The Rise of Korean Entertainment

Chapter 3094 Good people are rewarded

After Yoona's constant inquiring, she finally found out what was going on with Li Menglong's account.

It is said that almost all of his profits are directly retained in the company's books, and Yoona is also aware of this.

As for the reason, according to Li Menglong himself, he doesn't need so much money, so why would he take it out?

This statement is really a bit unworthy of criticism, because his so-called uselessness is based on the fact that his food, clothing, housing and transportation are all contracted by girls.

But they just don't feel so disgusted. After all, it's hard to find a way to repay Li Menglong.

Theoretically, all this money will be turned into the company's funds for operation, but just in case, Li Enxi specifically explained that a small hole was reserved.

However, there is an upper limit on the amount, so he can only use it for emergencies occasionally, and don't think about taking it all out at once.

And this back door gave Yoona an advantage, which made the little girl very proud.

In theory, only Lee Mong-ryong should be able to withdraw the money, but the relationship between YoonA and Lee Mong-ryong lies here.

Besides, Yoona also vowed that she would definitely explain to Li Menglong later and would not let anyone take the responsibility.

And will Li Menglong choose to refuse? Theoretically, as long as he doesn't admit it, everyone in the finance department will still be responsible.

But this is just a theory after all. If Li Menglong really did this, Yoona would probably hang himself with a rope. It would be too embarrassing.

But before she left, Li Menglong couldn't even think about it. She would definitely take him with her.

In short, no matter how you look at it, Yoona is enough to handle Lee Mong-ryong.

Besides, the amount of money is only five million. Although it is not particularly small, if everyone shares it together, it will not be that difficult to afford it.

It is equivalent to them taking corresponding risks, and what is mortgaged is Yoona's character.

Even though no one in the team believes in Yoona's character, that's only internal. Yoona's image outside is very good.

That is to say, the account itself has an upper limit, otherwise she might be able to loan out hundreds of millions.

But this is enough, and there is even a lot left. Is this considered a gain from Li Menglong?

Even Yoona felt that she had been deceived in the past. Li Menglong often asked them for money in the company, but it turned out that he could come here to withdraw money.

On the condition of keeping this secret, can we exchange for Li Menglong's understanding?

Yoona felt that it was fun, and she might even have suffered a bit, so she should order something more.

Naturally, Li Menglong didn't know that his "hometown" had been stolen by Yoona, otherwise he would definitely come and stop her.

It's a pity that no one can stop Yoona now. After all, there are too few people who know this secret.

With a lot of cash in her arms, Yoona's back straightened even more, which was all her confidence.

Although she seems to have nothing to do with lack of money on weekdays, the feeling is different. At least the money was obtained from Li Menglong, which is very memorable in itself.

In order to live up to her previous sadness, Yoona decided to spend every penny of the money.

Otherwise, it would be too boring to have to find change for Li Menglong later.

In order to achieve this, Yoona has to make some preparations in advance, such as booking the restaurant where she will eat for lunch.

Although she doesn't come to the area to eat as often as Seohyun, Yoona still knows a few restaurants, which are semi-regular places for everyone to have lunch.

Sure enough, when Yoona made the request, the boss was not surprised at all and even took the initiative to help arrange the menu according to the number of people.

"Don't worry, it's what they eat all the time. There won't be any problem with the taste. As for the price, I don't ask for much. You can ask them later."

The boss's words undoubtedly reassured Yoona, saying that it was hard for her to imagine that there would be a store near the company asking for more money from her.

Does this mean you don’t want to open a good store here?

Not to mention Yoona's own influence, the people in the company alone are the main consumers of nearby stores.

Offending Yoona is equivalent to not wanting to do business with people in the company. This is assuming that the proprietress does not interfere, otherwise it will be a problem whether the store can continue to open.

Since the boss was so cheerful, Yoona was naturally not stingy and paid the full amount directly, which was also one of her original plans.

Now she has only one task, which is to spend all the money in her hand, but there are still problems.

