The Rise of Korean Entertainment

Chapter 3109 Temporary Assignment

"No need to continue, I understand everything!"

Li Menglong hurriedly held the landlady's fist, but he couldn't really let it fall.

Different from the showy girls, although the boss lady has now been promoted to "management", she still has to visit the front line every day.

According to her, this is to ensure the quality and service of the fried chicken restaurant. At the same time, this is also the reason why she has not opened a branch. She really can't control it.

According to normal practice, she should authorize the name and brand of the store now, and just keep the main store to earn the rent.

After all, you have the golden hen guarding the girls. As long as you bring them over from time to time to advertise, you really don't have to worry about not being able to sell.

Those brands that look for young girls to endorse them, don’t they value their influence, or the huge purchasing power of their fans?

It's just that the boss lady is not willing to earn this kind of money. Although it is easy, it is too easy and she cannot get it safely.

It's better to be like now. She goes around various positions every day, and the operation of the entire store is under her control, so that she can feel at ease.

Year-round hard work is the best form of fitness. Although the landlady has no muscles, her hands are very strong.

One punch would not only break Li Menglong's bones on the spot, but it would still be okay to cause him pain for a period of time.

Li Menglong was not a masochist, so he naturally didn't want to be beaten for no reason, so what else could he say? Why not disturb those people from their nap?

If you think about it carefully, it's quite frustrating for him to be the boss. Don't these two people think so?

"You are a good boss. If one day the company really encounters difficulties, I won't dare to tell you for a long time, but if wages are not paid for a few months in the short term, most of us will still be willing to stick to it!"

Xu Xian took the initiative to calm Li Menglong's emotions. These words were not entirely deceiving Li Menglong.

Given the company's atmosphere, if these people were asked to work in a different environment, most of them wouldn't be able to adapt.

Apart from anything else, leaders like Li Menglong, a "doormat" type, are hard to come across, and they cherish them very much.

It's just that everyone hasn't shown it, or the company hasn't given them a chance to show it so far.

They also want to show their loyalty to the company during headwinds, but now it seems far away.

The overall upward trend of the company is extremely obvious. In the eyes of outsiders, they are the lucky ones who have found a good company.

In other words, anyone who comes here will achieve corresponding success.

This view is rather biased. Although it cannot be said that the company's development is closely related to everyone's efforts, it is definitely not the result of the efforts of Li Menglong and several people.

To put it simply, it is a gathering of everyone's efforts. Although everyone's contribution is different, they have indeed contributed to the development of the company.

Including Xu Xian herself, she has nothing to do with Yourong. She should be regarded as an "outstanding and advanced individual" in this process, right?

Whenever the company wants to select outstanding internal employees in the future, no matter how many people are selected, Xu Xian believes that they should have their own place.

Externally, she is considered one of the faces of the company, and can even be said to be the artist with the best image in the company.

Internally, she assisted Li Menglong in completing many works one after another, and her participation rate was getting higher and higher.

With the combination of the two, Xu Xian really can't be more modest, she is so outstanding!

Maybe he was feeling guilty, so Xu Xian pulled Li Menglong, who was downcast, and said, "Oppa, do you think I'm great?"

Li Menglong couldn't even ask such a shameless question. Is Xu Xian here to add insult to injury?

He even gave up on his own initiative, but Xu Xian still refused to let him go, insisting on coming up to get a few words of praise. This was simply too much!

Li Menglong was about to give this little girl some color, but he saw the meaningful look in his eyes from the landlady in front of him.

Sure enough, a child like Xu Xian is always protected by his elder sister wherever he goes. Most people can't afford to offend him at all.

When she was a trainee, she had Jung Soo-yeon as her eldest sister, and after she debuted, she had Kim Taeyeon and the others taking care of her. Even now, she is protected by the boss lady. Does Seohyun recognize the passive attribute of a eldest sister?

But regardless of whether Xu Xian did this intentionally or not, the results alone were indeed quite good, and she was well protected.

For example, at this moment, Li Menglong clearly wanted to say a few rude words to Xu Xian, but in the end he could only compliment Xu Xian against his will.

