Li Menglong would never dare to go upstairs to look for trouble. He could only consider himself unlucky to have such a "neighbor" upstairs.

He took out a pair of earplugs from the drawer, and after getting ready, he raised two middle fingers towards the upstairs. This was his last bit of stubbornness, even though only he knew it!

He didn't know exactly how long the two women had been arguing. It probably wouldn't be too long. Their hatred for him wasn't enough to support the two of them in resisting the temptation of sleep.

Besides, if you really hate him to this extent, why are you still bothering upstairs? Wouldn't it be more straightforward to just kill him downstairs?

Don't say that these two women don't dare. There is nothing they dare not do in this dormitory!

For example, break into Li Menglong's room early in the morning!

It is said that I was gently awakened by girls early in the morning. This is a scenario that only appears in many people's dreams.

But to be honest, it's not that beautiful, and it's easy to be scared.

At this moment, Li Menglong was about the same. He huddled in the quilt and relaxed for a while, then raised his head again: "How come you have become like this? You must not imitate those sisters of yours!"

Xu Xian tilted his head and looked at Li Menglong in confusion. Why did he start to connotate the other girls inexplicably? How did they offend Li Menglong?

But these are interactions between them. Xu Xian is not very interested. As long as they don't fight, it's easy to talk about anything.

She wants Li Menglong to get up immediately, so is it a good idea to just lift the quilt?

It can only be said that even if Li Menglong sleeps alone, he has no habit of acting like a gangster. This can be regarded as saving the friendship between him and Xu Xian.

But it can also be said that if he was not completely sure, how could Xu Xian be so impulsive!

"Get up quickly. I've prepared breakfast for you. You will be very satisfied."

Xu Xian said energetically, his eyes full of urging Li Menglong.

This look is very familiar to Li Menglong. It can probably appear when Xu Xian wants to work and study hard. In short, his belief is very firm.

This is naturally a good thing and will be of great help to work and study, but will it be overkill at this moment?

Li Menglong really wanted to say that he was not worthy, but unfortunately Xu Xian didn't give him this chance at all.

Xu Xian first pulled Li Menglong up from the bed, then escorted him all the way, and then sent him to the bathroom: "I'll give you five minutes. If you don't come out, I will break in."

Li Menglong still believed in the little girl's threat.

Although the person who was really shy after she came in was probably not Li Menglong, he didn't want the little girl to be so embarrassed.

So hurry up, because this is your most beloved sister, so just go ahead and pamper her.

As for Xu Xian's breakfast, Li Menglong no longer had any hope. He just hoped that his taste buds would not be so sensitive. This would only be good for Xu Xian and himself.

In order to successfully numb his taste buds, Li Menglong squeezed half a tube of toothpaste directly into his mouth. It felt so sour and refreshing, as if cool wind was blowing out of his mouth!

Stuck on the boundary of time, Li Menglong successfully came to the kitchen: "How is it? You're not late, are you?"

The compliment that Li Menglong was looking forward to was destined to fail to come true, because Xu Xian was not counting the time at all. His previous words were just a simple urging, which made him feel the urgency of the situation.

But he didn't expect Li Menglong to be so fast. Xu Xian was even surprised to find that Li Menglong actually took the time to wash his hair.

Washing your face, brushing your teeth, washing your hair, plus solving the physiological problems after getting up, can this series of actions be compressed into five minutes?

Anyway, Xu Xian couldn't figure out how he accomplished it: "Then sit down and eat quickly. This is what I prepared specially for you."

The more Xu Xian emphasized this, the more frightened Li Menglong became.

Her normal performance was enough for Li Menglong to swallow it unintentionally. Taking into account her extra efforts, could it still be swallowed? Isn't it food poisoning?

Li Menglong really thought about all the excuses he could think of at this moment, but it was difficult for him to cope with the current situation.

It was really because Xu Xian seemed too serious, so serious that Li Menglong couldn't bear to refuse.

In the end, he simply accepted his fate. Being able to die in Xu Xian's "gentleness" was not considered a particularly failed way to die.

