xian want to complain. What does he have to be aggrieved about? He doesn’t have to pay for it!

Moreover, Xu Xian had no intention of taking credit for himself. Instead, he planned to give all the credit to Li Menglong, who took the initiative to buy coffee as a treat.

Xu Xian himself was very touched by this behavior of giving money and thinking about Li Menglong, but in the end not even taking his name.

"Hurry up and move, otherwise I'm going to cry."

Xu Xian pretended to wipe his tears, leaving Li Menglong confused.

Fortunately, this was not the first time that he couldn't keep up with the girls' thoughts. It was rare that he was confused, so he just followed the little girl's wishes.

Taking advantage of Xu Xian's free time upstairs, Li Menglong came to the cashier to pay the bill: "Where is the person? A customer is here, didn't you see it?"

While Li Menglong was talking, he was banging on the table. He didn't look like a guest. He was clearly here to make trouble.

In other words, the boss lady has cultivated her moral character in recent years. If she had taken it back when she was young, she would have scolded such a person when she met him.

"Hello guest, do you need any services?"

"Who is the boss of your store? Ask her to come and talk to me. I want to negotiate a big deal, you little guy..."

Li Menglong's words were forcibly interrupted. If he didn't dodge, the punch would have hit his nose.

"I'm here to make a purchase. Is this the attitude in your store?"

"That's right, this is what happens in our store. Why don't you get out of here? Don't delay the store's business!"

The lady boss seemed to be swatting away flies, waving her hands in annoyance, her contemptuous attitude was quite obvious.

It's just that the more she behaves like this, Li Menglong will sometimes stick to her in a mean manner. He really wants to spend money!

"Bring me dozens of cups of the coffee I drank before. Is there a discount for such a large order?"

Li Menglong held the table and spoke very grandly. People who didn't know it thought it was really a big deal.

It’s just how much the coffee in the store is worth. To be honest, it’s no different from ordinary instant coffee, and the company has always provided instant coffee for free.

If Li Menglong had this time, he might as well go upstairs and brew dozens of cups by himself, which would save more money!

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