Kim Taeyeon really didn't want to let her go. She always felt that these two people were deceiving her.

But she couldn't produce any evidence, unless she went to confront Lee Soon Kyu, but where was this woman now?

She was also afraid of alerting others. If Lee Soon Kyu went to hide outside for two days, it might be her, Kim Taeyeon, who had to apologize in the end.

In short, the relationship between the sisters is extremely complicated, and it is difficult for ordinary people to adapt to it. After all, Xu Xian has been living with them for so many years, and he still has a very awkward time adapting.

"The matter is not over yet. You two had better come to me and confess in advance. I will give you a chance to change your ways!"

Kim Taeyeon stretched out her finger to threaten the two of them. Li Menglong naturally didn't care, but Xu Xian was a little moved.

Although she also knew that this sentence had no credibility, it was not so risky to take a gamble now when she was destined to suffer disaster.

Besides, Kim Taeyeon still loves herself more, and maybe he will forgive her. Isn't this something he has earned?

But just when Xu Xian subconsciously took a step forward, someone grabbed the hem of his clothes behind him.

There is no need to look back =, after all, there are only a few people at the scene, who else can be there besides Li Menglong.

As for why he did this, isn't it obvious? Xu Xian may be forgiven, but what about Li Menglong?

Under the same conditions, it is absolutely impossible for him to receive the same treatment as Xu Xian. Even Xu Xian himself thinks this is extremely normal.

How many years has she been "serving" these women? Li Menglong has only been an agent for a few years, and he wants the same treatment as her?

So now it's time for Xu Xian to make a choice: should he betray the others for his own survival, or should he continue to maintain an alliance with Li Menglong.

This choice is not that difficult. These women have always taught her to be loyal, even though they themselves have not done so well.

"I have nothing more to say, can we leave?"

Xu Xian made a regretful expression towards Kim Taeyeon, and at the same time, he turned sideways to let them see Li Menglong's small movements behind him.

This can be regarded as a concrete manifestation of her being in two different situations. After spending a long time with this group of women, it is difficult for Xu Xian to maintain her original purity.

After seeing this scene, Kim Taeyeon's eyes instantly brightened a lot. Her intuition was not wrong!

But how to deal with it now is a test of her wisdom!

If she had a direct showdown with Li Menglong, she was not optimistic about the subsequent results, because Li Menglong had too many excuses.

The simplest thing is that he just sees Xu Xian as beautiful, so he simply teases Xu Xian. Isn't this allowed?

Although this statement can also provide Kim Taeyeon with a reason to take action, it is not that meaningful after all.

She wants to completely expose Li Menglong's lies, and together with Li Shunkyu, she wants these people to kneel at her feet and apologize!

Taking this condition as the ultimate goal, Kim Taeyeon needs to temporarily tolerate it. She must continue to accumulate these small pieces of evidence so that she can make a comeback in the final confrontation!

"You can leave now, remember to take the lead when it's time to eat!"

Kim Taeyeon waved her hand impatiently: "Especially you, Li Menglong, if you don't give me a five-part meal, then I will have a good chat with you. Are you not giving Kim Taeyeon face?"

Kim Taeyeon used her arrogance to try to cover up her big plan. So far, the effect is very good, at least Li Menglong has no doubts at all.

As for Xu Xian, she could vaguely sense that something was wrong, but now that she couldn't save herself, could she still be expected to rescue others?

It can only be said that she will try her best to help others while ensuring her own safety.

In other words, there is probably nothing she can do in this matter, so everyone should be happy.

Watching Li Menglong and Xu Xian leave, Kim Taeyeon silently touched her chin. Not to mention, the slippery touch felt quite good.

It's just that she was trying to show her intelligence with this action, which was a bit whimsical, and at least it was difficult for Pani to understand.

"Uh... have you grown a beard recently? Do you need me to introduce you to some institutions that can remove hair painlessly?"

It would be fine if Pani said this as a joke, but she said it very seriously. Kim Taeyeon wanted to pry her head open and see what was inside?