"Tch, you don't take it seriously at all. It looks so fake. I don't appreciate this kind of compliment!"

Xu Xian replied arrogantly, and then ran to the front to chat with the landlady.

She really doesn't care about these honors that much. It's mainly because she has been out for a long time and can still see through the false reputation.

The reason why they are still fighting for these things in the circle now is entirely because the fame in the entertainment circle is highly tied to interests.

If you want to see the real situation, you should look at famous artists who have been around for many years, especially those who are well-known but not on the front line.

People live a free and easy life. Xu Xian really hopes that she can have a similar life, but judging from her age, it will take at least ten years to start.

Regarding this small misunderstanding between the two, neither Li Menglong nor Xu Xian wanted to confirm it.

They didn't know it was a misunderstanding at first. They all had their own perceptions.

Secondly, even if there is a misunderstanding, the two of them will resolve it on their own and will not take such a trivial matter to their hearts.

Li Menglong is now more concerned about what the landlady wants him to do. He really doesn't owe much money, so don't go too far!

To be precise, he didn't owe any money. He had already paid for the coffee, but the landlady's price was too high.

By the way, the boss lady has always claimed that she only makes the money she deserves, but is this money also what she deserves? This is clearly blackmail!

"Am I blackmailing you? Did I force you to drink coffee, or did I force you to pay ten times the price for compensation? Didn't you say it yourself!"

The landlady didn't even look back. She didn't need to care so much about the loser's wailing. She wanted to enjoy the joy of being the winner now: "Go, go to the kitchen and make me a snack. I want to spend the afternoon drinking with Xu Xian." Tea!"

This tone and demeanor are very similar to those of an ancient master, but Li Menglong is not a long-term worker in her family, and he also has dignity!

Besides, what time is it now? It’s only been an hour since Xu Xian had lunch, and now he’s starting to have afternoon tea?

No matter how hard it is to have afternoon tea, people would go to a coffee shop. What kind of afternoon tea would they have at a fried chicken restaurant?

There is a chicken drumstick in the left hand, a cup of coffee in the right hand, and a mouthful of French fries. This scene has nothing to do with afternoon tea.

But the focus now is afternoon tea. The landlady just wants him to work.

In fact, the boss's wife is now facing similar troubles as Li Menglong before. Li Menglong doesn't know how to arrange Yoona, and the boss's wife doesn't know how to arrange him.

Let Li Menglong do odd jobs, it would be overkill, and besides, being seen by the guests would not have much impact after all.

But asking him to work in the kitchen is a bit excessive. After all, the jobs of chefs in the store are very high.

Don’t think that fried chicken does not require skills. It can only be said that if you want to make something famous in every industry, the threshold is not low.

Like Li Menglong, an apprentice taught by the landlady step by step, his craftsmanship is naturally unparalleled.

So if we calculate the money for him based on his job as a chef, Li Menglong really only needs to do one or two orders.

Whenever he works for a long time, the landlady will give him some money.

From this point of view, Li Menglong can be regarded as a man with skills. Once the girls here lose their jobs one day, he is not afraid of starving to death, right?

"Are we unemployed? You should worry about other things, such as when the asteroid will hit the earth again!"

Xu Xian retorted unceremoniously that this involved their combination, and Xu Xian could not give in.

Besides, she does have the confidence. Even if their future development is not very satisfactory, she will never let Li Menglong go out to work to support them.

No matter how bad they are, they can still go out and take part in some surrounding commercial activities, cutting ribbons for various shops, performing, etc.

This is not Xu Xian's nonsense, many new groups do rely on these activities to survive.

Maybe ordinary people have a one-sided understanding of idols and groups. To put it simply, any group that can be familiar with and can be called out by name can be considered a success.

At least these combinations can maintain a relatively decent balance of payments. As for whether the idol himself can get a share of the money, that is another matter.

And many groups don't even have the chance to appear in TV shows. Since their debut, they can only wander around the countryside across the country, taking on weddings and funerals.

Ordinary people would separate them from groups that can only be seen on TV, but in fact they all come out of the same system.