"Xiao Xian, you must be kind to me in the future. I will entrust you with the hundred pounds."

Li Menglong said some specious words on the side. Who is he trying to impress with these words? Seohyun?

Why does she need to be responsible for Li Menglong's life? But don't say it so heavily. Xu Xian can't bear it.

Besides, Li Menglong's words are also open to question: "Why do you weigh more than a hundred pounds? Isn't it already two hundred?"

Xu Xian asked with wide eyes and sincerely, which made Li Menglong unable to tell whether the little girl was joking.

Although he doesn't have the perverted obsession with weight that girls do, he still has basic control.

Why did it spread that he weighed more than 200 pounds? This is simply slander. Where is the source of the news? He must go and have a good chat with the other party.

"Is it Yoona? Or did Kim Taeyeon say the same? Just tell me secretly, I will never betray you!"

Li Menglong almost swore, but it wasn't that Xu Xian didn't believe him, he just didn't want to betray his sisters.

Once this kind of thing was leaked, even if she would not be exposed in the end, she would still feel sad about it.

However, we can take advantage of Li Menglong's current mentality: "Are you sure you are urgent? No matter what request I make, you will agree to it?"

"Just tell me and I'll show you my determination!"

"Well, as long as you can eat all the food I cook, I will tell you the answer!"

Xu Xian's request obviously exceeded Li Menglong's expectations. Who did this kid learn from, and why did he suddenly become so vicious?

He, Li Menglong, treats Xu Xian well on weekdays. Exchanging information with each other shouldn't be necessary, it can also be regarded as help between allies.

In the end, Xu Xian wanted his life. What good would this do to her?

It's just that the arrow is ready now, and besides, he was prepared to die on the dining table before, so now he can kill two birds with one stone?

I hope Xu Xian will not bully a "dying person", and be sure to burn the news to him later, otherwise he will not let Xu Xian go even if he is a ghost!

The two reached an agreement, and although the atmosphere was a bit tragic, overall it went smoothly.

After all, neither of them would doubt each other, and just treat what they said as a promise, which saved a lot of trouble.

If it were the girls who came here, there would be much more trouble. At least you should consider how you would deal with it if they regretted it, right?

Li Menglong now hopes that those women will be on the opposite side, because then he will have the possibility of going back on his word.

He really regretted it at this moment. Why would he risk his own life? Is it really worth it?

Just when Li Menglong was weighing the pros and cons, a strong aroma hit his face. He subconsciously took a big breath, trying to squeeze out the smell in the air.

This is not because he is greedy, but because he wants to know in advance what Xu Xian's dishes will be.

Not to mention, Li Menglong's nose is still very good, and of course it has a lot to do with Xu Xian's cooking, because the smell of curry is difficult to cover up.

"Curry? Is curry considered a health food?"

After Li Menglong determined the style of cooking, this was the first question that popped up.

If curry can be considered a healthy food, then how wronged the girls must have been. They would rather soak in curry every day than face Xu Xian's healthy breakfast.

Unfortunately, the answer is no. Xu Xian has obviously done his homework. The ingredients of curry are too complex. In theory, they are all a bunch of natural spices, but who knows what else is added to it?

And curry can only be regarded as a seasoning. What really determines whether it is healthy or not is the staple food it goes with.

Seohyun's choice was a large piece of beef paired with potatoes, sweet potatoes, and pumpkin. This combination was Seohyun's limit.

Firstly, you have to control your desires and stop adding in some mismatched healthy foods; secondly, you have to convince yourself that you should drink more water even when you are relatively healthy.

In short, this time can be regarded as a reconciliation between Xu Xian and himself, of course it can only be done once.

She mainly wants to prove to Li Menglong that the reason why her cooking is not delicious is because of her cooking philosophy. Doesn't she know how to make delicious food?

She knows everything, she just made the more correct choice!

Xu Xian was obviously still a little nervous at this moment. If she failed again this time, she would really be unable to hold her head up.

