After all, Yoona couldn't resist the temptation of coffee and took a shallow sip along the edge of the paper cup.

She could swear that she really didn't want to drink more. After all, it was just a cup of instant coffee.

Although it was poured from the coffee machine, Yoona, as a half-insider, had seen with her own eyes how the landlady poured the coffee powder in from a large bucket.

But considering the low price of this coffee, there doesn’t seem to be anything to complain about.

It was this kind of cheap coffee that actually gave Yoona a sense of satisfaction.

This makes sense, after all, the cheaper the coffee, the more sugar is added to it.

Although in the eyes of some experts, this is a sign of cheapness, it tastes good even if you have to add more sugar.

And Yoona considers herself not that particular, her tastes are quite popular.

If she didn't become an artist, she wished she could soak in sugar water every day and live by drinking her own "bath water". Just thinking about it would make her happy.

With these wild fantasies, Yoona went all the way to the second floor, but when she was about to go in, she discovered that the bottom of the coffee could be seen faintly.

You have to know that this coffee is not much, and she tastes it carefully along the way, what else can she use to "honor" Li Menglong?

Yoona subconsciously wanted to give herself a mouth to let her eat greedily, but now she might have an accident.

But her hand stopped in mid-air. Why did she hit herself? Did she do anything wrong?

Just drink this coffee. She, Lin Yoona, is not even qualified to drink coffee?

Besides, she didn't owe Li Menglong anything, she just went in to test his tone. She shouldn't be so humble.

The more I think about it, the more it makes sense, but I still have to bring the "souvenirs" I should bring. This is a matter of basic courtesy.

So Yoona ran to the bathroom first, stared at the faucet for a while, and then trotted all the way to the third floor.

Watching the water dispenser slowly heating it, she really felt that she was too kind, and Li Menglong should thank her.

She didn't use cold water directly, but came here to use hot water. Doesn't this reflect her goodwill towards Li Menglong?

I carefully filled the paper cup again, and the original rich color suddenly faded a lot. There was nothing I could do about it.

After all, there was very little coffee left. If I gave this to Li Menglong, would he taste it?

Yoona felt that this was absolutely certain. She didn't want to try it at all because she was afraid that she wouldn't have the courage to go there again.

In fact, she had many ways to make up for it, such as getting another cup on credit, or taking two packs of instant coffee from someone else's office.

But Yoona is unwilling to give in. This cup of coffee still contains her dedication and efforts.

In other words, what Li Menglong drank was not the coffee, but the emotion contained in it, Lin Yoona!

Given the relationship between the two of them, the taste of this coffee must be extremely "rich".

With this confidence, Yoona walked down carefully again, mainly because she was afraid of the scalding hot water splashing on her.

In order not to hurt herself, and eventually others, she walked into the office and asked everyone to avoid her, otherwise they would bear the consequences.

This way of appearing is a bit ostentatious, but it is also more likely to cause confusion. What does she want to do?

Xu Xian first glanced at Li Menglong opposite her. She thought the matter between the two of them had not been resolved, but it didn't look like it because he didn't even raise his head.

This clearly means that he doesn’t want to talk to Yoona, but will his evasive action have any effect?

Or is Yoona the kind of person who knows how to look? Xu Xian's attitude is very pessimistic.

To be precise, Yoona's emotional intelligence is very high most of the time, especially when getting along with outsiders.

To translate this sentence again, it means that in front of Li Menglong, Yoona is rarely willing to use her brain.

According to Yoona's own words, who and his family still use their brains?

This theory is not only recognized by Yoona herself, but also by many people in the team, and Pani is the most staunch supporter.

So unless Li Menglong turns his back immediately, Yoona will definitely come over to her. He should have this awareness, right?

Yoona quickly placed the paper cup in front of Li Menglong. Because the movement was too large, the splashed water stains immediately seeped into the paper below.

Even though there is so much water added to this coffee, the dyeing effect is still very good. Even if the document is dried, there will still be a wrinkled "birthmark".