Even though Xu Xian was always reminding them to pay attention to their weight, it seemed as if they had been eating and drinking since they left Xu Xian.

But is Xu Xian’s advice really that effective?

They spend a lot of time out of Xu Xian's sight every day, so during that time, they are all eating and drinking?

This is simply unrealistic. Being able to control their weight mainly depends on their self-discipline.

Now Yoona is a little confused. If she really spends all the money, how many snacks and cakes should she buy back?

Even if she chooses expensive ones, the heat is still quite terrifying for them.

She couldn't just sacrifice everyone's weight just to trick Li Menglong once, right?

Although the girls themselves may accept it happily, Yoona knows them too well. After eating and wiping it all, she will definitely put all the blame on her.

Even if she feels aggrieved by then, she has to admit that this is the fact, so she must completely eliminate this possibility from the source.

Although I haven't thought of a way to get the best of both worlds, it's still okay to buy coffee first, and she happens to be a little thirsty.

After ordering herself a glass of iced Americano, she sat down in the store to herself. It happened that there was no one around, so she could spread her thoughts.

In fact, Yoona had an idea in mind, which was to use all the money to buy coffee and give it to everyone when she arrived at the company. Isn’t it easy to spend money?

But the consequences of this method are not small. Li Menglong is likely to get the news soon, and even find out that she stole his own money.

Although Yoona is not very afraid, she doesn't want to conflict with him in the company. After all, Li Menglong is at work.

In this way, we must find a way to spend money that will not be known to Li Menglong, at least not today.

Yoona, who was in a daze, inadvertently fixed her gaze. Sure enough, there is no sure path, as long as you are willing to think, there will always be a way.

Quickly walking to the cashier, Yoona pointed to the transparent donation box and asked, "Is this your own in the store? Which groups are you mainly helping?"

The clerk leaned over and took a look before he understood what Yoona was asking. Even he had almost forgotten that there was such a thing.

Simply put, this is a convenient place for customers to "store" their change.

Occasionally, I need coins after buying coffee. When customers feel that it is in the way and there is no place to put them, this small donation box is a good choice.

Not only can I get rid of the change, but I can also put myself in a good mood. After all, it can be regarded as a good deed.

"This is placed here by the charity organization we cooperate with. They will come to pick it up regularly. We can't open this box. As for the funding, it seems to be lunches for primary school students..."

Although she couldn't be sure of the authenticity of the other party's words, Yoona was too lazy to think about it any more. Do you need to think so much about doing good things?

I saw Yoona taking out a dozen thick banknotes from his pocket, and then laboriously stuffed them into the small transparent box.

This generous scene really surprised the store clerk. Although she knew that Yoona would earn a lot as an artist, what did she want to do when she came to the coffee shop to donate so much money?

It was difficult for Yoona to explain to the store clerk, after all, the whole thing was full of coincidences.

Fortunately, the result is good. The only thing that makes me unhappy is that the box is too small.

Yoona reluctantly stuffed all the money in, and then shook it vigorously, feeling full of accomplishment.

Sure enough, doing good things makes people happy, and she was very satisfied with the way she handled it.

Although it is a virtue to do good deeds without leaving any name behind, Yoona feels that if you do good deeds, you should be praised.

There happens to be a guest book for donors next to it. You can leave your name and address on it, and a postcard will be sent back as a thank you.

Yoona picked up the pen and wrote Li Menglong's name and company address on it. She was not stupid and didn't leave her home address.

She didn't even plan to tell Li Menglong about this. Will Li Menglong be very touched when he suddenly receives the postcard one day?

Clapping her hands with satisfaction, Yoona picked up the remaining coffee and walked out happily, but she always felt that she had forgotten something.

So under the surprised look of the clerk, half a minute later, Yoona barged in again and tried to take out the money from the donation box.

This series of actions is really confusing to the store clerk. Are there cameras nearby? Yoona is doing some punishing tasks?

"Excuse me, can you open the box? I have to get some of the money back!"