However, she was still vaguely confident, because as long as curry was put in, it would be best if it could cover the taste of the other ingredients, so it wouldn't be too unpalatable.

A bowl of rice was covered with golden soup and garnished with large chunks of beef. Although it was smaller than potatoes and pumpkins, Li Menglong was already very satisfied.

Judging from the appearance and smell alone, Xu Xian can actually be given full marks.

But all kinds of painful experiences in the past have always told him that it is better not to trust Xu Xian too much when it comes to cooking.

So he still wanted to try it, but after taking one bite, he slowly stopped chewing.

This scene really frightened Xu Xian, because it looked so much like the other person was about to vomit.

If it were any other girl, even if she grabbed Li Menglong's neck, she would definitely make him swallow her. She couldn't afford to embarrass this person.

But Xu Xian was still kind after all. Although his expression was very lonely, he still took out a tissue and handed it over pitifully.

Although Li Menglong took it, he just wiped the corners of his mouth gently: "It's so delicious, I can't help but want to let the food stay in my mouth for a while!"

This sentence almost made Xu Xian burst into tears. It wasn't because her emotions were too ups and downs, but because Li Menglong was not a human being.

Isn't it funny that she knows that she is very interested in this dish, but she still resorts to these little tricks here?

Sure enough, there is a fundamental difference between the laughter of men and women, especially for a straight man like Li Menglong. If he continues like this, he really has to be careful about being kicked away by Li Soonkyu.

However, Li Menglong didn't think there was anything wrong with what he did. On the contrary, he was a little complacent. Wasn't he particularly good?

Seeing that Xu Xian was so moved by him, Li Menglong was not in a hurry to let Xu Xian praise him, so he just finished the rice bowl in the bowl as soon as possible.

Li Menglong's evaluation is still a bit exaggerated. If you have to choose, Xu Xian's curry also has many shortcomings.

But it also depends on what benchmark it is compared to. Compared with Xu Xian’s previous so-called healthy meals, this is really a delicacy.

At least judging from the food appearance, Li Menglong did not lie to Xu Xian.

He has even planned to complete his previous bet. He will definitely eat up all the food. He wants to see who is slandering him behind the scenes!

It's just that his little plan is difficult to achieve. This is not even Xu Xian's attack, but his own understanding.

After he added rice once, he felt that this condition was difficult to achieve.

Even if he was dying here today, he still wouldn't be able to finish the curry made by the little girl.

As expected of a generous woman, she directly used the biggest pot in the house, and that pot seemed to be more appropriately called an iron bucket?

Li Menglong wasn't even sure where Xu Xian found it. He couldn't have bought it specially, right?

I originally thought that the condition Xu Xian set was the taste, but now it seems that he was naive, and Xu Xian relied on the portion.

She never thought of betraying her sisters from beginning to end, she just used this as an excuse to trick Li Menglong into "slaying" her.

Fortunately, the result itself was not so bloody, and Li Menglong at least did not suffer.

Maybe the smell of curry was too pungent, but the girls on the second floor also smelled the aroma when they woke up.

Logically speaking, given their temperament, they could just rush in without any brains. Is there anyone in this family who can stop them?

But they can't do this now. They have no amnesia. They clearly remember that Xu Xian vowed to make a "love breakfast" for Li Menglong last night.

They have been secretly happy about this for a long time. If they go down now, wouldn't they be sharing the firepower for Li Menglong?

Even though the taste is very tempting, they can't be fooled.

Did Seohyun, the shady maknae, want to deceive them all?

dream! Even if they starve to death in bed today, they will never go down!

But there are too many people on the girls' side, and it is not particularly realistic to completely unify their thoughts.

There are always people who want to take a gamble, not because they believe in Xu Xian too much, but because they feel that "starving to death" in their own room is too uncomfortable, and they might as well go down there and be a starved ghost.

Even though this was not a very happy way to die, they couldn't care less.

The first person to take the lead was none other than Pani, who was relatively simple and "living alone": "Maknae, Ernie is here to support me, don't be too moved!"

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