From the time when Turbo announced its disbandment in 1999 to now, from countless people at the beginning to eight people and finally to seven people now, from occasional logins to continuous greetings for more than ten years.

Li Menglong couldn't tell what these could mean, but he was really under a lot of pressure. He felt that he owed these people a due explanation, but he couldn't explain anything. He even wanted to pay off the debt for others. Feel.

How many thirteen years can there be in life? How many people can persist in one thing for thirteen years? And their so-called reason was just because they liked him or him in the past. Such pure and simple feelings really moved Li Menglong.

He even hoped that he could bring this kind of emotion, but what he had been resisting were these things. He only selectively accepted a part of the past. He was deliberately avoiding it. He was afraid that he would no longer be Li Menglong.

Li Menglong is extremely satisfied with his current life as Li Menglong. He has friends, a lover, a sister, and even a new life. He doesn't even feel the need to know about everything in the past. He doesn't remember it anyway. So what does it matter if it was good or bad? ? It just adds trouble to him now.

However, things are fickle, and he still found Fatty, Cai Yan, Peach Blossom Eyes, Kim Jong Kook, and Li Zhi Eun. He has gained too much, and until today, he knows that he has to bear another relationship with these seven people, which is wrong! It’s the feelings of eight people.

As for Li Menglong's crying just now, on the one hand, it was because of the departure of Qianqian, a fan who loved him so deeply; on the other hand, looking through those posts, he seemed to be able to see everyone's past more than ten years. Life was ordinary, and he and the seven people lived it again.

Due to excessive exhaustion and the peace of mind in Li Menglong's arms, Xu Xian gradually fell asleep. He hugged her with one hand and put his clothes on her body. Li Menglong was still looking through the posts one after another.

When the first ray of sunshine just shined in, Li Menglong happened to turn to yesterday's good night post: "I think today is the most important day in my life. I met an old friend who I am not so familiar with, although he no longer remembers it. "I'm sorry, but it would be nice to see him live a happy life. Are my thoughts too simple?" Mugunghua.

Taking a deep breath, Li Menglong created a new greeting post: "Good morning, Mugunghua! Good morning, everyone! Good morning, Qianqian! I'll treat you all to fried chicken tonight, see you there or not!" Xiao Liu.

Looking at this ID, Li Menglong couldn't help but sigh again. No matter what it is, it will probably become thicker when multiplied by the long base of thirteen years.

An ID that has been in the dust for thirteen years, a fan club with only seven people, on this day their backbone, their idol, their Xiaoliu came back again.

Silently closing the computer, they didn't want to read anything else Li Menglong said. They were all waiting for their meeting in the evening, but they had more things to deal with than usual.

Looking at the rolling eyelids and the gradually warming cheeks in his arms, Li Menglong knew that the little girl was awake and still shy, but shouldn't he be the one who is more shy? It seems that Lee Soon Kyu has never seen him cry.


As Li Menglong coughed, Xu Xian jumped up like a frightened rabbit, but she overestimated her body. Her numb limbs made her fall back down the moment she bounced up.

Fortunately, Li Menglong was prepared and hugged her directly. Xu Xian's big body made Li Menglong feel the whole body. It was different from the petite feeling of hugging Li Shunkyu. Holding her felt like holding the whole world.

"Oppa!" Xu Xian murmured lowly, and then was pushed up by Li Menglong. Looking at the little girl running away in a hurry, Li Menglong didn't know what to say. How could it be such a coincidence?

But just as he was thinking about it, Xu Xian poked his head out from the stairs on the second floor: "I won't tell others that Oppa cried yesterday!"

Seeing Li Menglong's depressed expression, Xu Xian laughed unscrupulously. Who dared Li Menglong to laugh at her? She knew she was awake but still teased herself. She was really a bad oppa! But when he thought about a big secret between him and Li Menglong, Xu Xian felt extremely good.

And Li Menglong stood up and moved to let his brain start. Since he decided to accept his past identity, he naturally had to consider their feelings, such as those lovely fans, such as the group of people in the company. Give people an explanation.

The originally relaxed life was disrupted like this, but Li Menglong didn't complain. There were gains and losses. This was the price. After all, he also gained a lot, didn't he?

Half an hour later, Xu Xian walked down with wet hair. Li Menglong was making breakfast as if nothing had happened. He was still so close to her, but this made Xu Xian very dissatisfied.

What about the little embarrassment you promised? What about the little shy guy you promised? It has to be said that women are gifted in these areas. Even Xu Xian knew that this kind of intimacy was not a good sign, because it meant that Li Menglong attributed everything last night to his sister.

