"Run errands? Lunch? But Yoona has already sold it for us. Sorry, you're late."

The girls explained to Li Menglong with a little pity, but why did they seem to take more pleasure in others' misfortunes?

Couldn't they have planned it in advance? Deliberately embarrassing him, Li Menglong?

And what should Yoona say about her? This little girl has obviously crossed the line. She has started to take on menial jobs like running errands?

Li Menglong wanted to save money and earn some tips, but Lin Yoona is such a rich person, why should she wrong herself?

Besides, she didn’t have any money today, so how could she take everyone out again?

Although Yoona could also follow Li Menglong's example and eat and drink, but based on his understanding of Yoona, he would probably still ask her to treat him.

In short, it is difficult for Li Menglong to understand Yoona's thoughts, but he can simply summarize from the results, for example, he suffered a loss!

"She doesn't know how long it will take before she comes back. You will be starving. Otherwise, I should buy it. You can have a steaming meal in ten minutes."

Li Menglong is still trying to fight for it. After all, when it comes to running errands, he still has an advantage.

The girls were obviously a little moved, because what Li Menglong said was true, but this matter was mixed with too much selfishness on their part, and it could no longer be considered purely beneficial or not.

"You'd better not waste your efforts here. We won't change our decision. You can go eat quickly."

Kim Taeyeon gave the final answer on behalf of the girls, but Lee Mongryong had nowhere to go.

If there was a place where he could eat, would he still come here to seek opportunities to run errands?

To be precise, Li Menglong still had an alternative plan. Wouldn't it be possible for him to starve to death if the girls hadn't come over?

It's just that he also has his own considerations. Not only can he be popular and drink spicy food with the girls, but the key is not to have any psychological burden.

Li Menglong always asks his subordinates and colleagues to treat guests, but Li Menglong is not that shameless.

So he would either go hungry at noon today, or grab a meal from the hands of the girls. He thought he would succeed.

Seeing that the collective will of the girls was quite strong, Li Menglong naturally stopped touching them and decided to defeat them one by one.

After all, there are so many people gathered together. It is impossible for everyone to have the same thoughts. There will always be someone who is more lively.

They are just restricted by the so-called collective, so they cannot freely express their wishes. What Li Menglong has to do is to provide them with a relatively private space.

As for the candidates, Li Menglong still considered them carefully.

He doesn't want too much trouble, so the best result is a success, so what are Pani still waiting for?

"Huh? You want to go out with me and talk alone?"

Pani pointed at her nose and was puzzled. Did the two of them have so many shameful things? Why go out and talk?

"For work matters, please come out quickly."

"No, I have nothing to hide from them, you can just say it here."

Pani was very stubborn, and he didn't know whether he had seen through Li Menglong's thoughts or simply didn't think much about it.

Li Menglong believed that the latter was more likely. The reason why he approached Pani first was because this girl was easy to talk to.

It's just that he ignored Pani's own character. Now he is riding a tiger and is in trouble. Can't Pani give him some face?

The rest of the girls are all kind of human beings. They saw through his methods almost immediately, and they still want to defeat them one by one, right?

Kim Taeyeon just wants to tell him to stop daydreaming. They are very united and will never be tempted by Li Menglong, no matter what conditions he offers!

This self-confidence actually aroused Li Menglong's rebellion. Is Kim Taeyeon too confident in them?

Since the side seduce didn't work, then Li Menglong simply stopped pretending and just offered the conditions. I don't believe anyone would take the bait.

"Listen up, as long as anyone is willing to invite me to lunch, you can go back to rest immediately, and you can even take the rest tomorrow!"

Li Menglong's condition is a slight blow to the girls. He really understands these women.

The conditions offered must not be too excessive, otherwise the girls will not believe it and he will probably doubt it himself.

And too simple conditions will not attract girls, so the sense of proportion here must be quite right.

The current conditions meet this requirement very well. Who would object to having too much rest time?

