The Rise of Korean Entertainment

Chapter 3072 The End of Real Name

"What, you are going to pick up Kim Taeyeon from the company, why do you want to tell me this news?"

"Don't worry, we will take good care of the house. There is no need to bring us midnight snacks."

"If you come back too late, remember to move more gently. We might all fall asleep."

Pretending to be crazy and acting stupid is a common tactic used by these women. It mainly works, especially when facing Li Menglong.

But today he is not fighting alone. Not to mention the pressure from Kim Taeyeon, there is no one to talk to among the women around him.

"Why, what can we, sisters, say, be of no use?"

As the oldest person at the scene, Jung Soo-yeon immediately stepped down with a sense of justice.

The expressions on the faces of the girls opposite were so ugly that they had no way to refute.

There are really too many people on the opposite side, almost all the older people are on the opposite side. Don't these "old women" plan to take a rest?

Looking at this weird scene, Xu Xian secretly leaned behind Li Menglong, and then laughed silently.

She really couldn't hold it back. The expressions of these women were really too joyful.

They usually bully her in the name of age, but now they can finally feel the same treatment. Isn't it interesting?

Li Menglong naturally noticed something strange about Xu Xian behind him, but he had no intention of snitching on him. He still had to have such a sense of loyalty.

As for the situation on the other side, although everyone is silent, this can already explain some problems.

Silence is also an answer, so is it okay to take action? Don't let Kim Taeyeon and Pani wait too long in the company.

In fact, to be honest, Kim Taeyeon's idea really hurts both sides. As for who will be hurt more, it's really hard to say.

Although Li Menglong and the others ran one more time, they still had to see that Kim Taeyeon and Pani were pinned to the company and unable to move.

They could obviously choose to go home and rest early, but in order to breathe a sigh of relief, they chose this method of almost dying together.

No one can say anything more. They can only say that this is the choice of the two of them, and based on their understanding of the two of them, it is probably just Kim Taeyeon's choice!

By the way, they are also very curious. Wouldn't it be boring for Kim Taeyeon and Pani to stay in the company?

But this is really too much to worry about. The company can really do more than imagined.

Not to mention "low-level" pursuits like eating and drinking, even on a spiritual level, they still have a lot to do.

"How about we go take a nap or watch a movie? An hour or two can easily pass."

Pani suggested breathlessly while stroking the sweat on his forehead.

But Kim Taeyeon is quite stubborn: "We can't waste time, we want to show those people that we are the backbone of this team!"

While speaking, Kim Taeyeon turned on the stereo again, and Pani could only stand up passively. When will the end of the conversation come to an end?

If the phone hadn't been confiscated by Kim Taeyeon, Pani would have called Li Menglong and the others early. When exactly will they come?

Don't delay any longer. If you delay it for a while longer, they may not see you for the last time.

"Don't pretend to be dead here. When we were trainees, wasn't it common to practice all night?"

"You also know that was during the trainee period? How old was I then? If you look at me now, I have wrinkles at the corners of my eyes."

Pani resentfully put her head in front of Kim Taeyeon, trying to make her see the non-existent wrinkles on her face.

But Kim Taeyeon was not moved at all. To be precise, she responded. She gave Pani a light peck on the cheek.

This was a kiss from Kim Taeyeon, someone else might have fainted on the spot.

But Pani just rubbed her hand a few times in disgust. Don't do this with her. Want to replenish her energy with just one kiss? Does Kim Taeyeon think she is a humanoid battery?

However, despite all the disdain on her lips, Pani did not slow down in her actions and kept up with Kim Taeyeon's rhythm perfectly.

As for the current actions of the two of them, it must be attributed to Kim Taeyeon.

After arranging revenge against Li Menglong, she and Pani theoretically had nothing to do except wait.

Pani naturally didn't care about this. Although the resting environment here was a bit worse, she was really not that pretentious.

But Kim Taeyeon couldn't accept the two of them wasting time here. The main reason was that they had to meet Li Menglong later, so they had to produce some results.

Based on this simple concept, Kim Taeyeon put forward many suggestions, and finally chose the one with the fastest effect: "Hey, have you been suffering from Alzheimer's disease recently? Are you so slow to learn to dance?"

Kim Taeyeon couldn't help but mumble again. She thought there was something wrong with Pani's attitude. It couldn't be a problem of ability, right?

Pani also had something to say about this. Initially, she did not object to Kim Taeyeon's proposal. She is such a warm person.

It's just that Kim Taeyeon's demands are becoming more and more excessive. As an active idol, it is really normal for her to learn the dance of her juniors.

Kim Taeyeon's original intention was that the two would shoot a video and post it online after a short practice session.

In this way, there is evidence and the fans can still be happy, which can be said to be killing two birds with one stone.

But I don’t know what she was thinking. After practicing several dances, she found all sorts of faults.

That is to say, there are no outsiders here, otherwise Kim Taeyeon's pickiness at the moment will become her black material. Is Kim Taeyeon so disdainful of other people's dances?

Pani had the same idea. She has practiced ten dances one after another, and the number of concerts is almost the same. Does she want the two of them to hold a concert?

"This is also to show our professional abilities. We always want to show our juniors what we are like as seniors!"

Kim Taeyeon waved her fist and tried to encourage Pani, but did she believe it herself?

If Pani was a newcomer who had just debuted, her blood would indeed boil after hearing these words, but it is a pity that she has been debuting for many years.

There is really no shortcut to dancing, it just depends on hard practice, especially for team dances, the neater the better.

This has nothing to do with age, experience, or talent, so if you want to surpass the original singer, you can only work harder.

Kim Taeyeon is just talking nonsense at the moment. Even if she says that she can get more praise because she has many fans, it is more reliable.