Although it is not obsessive-compulsive disorder, this kind of thing still disgusts Li Menglong, so what is Lin Yoona here for, fighting?

"Are you still glaring at me? I've been kind enough to come over and bring you coffee, but you still don't appreciate it?"

Yoona wasn't even afraid, she was just angry, who wouldn't be?

As for the document that was wet with coffee, Yoona naturally saw it, but she would not take the initiative to point it out.

This kind of small mistake was considered unintentional at most, and Li Menglong couldn't blame her, because usually Yoona didn't blame him for these small mistakes.

You must remember to be grateful as a human being. Do you need her to teach Li Menglong a lesson?

Li Menglong was really angry at this little girl, but he couldn't say anything because Yoona didn't seem to want to reason with her.

So what else is there to say, just send her away quickly, so Li Menglong subconsciously picked up the paper cup and planned to drink it all in one gulp.

This bold action really scared Yoona. She knew how hot the hot water inside was, but it was too late to stop her.

This time it was really not Yoona who was deliberately playing a prank. She still had basic limits, so how could she use such a method that was enough to cause harm?

She mainly didn't expect Li Menglong to be so anxious, but could she blame Li Menglong?

It's too late to say anything now, Yoona can only hope that Li Menglong is just scaring her.

But this time his wish was not fulfilled. Li Menglong had so many thoughts. He just wanted to end it all quickly.

So there was almost no gap. The moment the coffee was in his mouth, Li Menglong spurted it out.

Then he grabbed the original water glass on the side and drank it in big gulps. He was really burned.

This scene was naturally watched by everyone. They didn't understand why Li Menglong had such a big reaction. Was this a performance?

Maybe Xu Xian was the only one at the scene who guessed everything, because judging from her experience, Li Menglong did not have such good acting skills.

Xu Xian hurriedly moved forward. After being burned, he should have cooled down quickly with cold water, so should he go to the bathroom now?

Li Menglong ignored Xu Xian's concern and instead stared at Yoona who was at a loss. Should this little girl give him an explanation?

Even if the two people really have a deep hatred, they cannot retaliate in this way. This will escalate the conflict.

Seeing that Li Menglong was willing to give her a chance to explain at this moment, Yoona was really touched. She was ready to be slapped by Li Menglong.

"Oppa, it's definitely not what you think, it's just..."

Yoona wanted to explain, but when she wanted to retell the whole process, she got stuck.

How should we say this? She secretly drank more than half of it first, then mixed the rest with hot water and brought it to Li Menglong?

This result doesn't seem to be much better, so what should she choose now? It seems that no matter what choice you make, you will die!

Xu Xian on the side looked anxious. At this time, what else is there to hesitate?

She stepped forward and pushed Yoona, telling her to hurry up. Li Menglong's patience had its limits.

Maybe it was Xu Xian who gave her the courage. Yoona explained the matter quickly, but her voice became quieter and softer. She also felt embarrassed.

If it weren't for the sore tongue in his mouth, Li Menglong would really laugh at this moment. She, Lin Yoona, can always bring some "surprises".

After taking a look at the translucent coffee, Yoona probably didn't need to lie. After all, the current situation was not far from social death.

But how should Li Menglong deal with her? He was also confused now, so in the end he simply left the trouble to Xu Xian: "Let her learn a lesson!"

After Li Menglong finished speaking, he ran to the bathroom to cool down his tongue again.

Looking at Li Menglong's embarrassed back, Yoona finally breathed a sigh of relief. Facing Xu Xian was not so scary.

But this time she miscalculated. Before leaving the office, Xu Xian slapped her hard twice on the back: "Why are you still standing here? Come with me!"

Although Seohyun is the maknae, it is not surprising that she got angry. Even Yoona was a little scared. This little girl is not going to come, is she?

Fortunately, Xu Xian knew how to protect her face and did not reprimand her in front of so many people, otherwise Yoona would really die here today.

But even if there were only two of them, Xu Xian was still serious: "Stop being so playful, you should reflect on what you have done!"