Although they can leave now, it is considered absenteeism, which is completely different from the rest after Li Menglong approves the leave note.

At least they can rest more confidently. Even if it's not tomorrow, they can still take a nap this afternoon.

And all they need to pay is the cost of a meal. No matter how you look at it, it is cost-effective.

Many of the girls were already attracted, but everyone just looked at each other in secret, and no one was the first to stand up.

This kind of thing is still somewhat taboo. Although it is not serious, it still makes people hesitate.

At this time, Kim Taeyeon's responsibility as the captain was revealed, and she was the first to speak.

The moment they saw her take action, the other girls were a little discouraged, because the opportunity to mark them was gone.

But what happened next left them stunned. They didn't expect that Kim Taeyeon turned out to be this kind of person!

"We agreed to rest for a day and a half. Even if we miss a minute, how much does lunch cost? Is ten thousand enough?"

Kim Taeyeon took out the money as she spoke, and she seemed to have predicted the reaction of the women behind her, so she quickly pulled Li Menglong and ran outside.

It’s just that how could the girls let her go? She was the one who asked everyone to unite before using the combination and the team as an excuse. Now she is the first one to jump out after seeing the benefits. Is she the leader?

"I am also trying to teach you some principles of life. How can you let the benefits slip away when you see them? You must seize them in time!"

Kim Taeyeon is still defending her plausibly, but will the rest of the people believe it?

Even Li Menglong dislikes Kim Taeyeon. She deserves to be taught a lesson today, but her money is innocent.

So Li Menglong's choice was to quietly withdraw after taking 10,000 yuan, and he didn't even forget to close the door for them.

As for the vacation he promised, he won't stop it, but will the other girls let her go?

But after taking a few steps, Li Menglong slowly came to some realizations. Could it be that Kim Taeyeon did it on purpose?

After all, in that case, her wisdom would not fail to see the subsequent results.

So she was just trying to prevent other girls from standing up?

This kind of disguised act of maintaining unity within the team is still very admirable. It's not impossible to call it self-dedication, but is Kim Taeyeon sure to have such a high consciousness?

There is definitely no way to confirm this kind of thing, and Li Menglong just thought about it casually. I hope this is Kim Taeyeon's true thoughts, which will at least make her feel better when she is beaten.

Holding the banknotes donated by Kim Taeyeon in his hand, Li Menglong felt very confident. There was nothing on this street that he couldn't afford!

Of course, it cannot be said so absolutely. He should add restrictions, such as the cheapest food in each store.

However, Li Menglong still had other thoughts. Now that the money is in his hands, can he save it?

He admires himself, he deserves to be rich!

In order to save up enough as a "betrothal gift" for his wife as soon as possible, Li Menglong decided to go to a wealthy family today.

Didn't Yoona come out surrounded by a group of people before? Where did they go?

It's really not that troublesome to find Yoona. After all, there are only a few shops that you often visit around. You can basically confirm it by checking if there are any fans at the door.

Relying on this method, Li Menglong successfully reached the door, but there were a lot of fans outside. Wasn't there any cover for Yoona?

In fact, Yoona made a mistake this time. You could say she got carried away. She actually forgot about her terrifying popularity.

Although the surrounding shops were not surprised by them, there were still many ordinary customers eating there.

As a result, it spread to ten and hundreds of people, and gradually many people gathered around.

However, the store owner made a decisive decision and immediately suspended operations, and no new customers were allowed into the store.

Although this was convenient for Yoona, it had a lot of impact on the store's business.

Who is Yoona? How could she watch the store suffer a loss? So she made a phone call and immediately called many colleagues around her.

Since then, this place has become a temporary dining venue for the company. Although the food is only fast food, the atmosphere is still quite good.

Seeing so many people giving face, Yoona was really happy. She motioned for everyone to eat more. She, Lin Yoona, paid for everything today.