Among these "folk artists" who didn't know a few celebrities when they were trainees, it can only be said that they did not succeed in debuting in the end.

And once Xu Xian brings her group of "has-been" sisters to do these activities, even if their popularity drops to the bottom, they are still reduced to a crushing existence.

Although it will be a lot tiring, don't underestimate these activities. If you calculate it carefully, the income will be quite considerable, at least it is much more reliable than Li Menglong selling fried chicken to support them.

"So just do your job with peace of mind and don't worry about things that are beyond your ability. We can still make money to support you!"

Xu Xian even scratched Li Menglong's chin frivolously as he spoke, as if he was a regular customer in some store.

But is there some ambiguity in what he said? Li Menglong relied on his own ability to obtain equal revenge. Why did Xu Xian feel that he was being taken care of?

"Is there a problem with what I say? If we don't make money, what will we use to pay you a salary, buy you clothes, and pay rent, water and electricity..."

Xu Xianda had a posture of telling Li Menglong to figure things out with his fingers. Li Menglong was so frightened that he immediately ran away to the kitchen because he was making afternoon tea for these two women.

The people in the kitchen have long been accustomed to Li Menglong's appearance. After all, there are many old people here who have known him since the proprietress opened the shop.

In fact, most of them are still competitors of the boss lady. As for why they are here, it is not because they were recruited by the boss lady's high salary.

Almost all of this group of people have been working for more than ten or twenty years. It’s no wonder that they always say that the fried chicken in the store is delicious. The proprietress has really spent money on it.

Not to mention the raw materials, the best evidence is that people from the company often come here to eat.

They are all people who can enter the kitchen. If the store is lagging behind in various aspects, will they feel wronged?

However, these have little to do with Li Menglong. Although he receives part of the dividends from the fried chicken restaurant, he has long been no longer responsible for the actual operation.

It's doubtful whether this part of the dividend has been paid accurately, or at least he doesn't know, because Li Shunkyu is responsible for receiving this kind of income.

The relationship between him and Lee Soon Kyu is really enviable. It is estimated that many people will think that Lee Soon Kyu has taken a big advantage when they learn the truth.

After all, how many couples ended up in court because of income issues, but the result simply didn't exist here because Li Menglong didn't know anything.

But Lee Soon Kyu also has something to say. Is this what she is willing to do? It’s not that Li Menglong is lazy!

She, Li Soonkyu, doesn't covet the money. She also makes a lot of money.

Every year when their team reconciles the accounts, the process is very simple. Li Menglong organizes the accounts clearly. They just look at them and sign directly. The whole process does not take more than half an hour.

After she handled her own income, she spent a long time sorting out Li Menglong's corresponding income. She seemed to be Li Menglong's personal finance.

Anyway, Lee Soon Kyu really felt that he was at a disadvantage, so he went to find trouble with Lee Mong Ryong.

But Li Menglong was like an ostrich, burying his head in the sand and pretending not to hear anything.

Every year, in order to sort out the income of the girls, he has grown up and grown up. If Lee Soon Kyu has any conscience, he should take over the other side of the matter.

This can be regarded as a job exchange to a certain extent, except that Li Menglong served nine of them at the same time, but when it came time to pay off the debt, there was only one Li Shunkyu!

Lee Menglong rarely gave an explanation for this. Judging from the underlying logic of his position, he has actually always been Lee Soonkyu's personal assistant.

So to be precise, this is the interaction between the two of them, and it has little to do with the other girls.

The end result of going around and around is that Lee Soon Kyu is completely angry, and he beats Lee Mong Ryong at a fixed time almost every year. Girls are all familiar with it.

And Li Menglong also inexplicably thought of Li Soonkyu's hard work at this moment, so how about repaying her a little and doing a share for her by the way?

Anyway, he doesn’t have to pay for the ingredients himself. As long as he doesn’t let the landlady see it, he can just borrow flowers to offer to Buddha.

The more I think about it, the more reliable it becomes. Li Menglong’s movements have become much brisker. I hope Li Soonkyu didn’t eat too much at noon!

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