Yoona was leaning against the wall of the practice room with her hands behind her back. This scene even reminded her of her days as a trainee.

Although they practiced very hard at that time, they were not idle in private and caused many funny things.

Once caught, he would most likely be publicly criticized by the teacher in the practice room. Unexpectedly, Xu Xian learned this trick.

It's just that she, Lin Yoona, is already a famous artist, and she is not convinced that she is being disciplined like this!

"You're still not convinced? That's a cup of hot water. What if he drinks it directly?"

"Is he unconscious? He obviously vomited it out immediately, and a lot of it was splashed on me."

Yoona had made up her mind anyway. It was impossible to admit her mistakes, especially to Seohyun. Wouldn't this weaken her image in Seohyun's heart?

Little did he know that her behavior itself had no image to speak of, and Xu Xian didn't even know what to say.

Li Menglong has no way to deal with Yoona. Is she, Seohyun, very capable?

It's impossible to hit her, and a few curse words obviously won't touch Yoona much. This kind of meat is the most difficult to deal with.

Seo Hyun-hyun was determined to call the police and just accuse Yoona of intentional harm, right?

As if aware of Xu Xian's unkind eyes, Yoona immediately became more alert: "What are you thinking about? Why do you feel that you have great malice towards me!"

"What can I think? I'm wondering if I should give you a thumbs up, I admire you very much!"

"Really? That's not the case. If you become like me, I think Li Menglong will go crazy."

Yoona obviously has a clear understanding of the team environment that Lee Mong-ryong is in. Besides, she can't imagine what Seohyun will look like after becoming herself.

This sudden confidence left Xu Xian speechless. Did Yoona do it on purpose?

Anyway, the task Li Menglong taught her was going to fail, and she couldn't make Yoona realize her mistake.

Fortunately, there are only two of them here. As long as they agree on the same caliber in advance, Li Menglong will still be enough.

This suggestion was too reliable. Yoona immediately leaned forward, held Xu Xian's cheek and kissed her twice. As expected, the two of them were the closest.

Xu Xian no longer had any desire to explain. She just wanted to go down and see what Li Menglong looked like. Wouldn't he have already gone to the hospital?

Although Xu Xian also knew that it was normal for the tongue to be burned, but being burned by boiling water should be more serious, right?

Xu Xian had no desire to participate, so the job of fabricating it fell on Yoona. Fortunately, she was really good at it.

"I gave Yoona a hard lesson upstairs. She is kneeling there facing the wall. Do you want to go up and take a look?"

Xu Xian was explaining to Li Menglong according to Yuner's instructions.

It's just that Li Menglong is trying to put the burnt ointment on his tongue at the moment. It should be said that it can have a therapeutic effect, but the taste is too magical.

"What does this smell like?"

Xu Xian couldn't help but become curious, and ended up getting a pair of supercilious looks from Li Menglong. He couldn't help but pick up any pot!

He hadn't considered the little girl lying to him, and now he was teasing him?

"Lied? Who lied? Don't talk nonsense."

After Xu Xian heard Li Menglong's complaint, he became very nervous. He didn't expect that it would be revealed so quickly.

Sure enough, Yoona's words were very unreliable. She shouldn't have listened to Yoona's deception.

But this time she mistakenly blamed Yoona. The reason why Li Menglong was able to make a judgment was mainly because of Xu Xian's expression.

This little girl is really not good at lying, especially when she has not prepared in advance. A simple question is enough to make a judgment.

For example, at this moment, Li Menglong was not so sure, but Xu Xian's current reaction was enough to explain everything.

But he didn't plan to pursue it. He didn't know what to do with Yoona himself. What good ideas could Xu Xian have?

After all, Xu Xian really has no experience in bullying others, and the environment in the team does not give her the soil to grow in this area.

The corresponding girls are much better at this aspect. When he goes back tonight, he must ask these women how they educate their younger sisters.

It is estimated that Yoona's expression will be extremely exciting at that time, so let the little girl be arrogant upstairs for a while. She'd better cherish this hard-won time!

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