Yoona looked at the clerk expectantly, but the fact was that the clerk didn't lie to Yoona. They really couldn't open the box.

So Yoona was speechless and choked up while holding the box. She raised the box high several times, but finally put it down gently. She couldn't afford to lose this person.

She really wanted to ask herself what she was thinking before, why did she forget to set aside the money to buy coffee and let Kim Taeyeon and the others drink the northwest wind?

It is said that the reason why she went to borrow money was to buy coffee for these women, but she ended up wandering around in circles for a long time?

Yoona really couldn't accept this cruel reality. What should she do now, go back and find someone to borrow money again?

Fortunately, the store clerk was a nice person. After hearing Yoona's complaints, she took the initiative to contact the store manager and offered Yoona the opportunity to get several cups of coffee for free.

Of course there are reasons for this because of Yoona's status as an artist, but it may also be because of the goodwill contained in her previous actions.

Good people are rewarded. At least there is no problem with Yoona at the moment, and Yoona is also very grateful to her.

Now that she has been rewarded for being a good person, she cannot be the only one to enjoy this kindness. She, Lin Yoona, is quite loyal.

Telling the person not to worry, Yoona lent the other person's cell phone and took the initiative to dial someone's number.

The conversation process was very simple. Yoona just asked Kim Taeyeon and the others if they wanted to invite everyone in the company to have a cup of coffee.

There is no necessary reason. If you have to say it, it may be to make the colleagues in the company have a better impression of them.

Of course, to put it more bluntly, the money is not a big amount for them, especially when it is shared equally among a group of people.

"Don't expect me to pay. I don't trust you. I'll ask the clerk to ask you for money when I deliver the food!"

"You damn girl, are we that kind of people?"

The dialogue basically ends here. As for the final dialogue, Kim Taeyeon and the others took it as a joke.

Does it really matter who advances the money? They don't really care anyway.

"Okay, I don't know the exact number of people in the company. You can give it to me as a hundred cups first. Don't be too moved. This is the reward you deserve for being a good person!"

Yoona proudly shared her kindness with the clerk, but the other person's face always felt a lot paler.

This puzzled Yoona. She clearly gave the clerk a big order of hundreds of cups, and she didn't even bother to bargain. Isn't this worthy of a heartfelt thank you?

"You don't get a fixed salary, do you? Ordinary store clerks get a fixed commission."

Yoona thought of a possibility, but it wasn't like this, but it was almost the same.

The clerk does get a commission, but the number of hundreds of cups is still a bit scary, and his workload in the past day has only been so much.

But Yoona also has good intentions. Business has been delivered to her door, so there is no reason to push it out.

After hearing the clerk's thoughts, Yoona didn't know what to say. Is this a good intention to do something bad?

"How about I stay and help?"

"No, I'll just call the people who work in the afternoon over in advance, but the time may be a little later."

"It doesn't matter. If it doesn't work, you can send it in the afternoon. You can make arrangements yourself. Remember to ask Xu Xian for money!"

Yoona was afraid that the clerk wouldn't be able to find her, so she asked him to look for Xu Xian. Anyway, this little girl was always at the company.

It stands to reason that some deposit or even full payment should be collected, but neither of them mentioned this.

The person standing in front of me is Lin Yoona. Does her face look like she is going to run away from a bill?

Besides, even if Yoona and the others can’t be found, the company will always be there. If they can escape, a monk can’t escape from the temple!

Yoona happily walked back to the company carrying several cups of coffee. She believed that girls should be grateful when drinking coffee. They didn't know what she had gone through for these cups of coffee.

But now is not the time to reveal the secret, Yoona thought that tonight would be a good time after going home.

All the girls must be present at that time, otherwise what if Li Menglong gets angry and hurts someone?

She was also thinking about Li Menglong. After all, she, Lin Yuner, was so fragile. If she was beaten to death by a punch with hatred, Li Menglong would also have to bear the responsibility.

In short, she is looking forward to Li Menglong's expression when he arrives, it should be quite exciting.

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