In short, Pani was completely on strike, telling Kim Taeyeon to choose one of the dances she had practiced before, otherwise she would not accompany her.

Looking at Pani lying on the ground pretending to be a corpse, Kim Taeyeon was also quite helpless. She couldn't leave this woman behind, could she?

And judging from the time, Li Menglong and the others are probably coming soon, so time is very tight.

"Okay, you put on your makeup first, and we'll start recording directly!"

With Kim Taeyeon's promise, Pani reluctantly got up, and continued to threaten Kim Taeyeon, please don't lie to her!

Facts have proved that Kim Taeyeon was not lying this time, because the video was quickly uploaded to the Internet, and many people who followed them received the prompt immediately.

This scene also happened in the girls' car at the same time, and almost everyone's mobile phones received message notifications at the same time.

Although I can't say how shocking it was, it did scare everyone. Could this be some big news that happened, related to them?

Fortunately, it wasn't that scary when I opened it. Instead, I saw Kim Taeyeon and Pani dancing passionately.

This is a bit uncomfortable. They were forcibly captured to pick up these two women, but they ended up having such a happy time?

If that's the case, why don't we just dance all night in the company? Why let them come over? Dance along?

After all kinds of negative emotions are superimposed together, the result is that these girls are not happy with this video.

"What's all this dancing? The range of movement is so small. Didn't you eat?"

"The details are also incomplete, and the essence of the performance is not captured at all."

"Isn't this ruining our reputation? It has sinister intentions!"

The girls were making all sorts of comments in the car, really belittling them.

If these words were just confined to the inside, then that would be it. Even if they reached Kim Taeyeon's ears, she would not be able to say anything except a few words of defense.

But I don’t know what these women are thinking. Maybe it’s the resentment in their hearts at this moment?

In short, they all chose to board their own accounts, and then posted their real names in the comment area of ​​this video.

This scene is really too exciting. If Li Menglong was not driving, he would also want to go over and join in the fun.

It is said that at first, the comments section was full of praise for Kim Taeyeon and the original singer group even came forward to express their affirmation and honor.

This is the current status of Kim Taeyeon and others in the world. Very few people would come forward to say something mean, and the gain outweighs the loss.

But someone just did it. When fans first saw these remarks, they were a little excited that they could finally fight again.

But they soon realized something was wrong. These names were all imitations. Otherwise, why would the other girls come here and say these things?

But after careful verification, everyone was surprised to find that these people were themselves, which was a bit dumbfounding.

Fortunately, because of their identities, these words did not cause too much ambiguity.

After all, it looks more like a fight between the members of the group, similar to the disparagement between friends, and everyone knows that it is not true.

Therefore, the scene was surprisingly harmonious, and many people even followed these women and launched an "attack" on Kim Taeyeon.

Although it is very interesting for outsiders to watch, this definitely does not include Kim Taeyeon at the center of the storm.

She was happily enjoying everyone's praise for her, but someone came to disrupt her. What did this mean? Do you want to fight?

If the person speaking was an outsider, Kim Taeyeon might have scolded her back, but it happened to be the leader of this group of women, so how could she start?

The originally nice comment area suddenly became a mess, and Kim Taeyeon threw her phone out, almost hitting Pani.

For this unreasonable disaster, Pani dared not speak out. She could only curl up silently and scroll through her mobile phone with great interest.

"What's so good about it? Don't you think it's funny when one of your own goes to stab someone?"

"Yes, these people are very good at making sarcastic remarks. They are obviously complimenting us, but they have to say it in another way."

"Are you sure what they said is irony? Why do I think they are speaking from the bottom of their hearts?"

This gap in judgment further leads to different opinions between the two. As for who is correct, is there any need to doubt it?

Even if the group of people in the car really wanted to kill Kim Taeyeon, they wouldn't choose to use this method and let outsiders watch the fun?

So while they were expressing their inner grievances, they were also praising Taeyeon and Taeyeon in this way.

It's just that Kim Taeyeon doesn't appreciate it that much. Fortunately, her point of view is not that important. It's good that fans can see it.

It’s just that Seohyun is still not so optimistic about the behavior of these women. He is about to go to the company. Is it really appropriate to go out of his way to provoke Kim Taeyeon’s emotions like this?

Originally, the other party had already accumulated a lot of resentment, but now they were forcibly increasing it. After meeting for a while, Kim Taeyeon wouldn't just explode on the spot, right?

Xu Xian wanted to do something to buffer him, but he really didn't have any good ideas. Otherwise, how about Li Menglong come forward to help?

Regarding Xu Xian's request, Li Menglong could only say that he was helpless.

He can't protect himself now. After all, in Kim Taeyeon's view, he is probably the initiator of everything, and he is the worst one.

So at this moment, the girls can take the initiative to attract some firepower for him. He simply wants it. How can he take the initiative to stop it?

He even planned to persuade Xu Xian not to interfere, as it would be easy for him to get involved.

Xu Xian did not listen to the advice in the end, but she did not take any practical action because she really had no good solution.

Now I can only adapt to circumstances, and hope that these women will not be too excited when they meet.

Xu Xian and Li Menglong followed silently at the end. She always wanted to find opportunities to chat with Li Menglong again.

For the sake of the stability of the group, otherwise Li Menglong would sacrifice himself.

This is Xu Xian's simple idea. After all, if you want to keep the two hostile parties at peace, the best way is to find a common enemy for them.

Li Menglong has great potential in this area. He must not be too self-conscious.

Regarding Xu Xian's favor, Li Menglong could only express his gratitude politely. He really didn't have that much ability.

Not only did he not want to get involved, he even planned to create a relatively fair environment for them.

So when the leading girls entered the practice room, he immediately closed the door firmly outside.

These women can fight inside with peace of mind. He will never let any outsider in, not even if the police come!

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