It is said that although Yoona paid for the meal in advance, it was not enough for so many people to eat together. She should be worried about the meal money.

But who made Xu Xian follow him stupidly? This little girl wouldn't watch her working in the store to pay off her debts, right?

After all, she was supposed to work for Li Menglong in the afternoon.

She doesn't know how to clone herself. If she owes two people money at the same time, are they going to fight over their right to belong?

Fortunately, Xu Xian couldn't have watched this happen. To be precise, even if she hadn't come over, the people around her wouldn't have been able to just watch.

We all clearly came together, but when we left, we left Yoona behind. This is not embarrassing enough even to say it.

In fact, no matter how bad things are, Yoona can still go out to "perform". With so many fans around, she can just sing a few songs, and she can collect the food money.

With so many escape routes, Yoona naturally wouldn't think too much. She would just fill her stomach first. Besides, there were still people in the company waiting for her to bring food.

When Li Menglong came in, he saw this lively scene. He didn't even notice Yoona and Xu Xian at the first time.

In order to avoid being chased by fans, the two little girls had already hid in the compartments inside, which provided Li Menglong with an opportunity to fish in troubled waters.

"What's going on? Are you eating whatever you want now? Who will pay the bill in the end?"

Li Menglong asked his boss directly. The people in the company couldn't be trusted. What if he was set up?

Although the boss is honest, he can't give a specific answer.

Because no one came to him to talk about payment issues, the boss himself naturally didn’t think much about it. After all, Yoona and Seohyun were both here, so they wouldn’t skip the bill, right?

"It makes sense. If no one really pays, you can go directly to the company and ask for money. In the morning, a coffee shop came to ask for money. The scene was very lively."

Li Menglong chatted familiarly, but his hands were not idle, and he quickly packed a plate full of food for himself.

"Put it on the account. Don't refuse to charge me just because I'm a regular customer. I'll be unhappy."

Li Menglong warned himself, but this kind of statement is a bit hypocritical, right?

Firstly, the boss has no intention of waiving the bill, and secondly, he didn’t pay for it himself, so how can he pretend to be generous?

But after all, no one dared to say such words in front of Li Menglong. Even though they had made it clear with their eyes, Li Menglong didn't see anything.

He is now focusing on the meal in front of him, and he is extremely satisfied with everything that happened at noon today.

Not only did I get meal money from Kim Taeyeon, but the most important thing is that now the money is not spent, and I have another lunch in vain. This is really pleasant.

Maybe Li Menglong's smile was so hateful that someone even took the initiative to tip off Yoona.

"What? Li Menglong also ate out, or did he put the meal money in my name?"

As Yoona spoke, she immediately slapped the table hard, and the soup splashed from the food directly wet Xu Xian's clothes.

"Well, this is definitely an accidental injury. You know me, maknae!"

Yoona quickly took out a tissue and pressed it to Xu Xian's chest. Although she had good intentions, Xu Xian still couldn't accept such an intimate gesture, especially in front of so many people.

"Where are you touching? I can do it myself!"

Xu Xian shyly avoided Yoona's dirty hands. This action made Yoona laugh. Do the two of them still need to avoid this?

But now is not the time to get entangled in these minutiae. She has to teach Li Menglong a lesson. For example, don't take advantage of the owner without his consent.

"If you say that, you obviously went too far."

While Xu Xian wiped the stains on his clothes, he did not forget to warn Yoona. She had forgotten what happened before, right?

If Li Menglong just came to take advantage, then Yoona's behavior can be said to be stealing.

So at least in this matter, Yoona is not qualified to trouble Li Menglong.

Of course, Xu Xian also said this on purpose. She was really afraid that Yoona would go outside and quarrel with Li Menglong.

You must know that there are not only her colleagues around, but also many fans outside. Is she sure she wants her fans to see this scene?

Although a quarrel with Lee Mong-ryong doesn't seem to cause too much trouble, is Yoona sure she wants to take this gamble just for this meal?

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