She is a good female idol. Is it ridiculous to have a beard?

But there is one thing to say, if she can really grow a long black and silky beard, it is not completely unacceptable.

Imagine that scene, she is probably the first female idol in history to have a long beard. Even if gender is not allowed, she is probably the first!

It is said that the competition among idols is so fierce, and any selling point should be fought for. Why has no one thought of this?

This is not completely shady. Maybe a lot of people like this, but it's a pity that no one tries it.

Kim Taeyeon is really angry with her, and she really can't grow up, otherwise she will definitely give it a try, and maybe she will become popular.

Pani didn't intend to disturb Kim Taeyeon's sudden thoughts. The two of them were not on the same channel for the time being, so it was difficult to talk.

It’s better to look forward to dinner, there are extra chicken legs today!

By the way, she still prefers chicken wings. I'll discuss it with the proprietress later. I think it's OK to replace the chicken legs with chicken wings, right?

Unlike Pani's small happiness, Lee Soon Kyu and Yoona can't care about what to eat for dinner. They have to focus on the upcoming show.

Although it is an indoor talk show, based on their years of experience, it will basically never end within four or five hours.

Although the final broadcast time of this type of program is short, the content of the filming is extremely lengthy. Each artist almost has to tell several times the interesting stories and exciting information.

The program team will select the best of the best in the later stage based on the effect of internal broadcasting. Of course, it may be completely useless.

However, there is nothing to worry about for the two of them. Once the celebrity positions are placed here, their presence is the best guarantee for the ratings of the show.

Secondly, their revelations are indeed much more interesting. After all, there are many people in the group, and there are people willing to listen to whatever they say.

This is also one of the benefits of having more members in the team. Revelations can be confined to the team, and there is no need to worry about offending anyone.

So now Lee Soon Kyu and Yoona are constantly thinking about the embarrassing things of other people, of course Seohyun and Lee Mong Yong are the main ones.

Who let these two people trap them here? They have to pay the price!

At this time, an advantage can be reflected, because Li Menglong's own popularity allows them to bring the topic to work.

In short, they decided to blackmail Li Menglong severely on the show today. It would be best to make him regret after seeing it. Next time something similar happens, he will know how to make a choice.

The end of the revelations does not mean that they can leave. They must continue to stay here as "vases" and give appropriate and exaggerated reactions.

As for eating, it would be good to take some time to drink some water and eat some chocolate. You can only eat until the recording of the program is over.

Although it is not mandatory, due to their own professional habits and ethics, they still feel that it is better to exercise restraint.

Otherwise, it would not be appropriate to suddenly have to go to the bathroom while recording a program.

Fortunately, there are people who are more unlucky than them. When they think about the food provided by the people in the company, the two of them feel that being hungry is not so unacceptable.

Proper light fasting is beneficial and promotes the body's metabolism. Everyone has gained health!

If you can make a choice, there are probably many people in the company who would rather go hungry than eat such healthy food.

But through internal contacts, everyone already knew the outcome of the matter. Even Kim Taeyeon couldn't stop it in person. The matter was considered a certainty.

It may be the first time that they feel that the time to get off work comes too fast. There is obviously so much work to do, so why are they getting off work?

Or else Li Menglong would be crazy and take them to work overtime. They could skip dinner and go directly to supper.

It's a pity that such a good thing will never happen. When will Li Menglong get through their minds?

Besides, Xu Xian was reminding us: "Oppa, can we all rest first? The boss who delivers the food has been waiting below for a long time."

When he first heard Xu Xian's reminder, Li Menglong had not yet reacted. What kind of food delivery boss? What does it have to do with him getting off work?

Fortunately, he reacted quickly: "Oh, I would have forgotten if you didn't mention it. I still have to eat five servings by myself, right?"

Xu Xian didn't know how to evaluate Li Menglong's memory. It was good, but he couldn't even remember the whole thing, but bad, he remembered even Kim Taeyeon's jokes word for word.