As for crying and being seen by my sister? Hug my sister occasionally? Isn't this a normal thing, so Xu Xian became unhappy and kept poking at the plate with a spoon.

Li Menglong didn't think much about it: "What? Doesn't the rice taste good?"

"I see you have no appetite!"

Instead of being angry, Li Menglong laughed outright. It was rare for Xu Xian to speak so forcefully: "Aren't you possessed by Lee Soon Kyu? Give me back the old-fashioned Xiao Xian!"

"You hate it! Don't rub my face! Oppa hates it the most!" Xu Xian laughed happily as he pushed away Li Menglong's bad hand. As for the younger sister, let's put him first. At least he can cry in front of her, right?

"Why did you come back? Are you here specifically to see me?"

"So shameless! I'm back to participate in the event!"

"Oh, introduction to architecture, right? Li Zhouyong and I talked about it a few times, but I almost forgot the date recently!" Li Menglong said depressedly, and then put the remaining dinner plates of the two of them in the sink.

As for Xu Xian coming over to wash the dishes, Li Menglong directly blocked her. The hands of these little girls are very delicate, so they might as well not use them if they can.

Because Xu Xian got up very early, even now it was just before six o'clock. It was too early to do anything, so the two of them took a stack of books and placed them on the balcony after a long time.

Xu Xian brought two steaming cups of water from the kitchen, one was bitter coffee and the other was scented tea, both of which were prepared for Li Menglong, because he didn't know if he wanted to rest.

Xu Xian sat on the familiar rocking chair, dispelling all kinds of complicated emotions. With the cool breeze in the morning and the faint scent of ink in the book, he secretly looked at Li Menglong next to him through the book. He clasped the book on his chest and read in trance. Looking out the window.

"What is oppa thinking?" Xu Xian asked pretending not to care.

Naturally, I was thinking about those people, but I couldn't tell Xu Xian, as it would only increase her worries: "I wonder which boy is lucky enough to marry you home!"

"Hey! Oppa! Why are you talking more and more annoyingly? Have you lived with senior Yoo Jae Suk for too long?"

"Although there are more than one or two flaws in your words, I still decided to forgive you generously!" Li Menglong felt a lot more relaxed after teasing Xu Xian. These must be her charms.

"Xiao Xian!"

"Fell asleep!"

"Can you still talk when you're asleep?"


"Sleepwalking is great, and you won't even hit anyone!"

"You can hit people while sleeping, and even more powerful! Haha." Xu Xian couldn't stand it at the end. Although the conversation was childish, both of them enjoyed it.

"Tell me, when you are all in your thirties or forties, have almost forgotten the songs, dances, etc., and have a stable life, will you go on stage again for the expectations of a few fans? Even if you are not looking forward to it that much! "

Following Li Menglong's faint questions, Xu Xian herself fell into fantasy, but those were too far away from her. She was just in her early twenties this year. Although her mind was very mature, it was too different from Li Menglong's experience. Far.

However, she was still willing to give her own opinion. Even if she could give Li Menglong a little help, she would be satisfied. So she imitated Li Menglong's movements and clasped the book to her chest, then turned her head and looked at Li Menglong's profile.

"I believe that every singer loves the stage, so even if Oppa doesn't feel anything about the stage now, please stand on the stage once and at least give yourself a chance to feel it!" Xu Xian paused: "As for Fans, I can only say that they are the cutest people, they just want their idols to live happily!"

"It's just a bunch of idiots, what's there to like about a bastard who hasn't been heard from for thirteen years?" Li Menglong said to himself.

After a long time, he realized that Xu Xian from the side was still looking at him, his eyes sparkling with light. Although Li Menglong didn't dare to say anything about the girl's character, she was much better than ordinary people.

So he stretched out his big hand and rubbed the girl's head vigorously: "Your words have helped me a lot. I decided to meet with them tonight to see what requests they have or what they want me to do!"

"Nay! Can I come with you?"

"Okay! If they beat me then, you will help me beat them!"

"No way, oppa already knows how to lie to me!" Xu Xian, who received a satisfactory answer, slapped away Li Menglong's bad hand again.

Ten minutes later, Li Menglong stayed in that position and fell asleep, but his brows stretched a lot. He quietly covered him with a blanket. Then Xu Xian himself lay down and secretly took a sip of Li Menglong's bitter coffee. Sure enough, he was awake. A lot.

She glanced at the book, glanced at Li Menglong, listened to his faint snoring, and felt the aftertaste of the bitter coffee in her mouth. She actually tasted a little sweetness in it!

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