She didn't plan to delve into Li Menglong's inner world. She had better tell the "good news" to everyone around her as soon as possible.

It's just that everyone's attitude is completely different from the past.

Whenever Xu Xian announced that he was off work, everyone wanted to lift the roof off the roof, and some of the more impulsive ones even wanted to come over and give Xu Xian a hug.

However, all such people have been beaten away by Li Menglong. They have already gotten off work on time, and they still want to come and take advantage?

But today everyone was extremely silent, as if they didn't hear Xu Xian's words. Everyone was focused on their own work.

Li Menglong was so relieved to see this scene. This was the ultimate goal he pursued.

However, he also knew that the possibility of realizing it was almost zero. Today could only be regarded as a small accident, and there was no possibility of duplication.

Not to mention the rebellious psychology of this group of people, just looking at the consumption of this meal is not something that Li Menglong can handle, it is too wasteful!

Normally everyone would like to run away immediately, so why are they pretending to be loyal now? Will Li Menglong fall for their tricks?

"What are you doing? Didn't you hear Xu Xian say it's time to get off work? Get moving. Whoever dares to work overtime for one more minute will have their entire month's salary deducted immediately!"

Li Menglong came up with a set of extremely anti-human rhetoric, which made everyone feel uncomfortable. He didn't think everyone was willing to work overtime, right?

There is no way around this. If you choose one bottle of poison between two bottles of poison, no matter what you choose, you will die!

As a result, Li Menglong has kicked over a bottle of poison, and they can only choose another one with tears in their eyes. Are dinner and lunch exactly the same?

They are worrying too much, the boss also has pursuits.

In the morning, time was tight and the tasks were heavy, so he could only "fool around" and not fully utilize his skills.

There was relatively more time in the afternoon, so he really tried his best to win over this big customer.

Even if the entire company only booked his restaurant for one day a week, it would be enough to double his turnover. He really couldn't help but ignore this.

So seriously speaking, the boss didn't make any money during this meal. He tried to make everyone feel the sincerity of the restaurant, which means the food is healthy!

And this sincerity was clearly conveyed to the diners. Looking at the green vegetables in front of him, Li Menglong felt so unappetizing.

Especially Xu Xian in front of her. She didn't feel that she was incompatible with the current situation. Was she eating too much?

If she is really willing to eat, Li Menglong can give her a few portions of the takeaway he has on hand.

Anyway, with the current calories of these vegetables, even if Xu Xian eats them until he vomits, it will not put too much burden on his weight. Do you want to give it a try?

Xu Xian gave Li Menglong a roll of his eyes. She didn't have such a big appetite. Besides, she felt that the boss had gone too far, so she might as well put some meat in.

But this regret was successfully made up for by Kim Taeyeon. Before anyone could come in, the aroma of fried chicken was already wafting over her.

Everyone in the office swallowed subconsciously and looked at the door at the same time.

Who couldn't help it anymore and did such a rebellious thing?

It is said that the boss lady refused the collective fried chicken order, but in theory there is no problem if you buy one individually.

But it’s such an easy way, why doesn’t anyone try it? Is it because everyone is too stupid to realize this?

Of course not, this is because I am afraid that I will make other colleagues jealous!

Because in this case, some people are destined to be unable to eat. Is it possible that they have to stare at the hostility of countless people and then eat fried chicken as if no one else is watching?

This kind of courage is probably not possessed by girls, let alone ordinary people.

So at this moment they really want to see who this warrior is and whether he is ready to resign, but they always feel that it is not worth it.

However, the moment Kim Taeyeon appeared, it still caused everyone to exclaim.

It’s not all because of Kim Taeyeon herself, but also because of the huge trolley behind her, with the golden chicken drumsticks still steaming. The key is that there are enough of them, and they can’t wait to be piled up into a hill.

They didn't dare to ask. Although they already had basic guesses in their minds, it was safer to wait for Kim Taeyeon to take the initiative.

Besides, this is the honor that Kim Taeyeon should have received. She came to save the world with a truckload of chicken legs!

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